
***** Obama–you gotta be kidding me! *****

Posted on September 16th, 2012 · Music/Events/Other · 116 Comments »

*****. Obama–you gotta be kidding me! *****

Every tv news network Jeff Eats has watched today has reported that the United States Government requested Google and You Tube to remove the “Video” that supposedly sparked the current “unrest” in the Middle East…and that Google and You Tube refused to do so.

Hey Obama—I know this is a food blog but it’s time you stop being such a PUSSY!


***** PETER J. FOGEL *****

Posted on September 15th, 2012 · Music/Events/Other · 12 Comments »


***** PETER J. FOGEL *****

Last night Mrs. Jeff Eats and I saw the “Coco Burlesque Cabaret Show” at The Pavilion located in the Seminole Coconut Creek Casino in Coconut Creek (…it’s a terrific variety show priced at 25 bucks and currently “plays” Friday nights at 9pm.

The shows’ “master of ceremonies” is Delray resident—Peter J. Fogel who has to be one of the funniest comics that Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have seen in a very-very long time. Last night Fogel’s “clean” act had the crowd of 1,250 literally in stitches and screaming for more.

I’ve found in life, that many times, some of the best things are right in your own backyard. Over the past 5 years or so, Jeff Eats has seen Fogel live-something like 7 times in local South Florida comedy clubs (such as the New York Comedy Club in Deerfield Beach)…I’ve also seen him a number of times on local South Florida television programs.
The interesting thing about Fogel, every-time I’ve caught him he has had new material—and the “old stuff” is so funny that I often find myself wiping tears from my eyes even though I already know the punchlines…this guy cracks me up.

Trust me on this one, Peter J. Fogel is good–real good.

Here are two suggestions for you guys…

Catch Fogel in the Coco Burlesque Cabaret Show–or catch his “full” 45-60 minute set at a local comedy club. In any event- if you like to laugh—make it your business to see Peter J. Fogel.

Fogel’s website is

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

***** Best Hamburgers In America *****

Posted on September 14th, 2012 · American Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 32 Comments »


***** Best Hamburgers In America *****

Real Simple—tell Jeff Eats…where– America’s best burgers are.


Duke’s Lazy Loggerhead Cafe (Jupiter)

Posted on September 13th, 2012 · American Breakfast Jupiter · 2 Comments »


***** Duke’s Lazy Loggerhead Cafe, 401 Ocean Drive (Carlin Park), Jupiter, Florida 33477, (561) 747-1134.

Got an absolutely terrific “mom & pop” breakfast-lunch joint for you…Duke’s Lazy Loggerhead Cafe in Jupiter.

This is a real casual “formica” tables/booths operation, so make sure that you wear your favorite tee shirt/shorts ensemble.

Duke’s breakfast/lunch menu has loads of breakfast stuff, salads, burgers, sandwiches. A recent outing had me “doing”— western omelete, thick cut french toast, hash browns, grilled chicken/caesar salad, cheeseburger with french fries. Trust me on this one, everything was delicious with the hash browns getting a special shout-out… Duke’s is right up there with the best of South Florida’s “mom & pop” diners. For those of you who need a bit more “color”—service was as friendly as can be, the portions were large and the prices were local-diner prices (you can fill in what you pay at your favorite local diner).

Duke’s Lazy Loggerhead Cafe is open 7 days a week 8am-3pm.

AmericanDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

***** Please Read This *****

Posted on September 10th, 2012 · American Desserts Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 29 Comments »

***** Please Read This *****

If you or you know someone who is interested in “getting into” the self-serve yogurt business…please, do Jeff Eats a big favor and DON’T!

For the past year or so, I have been telling you guys, that this self-serve yogurt business is nothing but a FAD—a huge game of musical chairs, which is going to end very-very badly for “individuals” who buy franchises in this arena. Same goes for the “upscale” fast food hamburger game, but that’s a story for another column.

