HiWay Burger (Delray Beach)
***** HiWay Burgers, 12 Southeast 5th Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483, (561) 243-6460.
Back on May 7, 2012 Jeff Eats did a writeup on HiWay Burger (it’s down below). At the end of the “story” I told you guys that I would make it my business to get to HiWay and report back on how the joint was. So, here goes–
Last Saturday night I and Mrs. Jeff Eats ate at HiWay Burger in Delray Beach. First of all, I absolutely loved the look of this red/white 1950ish looking “hole in the wall” joint. When you check HiWay’s website for menu/prices at www.hiwayburger.com there is also a photo of what HiWay looks like, so you’ll know exactly what the deal is here.
Just so you know, HiWay has a real small menu… flat-top grilled burgers, french fries, shakes, sodas, ice tea. So if you are into a vegetarian game-I don’t think so!
Now for the taste-test. I did a double cheeseburger with french fries and a Coke—both the burger and fries were right up there with the best of breed.
I really enjoyed the food.
HiWay Burger is open Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11am11pm.
***** HiWay Burger *****
Got something that you “burger” folks might like to checkout…HiWay Burgers, 12 Southeast 5th Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483, (561) 243-6460.
Two weeks ago, I and Mrs. Jeff Eats were “strolling” Atlantic Avenue…and low and behold- we spotted HiWay Burger, a brand new “hole in the wall” fast food burger joint with a “Coming Soon” sign in its window. Looking in, there were a handful of 50′s style booths and a small counter to order at. Just so you know, this thing really is a “hole in the wall”—the menu board listed— BURGERS, FRIES, SODAS, SHAKES period. Now nothing for nothing, but based on color scheme/decor and menu– my money says that, Hiway’s owner is trying to “emulate” the hugely successful and cult favorite In-N-Out Burger chain. Now for our purposes that’s a good thing, because if my assumption is correct, then it’s a safe bet that the owner “knows” what a top-notch fast food burger joint-should be. Of course, knowing and executing are two whole different things…so, we’ll just have to see how this all plays out. I will tell you, that from my brief “peek” the joint looks really cool.
To rap this up, yesterday- I bumped into my old friend Glenn who owns several Atlantic Avenue buildings…and- he mentioned to me that HiWay Burgers had opened and that the cheeseburger, french fries and chocolate shake that he ordered were terrific. For the record, I think that Glenn knows his fast food burger “stuff” because he’s also a huge fan of Five Guys, BurgerFi and Shake Shack–but then again, he’s a Red Sox fan, so I can’t really swear for this guy!
Anyway…I’m gonna get up to HiWay Burger in a few weeks and “taste” for myself. If you get there before I do, let me know what you think. By the way, the joint is so new that its website www.hiwayburger.com has yet to be fleshed out