
The Magical World of Bill Crane (Mardi Gras Casino-Hallandale Beach)

Posted on October 24th, 2014 · Hallandale Beach Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »


* The Magical World of Bill Crane.

Wanna see a terrific magician?
Wanna see a terrific mentalist?
Wanna see a terrific hypnotist?
Wanna see a terrific psychic?
Wanna see a terrific illusionist?

If you don’t “wanna” then we are done here.

Now on the other-hand, if you’re into magic/mentalism/hypnotism/illusion/psychic stuff- you gotta catch… The Magical World of Bill Crane, Saturday Night, November 1, 2014 at 9pm -Mardi Gras Casino in Hallandale Beach. Great news, the 60+ minute show is “on the house” and trust Jeff Eats, South Florida based-Bill Crane will have you leaving the Casino-saying, “How the hell did he do that?” For what it’s worth, I’ve seen the guy a handful of times and all Jeff Eats’ “googling” hasn’t uncovered how Crane does-what-he-does!

If you wanna go, check and for the pertinent info…

Like I said 4 seconds ago, the show is FREE (you do know that Mardi Gras Casino’s ulterior motive is to get you to PLAY, don’tcha?)…

Just between you me and the bedpost, Jeff Eats’ modus operandi–see the show, play a bit, catch a bite to eat and all is-good!

DelicatessenDessertsFast FoodItalianPizzaSeafood

Laurenzo’s Italian Center (North Miami Beach)


***** Laurenzo’s Italian Center, 16385 West Dixie Highway, North Miami Beach, Florida 33160, (305) 945-6381.

Like Perry Como, Jeff Eats gets letters, well in this case, an e-mail.

Got this one-from new reader Harry Rose…
Love the blog glad I found it
October 21, 2014 at 6:02 AM

Just stumbled on your blog and I need your help. Right now I am having trouble adjusting back to EST so I have an extra 2.5 hours each morning. Just got back from my first trip to Italy. Rome, Tuscany, Florence. While walking through Siena I came across the place below. I know it is too much to ask for a place like this in SF. But I basically had fresh meats and cheeses every day for over a week. I am already jonesing for a fix Jeff Eats where do I go?

BTW a plate of meats and cheeses with wine of course, for two, was 52 euros served on a cutting board with paper. They had no tables or place to eat you walked back out on the street and sat wherever. It was enough for four as I did not realize everyone else was getting a serving for one. I had it wrapped up and we ate it for the following two days as well.

Harry Rose:

Glad you found Jeff Eats.

Your e-mail doesn’t tell me exactly where in South Florida you live…so I’m shooting in the dark here!

That said, checkout Laurenzo’s Italian Center in North Miami Beach.

Jeff Eats’ review from 10/25/12 is reprinted below.

Nothing for nothing, but I’m thinking that- Laurenzo’s will get the job done for you. You can play Italian all-day-long in this joint…it’s sort of like Toys R Us, its got every base covered at reasonable prices!

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have been shopping/eating at Laurenzo’s for years and it has never disappointed.

Finally, if Laurenzo’s doesn’t work geographically for you…I’d suggest “looking around” Jeff Eats- there are a number of other South Florida Italian joints listed- that-will also fit the bill.

Thanks for reading.

October 25, 2012
***** Laurenzo’s Italian Center, 16385 West Dixie Highway, North Miami Beach, Florida 33160, (305) 945-6381.

Let’s call Laurenzo’s Italian Center an “Italian Specialty Supermarket”…terrific selection of fresh fruits/vegetables, wines, cheeses, pastas, fresh meat/seafood/chicken, baked goods, prepared foods. You can check for full details.

I’m gonna let you in on a-little secret, Jeff Eats loves joints like Laurenzo’s…great selection, top quality stuff, reasonable prices, hustle-bustle atmosphere. The bet here is that Laurenzo’s “must” be doing something right…its been around for something like 60 years.