Last Saturday night I picked-up food at Rock n Roll Ribs in Coral Springs. In the same center “was” a LA Frozen Yogurt store….the operative word here being WAS, not IS. Not sure how long this self-serve yogurt store “lasted” but I think it took longer to build the joint than it was open-for-business.

I am going on record, that the “shakeup” in the the self-serve yogurt business is now underway. This thing is gonna be “bloody” and a ton of money is going to get flushed down the drain.

As you guys know, Jeff Eats travels all over South Florida stuffing his “face”…trust me on this, in my travels I have seen “tons” of newly opened self-serve yogurt stores in locations that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Without any question, the owners of most of these joints have no chance whatsoever of having a successful business.

Regular readers know that I have been harping on the “fad” angle of the self-serve yogurt industry for some-time now. It absolutely breaks my heart knowing that some “small” guy is going to bet his last dollar building one of these joints.

If you check Jeff Eats’ background, I kinda know the franchise business…and what I do know, is that most franchisors (that’s the guys who sell the franchise to a franchisee) couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the “locations” that franchisees pick. Right about now, some of you guys are saying, hey Jeff Eats—why would a franchisor let a franchisee open in a crappy-location? For the “uneducated”…when you buy a franchise, you pay a franchise fee just for the location. Guaranteed most of the self-serve yogurt franchises are getting $25,000-$35,000 per location…Capice! In addition, many franchises “use” commissioned sales-people to sell franchises…just maybe these folks have a conflict of interest with the “prospective” franchisee.

If you don’t believe what I’m telling you, just take 1-minute and count the number of self-serve yogurt stores within a 2-mile radius of your home. In Jeff Eats’ case there are 11…now do you really think that a 2-mile “stretch” needs ELEVEN stores basically serving the exact same item? Well, I know it doesn’t.

Be sensible, just take a minute and ask yourself…”If I was opening a self-serve yogurt store, would I pick THAT location? Betcha anything, 9 out of 10 times, you won’t be able to justify the “spot.”

That- LA Frozen Yogurt store that I mentioned a few seconds ago…I guarantee you, that’s just the first of many “closings” to come.

Before I forget, the bbq babybacks and chicken I pickedup from Rock n Roll Ribs were delicious.


***** Franco Corso *****

Posted on September 7th, 2012 · Music/Events/Other · 5 Comments »


***** Franco Corso *****

Recently saw “Italian crooner” Franco Corso at an Italian restaurant in Palm Beach Gardens…the guy blew my socks off.

If you like- in no particular order, Sinatra, Bocelli, Jerry Vale, Domenico Modugno (Volare) you will absolutely love this guy. Based on his website he has upcoming “dates” at several South Florida Italian restaurants and numerous country clubs/communities. Jeff Eats “saw” him backed by tracks, but I understand that he also works with bands and orchestras.

If this type of “thing” is your bag, then make it your business to see Franco Corso…you won’t be disappointed.


Rock Fish Grill (Miami)

Posted on September 5th, 2012 · American Miami Seafood · 3 Comments »


***** Rock Fish Grill, 12042 Kendall Drive, Miami, Florida 33186 (305) 271-1251.

Let’s call Rock Fish Grill a mom & pop “American Style” neighborhood joint.

Rock Fish has a “nice” menu of very reasonably priced appetizers–salads–burgers–sandwiches—meat/chicken/seafood entrees–beer/wine. From what I saw, there is an emphasis on the seafood stuff, thus explaining the FISH in the joint’s name. When you check menu/prices at you’ll see what I’m talking about…there are also tons of photos.

I “call” Rock Fish Grill a “mom & pop” joint, because that’s exactly what it is…the decor is very heavy on phony-Rock N’ Roll memorabilia…not to be nasty or nothing, but the kinda stuff that you can buy in the mall or a novelty shop…Just so we are straight, Jeff Eats really enjoyed the Rock Fish Grill–but faux is faux. For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, this is a real casual joint so your shorts-tee shirt-flip flops’ ensemble works fine here.

