
‘Rocket Man’ Meets ‘Turnstiles’ (Spanish River High School- Boca Raton)

Posted on February 4th, 2015 · Boca Raton Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* ‘Rocket Man’ Meets ‘Turnstiles’.

Jeff Eats is very familiar with both bands- this is a real-good Billy Joel-Elton John Tribute Show.

‘Rocket Man’ Meets ‘Turnstiles’ is a charity event for Temple Beth Shira…so I got- no problem “paying” to see tribute bands-that I can catch for free at local festivals/clubs/other South Florida venues.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats plan to be there!



Shop Pop Comic Con (Broward County Convention Center- Fort Lauderdale)

Posted on February 4th, 2015 · Fort Lauderdale Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* Shop Pop Comic Con.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are going!

By the way, Elvira is pushing 64- and Zacherley (not scheduled to appear) at 96 still makes personal appearances!

This is gonna be a fun- event!


Friday Feb. 13,14 & 15, 2015

Show Hours:
Fri: 2-10, Sat: 10-8, Sun: 10-5
Broward County Convention Center
1950 Eisenhower Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33316

Welcome to Shock Pop Comic Con we are a pop culture / anime / cosplay / comic con convention that is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We will be showcasing dozens of cosplay and costuming events over the course of the 3 day weekend. In addition, Shock Pop Comic Con always brings in a roster of guest creators and / or celebrities for attendees to meet. Special attention is given to keeping the convention fun and accessible to families with low admission. Come join us at our next event! Where else in the world will you see Hobbits, Superheros, Jedi, Demons, Angels and perhaps a Wizard?


Robert Irvine Live (Hard Rock Live- Hollywood)

Posted on February 4th, 2015 · Deals Music/Events/Other · 10 Comments »

* Robert Irvine Live.

You ever see this guy’s tv show- Restaurant Impossible where for something like 10,000 bucks he literally “rebuilds” a restaurant in something like 36 hours? Well Jeff Eats has- and personally I think that the GUY and HIS SHOW are full of crap!

Let me ask you something…how come THIS GUY IRVINE doesn’t have to “pull” building permits and doesn’t have to have “building inspectors” check the work? You know why, because HIS SHOW is full of crap.

For crying out loud, you can’t replace a South Florida house’s leaking hot-water-heater without a freaking permit!

Based on Jeff Eats knowledge of South Florida’s restaurant industry–what Robert Irvine claims to do in 36 hours for 10-grand, would probably take a normal Restaurant Owner and a General Contractor (in Boca Raton)-$1,000,000 and 17 months to complete (I’m just guessing here, but you get the picture!).

Anyway, if you want to see Robert Irvine…



George Carlin, Ed Sullivan Don Rickles Tribute Show ( The Stage Restaurant- Bonita Springs)

Posted on February 4th, 2015 · American Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* George Carlin, Ed Sullivan, Don Rickles Tribute Show.

Jeff Eats has seen all 3-performers. Trust me, they are all really good!

Nothing for nothing, the guy who does Carlin, does Carlin better than- Carlin did himself when he was alive!

george carlin
9144 Bonita Beach Rd.
Ace Sunshine Plaza
Bonita Springs, Florida 34135
(239)405-8566 or

AmericanBreakfastDealsDessertsFast Food

Dunkin’ Donuts Valentine’s Day Donuts

***** Dunkin’ Donuts Valentine Day’s Donuts.

Last week- Dunkin’ Donuts of South Florida’s corporate office invited Jeff Eats to sample its Valentine’s Day offerings as well as its Chocolate Croissant, a recent addition to its menu. They sent me a $25.00 gift card and asked me to visit a DD in my area…of course they requested feedback and hopefully a “plug” in a Jeff Eats’ column.

Long story short,

Yesterday morning- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats stopped in at the Dunkin’ Donuts at 3011 Yamato Road in Boca Raton and used the gift card to sample the following products: Heart-Shaped Brownie Batter Donut (heart sprinkles and chocolate frosting outside, brownie batter inside), Cookie Dough Donut (chocolate chips outside, cookie dough filling inside) and Cupid’s Choice Donut (pink frosting and custard filling inside); Chocolate Croissant and a White Chocolate Raspberry Iced Latte.

I enjoyed everything,

My favorite donut was the Brownie Batter, which had a terrific combination of chocolate outside and brownie batter inside. The warm Chocolate Croissant was also delicious and trust me- for $1.79, I could handle one or two of those suckers every day. The latte was ok, but you-guys know that I’m a straight up black-coffee kinda guy so “it wasn’t really my cup of tea”…Mrs. Jeff Eats loved it!

