AmericanDessertsFast Food

Frozen Delight (Boynton Beach)

Posted on July 15th, 2012 · American Boynton Beach Desserts Fast Food · 4 Comments »


***** Frozen Delight, 8784 Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33472 (561) 200-0315.

You know and I know that ice cream stores, yogurt stores, gelato stores, juice/smoothie stores are a dime a dozen down here in sunny South Florida. In my travels, I have found that “these” stores have now become like lawyers and doctors…that being, they specialize in one area or another. For example, a store may have 67 different types of yogurt but not one scoop of ice cream…or a store may sell 359 different types of smoothies but have no yogurt

Anyway…today I found -Frozen Delight–an all in one, ice cream/yogurt/gelato/smoothie joint. Absolutely perfect for the couple or family that likes different “things.” Sounds simple, but trust me, I’ve been to many “shoppes” where Jeff Eats left happy while Mrs. Jeff Eats left pissed off beyond belief…and vice versa. There have been times when we have left a joint…where even the United Nations couldn’t have solved the dispute…Just thinking, the UN may-be the wrong “example” as its resolving-history isn’t all that good…But, I think you guys appreciate what I’m trying to say here.

Frozen Delight- has the “full boat” of yogurts, fat free yogurts and low calorie yogurts…plus all the toppings that your little heart could want. In addition, its got a ton of ice cream flavors, in-store made gelatos, fresh juices, smoothies and waffles. Mrs. Jeff Eats especially enjoyed the joint’s 8 calories per ounce chocolate and pistachio yogurt…Jeff Eats on the other hand, absolutely loved the chocolate chip ice cream and mocha gelato “calories unknown”-cone that -frozen delight’s fixed up for me.

You folks now know about a really good “multi-faceted” yogurt-ice cream-gelato joint.

One final thought…

In previous “stories” I’ve mentioned how employees can often make or break a business…

To-Frozen Delight’s owner:

Your employee Paula was FABULOUS-TERRIFIC-OUTSTANDING…this young lady, seeing that we had Jiggy the “dog” outside with us, “un-asked” presented Mrs. Jeff Eats with a dish of cold of water as she was ordering.. During the “selection period” she explained flavors and offered all kinds of free samples. She has a great smile and winning personality and really does your business justice. AND no, she isn’t related to either Mrs. Jeff Eats or Jeff Eats or any friends of ours.

Frozen Delight-is open Sunday 1pm-10pm, Monday 1:30pm-9:30pm, Tuesday-Thursday noon-10pm and Friday-Saturday noon-midnight.

AmericanFast Food

The Burger Freak (Fort Lauderdale)

Posted on July 11th, 2012 · American Fast Food Fort Lauderdale · 14 Comments »


***** The Burger Freak, 6880 North Powerline Road, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309, (954) 969-0380.

Got a real good fast food-takeout burger joint for you…The Burger Freak- in Fort Lauderdale. Not too many people know about this one yet–it’s only 2 weeks old.

The Burger Freak is a real hole-in-the-wall, I’m thinking 600 sq. feet, order at/pickup at counter…there are only 6 seats, so don’t really plan on eating there. You can check menu/prices at


I’m gonna assume that you guys know what “reinventing the wheel” means. Rather than rehashing old stuff, suffice it to say, that in the past few years, America’s hamburger “business” has seen more new fast food and full service players- than there are Chins in a Chinese phonebook. It seems to me, that every day a new “one” pops up by-my-house…you know the players—chains like Five Guys, BurgerFi, Elevation, Smashburger, CG, Shake Shack…and one-offs like Between The Bun, Charm City, The Office, Gimme A Burger, HiWay…Now nothing for nothing, Jeff Eats has never met a burger and fries that he didn’t like…but you and I both know, that this burger game of musical chairs will soon end and there are going to be a ton of unhappy burger entrepreneurs out there.

Now, let’s get back to- reinventing-the-wheel…

It just seems to me, give or take a small handful, most of the new burger players out there-have actually convinced themselves that they have reinvented the wheel. I’ve heard more stories about- organic this, corn feed that, fresh this and natural & healthy that —than you can shake a stick at. I got a big surprise for them, Jeff Eats and most of you guys couldn’t give a rat’s ass about their “burger’s story”—the only thing we really care about, TASTE.

