Fast FoodMusic/Events/Other


Posted on June 12th, 2013 · Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 10 Comments »



From Wikepedia:
“Jump the shark” redirects here. For the TV series episodes, see Jump the Shark (The X-Files) and Jump the Shark (Supernatural).
Look up jump the shark in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Fonzie on water skis, in a scene from the Happy Days episode “Hollywood, Part Three of Three”, after literally jumping over a shark
Jumping the shark is an idiom created by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality that is beyond recovery, which is usually a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a show in which the writers use some type of “gimmick” in a desperate attempt to keep viewers’ interest.
In its initial usage, it referred to the point in a television program’s history when the program had outlived its freshness and viewers had begun to feel that the show’s writers were out of new ideas, often after great effort was made to revive interest in the show by the writers, producers, or network.[1][2][3]
The usage of “jump the shark” has subsequently broadened beyond television, indicating the moment when a brand, design, or creative effort’s evolution loses the essential qualities that initially defined its success and declines, ultimately, into irrelevance.”

I don’t know about you guys, but Jeff Eats thinks that self-serve yogurt stores, gourmet fast food burger joints, cupcake stores have all “jumped the shark.”

Maybe- I’m being way too cynical here…but I really-believe that most people couldn’t give a rat’s ass when a new yogurt/burger/cupcake joint opens. The novelty, the newness, the freshness of these store-openings is GONE! I don’t care if it’s a Shula Burger, Five Guys, BurgerFi, Yogurtland, Menchies, Auntie Anne’s—“we” Americans are tired of cookie-cutter fast food businesses. For sure, there will always be exceptions to the rule, like Shake Shack in Boca Raton where there are daily lines—but that’s the rare bird!

Not trying to be a philosopher here or nothing…but Jeff Eats thinks that it’s time that America’s “fast food” entrepreneurs opened “one-off” joints that get the public’s juices flowing again…

If you guys think that Jeff Eats is wrong here—how “excited” would you get if I told you that a brand new Five Guys was opening 2 minutes from your home, or that a brand new Yogurtland was opening 3 minutes from your home? Get my point?

Now I don’t have all of the answers, but Jeff Eats thinks that America is “over franchised”—and I really believe that the recent huge success/growth of the FOOD TRUCK industry indicates that people want innovative fast food concepts. The trick here, is to see if these original one-off concepts can successfully convert into brick and mortar joints.

I’ll leave you with one last thought…

Guy Fieri and Adam Richman’s have huge tv show-followings/ratings because they “find” one-off joints that people are literally dying to try…you’ll notice, Fieri and Richman don’t visit the Wendy’s, Burger Kings, McDonald’s, Checkers, Quiznos, Subways that dot America’s landscape.

As it now stands, America’s fast food industry has “jumped the shark.”


* Harlem Shake–Talk About Timing

Posted on June 12th, 2013 · American Music/Events/Other · 3 Comments »


* Harlem Shake–Talk About Timing

Talk about tremendous timing…a couple of weeks ago, a retro-50’s burger joint named Harlem Shake opened at 100 West 124th Street, New York, New York 10027. As a matter of fact its Grand Opening Party is scheduled for tomorrow June 13, 2013. You can check menu/photos at For those of you who aren’t into checking, think Johnny Rocket’s and you’ll know exactly what the joint looks like.


From what Jeff Eats can tell, Harlem Shake was “well underway” construction-wise long before the current Harlem Shake internet dance craze hit the airways…

Talk about “lucky” timing and amazing free publicity…

Sometimes things just happen and that’s what “most” of life is all about.

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

PS 561 (Food Truck)

Posted on June 11th, 2013 · American Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 10 Comments »

***** PS 561 (Food Truck).
Real fast one…

Jeff Eats recently caught-up with food truck– PS 561 which specializes in grilled hot dogs…

Printed below is what PS 561 says about itself (

“Reminiscent of an old public school bus up north, Ps561 is a mobile food truck catering to the hungry “kids” of South Florida. Described as the perfect hot dog, the one you remember growing up, Ps561 dogs start with 100% all beef, all natural New York style Sabrett hot dogs (straight outta’ the Bronx, baby!) and all soy “Smart” brand veggie dogs, then we throw them into an expertly buttered and grilled New England style hot dog roll (ya know, like ya use for a lobstah roll!) and top them with the freshest, most eclectic, and unique toppings you’ve ever seen! These dogs are truly “too good for the lunch line!”

