

Posted on September 4th, 2015 · Music/Events/Other · 15 Comments »



A recent e-mail to Jeff Eats.

My husband and I have lived in the ________________ CC for over 30 years.
Never in all that time, did we ever have trouble with our neighbors in our local subdivision.
In the past few years a number of new people have purchased homes and moved in and are now trying to change the way things have been done for over 30 years.
Out of a BOD of 7 they now hold 4 of the seats.
They have absolutely no idea as how things work and want to spend a fortune of money on all kinds of so called improvements that we don’t really need.
Since they have 4 of the 7 they have a pretty good shot of getting their way.
I know that awhile back that you did a story on BODs and HOAs and how they don’t really know what they are doing.
Could you republish that story for me?
I would also like your thoughts on how best to stop these aggressive know nothings.


The “story” you mentioned is reprinted down below.

Jeff Eats ( really isn’t the right place/source-for the advice that you are looking for.

Believe me, I know as to exactly where you are coming from. I’ve heard- your “problem” way too often, as a matter of fact, Jeff Eats has had similar issues with my own-South Florida “community”…

That said, if you really don’t like what the BOD is “cooking up”- I would suggest that you/and your like minded neighbors talk to a real sharp attorney…trust me, there are many monkey wrenches that your BOD may not want to deal with.

Best of luck,

Thanks for reading…

Posted on September 29th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other


Jeff Eats has been down here in sunny South Florida for over 22 years…you-know the land of Boards of Directors and Home Owner Associations.

Let me ask you guys something and you be honest…

Hypothetically speaking-If you needed triple heart bypass surgery would you let the Chairman of the Board of IBM who was a graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Law School and the Wharton School of Business with a BA in accounting, JD degree and a Masters & Doctorate in Calculus perform the operation for nothing?

___________(fill in answer).

Then why the hell do you guys entrust the operation of your Country Clubs, Condos, Co-ops, Neighborhoods to some guy or gal who is- some retired NYC school teacher, retired owner of a dry cleaning chain, housewife, retired shoe salesman, president of a men’s clothing chain?

Now no offense intended to you board members…but what do most of you guys know about…construction, bank financing, booking bands, maintenance, home owner rights, contracts, hiring contractors, décor design, landscaping?

______________(fill in answer).

Quick story, in my neighborhood one of the sub-divisions was missing the letter “S” from its entrance-way sign. In the time it took the HOA to get the “S” replaced, GL Homes probably built 5,000 homes in Delray Beach from scratch.

Trust me I know the BOD and HOA game and if you ask me…it’s a real dumb game.

Once again, no insult intended to you board members, but did you ever notice that by in large- the really top-guys in your communities DON’T GET INVOLVED AND AREN’T ON YOUR BOARDS? Wanna know why?-because they don’t want to get involved (especially for no compensation) with a bunch of yentas (Google if necessary) who actually think that they can out negotiate Comcast, and build entrance ways without having formal construction or engineering backgrounds.

I know, I know, that the “rules” say someone has to do it…just ask yourself, what makes you qualified to be that SOMEONE?

Finally, all Jeff Eats knows, is that if you ain’t on a BOARD…your neighbors won’t hate your guts because- 1. you raised the dues, 2. you hired a crap comedian, 3. you fined them for speeding, 4. you fined them for flying a US Flag, 5. you got the Club/Condo/Co-op into a lawsuit, 6. you hired a crooked contractor, 7. the complimentary bagels at the gym suck, 8. you violated Federal law as it pertains to service animals, 9. you ticketed them for parking in the street over night, 10. you signed an absurd lopsided contract with some property management company…

When you lived in that 6 story apartment building on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, you paid your rent and bitched to Leo The Super to make repairs and waited every 3-years for a new paint job. Now that you’ve moved to Sunny South Florida…many of you in essence became the “landlord”-that you grew up hating your whole lives.

Okay, done with that rant…but I will close by telling you. that ANYONE WHO SITS ON A GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE IS A FOOL…and I am dead serious here!