Anyway…today, I tried The Burger Freak and had a real nice chat with Adam- one of its owners. To make a long story short, these guys aren’t trying to reinvent anything. Their goal, to make a delcious burger and bang it out at a real reasonable price. These guys are “smart”—they figured out that since the wheel (in this case-the burger) had already been invented…their “hook” would be to dress-up that burger with imaginative/creative toppings. Sort of like, buying a car and then jazzing it up with fancy wheels!

Now, let’s talk food…I am telling you, this joint makes one of the best fast-food burgers that Jeff Eats has ever eaten. For our purposes, I did a 6oz. flat-top grilled hamburger/American cheese/grilled onion/mayo/ketchup/kaiser roll ($6.97) with french fries. Trust me, like I said a few seconds ago, one of the best I’ve ever eaten. The french fries were a skin-on frozen product and they were also delicious.

When you check The Burger Freak’s website, you will find that in addition to beef burgers, its also got turkey/chicken breast/veggie/mushroom burgers. The guys behind The Burger Freak are very smart…no reinventing the wheel and no reinventing the assembly line…Henry Ford and Subway already took care of that! Pick your patty, pick your bread, pick your toppings (there are literally tons of them). For the less creative, The Burger Freak has a sign-board filled with burgers and hot dogs like “The Elephant Man”–“The Tatooed Lady” that have pre-ordained toppings.

I absolutely loved The Burger Freak.

Let me go out on a limb here…

The Burger Freak would make a great “franchise”…600 square feet, circus-side show posters’ decor/limited menu/reasonable prices/delicious food. Homerun–in college towns.

The Burger Freak is open Monday-Friday 10:30am-2:30pm closed on Saturday & Sunday…Yeah yeah yeah, I know the hours sound nuts, but the location is in an industrial area—so the play here is office and blue collar workers.

AmericanFast FoodItalianMusic/Events/OtherPizza

iPic Theaters (Boca Raton)


* iPic Theatres, 301 Plaza Real, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 (561) 299-3000.

The other night, Mrs. Jeff Eats and I “went” to see the new film ‘Ted’ at the new iPic Theaters which recently open in Mizner Park in Boca Raton. The movie was funny…But based on the producer’s ‘Family Guy’ tv show, Jeff Eats expected that ‘Ted’ would have been funnier and edgier than it actually was…bet you guys a nickel- that you didn’t know that I’m also a well versed film critic!

iPic is an “upsacle” hi-tech theatre chain…iPic currently has one Florida location, 1 in California, 2 in Illinois, 1 in Washington, 2 in Texas, 1 in Arizona and 1 in Wisconsin.

Let me go on record right here and now- and predict that after the public’s novelty of paying $14-$24 for a ticket and 12 bucks for 5 mozzarrella sticks wears off, the guys who financially backed this concept are going to regret that they ever got talked into this deal. You guys do know, that the way these “things” get built is some guy has an idea and he talks others into “backing” him, don’tcha?

If memory serves me right, there are 8 small “theaters” in the Boca location, each sitting something like 60 people. IPic also has Tanzy-an upscale Italian restaurant in the facility. When you check you can check movie times/Tanzy’s menu/theater food offerings.

Now back to my rant–Give me a freaking break…When I’m on an airline, I am totally grossed out by the pillows/blankets offered. Do the folks at iPic Theaters really think that I or anyone else really needs a pillow & blanket to watch a movie in a movie-theater? Obviously they do, because the $24 reclining seats come with them.

I don’t know about you guys, but going to a movie “for me”—means, buying a huge overpriced bucket of popcorn–a huge overpriced Coke and a huge overpriced box of Goobers Chocolate Peanuts and then sitting down to watch seemingly endless trailers and finally the movie. AND…every so often, catching a second movie on a sneak in. In my book– going to the movies doesn’t “include” reclining beds, food being delivered to me at my seat, trying to sell me $1600 paintings in the lobby, pillows & blankets, real-restaurant food offerings at top dollar prices “at” the concession stand, Italian restaurants that I have to walk through in-order to get to my car parked outside.