Let’s talk food…conch fritters–bacon cheeseburger/french fries–teriyaki skirt steak–sauteed garlic sea scallops–grilled salmon. Let me make this-short and simple, there is nothing faux about the food. Everything and I do mean everything was delicious.

So what do we have here? A really good neighborhhod “American Style” joint.

Reflecting back on all of the above, I must have gotten out of bed on the wrong side…the phony Door’s hand-bill isn’t really all that bad!

Like I said before, Jeff Eats really-enjoyed the Rock Fish Grill. If you live or work in the area, give this one a try, you won’t be disappointed.

Rock Fish Grill is open Tuesday-Thursday 11am-9:30pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-10:30pm, Sunday noon-9pm, closed on Sunday.


***** Some Owners Are Smart And Others Aren’t *****

Posted on August 31st, 2012 · Music/Events/Other · 61 Comments »

***** Some Owners Are Smart And Others Aren’t *****

I can’t begin to tell you how many people “tell” Jeff Eats that they feel that many of their favorite restaurants take them for granted.

You guys do know, that some restaurant owners/managers are smart–and that some owners aren’t smart, dontcha?

Let me make this one real short and simple.

Like many of you guys, Jeff Eats eats out a real-lot–and I have a whole bunch of favorite joints that I “repeatedly” go-to.

For all of you restaurant owners/managers out there…customers “love” when you:
1. pick up the check
2. buy a round of drinks
3. buy a round of desserts
4. buy the table an appetizer or two
5. take something off the check
6. stop by the table to chat

Now, I’m not going to name names…but some of my favorite joints “don’t” know how to treat people. For sure my favorites have great food, good prices, great service—but a number of them have owners/managers who treat customers as if they were a dime a dozen. For example, there is a Greek joint that I love—where I’ve eaten something like 20 times in the past 18 months and not even once has the owner/manager ever done any of the SIX items listed above. For example, there is an Italian joint that I love—where I’ve eaten something like 15 times in the past 12 months and not even once has the owner/manager ever done any of the SIX items listed above. You know what a schmuck is? Well they are schmucks and Jeff Eats is a bigger schmuck for continuing to eat there. I guess the owners/managers of these joints think I’m a glutton for punishment—so they don’t go out of their way for me. By the way, based on conversations with other customers, “these” owners play the same game with them, so old Jeff Eats hasn’t been singled out for non-special treatment.

Now for the good news, some owners/managers “know” that customers don’t grow on trees and go out of their way—to please them. I really don’t have time to name-names, but I’m sure you guys out there know which owners/managers do the right thing.

I got an idea, starting with Jeff Eats …let’s not go to the restaurants where “we” don’t get treated “special”—believe me, I can live without that gyro and that chicken parm.

Jeff Eats would love to hear as to who the smart owners are/and which ones aren’t so smart.


***** The Ultimate Thriller ‘The’ Michael Jackson Tribute *****

Posted on August 31st, 2012 · Hollywood Music/Events/Other · 9 Comments »

***** The Ultimate Thriller ‘The’ Michael Jackson Tribute *****

Tomorrow night-September 1st at 8pm– The Ultimate Thriller ‘The’ Michael Jackson Tribute—will take the stage at the Hard Rock Live in Hollywood.

Based on what I am hearing, this event is almost sold out…with the promoters expecting close to 6,000 people in attendance. If you do some checking ( many consider The Ultimate Thriller to be the one of best/if not the best Michael Jackson tribute shows in the world. To give you some idea as to how “exact” the performances are, four South Florida booking agents recently watching video of the show, actually thought that the video was that of the “real” MJ from prior years.

IF this type of event is your bag…I’d recommend buying your GA tickets on Ticketmaster.