America’s entire justice system is based on fairness to all parties- and there is no way in HELL that neighbors who KNOW each other-can judge each other fairly!…and you can take that to the bank!

As Jeff Eats’ grandmother Grandmother Jeff Eats use to say…”YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR” and “CHEAP IS CHEAP


Brooklyn Joe’s Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant (Stuart)

Posted on September 3rd, 2015 · Italian Pizza Stuart · No Comments »



***** Brooklyn Joe’s Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant, 3466 Souteast Dixie Highway, Stuart, Florida 34997, (772) 219-2211.

Real simple tale to tell you,

Last night Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats ate dinner at Brooklyn Joe’s Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant a “hole in the wall- mom & pop- red sauce”-Italian joint in Stuart.

Really don’t have time nor the inclination to insult your collective intelligence by “telling” you-the joint’s menu…but if you insist- pizzas, pastas, subs, entrees (salad, garlic knots) so on and so forth…menu/prices at

Ordered stuff included…16″ cheese pizza ($10.99), Caesar salad (large- $6.99), chicken parm sub ($8.50), philly cheese steak sub ($7.95), meat lasagna ($12.95)- and I gotta tell- you, it all worked!


Between you guys and Jeff Eats, Italian joints like Brooklyn Joe’s Pizzeria are a dime a dozen down her in Florida and for that matter-all across the United States. You either like this kinda-eating or you don’t. Give me decent enough pizza, pasta, subs, loads of Coca Cola refills and I’m easy…same goes for Mrs. Jeff Eats, except you gotta substitute water with a piece of lemon for the Coke and throw a salad into the mix- so “she” thinks- she’s eating healthy! You guys do know that you gotta pick your battles- you want water with a piece of lemon, you want salad, fine by me!


Brooklyn Joe’s Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant- got the job done! Nothing off-the chart- but it was all good! The only “thing” that doesn’t make sense to me about Brooklyn Joe’s is that-it’s closed on Sunday and Monday- didn’t Joe ever hear about the NFL?- Howard Cosell, Dandy Don Meredith!

Brooklyn Joe’s Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant is open Tuesday-Saturday 11am-9pm.


Joey Dale & The Gigolos/Pavilion Grille (Boca Raton)

Posted on September 3rd, 2015 · American Boca Raton Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »

* Joey Dale & The Gigolos/Pavilion Grille.

A recent e-mail to Jeff Eats.


My husband and I live in Delray Beach. We are huge doo wop/oldies fans. Looking for a place where we can hear great live music and have a drink or two- or maybe even have a nice reasonably priced dinner.

We recently moved from Tampa and are pretty new to the area. We are still working, so we are pretty much at home during the week, Friday and Saturday are good nights for us.

Thank you very much for your help.

Jane Windsor


Jane Windsor:

I think Jeff Eats has exactly what the doctor ordered!

Thanks for reading…



California Psychics!

Posted on September 2nd, 2015 · Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »

* California Psychics!

Recently saw California Psychics’ tv commercial…

Gonna save Jeff Eats a load of time trying new-joints!

At a buck a minute, I’m thinking that $10 should get me enough restaurants to write about-for at least 19 months!


Need Help? Call us any time 1.800.535.1072



A Band Called Honalee (South Florida State College/performing arts- Avon Park, Palm Beach State College/Duncan Theater- Lake Worth)

Posted on September 2nd, 2015 · Lake Worth Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »


* A Band Called Honalee.

Got something that Jeff Eats knows that you old “folkies” (or is it old “fogies”) out there are gonna love…A Band Called Honalee!

In a nutshell- you’ll swear that Peter, Paul and Mary are on the stage!

You gotta go see this band…

A Band Called Honalee has 2- Florida dates on its 2015-2016 “tour”…

February 2, 2016- South Florida State College/performing arts, Avon Park, tickets:

February 6, 2016- Palm Beach State College/Duncan Theatre, tickets:

You can check-out- A Band Called Honalee at abandcalledhonalee.

