
Martin & Short!

Posted on July 9th, 2014 · Hollywood Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »


* Martin & Short!

Two of the greatest sketch comedians of all-time.

Just guessing, but my money says they haven’t done “standup” in years.

In any event, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats will definitely be there!


TGI Fridays

Posted on July 8th, 2014 · American Deals · 6 Comments »


* TGI Fridays.

Jeff Eats just read the “below” story in USA TODAY (

I know from your various “Comments”- that some of you guys are real prima donnas when it comes to eating in chain joints like TGI Fridays. So if you are one of the prima donnas, just “skip” this thing…as for the rest of you guys, this “deal” sounds real good to me. Just thinking of the “damage” that certain folks could do-there.

Finally, there are literally tons of TGI Fridays in South Florida, so you guys are-good-to go!

You can check for menu/locations/other stuff.

Just a heads up, the promotion ends August 24, 2014 and the appetizers you can choose from are…loaded potato skins, pan-seared pot stickers, mozzarella sticks, garlic & basil bruschetta, Tuscan spinach dip, boneless buffalo wings, crispy green bean fries.

TGI Fridays takes a chance on “endless” appetizers

There all-you-can eat buffets. No-limit salad bars. And even eat-’til-you-drop dessert bars.

But this may be a first for a national restaurant chain: endless appetizers.

TGI Fridays, whose signature item is arguably its appetizer line, today launches a high-profile but risky “Endless Appetizers” summer promotion that offers all-you-can-eat appetizers for $10 per person. Guests can choose one appetizer from a list of the the chain’s most poplar starters — including loaded potato skins, boneless buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks — and receive unlimited refills. And while sharing is discouraged, that rule will not be enforced by servers, says Brian Gies, chief marketing officer at Fridays.

“At the end of the day, our servers aren’t policemen,” says Gies of the promo, which runs through Aug. 24. “We’re not going to slap someone’s hand if they reach over and share someone else’s mozzarella sticks.”

The unusual move comes at a time that business at Fridays — and much of the casual-dining industry — has been challenged for years. Many Millennials have moved away from the big casual-dining chains in favor of more esoteric, often-local options or more budget-conscious fast-casual chains, such as Panera or Chipotle.

For 40-year-old Fridays, which was one of the first national singles-bar-with-burgers chains, it’s been tough keeping up with the times. The 900-unit global chain was recently sold to the private investment firms Sentinel Capital Partners and TriArtisan Capital Partners for a reported $800 million, even as it tries to update its menu, its stores and its image.

To lure customer back during the tough summer season, Fridays will offer the all-you-can-eat promo of its most popular appetizer selections. One restaurant analyst doubts it will work. “Never ever discount a signature branded item,” says Chris Muller, hospitality professor at Boston University. Instead of attracting new business, he says, that typically rewards the frequent guest who already is willing to pay full price, but will gladly take the bargain instead.

The other problem, Muller says, is the guests who will try to take unfair advantage of the promotion.

“The risk comes when a crowd of six, or more, decides to get together and pool their resources, all ordering one item and sharing,” he says. “Then it is easy to predict that everyone will order at least six refills each, with plates being passed around.”

But that rarely happened when the promo was tested earlier this year in Cincinnati, says Gies. A very small percentage of customers tried anything like that, he says, and traffic and food and drink sales at the restaurant jumped nearly double-digits during the promotion.

Even then, says Gies, Fridays will respect whatever tack customers take — even if it bends the rules of the promotion. “No one should be embarrassed for coming into Fridays and ordering whatever they want to order,” he says. “They will not be bawled out. There will be no policing or hand-slapping.”


Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza (Miami Beach)

Posted on July 7th, 2014 · Italian Miami Beach Pizza · 12 Comments »


***** Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, 520 West Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, (305) 674-8100.

Way back on February 7, 2008 Jeff Eats did a story on Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza. If you like, you can read that story, if not, not!

In a nutshell-back in 2008 I was yapping about a new pizza segment “namely” coal fired pizza and how Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza was developing into a major player in Florida. In that story I also “reviewed” Anthony’s food–really enjoying everything but finding its cheese pizza sauce- bitter -to my taste. I also commented that the pizza was good but far from being great.


Here we are 6 1/2 year later…Anthony’s has loads of restaurants in Florida, not to mention Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Just so you know, in the ensuing 6 1/2 years Jeff Eats may-be ate in “an” Anthony’s 3-4 times.

To make a long story short,

Yesterday Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats were in Miami Beach visiting family and we decided to give the Anthony’s located at 520 West Avenue a shot…the joint has only been open a couple of months.