Laurenzo’s also has a really-cool “cafeteria” type setup going on right in the middle of the joint…a handful of checkered oil-cloth covered tables—recently tried the joint’s brick-oven pizza, sausage & peppers sub, chicken parm sub—delicious.

Laurenzo’s Italian Center is open Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm, Sunday 9am-5pm


Russell Peters (Hard Rock Live- Hollywood)

Posted on October 22nd, 2014 · Hollywood Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Russell Peters.

Jeff Eats has seen him live.

Very-very funny guy!

Peters’ recent “stint” as a judge on this years- Last Comic Standing tv show-introduced him literally to -millions of viewers.

The bet here, a complete sellout!

You can catch tickets right now…before they go on sale to the general public…



Sweet Dewey’s BBQ (Boca Raton)

Posted on October 22nd, 2014 · American BBQ Boca Raton · 3 Comments »


* Sweet Dewey’s BBQ, 9181 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, (561) 488-9688.

Jeff Eats is practically flying blind here…

I’m hearing that sometime in mid-November, 2014 Sweet Dewey’s BBQ-a hole in the wall bbq- joint is set to open in Boca Raton. Sweet Dewey’s is owned/operated by Dwayne Hooper who in past-lives “cooked up” some real delicious food at Boca Raton’s… Polo Club, Saint Andrews Country Club and La Vieille Maison. Looks- to Jeff Eats, like Mr. Hooper is now going for the gold- with his own “shop.”

So what do we know?

1. Sweet Dewey’s BBQ is gonna be a bbq restaurant…thus the name Sweet Dewey’s BBQ.

2. Sweet Dewey’s is gonna be a hole in the wall. How do we know this? We know this-because Jeff Eats knows the exact location where the joint is being built…tiny, would be kind!

3. In 3-prior outings, Dewey’s owner, Dwayne Hooper showed that he can-cook! Jeff Eats has tasted the- Man’s food-and he can cook!

Now, what we don’t know, is whether or not Dwayne Hooper can cook/and run a restaurant all-on-his-own.

Stay tuned- these are the type of “ventures” Jeff Eats loves to follow.

Finally, just a gut call here, but Jeff Eats will bet you a quarter- that when all is said and done…Sweet Dewey’s BBQ ends up-a home run joint, turning out top notch bbq ribs, bbq chicken, wings and other stuff. Now mind you, this is just a gut call, but I’ll cover all the bets that you guys might like to lay down.

For those who may care, Jeff Eats is thinking that -decent location, decent rent, decent food, decent prices, weak to no competition within 3 miles N-E-S-W of Sweet Dewey’s location could spell “winner” for this hole in the wall joint.

Like I said, stay tuned…

AmericanFast FoodItalianPizza

4 Alarm Pizza

Posted on October 21st, 2014 · American Fast Food Italian Pizza · 1 Comment »


***** 4 Alarm Pizza.

Recently came across a real- good food truck…4 Alarm Pizza.

Now, you know and Jeff Eats knows that pizza-joints are a dime a dozen down here in sunny South Florida…for that matter, so are food trucks. With that in mind, IF I was in the “food business”- I’d want to own a restaurant/food truck which had terrific- reasonably priced food AND a hook/look to draw people “in”…well, I guess the folks behind 4 Alarm Pizza took the same- University of Food Business classes that Jeff Eats did–because, 1. they purchased and retrofitted an old-big-red-fire truck with a Baker’s Pride Gas Pizza Oven and a huge flat screen tv, 2. they baked-up delicious thin crusted/sweet sauce New York Style Pizza, 3. they priced slices and whole pies at local pizza joint prices.

Now, Jeff Eats has “done” his fair share of food truck events and I gotta tell you, that-that RED FIRE TRUCK definitely catches your-eye. Just so we are straight, I’m not saying that your “purchase” is gonna be made from 4 Alarm Pizza-but I guarantee you, that in a row- full of food trucks, you will at least give 4 Alarm Pizza’s firetruck a real-hard look and- that’s half-the-battle right there!


