***** S & I–Gourmet Bagel Exchange, Festival Marketplace, 2900 West Sample Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33073. S & I (954) 984-4785, Gourmet Bagel Exchange (954) 973-1622.
Got something really terrific for you…a wholesale/retail bakery & a wholesale/retail bagel-deli store. Same owners, right next to each other. This is strictly a takeout operation.
Guaranteed-absolutely-positively, that if I didn’t tell you about this joint, the chances are that you would never-ever find it. Crazy-crazy location…the joint is located in the “back” of the Hillsboro Antique Mall which is “housed” in the Festival Marketplace on Sample Road. There are 2- long retail counters (one for each business) and a huge bakery–kitchen operation where the stuff is made.
S & I and Gourmet make outrageously delicious—bagels, bialys, cakes, cookies, breads, salads, knishes, deli meats. The stuff is so good, that it is wholesaled to numerous restaurants, markets, bakeries, country clubs from Homestead–Jupiter, Florida.
Today, I brought home a mixed dozen bagels/bialys and I gotta tell you that the—everything, onion, plain were right up there with the best that I’ve had down here in South Florida. As for the bialys, as good as it gets…I kinda think that The Boys Farmers Market in Delray Beach (see reviews–6/1/10–May 6, 2009) which has great bialys– gets those bialys and many of its other terrific baked goods from S & I. Now-to continue my story, I also picked-up, potato-kasha-sweet potato knishes, which were absolutely delicious. My takeout order also had me doing, marble chiffon cake, chocolate rugalah, almond horn, apple turnover…excellent. I also did a pound of brisket, pound of corned beef, pound of pastrami—Now you guys know that I am very particular about my deli meats…that said, today’s “find” now has me “knowing” another joint (and there aren’t too many down here in South Florida) where I can get a really good NYC style deli sandwich.
For anyone not familar with the Festival Marketplace…it’s something like 400,000 square feet and has more watch stands–perfume stands–jewelry stands–shoe stands–cosmetic stands–sunglass stands–than any one person should be forced to walk by on a Sunday afternoon. From what I understand, S & I–Goumet Bagel have been in this flea market for over 10 years and were part of the “famers’ market” section which recently closed. It is now part of an antique mall surrounded by a ton of antique stands–which makes no sense whatsoever. Think of it logically, when was the last time that you went out to buy a dozen bagels and a 1952 Howdy Doody poster at the same “location”?
Anyway…you now know about a really good bakery-bagel-deli operation.
S & I Bakery and Gourmet Bakery Exchange are open 9:30am-5pm 7 days a week.