Just one quick observation, there was only 1-Peter, there was only 1-Paul, there was only 1-Mary… A Band Called Honalee has 7-vocalists who apparently rotate in and out of the lineup- I guess it all depends on when/where the gig-is…it’s probably all good, but Jeff Eats just wanted you guys to know, that you may see a different “lineup” than the one that my friend Jackie Paper did!



A Band Called Honalee is a modern-day folk trio inspired by the music and legacy of Peter, Paul and Mary. Musically accomplished, interactive and energetic, their shows allow audiences to experience this timeless music live onstage once again.

The group believes the melodies and messages of the 1960s folk and folk/rock era are just as relevant today as they were when they were first sung, perhaps even more so. Their mission is to share this uniquely American music with new audiences, while rekindling the passion of life-long fans. Most of all, they celebrate the power of these songs to inspire people and bring them together once again.

A Band Called Honalee has a roster of 7 different vocalists who are all members of the Honalee family. Their names are Eli Zoller, Sarah Randall Hunt, Chris Ware, Matt Duré, Hanley Smith, Sam Sherwood and Suzanne Lenz. Each maintains an active solo career, in addition to frequently appearing with A Band Called Honalee around the country.

The group maintains an active national touring schedule, with frequent appearances at performing arts centers, concert series, music festivals and arts conferences nationwide, including Arts Midwest, Performing Arts Exchange/SouthArts, and Pennsylvania Arts Presenters Conferences.

Their recordings have been featured on The Folk Connection ( radio program, which showcases excellence in folk. Most recently, A Band Called Honalee has been asked to participate in educational outreach programs across the United States, where they nurture music students of all ages in songwriting and explore the continuing cultural relevance of this vital American music.


daughtry (Hard Rock Live- Hollywood)

Posted on September 1st, 2015 · Deals Hollywood Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* daughtry.

Jeff Eats “liked” Chris Daughtry on American Idol Season 5- he came in 4th…

Long story short, although his band- daughtry has sold a ton of records over the past 9 years- there really is no interest here in seeing him or his band-mates!

You may see things differently, so here you go…



Food Reviewing Is A Very Difficult Task!

Posted on September 1st, 2015 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Food Reviewing Is A Very Difficult Task!

No ifs, ands, or buts…we all have our own opinions on everything!


Husband’s Text:
Honey, I got hit by a car outside the office.
Paula brought me to the Hospital.
Doctors presently doing tests and taking X-rays.
Severe blow to my head but not likely to have any lasting effects. Wound required 19 stitches.
I have three broken ribs, a broken arm and compound fracture in the left leg. Amputation of my right foot is a possibility.
Love you.

Wife’s Response:
Who’s Paula?


I’m Still Standing Up a tale of devilish proportions

Posted on August 31st, 2015 · Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »



* I’m Still Standing Up a take of devilish proportions.

Got an absolutely terrific book for you guys…I’m Still Standing Up a tale of devilish proportions.

Delray Beach based comedian Sarge’s- recently (4/15) published autobiography…will have you laughing and crying the whole way!
Born to a Jewish white mother and black father, then adopted by a Jewish couple living in Great Neck, New York- Sarge takes you on a journey that includes the depths of drug addiction and homelessness to SRO concerts all over the United States!

Jeff Eats loved the book.

You can catch copies- at Sarge’s website, Sarge’s live appearances and

AmericanBreakfastDessertsFast FoodSubs/Salads

SOHO Donut Company (Tampa)


***** SOHO Donut Company, 117 South Hyde Park Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33606, (818) 605-5649.

Got something absolutely terrific for you guys, SOHO Donut Company…a takeout joint that makes outrageously off the chart- delicious donuts and sandwiches. For you guys who insist on eating-“there”…a couple of tables inside/a couple of tables outside.