Delicious pizza, cool looking truck, reasonable prices…

4 Alarm Pizza works food truck events/private parties all over South Florida. You can follow/book the truck at (561) 487-5026.

By the way, 4 Alarm Pizza has a steady gig Monday-Friday 5pm-7pm- a “drop” WEST of the intersection of Palmetto Park Road/441 in Boca Raton…

One final thought, if I was the owner of 4 Alarm Pizza- I think that I would buy-me some red fireman-hats for the staff…and if I could swing it, hire a couple of good looking 25-30ish aged fire GIRLS and dress them in black shorts/white tee shirts/red suspenders/big red fireman hats to help dish the pizzas out-but that’s just me! For those of you now screaming Jeff Eats The Sexist – throw in a couple of good looking 25-30ish aged fire GUYS (same dress), if that-floats your boat!

AmericanDessertsFast Food

The Good Humor Man

Posted on October 20th, 2014 · American Desserts Fast Food · 3 Comments »


***** The Good Humor Man.

This is a real-simple “story” to tell…

Yesterday afternoon Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats were guests at a block-party in Boca Raton. Handful of food trucks, band, tables & chairs–and a 1969 Good Humor Ice Cream Truck stocked with all kinds of Good Humor Ice Cream with The Good Humor Man in a white Good Humor uniform/hat/metal change-maker handing the stuff out.

Nothing more to say, other than the Chocolate Eclair, Toasted Almond and Candy Center Crunch ice cream pops that I devoured- were absolutely delicious and for a few-seconds took me back to 811 Cortelyou Road Apt: 6M, Brooklyn, New York where I grew up as a kid in the 1950s-1960s. All I can tell you, Good Humor Ice Cream was great back then and it’s still-great today!

Let me wrap this up, The Good Humor Man works food truck/festivals/private events all over South Florida. You can follow/book “him” at–(561) 289-8169.


Jay & The Americans, Drifters, Belmonts, Chiffons, Tufano (FAU-Boca Raton)

Posted on October 19th, 2014 · Boca Raton Music/Events/Other · 3 Comments »


* Jay & The Americans, Drifters, Belmonts, Chiffons, Tufano.

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, I know my “oldies shows”…with that in mind, I just heard about-one that is coming to FAU-Carole & Barry Kaye Auditorium on Saturday Night- March 28, 2015 that should absolutely kill-it!

For the record, I’ve seen all 5-acts on the bill-and I am telling you, if you’re an Oldies-fan…you will absolutely love this show.

Now, Jeff Eats knows that 3/28/15 is 5-months away…but I’ll bet you a buck, that when-tickets go on sale at and they sell-out in one day.

Just a drop of info-for you guys, the current Jay And The Americans features three original members (Sandy, Marty, Howie), The Drifters are lead by original Drifter-Charlie Thomas, The Belmonts are fronted by original Belmont-Angelo D’Aleo, The Chiffons got original lead singer-Judy Craig upfront and Dennis Tufano was the original lead singer of The Buckinghams (by the way Dennis is a relative “newcomer” to the Oldies’ circuit–and has a tremendous voice!)…

Like I said before -trust Jeff Eats when I tell you-that when these 5-acts take to the stage you’ll swear you’re at one of Murray The K’s Brooklyn Fox 1960’s shows.

No bs-ing here, all of the acts still “got it”…and you will be be blown away by their performances.

TICKETS ARE NOT YET ON SALE…so if you wanna go to this show, you’re gonna have to keep a close eye on the two websites I gave you above. By the way, the site has a sign-up “thing” that keeps you informed as to when tickets go on sale- and about future shows-coming, so you may want to sign-up on the site.

