
Roll The Stones (The Plaza Ballroom & Event Centre- North Palm Beach)

Posted on July 2nd, 2015 · Music/Events/Other North Palm Beach · 1 Comment »

*’Roll The Stones.

Real simple tale to tell…

Roll The Stones is one of America’s premier Rolling Stones’ tribute bands…

Printed down below is Jeff Eats’ 9/9/2011 Roll The Stones’ “review”…trust Jeff Eats when I tell you -Roll The Stones absolutely kills!

Jeff Eats and Mrs.Jeff Eats are gonna catch the show…The Plaza Ballroom & Event Centre is a new “venue” for us, so Amerigo Vespucci Jeff Eats willl give you guys the skinny on the facility-after I see what’s what!



***** Roll The Stones *****
Posted on September 9th, 2011 · Music/Events/Other West Palm Beach

***** Roll The Stones *****

If you are a fan of THE ROLLING STONES–and who isn’t?…I got something that you absolutely-positively will want to take advantage of…

On September 24, 2011 from 7pm-11pm—Roll The Stones one of America’s top-rated Stones’ tribute bands will perform a FREE CONCERT at City Place, 550 South Rosemary Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. I have seen this 9-piece band in action—and I am telling you, that that are absurdly good. Don’t believe me?…Check and catch the photos/audios/videos.


Joey Dale’s Birthday Bash (Pavilion Grille- Boca Raton)

Posted on July 2nd, 2015 · American Boca Raton Music/Events/Other · 14 Comments »

* Joey Dale’s Birthday Bash.

First told you guys about this “one” on June 19, 2015- that story is reprinted down below.

Just wanted to mention that since that story first appeared, 23 of you guys wrote Jeff Eats advising that you had made reservations…I’m flattered that 8 of you actually wanted to sit with me and Mrs. Jeff Eats. For what it’s worth, I’ll be at a 10-top table with 4 other couples, but if you are really into the “stuff” I opine on, not a disgruntled restaurant owner or a terrorist- Please Make It Your Business to stop-by and say hello, etc.

Let me wrap this up, I’m kinda thinking that this Joey Dale Birthday Bash “deal” is gonna be a real fun night…



Joey Dale’s Birthday Bash (Pavilion Grille- Boca Raton)
Posted on June 19th, 2015 · American Boca Raton Music/Events/Other
* Joey Dale’s Birthday Bash.
Real simple story here…

Joey Dale fronts one of South Florida’s premier Doo Wop Groups–Joey Dale & The Gigolos.

For the past several years, Joey has been throwing himself phony baloney birthday parties- where he invites all kinds of local-music talent to attend. Some come and some don’t come! He also invites some “national” talent and like the local-guys- some show and some don’t show!

You gotta pay a few bucks- to go to the party (Hey! Jeff Eats already told you it was a phony baloney party, didn’t I?) and assuming you like Doo Wop, Oldies music- you will have an absolute blast partying with whoever-shows up!

The one “sure thing” at Joey Dale’s Birthday Bashes is that… Joey Dale & The Gigolos will perform…that alone is worth the price of admission!

This year Joey’s phony baloney birthday party is at the Pavilion Grille, 301 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, (561) 912-0000.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are going!

DealsDessertsFast Food

The Original Bomb Pop

Posted on July 2nd, 2015 · Deals Desserts Fast Food · 1 Comment »

***** The Original Bomb Pop.

Jeff Eats just picked-up 2 boxes for 5 bucks at Publix!-and yes, I know that the pops are red, white and blue- and that July 4th is a couple of days away…pure coincidence!

I don’t know about you guys, but I think that these “suckers” (pun intended) are absolutely delicious…

If I got my math right, $.20833 a pop (pun intended)!

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, buy a box or two, money well went!



4th of July 2015- All Day Independence Celebration (Royal Palm Beach Commons Park- Royal Palm Beach)

* 4th of July 2015- All Day Independence Celebration.

Somebody’s tax dollars at work…

Terrific band lineup…trust Jeff Eats, I’ve seen all 4-“tributes” and they are real-strong!



Jennell Eve & Random Play

Posted on July 1st, 2015 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »


* Jennell Eve & Random Play.

Jeff Eats is always on the look-out for a hot band that can “really” play – Rock, Pop, Blues, Country, Motown & Today’s Dance Music…

Recently caught South Florida based- Jennell Eve & Random Play and they killed! Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you, lead singer, Jennell Eve can really wail!

You can checkout the band’s audio/videos/info at

Plenty of local dates coming up this Summer:

7/3/15- Copper Blues (WPB) 8:30-12:30am

7/4/15- Downtown Stuart 4th of July (Flagler Stage) 530-8pm

7/10/15- Square Grouper 8-11pm

7/11/15- Tutto Fresco (SLW) 830-12am

7/12/15- Two Georges (Boynton) 3:30-7pm

7/17/15- Coconut Creek Casino Nectar Lounge (Coconut Creek) 8-11pm

7/18/15-Manatee Island (Fort Pierce) 8-11pm

8/7/15- Scooters (Hobe Sound) 9-1am

8/8/15- Manatee Island (Fort Pierce Inlet) 8-11pm

8/9/15- Two Georges (Boynton) 3:30-7pm

8/14/15- Coconut Creek Casino Nectar Lounge (Coconut Creek) 8-11pm

8/15/15- Double Roads (Jupiter) 9-12am

8/21/15- Square Grouper (Jupiter) 8-11pm

8/22/15_8/24/15- Private Party in Denver Colorado

8/28/15- Manatee Island (Salerno) 8:30-12:30am

8/29/15- Coconut Creek Casino Nectar Lounge (Coconut Creek) 8-11pm


Don Nicola Pizzeria (Aventura)

Posted on July 1st, 2015 · Italian Pizza · 1 Comment »

***** Don Nicola Pizzeria, 3585 Mystic Pointe Drive, Aventura, Florida 33180, (786) 916-2028.

Got something real good for you guys, Don Nicola Pizzeria located in the Mystic Pointe condominium hi-rise community in Aventura.