Now for the kicker, in addition to the $25 gift card that I already mentioned, the corporate office also sent me a second $25.00 gift card to use as I liked. Nothing for nothing, I had thought about keeping it for myself, but being a good guy- I’m gonna give it to one of you guys. To win-it send Jeff Eats a “comment” telling me- why you love Dunkin’ Donuts (if you gotta lie, lie) and in honor of Valentine’s Day, the 14th person to write me will win the card. If I don’t get 14 by February 12th, I’m the winner! By the way, Jeff Eats isn’t going to “publish” your comments-immediately on receipt…this way you guys won’t know where you are in the contest pecking order.

Finally, some of you guys with pencil and paper- have probably figured out that my “test” added up to less than 25 bucks…just so you know, I also took home a mixed-dozen donuts, so there!

All in all, I gotta tell you that I was super impressed with the “DD” I visited- clean, sharp service and the stuff was real good- comp or no comp!

Finally, some of you guys maybe wondering how Jeff Eats’ Dunkin’ Donuts outing- compared with the “gourmet” donut stores that dot the South Florida landscape- to be perfectly honest with you, the stuff I had this morning was real-strong. One other thing to keep in mind, maybe there are 5-so called gourmet guys within a 45 minute drive from my Boca Raton home…just guessing, but Dunkin’ Donuts in the same radius probably has 451,296 stores- soooo “availability” has to be factored into rating Dunkin’Donuts and that definitely helps-its case!

For additional information about Dunkin’ Donuts of South Florida including their own Valentine’s Contest, visit them at


Fast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Marshmallows, Who Knew?

Posted on February 4th, 2015 · Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* Marshmallows, Who Knew?

Gonna sound strange, but last night I had a strange dream- in which I was being chased by something like a 532lb marshmallow. Long story short, this morning when Jeff Eats got up, I decided to research “uses” for marshmallows other than for eating…

Found a very interesting article “Seven Ways to Use Marshmallows” on which I want to share with you.

Jeff Eats is still “researching” the subject…but I did find #3 in the article to be very interesting, helpful and insightful.

By the way, if you can add to the list of “uses” please write-in!
Seven Ways to Use Marshmallows

Marshmallows may be made of nothing more than sugar and air, but they’re loads of fun and excitement. They are great to eat by themselves, roasted on a campfire, or used in many recipes. As good as they are to eat, marshmallows also have many other incredible uses that make life at home better, sweeter, and more convenient.

If you have an extra bag of marshmallows, and you just had enough of your daily dose of S’mores, there are still many other ways to use the sweet treats. Here are seven fun, practical uses for America’s favorite sweet snack.

1. Lozenge for Sore Throats
Unlike other candies and confectioneries, marshmallows are very soft, mild, and soothing. Marshmallows do not have the jagged edges and the very high sugar content of hard candies. The gelatin that binds the marshmallow together is very helpful at soothing pain and irritation in your throat. Two or three marshmallows are usually enough to soothe the irritating feeling. Make sure to chew on the marshmallow first; do not swallow them whole.

2. Draw Out Abscesses
If you have a boil on your skin or a shallow abscess on your gum, you can use a marshmallow to draw out the pus. The high sugar content of marshmallows attract pus cells and bacteria, and other dead matter that build up inside a pus sac or an abscess. When you use a marshmallow to draw out an abscess, make sure that you’re only doing it as a home remedy, not as a substitute for proper medical care. Marshmallows are only effective at drawing out abscesses if the boil or the pus sac has reached its head. Do not attempt to puncture the boil. Do not eat the marshmallow after you have used it to draw an abscess.

3. Pedicure Aid
If you run out of cotton balls, but you still want to give yourself a pedicure, you can use marshmallows to keep your toes apart. A marshmallow placed in between your toes can keep them separate, and makes adding nail color and polish so much easier. Do not eat the marshmallows after you have used them; not only is it gross, but the chemicals found in manicure ingredients are also toxic. (Tips on how to give yourself a pedicure)

4. Quick-Fix Frosting
Say you just baked a cake and you ran out of frosting and icing. While a cake tastes terrific even without icing or frosting, it just isn’t the same. If you ran out of icing ingredients, or if you do not know how to make icing, then you can use marshmallows to make a frosting that not only looks great, but tastes very good too.
•Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil.
•Place an aluminum mixing bowl on top of the pot of water to make a double boiler. The double boiler set-up ensures that the molten marshmallows do not boil.
•Melt marshmallows on the mixing bowl. Use a whisk to whip up the molten marshmallows. The whisk introduces air to the mixture, which prevents it from burning and adds an airy, fluffy texture to the frosting.
•Add a few tablespoonfuls of corn syrup or water to the mixture if it’s too thic
Slather on the mixture to make your cakes look tastefully yummy and decadent.