By the way, when the “show” was originally planned, there was GA Standing Only on the main arena floor. The promoters have now made that GA Seating, so the best seats will go to the “early birds.”

Jeff Eats will be there.

This thing is gonna be something else!!!.

Read more about this event:

Idol…Icon…Superstar…Legend. Few entertainers achieve this level of success. Michael Jackson was, is, and always will be held in this highest regard. Perhaps, no other performer in history has had such an enormous influence in defining pop music for his generation and generations to follow. With album sales in excess of seven hundred fifty million, including “Thriller”, the biggest selling album of all time, he was, indeed, an icon for the ages.

It was with the greatest of love and respect for Michael`s legacy that The Ultimate Thriller was created. For anyone fortunate enough to have witnessed Michael Jackson`s live shows, the experience was, well, unlike any other. It was with this in mind that The Ultimate Thriller chose to re-create some of Michael`s most memorable concert moments. But this was so much more than just putting together a show and going on tour. For the star of our show, it was about getting an amazing opportunity to perform the songs of the artist he`s most adored his entire life, in front of thousands of people. For the dancers, it was a chance to learn and execute some of the world`s best known choreography. For the band, it was knowing they were going to get to play some of the best music ever produced. And for the production staff and crew, it was about bringing out the best in the performers and being a part of something truly special. To achieve this monumental task would require people with an intimate knowledge of Michael and the inner workings of his live show. To this end, we have assembled some of Michael`s closest collaborators to produce this world-class production.

The Ultimate Thriller`s production team includes LaVelle Smith, who was a choreographer and principal dancer for Michael on the “Dangerous”, “Bad” and “History” tours; Mic Thompson, who spent eight years as a principal dancer for Michael and can be seen in the videos for “Dangerous” and “Ghosts” and Michael Prince, Michael Jackson`s longtime personal recording engineer and audio supervisor for all live and television performances. Their insight and experience with Michael Jackson have been instrumental in providing unparalleled authenticity to the production.

No tribute to a superstar would be complete without the star, himself. The producers of the show have joined forces with E’Casanova, whom many believe to portray the best impersonation of Michael Jackson in the world. He is probably the only entertainer on the planet who can perfectly emulate Michael`s look, voice and dance. Together with an on-stage cast of eleven, state-of-the-art sound, lighting and video, multiple costume changes, incredible choreography and some of the greatest music ever performed, this show is guaranteed to keep Michael Jackson`s legacy alive for years to come.

Just as the appeal of Michael’s music spanned multiple generations, so does the homage paid by The Ultimate Thriller.
The show brings together youthful passion and time-tested wisdom with but one goal: share in the magic, the music and the energy that Michael gave us


Whiskey Dicks (Orlando)

Posted on August 31st, 2012 · American Orlando · 4 Comments »


***** Whiskey Dicks, 50 East Central, Orlando, Florida 32801, (407) 540-0445.

Whiskey Dicks…real good “sports bar” in Orlando…

Let’s make this one short and simple…some of the best sports bar food old Jeff Eats has had in a very-very long time.

Whiskey Dicks’ menu is kinda “narrow”… basically–appetizers, burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches.

A Jeff Eats’ “taste test” had me doing, meatball appetizer ($6.95)–beer battered onion rings ($5.95)–bacon cheeseburger with waffle fries ($8.95)–philly chicken cheesesteak sub with waffle fries ($8.95)–chicken salad/whole wheat toast with waffle fries ($6.95)…trust me on this one, Whiskey Dicks makes real good sports bar stuff. Throw in loads of flat screen tvs, all types of booze and beers- and Whiskey Dicks handily gets the job done. One special shout-out to that bacon cheeseburger—I loved you!

Just so we are straight, like I said a few seconds ago, the menu is kinda limited—so don’t go looking for all kinds of meat/chicken/ seafood entrees.

You can check menu/prices at

Whiskey Dicks is open Monday-Saturday 11am-2am, Sunday noon-2am.