Trust me here, the current Cinemarks and Muvicos with their stadium seating setups are about as far as I want my movie-going to be enhanced. Now, I’ve been wrong many times, but the bet here is, that the “fun” of a couple spending around 90 bucks for two seats, two alcoholic drinks and a couple of snacks will wear off real fast. I don’t know about you, but in my humble opinion, going to the movies–was never intended to require a person to have a second job to pay the fare…or for that matter- to have bedding so they could doze off if necessary. Now, for sure–you could go to iPic on the cheap…buying tickets but nothing else—but then why would you go there in the first place? The first two rows of $14 seats are so close to the screen that it…well, it had me almost actually reaching out and touching Ted (for those who don’t know, Ted is a talking Teddy Bear)!

Only time will tell, if I’m right or wrong on the Boca location. What I do know, is that Muvico in Boca Raton is no longer Muvico…it’s now “a” Cinemark. I think if you check, a few years ago- Muvico’s financial problems resulted in its sale to Cinemark. By the way, the guy who created iPic also created Muvico.

One final thought, iPic Boca has a grand total of 480 seats. My math says, that with so few seats… you sure got to sell a hell of a lot of food, booze, art to pay the rent etc.

Gotta run…the mailman just dropped off an envelope from Netflix.

AmericanBreakfastFast FoodSubs/Salads

Tsunami Subs & Wraps (Boynton Beach)


***** Tsunami Subs & Wraps, 309 East Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, (561) 739-8525.

Before I get going here…some “searching” came-up with info-that, one of Tsunami’s owners-Frank Merlo- is the son of Vic Merlo who back in the early 1970s along with his brother Frank owned a sub-joint named Mike’s Submarines–which they sold to a guy named Peter Cancro who then in return “grew” the business into the Jersey Mike’s Sub chain.. Now, I know that if I was Vic or brother Frank Merlo…it would have crossed my mind at least 50 times a day for the last 40 some odd years “Why didn’t we just sell that kid-Cancro a piece of the store, instead of the whole thing?” Betcha its also entered son Frank’s mind more than just a couple of times, “If only my father and uncle had just sold 50%, I’d…” Anyway…that’s what’s called a “woulda, coulda shoulda” story and like the Merlos we all got-them.

Last week- I gave Tsunami Subs & Wraps a shot… and I gotta tell you, this joint makes some really-good subs. For the record, I “did” chicken salad–meatball parm–philly cheesesteak subs…soft crusted bread, no skimping on the fillings, three sizes for cold/two sizes for hot.

As you’d expect, Tsunami has the full boat of hot and cold subs…it also has a handful of wraps and salads. You can check menu/prices at

I know that you guys would love for Jeff Eats to play the old subs-hierarchy game here…As Bush-41 use to say…”Not gonna do it”—or maybe it was Dana Carvey doing Bush 41…anyway, suffice it to say, I definitely would eat at Tsunami Subs again…like I said a few seconds ago, the joint makes really-good subs.

That’s the story here.

The joint is open 7 days a week.


***** Little Isidore & The Mighty Inquisitors *****

Posted on July 6th, 2012 · Music/Events/Other · 8 Comments »


***** Little Isidore & The Mighty Inquisitors *****

You guys- should know by now, that Jeff Eats is a huge fan of doo-wop and 1950s-1960s rock n’ roll.

Over the years, when I’ve spotted a great doo-wop/50s-60s band/act down here in South Florida…I’ve conveyed the “finding” to you.

For right now, this “column” has absolutely nothing to do with a doo-wop/50s-60s band/act working in South Florida…that said, just may-be “we’ll” get lucky and some smart South Florida booking agent will discover New York based- Little Isidore & The Mighty Inquisitors…one of the coolest, hippest, campiest–oldies groups that Jeff Eats has ever seen—and hook them up with some clubs, country clubs, bars, restaurants and theatres down here.

Rather than-trying to explain what this group is all about (assuming this type of music is your deal)—check for audio/video/info. Also check- You Tube–for some terrific video on the group.

Trust me on this one, Jeff Eats has literally seen 100s of doo-wop/60s cover/tribute bands…Little Isidore plays in a whole-other-league. When you check the video/audio on these “guys”—I think you’ll get where I’m coming from.