5. Edible Glue
If you do confectioneries like wedding cakes, you may want to think about using molten marshmallows as a good way to glue cake parts together (Learn The Guide To Wedding Cakes). The gelatin and sugar in marshmallows form a very strong, cohesive bond with many other sweet treats like candy canes, caramel nests, and sugar ribbons. Another advantage to marshmallow glue is that you can use it as long as it’s in liquid form, although the strength of the bond is reduced when the glue starts to coagulate and harden.
Marshmallows are a great addition to your sugar bowl. Sugar granules sometimes clump up because of excess moisture and humidity. If you find that your sugar bowl has too many lumps in it, you can put one or two marshmallows with your sugar. Marshmallows act like a desiccant, and absorb excess moisture that cause sugar granules to clump together. You don’t have to worry about the sugar tasting different, because marshmallows are made up of the same sugars that you use at home.

6. Sugar Softener
Marshmallows are a great addition to your sugar bowl. Sugar granules sometimes clump up because of excess moisture and humidity. If you find that your sugar bowl has too many lumps in it, you can put one or two marshmallows with your sugar. Marshmallows act like a desiccant, and absorb excess moisture that cause sugar granules to clump together. You don’t have to worry about the sugar tasting different, because marshmallows are made up of the same sugars that you use at home.

7. Cake Decoration
Birthday candles sometimes leave a trail of wax that makes its way to the cake. While some party supply stores carry candles with edible wax, they don’t really taste good and may even cause indigestion. To prevent wax from trickling down to the cake, you can stick the candles on marshmallows. The marshmallows will prevent the wax from making its way to the cake, protecting the icing and the pastry. Multi-colored marshmallows also add a very fresh and festive look to your cake.

Marshmallows are not only tasty, but they are very useful around the home. With a bit of creativity, you can use marshmallows for everything from pin cushions and even as ingredients for your favorite dishes.


AmericanDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

4th Annual Boca Burger Battle A Grilling Affair! (Sanborn Park- Boca Raton)


* 4th Annual Boca Burger Battle A Grilling Affair!

Jeff Eats just heard about the fourth installment of this “event”…

Although I did not attend 1-2 or 3…the “hearsay” I’ve heard was not too good! Not enough food, not enough beer, confused staff, lousy entertainment…Like I said, HEARSAY!

If this “thing” still interests you- don’t be in a rush to buy tickets…based on Boca Battle’s track-record, it will be discounting those $78 VIP/$58 GA tickets-as the event gets closer. Not positive on when/where, but think GROUPON or LivingSocial and you’ll probably be on the right page!

By the way, one year- there was so much rain at the Boca Battle, that if they had been there- even Noah’s Ark passengers would have had a rough ride…so if you’re REALLY SMART (assuming you want to go)- wait to the day of the event to see-what the weather looks-like, before buying-in!

You can follow the 4th Annual Boca Battle at

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/OtherSeafood

31st Annual Pompano Beach Seafood Festival (Pompano Beach)

* 31st Annual Pompano Beach Seafood Festival.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have been to “this” one many-many times.

Jeff Eats’ pre-event bitch last year (Jeff Eats 4/21/14 ) was with the… Adult- $15 daily admission-price. My “thoughts”- a couple had to spend $30 just to get in and if they had 2- teenage kids, $60 without even having made a move! You guys can do the “math” on more or less kids etc…so on and so forth.

Other than the 2015’s dates- Jeff Eats has no other details on admission/entertainment schedule.

Hopefully, this year the cost to get “in” is less…because the Pompano Beach Festival really is a lot of fun!



Holy Ship! (Space- Miami)

Posted on February 3rd, 2015 · Miami Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Holy Ship!

If you don’t know what Holy Ship is, or who Baauer or Jack Beats are- don’t sweat it! Every generation had “its” music- and this is what Generation Y and Generation X are partying to!

Just between you and me, to this very day, I don’t get Tony Bennett!

holy ship


2015 Seminole Tribal Fair And Pow Wow (Hollywood)

Posted on February 3rd, 2015 · Hollywood Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* 2015 Seminole Tribal Fair And Pow Wow.

Not so sure about the alligator rassling part of this thing- but I do know that Johnny Lang puts on a great show!