Great looking joint with dark wood look. Full bar area. Staff dressed in black looked great and the service was terrific. When we (party of 6) got there about 6:30pm Anthony’s was kinda empty but by the time we left an hour later every table was taken. This location also has outdoor patio seating.

Food ordered…Italian salad, pork ribs with vinegar peppers, coal fired chicken wings, roasted cauliflower, meatballs with ricotta, cheese pizza, white pizza (ricotta, mozzarella, romano), soda by the bottle (forget about free refills).

First let me tell you, service couldn’t have been better…salad, appetizers, pizza…in the right order-and timely done–water glasses were never even close to being empty. Second, this location has a real-good GM (Tolga Ece) who stopped by the table twice during the meal to see how ever-thing was going-I also noticed that he was all over the restaurant checking on tables etc. Third, the salad and appetizers were all- right on the money. Fourth, the white pizza was good. Fifth, the cheese pizza was fair-I found the sauce bitter.

Let’s wrap this up…

All 6 of us enjoyed the meal.

By the way, you can check for menu/prices/locations.

Finally, just like 6 1/2 years ago, the cheese pizza just-didn’t do it for Jeff Eats. Goes to show you, if anything, that Jeff Eats and Anthony’s are both consistent!

Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza is open Sunday-Thursday 11:30am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11:30am-11:30pm.



Posted on July 6th, 2014 · American Desserts · 3 Comments »


* MoonPie

I gotta tell you, Jeff Eats has some real good friends…thanks Melanie and Rhea!

Late yesterday-a Fedex truck dropped off a large box at my house…inside the box, 2 cases of MoonPies, that’s 192 chocolate-vanilla-banana- MoonPie “cookies.” For those of you who don’t know what a MoonPie is– two round graham cracker cookies (approximately 4 inches) with a marshmallow filling between them -dipped in a flavored coating. For you guys who have never eaten a MoonPie-I would suggest that you check and read about-one of most delicious “things” mankind has ever created for itself to eat.

To be perfectly honest with you, until yesterday, I can’t exactly recall the last time I had a MoonPie. I’m thinking something like 11 years ago when I was in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee-would be about right.

By the way, if I’m Googling-right Walmart carries MoonPie…you can also order MoonPie at


AmericanDelicatessenDish Of The WeekFast Food

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-7/6/14- Between The Bun- Boynton Beach)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-7/6/14).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items.

Cheeseburger-French Fries-Soda.

Between The Bun
1035 Gateway Boulevard
Boynton Beach
(561) 735-8820
Latest Review: 3/27/12

Jeff Eats absolutely loves this fast food joint. Big delicious gas grilled cheeseburger, Nathans French fries, unlimited soda refills–what’s not to like! When you are there, ask Dave (the owner) to let you try “his” home-made corned beef and pastrami-real good.



Odyssey Road (7/11/14-Mizner Park Amphitheater-Boca Raton)

Posted on July 5th, 2014 · Boca Raton Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* Odyssey Road.

If you like Journey- you will like Odyssey Road.

Last reminder, FREE Concert.

Definitely one of America’s best Journey tribute bands.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are really looking forward to seeing this show.

ODYSSEY ROAD (Mizner Park Amphitheater-Boca Raton)
Posted on June 13th, 2014 · Boca Raton Music/Events/Other


Way back on November 6, 2009 -Jeff Eats told you about Odyssey Road-one of America’s top Journey tribute bands. That article is reprinted below.

The band just announced a Free concert at Boca Raton’s- Mizner Park Amphitheater, Friday Night-July 11th at 7:30pm. Bring your own chairs and blankets.

I am telling you, if you are a Journey fan- this group is an absolute must see!

November 6, 2009
***** ODYSSEY ROAD *****

Last night I saw a Journey-tribute band…Odyssey Road.

Let me make this short and simple—Odyssey Road, which is based in West Palm Beach, sounds EXACTLY like Journey. Odyssey Road has to be one of the best tribute bands that I have ever-ever seen. This 5-man group put on an an abolutely amazing–2-hour concert, which left the crowd of 300 screaming for more.

Odyssey Road works all over South Florida. You can check its sound-videos-schedule at

If you love Journey’s music–you will love this band.

You will swear that Journey is on the stage.


Jimmy Stowe & The Stowaways

Posted on July 4th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 9 Comments »


* Jimmy Stowe & The Stowaways.