Browse our sweet new website to see the menu, latest blog postings, and where and when you can track us down. Ps561 specializes in casual event catering from birthday parties to major festivals and offers an array of pricing and menu options to accommodate the appetites and wallets of any and all event planners. For custom menu and pricing for your next dog-worthy shindig, contact us and and provide us with any event info such as type of event, guest head count, and your personal dog budget.

Find Ps561 at the coolest events and locations all over the area, or just casually parked on the side of a busy street somewhere. Keep up with the latest by adding Ps561 on Facebook and Twitter. We’ll see you on the street!
Like PS561 on Facebook!
Follow PS561 on Twitter!
Get in touch with PS561!
Stalk us down and find out when PS561 will be slinging delicious dogs near you!
Stalk us down and find out where PS561 will be slinging delicious dogs today!
Stalk us down and find out when PS561 will be slinging delicious dogs near you!”

Sorry guys–you’re gonna have to figure-out as to exactly where PS 561 will be hanging-on any given day down here in sunny South Florida.

All that Jeff Eats can tell you–is that this joint’s grilled hot dogs are DELICIOUS!

Just so you know, PS 561 has all kinds of toppings for its “dogs”…that said, Jeff Eats being the purist that he is- does his dogs…mustard/sauerkraut.

By the way, when you visit PS 561’s site, check-out the blog that its owner Aaron writes. The guy has some real good restaurant picks and opinions on assorted other stuff.

Last but not least, for you non-former New Yorkers out there…in NYC—PS stands for Public School (just so you know- in case we ever go on the Newlywed Game Show together, Jeff Eats went to PS 179)…and Sabrett Hot Dogs is the “legendary” brand that almost every NYC hot dog push-cart carries—That’s your NYC Tutorial for today! Oh! I almost forgot- a New Yorker never-puts ketchup on a hot dog unless there is something definitely wrong “upstairs.”



Posted on June 11th, 2013 · Music/Events/Other · 16 Comments »


This morning, Jeff Eats read this “story” in the ‘New York Post’ and saw the same “story” on several South Florida/National tv news programs…

In part from the New York Post:

“Fort Lauderdale, Fla.–This former NFL wide receiver just couldn’t keep his hands to himself. A furious judge tossed former Pro Bowler Chad Johnson in jail for 30 days yesterday because he slapped his lawyer’s behind during a court hearing. The one-time Cincinnati Bengal is also known as Chad Ochocinco…He was in court for violating his probation–he head-butted his reality-TV-star wife Evelyn Lozada, last August–and had arranged a no-jail with prosecutors that included community service and counseling. But that all crumbled when Broward County Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh asked Johnson if he was satisfied with his lawyer Adam Swickle. Johnson, 35, responded by giving the lawyer a light swat on the rear–as football players routinely do to each on the field…”I don’t know that you’re taking this seriously…”

Talk about something being absurd…

A defendant who is a pro athlete pats his lawyer’s rear (by the way the lawyer is a “he”) and the female judge throws out a deal worked out by defendant’s counsel/prosecutor of “no jail time” and gives the guy 30 days.

Are you kidding me!!!!

Football players, basketball players, baseball players all pat each other on the behind. Don’t believe me?..just go and watch any pro football/basketball/baseball game. Hey, I’ll even go one step further, go and watch any little league game, college game or street pickup game…

All this guy Johnson did, was what he has done his whole life. Jeff Eats would go as far- as to call a “tush-pat” as a “reflex” action.

There is something very-very wrong with this JUDGE.

Now- for the tie in with Jeff Eats which is basically a food blog…some South Florida county now in theory-has to feed this guy for 30 days. That’s the tie in.

Finally, didn’t this Judge ever hear about “wasting the taxpayers’ money” or “prison over-crowding”…I guess not!


Now nothing for nothing, Jeff Eats’ money says that later today this REAL ROOKIE JUDGE reverses her ruling on this 30 day-sentence. All I know is that if I was the judge, I wouldn’t want to be the laughing-stock of the legal profession.

Fast FoodItalianPizza

Your Pie (Lighthouse Point, Tampa, Fleming Island)


***** Your Pie, 3650 Federal Highway, Lighthouse Point, Florida 33064, (954) 532-1531.

If you guys do some checking, back on December 29, 2011 Jeff Eats did a story “Uncle Maddio’s Pizza Joint”…the jist of the story, that you should be on the lookout for a new fast food concept— “design your own” pizza joints.

