Morton’s The Steakhouse (Boca Raton, Coral Gables, Miami, N. Miami Beach, Palm Beach, Orlando & Jacksonville)
Morton’s The Steakhouse, 5050 Town Center Circle, Boca Raon, Florida 33486 (561)392-7724.
Morton’s is a national chain of “upscale-white-table cloth steakhouses.” There are currently 7 Florida locations.
I have eaten in the Boca Raton joint twice. The food is fair. The service is as phony as a 3-dollar bill. The prices…are upscale steakhouse prices, figure a complete meal runs somewhere around 100 bucks a head. Morton’s like every other upscale steakhouse prides itself on having tip-top service. Morton’s is also “big” on tableside presentation…having its wait-staff show/explain “raw cuts of meat” during the ordering process. The wait-staff also “shows” desserts before ordering.
In my most recent outing, the waiter during the meat-showing told my party, ” My personal favorite is the 24 oz porterhouse.” Amazingly…near the end of the meal, the very same waiter (I guess feeling a bit comfortable with our group) told me that he was “a vegetarian.”
Like the waiter, Morton’s is nothing but a scripited joint. The wait-staff could all work as tour-guides at Disney World…”watchout for that shark on the right side of the boat…boy that was sure close.”
If you still want details, Morton’s website is