Jeff Eats recently received the following e-mail…

Would really appreciate your thoughts if any on south Florida Beach Boys/Buffett/50s-60s party band. Jimmy Stowe & The Stowaways..
Thank you,

Jimmy Stowe & The Stowaways has been “playing” the south Florida scene for years.

All I can tell you is…a number of years ago Jeff Eats was at an outdoor Summer Party which Stowe was booked to play. About 1-hour into the party there was a flash-rain which had guests scurrying for cover. The band was protected by an over head canvas–and was under a solid cement gazebo (trust me, neither the band nor its equipment got wet). The rain let up within 15 minutes, but when the guests returned, the band had already packed up and left. Suffice it to say that the next 2 hours were music-less. I distinctively recall that many in the crowd were literally speechless- finding that the band was gone. I also recall that the event coordinator “couldn’t” believe that the band had packed up and left. Personally, in all my years “around” bands, I have never seen a band that actually disappeared during an event.

Based on that evening, there is absolutely no way that I could ever see anyone using Jimmy Stowe & The Stowaways.


Like I said a few seconds ago, that was a number of years ago..and things and players do change, but in my book–Jimmy Stowe & The Stowaways isn’t for me!


American Coffee Shop (Oakland Park)

***** American Coffee Shop, 41 Northeast 44th Street, Oakland Park, Florida 33334, (954) 772-8850.

American Coffee Shop…American and Spanish food.

Let Jeff Eats start by saying, I loved American Coffee Shop. This joint “is” what “is” all about…finding the best joints in South Florida… American Coffee shop-a hole in the wall “mom & pop” diner in a bombed out strip center with cool ambiance, delicious food, reasonable prices, terrific owners/staff.

American Coffee Shop is open Monday-Saturday 7am-3pm, Sunday 7am-1pm.

For the record, Jeff Eats did both a breakfast and a lunch at American Coffee Shop.

When you check the joint’s menu at you’ll find both breakfast/lunch menus. The breakfast menu is loaded with-expected American fare…the lunch menu is loaded with-expected American stuff and is also loaded with Spanish/latin stuff.

On the breakfast outing, the western omelet/farmer’s omelet/french toast were exactly what the doctor ordered. Look! -breakfast is breakfast, but good stuff/friendly service/endless-timely coffee refills/owners who stop by to say hello/cool old diner decor–is what makes joints like American Coffee Shop-winners in Jeff Eats’ book.

On the lunch outing, the cheeseburger/steak fajitas/Cuban sandwich were all delicious. On the second “meal” the same great vibe/decor/service were there, not to mention soda glasses that were never even close to being empty.

Like I said a few seconds ago, Jeff Eats loved America Coffee Shop…this joint is a must try!


Louis Zamperini

Posted on July 3rd, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »

* Louis Zamperini.

Tomorrow at that July 4h bbq–remember that it’s because of men and women like Louis Zamperini that every person in this world prays that they were an American…and if they don’t- there is something very-very wrong with them.

Louis Zamperini
Born- January 26, 1917.
Died- July 2, 2014.


Fast FoodItalianPizza

Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza

Posted on July 3rd, 2014 · Fast Food Italian Pizza · 12 Comments »


* Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza.

Way back on December 29, 2011 Jeff Eats did a story on-the make your own fast food pizza business. If you like, you can read that story, if not, not!


In recent years, a number of “make your own pizza” joints have opened in the United States…you can do the research-there are a ton of franchise operations peddling the concept…right off the top of my head, Uncle Maddio’s, Top That! Pizza, Your Pie, Pie-Ology, Pie-Lingual, MOD Pizza, Pie Five Pizza–if Jeff Eats “gave” it some thought, I’m sure I could up with other-names.

Real simple concept,

You pick your dough, you pick your sauce, you pick your cheese, you pick your toppings…the pizza is “assembled” in front of you at the counter, then cooked and delivered to your table. No brain cancer surgery here, you’ve seen the “assembly line” formula used on subs, yogurt, soft serve, burgers, hot dogs-before.

Just wanted to let you guys know -that Lebron James just invested in a Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza franchise that plans on opening 10 Florida stores…not sure of exact locations, but at least one of these-make your own pizza joints will be in Boca Raton -and plans to be open sometime within the next 6 months. Really know very little about Blaze Fast Fire’d Pizza except that the parent comes out of California and that it currently has something like 25 locations in the western part of the United States with a heavy presence in California.

Can’t resist…I guess that all of that Heat money is burning a hole in Lebron’s pocket.


Let’s keep an eye out for Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza…and see if Lebron knows how to play in the fast food make your own pizza league.

You can follow Blaze Fast-Fire’d Pizza at