Well- it (the concept) took awhile to get to South Florida—yesterday afternoon in Lighthouse Point Jeff Eats “saw-tried” Your Pie a franchise operation which currently has 11 in Georgia, 2 in South Carolina, 1 in Tennessee, 3 in Florida. The Light House joint has been open for something like 3 weeks.

This article isn’t going to dwell on the business feasability of the “design your own” pizza industry…personally, Jeff Eats thinks that wannabee players in this sector ought to think long and hard about how similar fast food concepts like —yogurt by the ounce, design your own hamburger are doing- before getting into this business.


Your Pie is the first fast food “design your own” pizza joint that Jeff Eats has actually eaten in.

At this stage of the discussion, take a look at—for menu/prices/photos.

The concept is real easy, think Subway and you’ll be on the right page. The customer picks the dough and toppings and the counter person “makes” a 10″ pizza which is baked in a brick oven. At Your Pie, you order at the counter and your pie is delivered to your table…mine took about 10 minutes to get to me—by the way there were 4 other people eating in the joint at the time. Your Pie’s basic cost is $7.49 with most of the toppings being thrown into the deal—certain ones cost an extra buck.

In addition to pizzas, Your Pie has bread bowl salads, panini and gelato.

The taste test– the plain margherita pizza I ordered–had a nice thin crust and a very tasty sweet sauce. Jeff Eats also had a pistachio gelato which was very good.

When you guys go to You Pie’s site, you’ll find a handful of pictures. For quick reference, a handful of booths all with flat screen tvs, handful of tables/chairs both inside and outside…and of course there is the counter where you order—and the showcase of toppings which you pick from.

Your Pie looks like a “small” neighborhood sports bar.

Your Pie is open Sunday-Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-10pm.

Fast FoodMusic/Events/Other


Posted on June 7th, 2013 · Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 8 Comments »



Recently read the “below” article on internet site Dailymotion…

It seems that the Isareli government has created a spray called SKUNK SPRAY for use in crowd control. Since SKUNK SPRAY is “drinkable” and Jeff Eats after-all is a food-site, I thought you guys might like to know about SKUNK SPRAY!
“Israel has unveiled a new type of crowd control. Skunk Spray. This new “weapon” is fired from a water cannon type platform and will soak the target in an absolutely gut wrenching putrid smell. Non-toxic and harmless apparently you can even drink the fluid and it will cause you no harm, although reporters who have caught even a whiff of the smell say that it immediately makes you want to vomit. Although the Israeli / Palestinian conflict is nothing to admire, surely you cannot help but be impressed by such a device which allegedly will disperse a crowd in an instant with no physical harm done to the target.”

AmericanBreakfastFast FoodSubs/Salads

Mr. M’s Sandwich Shops (Dania Beach)


***** Mr. M’s Sandwich Shops, 1975 Stirling Road, Dania Beach, Florida 33004, (954) 925-6400.

First told you about Mr. M’s way-back on August 5, 2010. Let’s call this one an “out of sight out of mind” joint. Hadn’t been back since that original write-up first appeared…

Mr. M’s Sandwhich Shops…real good sub-joint in Dania.

Jeff Eats recently did a lunch at Mr. M’s and I gotta tell you this joint makes some absolutely delicious subs…”tested” tuna salad, chicken salad, chicken parm, turkey club were all right on the money.

Mr. M’s is sorta like a Dania institution…the joint has been around for something like 34 years—and if you check YELP, TRIP ADVISOR and other review-web sites you’ll literally find legions of reviewers who swear by Mr. M’s. Now–unless all these “guys” are shills…Jeff Eats’ thinking is–the joint must be doing something right!

At this stage of the game you can check for menu/prices/photos. For you guys who aren’t into the checking game, Mr. M’s got all kinds of hot/cold 6″ and 12″ subs, sandwiches, wraps, salads, soups—price points $4.79-$10.99 on the subs/wraps/sandwiches.

Okay–time to wrap (pun intended) Mr. M’s up…

In his day- Jeff Eats has eaten his fair share of subs, heroes, grinders (insert your “regional” preference) and I kinda think I know when top quality stuff is being served…with that in mind, if I was a betting man–my money would say, that Mr. M’s Sandwhich Shops used top-shelf ingredients/freshly baked breads to make the delicious subs that I recently scarfed down.