Like I said before, Little Isidore & The Mighty Inquisitors currently isn’t a South Florida act. Just maybe, WE can get that changed.

Fast FoodItalianPizzaSubs/Salads

Puccini’s Pizzeria (Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens, Delray Beach, Sunrise))


Puccini’s Pizzeria, 9874 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, (561) 479-4211.

Puccini’s Pizzeria…small “mom & pop” red sauce chain–there are currently 4 locations in South Florida.

This evening Jeff Eats picked up a large plain pizza from the Boca Raton joint. In a former life, this particular location was “Renzo’s Pizzeria.” The joint has a handful of tables inside and outside. You can check for menu/prices.

Like I said a few seconds ago “all” I did was pickup a large pizza. So, Jeff Eats can’t comment on the full boat of appetizers, pastas, subs, calzones, wraps and meat/chicken/seafood entrees this joint dishes out. So…I’m only going to yap about that pizza.

Now on-to the pizza…the pizza had a real nice thin delicious crunchy crust…the cheese was nice and gooey and when the slice was folded and pointed down–the requisite brown drops of oil dripped out…the only problem Jeff Eats had was that the sauce was bland and I do mean bland–actually “boring” maybe a better word…if the sauce had been sweeter, we would be “talking” about a delicious pizza–but it wasn’t, so we aren’t!

You guys remember the Strawbs’ song “So Close And Yet So Far Away”?…

Based on this “pickup”—Puccini’s wouldn’t be Jeff Eats’ pizza “to go” joint…That said, based on the crust, cheese, dripping oil—IF and it’s a big IF, Puccini’s tinkered a bit with that sauce—it has a real shot of turning that pie around.

Like I said before, Jeff Eats only tried the pizza, so I have no idea what Puccini’s other stuff is all about.

In closing, if you guys “hear” or I “hear” that a tinkering has happened, I will try Puccini’s pizza again..

That’s the story here.


Kres Chophouse (Orlando)

Posted on July 3rd, 2012 · American Orlando Seafood · 1 Comment »


***** Kres Chophouse, 17 West Church Street, Oralndo, Florida 32801, (407) 447-7950.

Got an “upscale” Orlando steak joint for you, Kres Chophouse…just so you know, you’re gonna have to “lose” the shorts/tee shirts/flip flops for this one.

Before I get going here, check menu/prices at

A couple of weeks ago, Mrs. Jeffs Eats and I did-dinner at Kres Chophouse—Caesar salad ($7), Atlantic Swordfish ($26), 18oz. ribeye ($33), truffle fries ($9), sauteed broccolini ($7)…every dish was real-good. Service was unpretentious, the joint had a nice upscale feel to it (nothing overboard), the prices were “as expected” but nothing too terrible—entrees were sideless and ordered “sides” served-two.

Let me wrap Kres Chophouse up this way for you…

Jeff Eats has eaten in his fair share of “upscale” steak joints…Most of them, weren’t worth the time-energy-money that went into the experience. That wasn’t the case for Kres Chophouse, with me and Mrs. Jeff Eats agreeing that that the “meal” all in all was pretty decent. By the way, just for fun, who do you think ordered the steak and who ordered the swordfish? Talk about a no brainer!

Look, I could play food critic…and tell you that the ribeye was good but not as good as the “ones’ I’ve had at New York Prime (Boca Raton) or Morton’s (West Palm Beach) but, was better than the one I “got” at Ruth’s Chris (Boca Raton)…but, you guys know that Jeff Eats is so much more than being some “guy” who eats and then in the darkness of night analyzes the crap out of some piece of meat. The grading system around here-a joint gets 5 stars if Jeff Eats would return for a second outing and 0 stars if he wouldn’t. Kinda simple, don’tcha think?

For those of you- not following all of this…

I liked Kres Chophouse and I would definitely go back for a second outing.

Kres Chophouse is open Monday-Friday 11am-midnight, Saturday 5pm-midnight, closed on Sunday.


***** The New Planets *****

Posted on July 1st, 2012 · Music/Events/Other · 16 Comments »


***** The New Planets *****

Yesterday afternoon Jeff Eats was one of the judges at the Seminole Hard Rock Rock ‘n’ Roll Beer-B-Que…from 2:30pm-5pm yours truly and 4 other judges tasted all kinds of bbq chicken, ribs, brisket, pork dishes—I’ll tell you guys about the results in a future “story.”

