***** Read It With Your Own Two Eyes *****
***** Read It With Your Own Two Eyes *****
The following article by Larry Barszewski appeared on today’s cover of the “Sun Sentinel”…
Brooklyn nets best bagels-from Boca
A major Brooklyn sports and entertainment venue has found the essence of Brooklyn bagels and tap water-in Boca Raton.
New York’s famed bagel shops may be miffed, but Barclays Center has chosen Boca Raton’s Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Company as its bagel vendor.
The $1 billion center opens in September as home to the NBA’s renamed Brooklyn Nets. The 10-store bagel company, including eight from Miami Beach to Jupiter touts a 14-step treatment for the water it uses to make bagels.
Its operation at Barclays Center will take Brooklyn’s New York City Tap water and turn it into-Jerry Seinfield couldn’t make this up-Brooklynized water.
“They’re going to turn it into better Brooklyn water,” said company attorney Robert Mayer. “It’s only going to have the good stuff.”
And if that’s not enough, a sister Boca Raton company, the Original Brooklyn Water Bottling Company, is the center’s exclusive provider of bottled water, coming from company facilities in the Northeast.
I know Phineas T. Barnum didn’t say it, so I will…”There’s a sucker born every minute.”
Now, do you really think that the folks in Brooklyn are gonna “buy” into this one? Nothing for nothing, but the Brooklyn that I left in 1991 would be pissing its pants in laughter…but then again, that was 21 years ago.
By the way, back on 8/11/2009 Jeff Eats reviewed The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Company.