Now, for the $64,000 Question:

Why is the joint called Mr. M’s Sandwich Shops?

If Jeff Eats got his facts straight, in the 34 years that Mr. M’s has been around, it has only-had one location…so where does the “s” in Shops come from? Now I wasn’t that strong in junior high school English, but Jeff Eats was taught that an “s” on the end of a word like SHOP makes the word plural…

Anyway…give Mr. M’s a shot—its subs are really good.

Mr. M’s is open Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm, Sunday 11am-6pm.


Otentic Restaurant (Miami Beach)


***** Otentic Restaurant, 710 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, (305) 531-1464.

Every so often Jeff Eats gets a Roseanne Roseannadanna kinda e-mail that goes something like this…”Hey Mr. Jeff Eats, what do you got against French restaurants?” To which Jeff Eats always replies, “Hey______(named filled in) Jeff Eats got nothing against French restaurants.” To prove the point, Jeff Eats recently had dinner at a terrific Miami Beach “hole in the wall” French restaurant named Otentic Resaurant. Just so you know, Jeff Eats didn’t count the tables/booths/bar seating- but I’m thinking maybe 20 people at a time–thus the hole-in-the-wall designation.

At this stage of the dialogue you can check for menu/prices/video tour.

Before I tell you what was consummed, Otentic does breakfast, lunch and dinner…

Otentic is open Sunday-Thursday 9am-1am and Friday-Saturday 9am-5am—so, you now know where you can satisy your late night cravings for duck pate and chicken/ham crepes.

Like Jeff Eats said about 11 seconds ago—dinner was absolutely terrific. The French onion soup ($8.50) was one of the best that I’ve ever had—the filet mignon ($15.40) that I had and the roasted chicken ($13.50) ordered by Mrs. Jeff Eats were also delicious. A side of Otentic Linguini ($12.95–bacon/ham/mushrooms/heavy cream/egg yolk/grated cheese) was totally off-the chart–and for all these years, Jeff Eats had thought linguini was an Italian pasta—silly me, live and learn! The chocolate mousee dessert ($8.50) was magnifique (didn’t know Jeff Eats was tri-lingual, did you?)

French Schmench!…

Otentic Restaurant is a dynamite restaurant…

The joint’s got plenty of breakfast stuff, sandwiches, crepes, appetizers, meat/chicken/seafood even if you still believe that linguini is an “Italian” pasta- you’ll find what to eat.

Jeff Eats loved Otentic and by the way—your tee shirt/shorts ensemble will definitely work there.

Bon Appetite!

AmericanDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other




Just so we are straight, Jeff Eats isn’t shilling for PGA National Resort & Spa…

Back on May 24, 2013 I told you guys about an outdoor Beer-Burger event that will be held on Saturday, June 15 2013 noon-4pm at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens. The original Jeff Eats’ “story” is reprinted below…

The “reason” that Jeff Eats is bringing this particular-event to your attention-again…based on what I’ve been hearing from a number of people/vendors who attended this event last year’—is that the event was one of best burger/beer “bashes” that they had ever been to. The word– the food/beverages were great, there was no overcrowding, there was plenty of food to eat and beverages to drink, the staff was professional and the resort staged the event in a gorgeous area of the resort…

By the way…Jeff Eats is also hearing, that almost all of the 2,000 tickets for this bash are gone.

Anyway…Just wanted you guys to “consider” this outing—because I know and you know, that when “one” of these things is done right—they are loads of fun.
Jeff Eats literally just got this press release.

I know it’s dated April 30, 2013—but Jeff Eats just got it…and it’s still not too late to get “early bird” tickets.

This “one” sounds like it could be an awesome event…

All the “beer” and “burgers” your stomach can handle for 40 bucks—while you party with 1,999 of your dearest and closest friends.

For those who don’t know, PGA National Resort & Spa is a world class hotel/resort located in Palm Beach Gardens.

I’ll do some “snooping” around and get you guys more intricate details…like who the beer-burger players will be!

One final thought–last year’s best burger winner Chuck Burger Joint will be “back”- so, we know that at least one of the players is top shelf..catch Jeff Eats’ 9/30/11 review for this joint–in 2011 its food and decor were absolute dynamite.