A recent “order” had Jeff Eats doing…glazed donut cheeseburger, philly cheese steak sub, grilled cheese & bacon donut, a mixed dozen of classic donuts, a mixed dozen of fancy donuts and like I said 1.231 seconds ago, outrageously off the chart- delicious donuts and sandwiches. For you wise guys out there, there were 2-other guys with Jeff Eats- so no, I didn’t eat everything all by my lonesome!

Jeff Eats loved SOHO Donuts Company!

The joint is open Tuesday-Friday 6:30am-6pm, Saturday 8am-6pm, Sunday 8am-2pm, closed Monday.

You can check for further SOHO info.



Boca Black Box Center for the Arts (Boca Raton)

Posted on August 30th, 2015 · American Boca Raton Music/Events/Other · 6 Comments »

* Boca Black Box Center for the Arts.

The below-“article” originally appeared on 8/18/15. I just wanted to give you guys a quick update..

Last night, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats attended a “family & friends” event at Boca Black Box…I’m thinking that about 200 people “got” to experience this brand new theater in action.

The skinny- Boca Black Box has a small beer/wine bar- no food is served – 250 theater seats. Just between us, every seat-works (great sight-lines), terrific sound system/lighting system, large stage which is also equipped with a large “hidden” movie screen…

Last night’s event, headlined comedian-Sarge who killed for one solid hour! If you haven’t seen Sarge, go see the guy- he puts on a fabulous-hilarious show! You can checkout Sarge’s act/schedule at

Jeff Eats’ take…I loved the joint. Boca Black Box is going to develop a huge following- of people looking to see top-notch comedians and other artists in a closeup-intimate theater setting. Real simple formula at work here, you buy a ticket-you see the show, no drink minimums/no food minimums, no servers roaming the facility during the show, no drama!




Posted August 18, 2015
* Boca Black Box Center for the Arts, 8221 Glades Road #10, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, (561)483-9036.

Got something really good for you guys- Boca Black Box Center for the Arts located in Boca Raton.

Bet you a buck, that most of you guys never even heard of the joint…

Long story short, a day or so ago- Singer Productions one of South Florida’s premier entertainment production companies- opened a new “250 seat theater”- Boca Black Box Center for the Arts…


All Jeff Eats can tell you is- that you gotta checkout ( Boca Black Box’s initial- lineup of “acts”-no fooling around, some really top-shelf comedians and music acts- are booked!

From what I’m hearing- Boca Black Box’s state of the art sound/light systems, seating, separate wine-bar and seasoned management team- have the earmarks of an absolute homerun- so if you’re into live comedy/music “shows” you now know about South Florida’s newest player long before almost-anyone else!

Like I said a few seconds ago, the joint just-opened (soft opening)- so basically nobody even knows that Boca Black Box even exists…

Be smart, stay on top of this “situation” because when word gets around- Boca Black Box’s tickets- are gonna be a hot-commodity!

Jeff Eats hasn’t been “there” yet- down below are some of the shows that Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are gonna try and get to! Suffice it to say, I’ll update you guys on what’s-what once I’ve seen the joint in action for myself.



Welcome to Boca Black Box

Boca Black Box, a center for the arts, specializes in quality entertainment for all ages. The Box will be bringing in live comedy, drama, music as well as offering fundraising opportunities for the Boca community. Our management team has been producing shows for other venues for over 20 years and now has combined their skills and talents to bring it all under one location. Our team has produced shows such as, The Ultimate Thriller “The Michael Jackson Tribute”, Three Hysterical Broads off Their Medication, That’s Funny You Don’t Look Jewish, just to name a few.

What is a Black Box Theatre? According to Wikipedia, A black box theater consists of a simple, somewhat unadorned performance space, usually a large square room with black walls and a flat floor. It is a relatively recent innovation in theater.

If you are looking to see a comedy show, a drama or even a musical, come on down to the Box, your first choice for quality entertainment.

Box office: 561.483.9036
Just a “taste” of Boca Black Box’s current lineup…for complete lineup/tickets/info