BBQChineseDish Of The WeekFast Food

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-10/19/14- Bamboo Wok- Boca Raton)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-10/19/14- Bamboo Wok- Boca Raton)

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

Boneless Bar-B-Q Spareribs

Bamboo Wok
9181 Glades Road
Boca Raton (also Boynton Beach and Coconut Creek)
(561) 218-6003
Last Reviewed: 5/7/10

Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you that this joints’ boneless ribs are off the chart. A small order runs- $6.85 and it’s plenty big- I usually mix the boneless ribs with a quart of white rice and I’m good to go. Just so you know, Bamboo Wok is strictly a takeout joint-and definitely one of the best Chinese joints in South Florida.



Posted on October 18th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 4 Comments »



Thought you guys might like to read what Boca Life Magazine ( had to say about Jeff Eats in its July, 2014 issue…if not, my mistake!

By the way -you can read the whole article online -or the next time you are in your doctor or dentist’s waiting room…



Meet eight local bloggers at the top of the digital publishing game. These media gurus have carved out their own space on the web. They’ve branded themselves, and they’ve built audiences of loyal followers. Some of their sites make money and some don’t, but each has a unique voice that keeps bringing visitors back for more.


“I love going to places no one else has heard of – someplace where you say, ‘I’m not walking in there.’”

Jeff Richman writes the way he speaks – straightforward, to the point, in-your-face talk that immediately brands him as a New Yorker, and more specifically as a Brooklynite. This 64-year-old Boca Raton Renaissance man has gained a national following for his writing – something that was somewhat of an afterthought after his successful legal career and business ventures involving Discovery Zone, Hardee’s restaurants and the entertainment industry. His blog, Jeff Eats, attracts about 15,000 visitors a month for his “real simple” style of reviewing local “mom and pop” shops that doesn’t involve a rating system (“How can a guy say three stars versus two stars,” he says.). Richman knows that what he likes might not be what his next-door neighbor likes, but that doesn’t worry him. “I call it as I see it,” he says. If the food is comped, he’ll say that. If the burger was great, but the fries – not so much, he’ll say that. He receives weekly invitations to review restaurants from Miami to North Palm Beach. How does he narrow that list? “My focus is on the little joints,” he says. Some of his favorites: Nino’s of Boca, Barone’s La Pizzeria in Margate, Matteo’s Ristorante in Boca, Zinger’s Deli in Boca and Granger’s Grille in Delray Beach. – H.C.

AmericanBBQBreakfastChineseCubanDelicatessenDessertsFast FoodFrenchHungarianIrishItalianJapaneseLatinMediterranean/GreekMexicanPizzaSeafoodSubs/Salads

The Boys Farmers Market (Delray Beach)


***** The Boys Farmers Market.

Jeff Eats first “reviewed” The Boys Farmers Market on 5/6/2009.

That review is reprinted below.

It is now some 5 1/2 years later- and I just wanted to tell -new as well as old- Jeff Eats’ readers that I LOVE this joint-and if you live or work anywhere-near The Boys Farmers Market make it your business to shop there…trust me, you will be thrilled that you did!
May 6, 2009

***** The Boys Farmers Market, 14378 Military Trail, Delray Beach, Florida 33484 (561) 496-8123.

If you can “handle” its parking-lot…with senior citizens “backing in and backing out” non-stop…The Boys Farmers Market is an absolutely great place to shop for fruits, fresh squeezed juices, vegetables, baked goods, cheeses, wines, candies, seafood, meats, coffees and prepared chicken/seafood/meat dishes.

Just guessing here, but The Boys’ probably has something like 30,000 square feet of indoor space jammed with top quality FOOD. All the free samples that you’d like…and everything sold, runs circles around joints like Publix, Winn Dixie and Albertsons, not to mention-probably cheaper.

My family has been shopping at The Boys Farmers Market for years…and I have been amazed by two things…namely, that we have never been involved in a fender-bender in its parking lot & the great stuff that it sells.

The Boys has its own bakery, squeezes its own juices and prepares its own “take out” food. This joint is an absolute-winner. If you live in the Delray Beach area, you probably already know about The Boys…for those of you who don’t, you got to go shopping there…just be careful in the parking lot.

The Boys Farmers Market is open 7 days a week.