***** Reader Scott Mark Comes Through *****
***** Reader Scott Mark Comes Through *****
Last night-Jeff Eats got the following e-mail from long time reader Scott Mark..
From: Scott Mark
Date: May 20, 2013, 6:52:26 PM EDT
To: Devon3746@aol.com
Subject: Fort Lauderdale Great American Beach Party
Message Body:
Just wanted to let you and your readers know about an upcoming party this Saturday May 25th from 10:00 am until 10 pm. Fort Lauderdale is putting on their Great American Beach Party. From what I’m reading, they will be have two different stages that will have several different bands, from Oldies, to Classic Rock, to an 80’s tribute. They will also have a classic car show. It’s also going to have several different activities for the families…. At night, they will be showing a movie on the beach. For more information, everyone can log onto www.fort Lauderdale.gov. The site will give you much more info on getting there, where to park, etc. Also they have a full schedule of what’s going on through out the day. I hope this helps….. It sounds like a lot of fun
-This mail is sent via contact form on Jeff Eats http://jeffeats.com
I gotta tell you, Scott Mark really came through for Jeff Eats and you guys. In the “hustle and bustle” of daily life, Jeff Eats totally missed-telling you about this terrific FREE EVENT scheduled- for Saturday, May 25, 2013 from 10am-10pm—on the Fort Lauderdale Beach at A1A and Las Olas Boulevard. As Scott described, a huge event featuring all kinds of family activities, food, music. You can check www.fortlauderdale.gov for info/band schedules.
*****One real quick note…Jeff Eats checked the music schedule—in addition to featuring some of South Florida’s top tribute bands—the Great American Beach Party is going to have BOOGIE KNIGHTS- rated by many as America’s top 70’s disco tribute-act. The band will perform two shows-4:50pm and at 7:30pm. Jeff Eats has seen Boogie Knights and I gotta tell you– that this Las Vegas based arena band puts on an absolutely amazing show–that should not be missed.