**** May 26, 2013 Update;
The following restaurants/food providers will be in attendance:
The Corner Cafe
111 Forks
Cha Cha’s
Burger Bar
Talay Tai
Chuck Burger Joint
Sweet’s Raw Bar
Burger Heaven
Vic & Angelo’s/The Office
Whole Foods
Mrs. Smokey
Four Season Resort
Frigate’s Waterfront Bar & Grill
Hurricane Cafe
Miller’s Garden Ale House
CR Chicks
Rachel’s Steakhouse

PGA National Resort & Spa Second Annual Craft Beer Festival and Burger Bash
The event gives the area’s most popular burger restaurants the opportunity to showcase their fare in addition to competing in the biggest burger throw down in Palm Beach County.
PRLog (Press Release) – Apr. 30, 2013 – PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — PGA National Resort and Spa will host the Second Annual Craft Beer Festival and Burger Bash to benefit Surfrider Foundation, Palm Beach County Chapter, on June 15, 2013 from noon to 4pm. Top burger destinations in the Palm Beaches, have been hand selected by a panel of food and beverage experts to be part of the 2013 Craft Beer Festival and Burger Bash. The event gives the area’s most popular burger restaurants the opportunity to showcase their fare in addition to competing in the biggest burger throw down in Palm Beach County.
The winning restaurants chef as decided on by consumer votes by Burger Ballot votes will be presented with the “King of All Burgers” trophy to display proudly in their restaurant.The Craft Beer Festival and Burger Bash expects to draw the attention of approximately 2,000 guests. In addition to great burgers, highlights include:
A Craft Beer Garden with a selection of over 80 craft beers from Florida and beyond for sampling in your souvenir 2 oz glass
Live musical entertainment
A Vendor Village chock full of shopping opportunities
A home brewing demonstration
Visit for more information or to purchase advanced $40 tickets. *Tickets will be sold for $45 at the door the day of the event.
*2,000 tickets available total. Your ticket cost includes unlimited craft beer and burger samples while supplies last!
Take the elevator home and stay the night with the PGA National Resort Beer & Burger Bash! Or stay the night with us and enjoy a special rate of just $169 for overnight accommodations plus two tickets by calling resort reservations at 855-896-4762 or book online (…).
*Resort fees are additional.

Contact Email : ***
Source : PGA National Resort & Spa
Phone : 561-627-2000
City/Town : Palm Beach Gardens – Florida – United States
Industry : Event, Hotels
Tags : Beer, food, burgers, festival, palm beach gardens
Last Updated : Apr 30, 2013
Shortcut :


Mayor’s Cafe & Bagel Emporium (Pembroke Pines)


***** Mayor’s Cafe & Bagel Emporium, 1677 North Hiatus Road, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33026, (954) 538-3636.

The other day Jeff Eats and a couple of buddies had lunch at Mayor’s Cafe in Pembroke Pines…not sure as to the exact history of this joint, but it’s owned by Frank C. Ortis who is the current Mayor of the City Of Pembroke Pines, thus the name–Mayor’s. Not sure here, but I think Mayor’s opened give-or-take in Jaburay 2012. Just curious, what happens to the joint’s name, when Ortis is no longer Mayor? Does it become Former Mayor’s Cafe, Recently Defeated Mayor’s Cafe, Recently Retired Mayor’s Cafe, Recently Deceased Mayor’s Cafe, Former Mayor Now State Senator Mayor’s Cafe? As you can see, the possibilities are endless and I’m sure–knowing you guys-that you can come up with some real beauties…Anyway.

At this stage of the dialogue you can check for menu/prices. The site also has a load of pictures so you’ll know eactly what the joint looks like…tables/chairs long appetizing counter.

Now- nothing for nothing, Mayor Ortis’ got a real good restaurant running here… fast- competent servers, reasonable prices—all kinds of bagels, breakfast stuff, salads, sandwiches, burgers. Question for those who live/work in Pembroke Pines…Does he run the City as competently?

A recent outing had Jeff Eats trying a western omelette, french toast with strawberries, chicken salad on/everything bagel, tuna salad on/pumpernickel bagel. I will tell you, eveything was delicious–and the bagels were really good. Not sure how Mayor’s makes theirs—but they seem to be of boiled/then baked breed.

Jeff Eats really enjoyed Mayor’s Cafe.

Mayor’s Cafe is open 7 days a week 6:30am-3pm