Anyway…the event was absolutely terrific…not certain as to the exact number, but I wouldn’t be surprised, to learn that 3,000 or may-be even more-were out there “partying” with all of the bbq, beer, soft drink beverages, desserts that you could stuff your face with. There was also a huge stage, featuring live djs and bands.

Now to the point…

One of the bands that I caught, was The New Planets…a Cooper City quartet, that in addition to “originals” plays everything from The Beatles to The Doors–to Journey –Cold Play- to today’s groups/artists. Good? Nope, OUTSTANDING!…One of the best cover bands I’ve ever seen. Great singers, great musicians, great stage personalities. These 4 guys are the real deal.

Check for video/audio/playlist/schedule.

The New Planets play all over South Florida…you can catch them at casinos, clubs, restaurants and other “free” venues.

Trust me on this one, The New Planets are a very very special band…don’t miss them!

BreakfastFast FoodLatin

La Perrada Del Gordo (West Palm Beach)

Posted on June 28th, 2012 · Breakfast Fast Food Latin West Palm Beach · 8 Comments »


***** La Perrada Del Gordo, 2650 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415, (561) 968-6978.

Got a “great” one for you guys…La Perrada Del Gordo–a Colombian fast-food hamburger/hot dog joint in West Palm Beach. Order at/pickup-counter. Very limited inside seating, but something like 7-8 4-tops outside. Open Sunday-Wednesday 11am-midnight, Thursday 11am-5am, Friday-Saturday 11am-6am. You can check menu/prices/tons of photos at

A few seconds ago I called La Perrada Del Gordo “great”…Let me explain–Over the past 6 years or so, Jeff Eats has been in so-many different restaurants that “keeping” them all straight in my mind is a Herculian task (like that term!). To be perfectly honest with you, one bagel joint runs into another, one Chinese joint runs into another, one pizza joint runs into another—so on and so forth. Every so often, a joint like La Perrada Del Gordo comes along–and trust me here, Jeff Eats ain’t gonna forget it…let’s be honest, how many 62 year old yeshiva buchers from Cortelyou Road in Brooklyn ever walk into- no less eat at a small South Florida Colombian fast food hamburger/hot dog joint that stays open until 6am? I submit to you, very very few.

Anyway…the other night at 12:45am, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats gave La Perrada Del Gordo a shot. The joint’s menu is kinda simple- beef/chicken burgers. hot dogs, arepas and a handful of other items. Now some of you may-be saying…”Hey Jeff Eats, what’s a Colombian hamburger?” Then again, may-be you’re not. To be perfectly honest with you, I haven’t got the foggiest “idea” of what a Colombian burger or for that matter what a Colombian hot dog “is.” What I do know, is that I and Mrs. Jeff Eats ordered a beef burger, chicken burger, hot dog and french fries…the burgers were flat-topped grilled (and at the suggestion of the guy behind the counter) were topped with mustard, ketchup, tomato, lettuce, some kind of pink sauce, some kind of pineapple sauce and potato chips…the hot dog also grilled had mustard, potato chips and some kind garlic sauce. Good? Nope, right up there with the best fast food burgers/hot dog Jeff Eats has ever eaten. Messy? Yes, messy-big time! The french fries were real good-we did them with just plain old ketchup on them.

I loved La Perrada Del Gordo…maybe, if I was from Colombia or even New Jersey it would have been no big deal…but the whole experience was a real-blast.

I highly recommend that you give this joint a shot.

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other


Posted on June 27th, 2012 · American Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 7 Comments »



Yesterday, National Geographic issued its “America’s 10 Best Burgers” list:

10. Shake Shack (New York, Florida, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C.)
9. 21 Club (NY)
8. Rare (NY)
7. Burgermeister (California)
6. Gott’s Roadside (California)
5. Burger Bar (California)
4. Lotaburger (New Mexico)
3. Big Nick’s Burgers & Pizza (New York)
2. In-N-Out-Burger (California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Utah)
1. The Apple Pan (California)

Now play along…When you “think” National Geographic are burgers the first thing that pops into your mind?—

I didn’t think so!