Not for nothing, you gotta go through a guard-house to get to the joint- but don’tcha-worry, the guards- all honor graduates of the Colonel Klink School of Security & Counter Terrorisn will let you in, just have a current driver’s license… When you go through the ‘checkpoint” the restaurant which has a handful of indoor/outdoor tables is about 100 feet straight ahead right on the Intracoastal Waterway.

As you can see from the menu down below, kinda limited- handful of gas-brick oven pizzas, salads, entrees, desserts- wine and beer.

Real simple tale…Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats absolutely loved the thin crisp -sweet sauce margherita pizza, chicken napolitana, fresco verde salad that we ordered.

Another cool thing about Don Nicolas Pizzeria- unless you live in Mystic Pointe you’re probably the only person in your “social circle” (that is-unless like you they read Jeff Eats) who has ever heard of the joint- for whatever that’s worth! Look at it this way, when you eat there- you ain’t gonna be bumping into your obnoxious next door neighbor -the one with the Doctor Diamond Nose- who constantly brags to you that her kids went to Harvard while your two geniuses- were lucky to have made it through Staten Island Community College!

You can check menu/prices at

The joint is open Tuesday-Sunday 5pm-9:30pm. closed on Monday.




Jeffrey Ross (Magic City Casino- Miami)

Posted on June 30th, 2015 · Miami Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* Jeffrey Ross.

First told you guys about “this” on 6/12/15…Jeff Eats just checked the box-office and there are a handful of good tickets left…I’m thinking that this gonna be a real fun night!

Unless you’re from Mars, Venus, Uranius- you know who Jeffrey Ross is …

Ross’ appearances- on Comedy Central’s Celebrity Roasts are legendary…

Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you- one of the funniest comedians working the circuit today. Ross can go blue or clean- and either way- have you crying from laughter.

Real simple…

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are going…and you should too!


Event Date: Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 9:00 pm
Facility: Stage 305

Tickets: $30 & $75 at
– Tickets for VIP Tables must be purchased in quantities of 4. These tickets are $75 each for a total of $300 per table. Please enter 4 in quantity box when purchasing a VIP Table.
– Purchase of a VIP Table includes a bottle of champagne.
– VIP Tables are located around the stage.
– Show will be performed at Stage 305.

Magic City Casino
450 Nw 37th Ave, Miami, FL 33125
Cross Streets: Between NW 4th St and NW 4th Ter
Neighborhoods: Flagami
(305) 649-3000
Sunday-Thursday 10am-4am
Friday-Saturday 10am-5am
About The Roastmaster
Called “an heir apparent to such old-school masters as Buddy Hackett and Rodney Dangerfield” by the New York Times, Jeffrey Ross is feared and revered for his appearances at celebrity roasts. He also stars in a stand-up DVD, Jeffrey Ross: No Offense, as well as an award-winning documentary about his time entertaining U.S. troops in Iraq, Patriot Act: A Jeffrey Ross Home Movie. Jeff divides his time between New York, Los Angeles, and the road.

A Message From The Roastmaster General
My name is Jeffrey Ross, but I am commonly known as the Roastmaster General. I’m not entirely sure how I got this title, but it has stuck and I am proud of it. Most stand-up comics are self-deprecating. I’m all-deprecating. Sure, I occasionally make fun of myself — but I specialize in making fun of others. I’m what is commonly known as an insult comic. Diss is my life.

I never planned on making fun of people for a living. It happened by accident. In fact, my whole life has been a series of happy and not-so-happy accidents that have transformed me into the black belt in busting balls that I am today. I like being known as the meanest man in comedy, but I must admit that it’s a blessing and a curse. It’s not a bad way to make a living, but every now and then somebody wants to kill me.

AmericanDessertsFast Food

Screw The Dentist!

Posted on June 29th, 2015 · American Desserts Fast Food Pompano Beach · 9 Comments »

* Screw The Dentist!

Just between you guys and Jeff Eats, sometimes you gotta live-life dangerously!

This afternoon, picked-up these 24- beauties for 24 bucks at Nuts About Candy, 2900 West Sample Road (Festival Flea Market Mall), Pompano Beach, Florida 33073, (954) 984-8908…


Here’s a reprint of Jeff Eats’ Nuts About Candy “review” from 1/1/14. Absolutely love this joint’s stuff!

Nuts About Candy (Pompano Beach)
Posted on January 1st, 2014 · American Desserts Fast Food Music/Events/Other Pompano Beach

***** Nuts About Candy, 2900 West Sample Road (Festival Flea Market), Pompano Beach, Florida 33073, (954) 984-8908.

Call me a wild and crazy guy (I know-Steve Martin), but this morning I woke-up craving some chocolate Bonomo Turkish Taffy. Sounds nuts but Jeff Eats ain’t playing you here.


After a handful of telephone calls, Jeff Eats found a joint named- Nuts About Candy located in the Festival Flea Market that had chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, blue raspberry, wild cherry and banana bars in stock. For the historians out there, Bonomo Turkish Taffy has been around since 1912 and the original flavors were chocolate, vanilla, banana and strawberry–and if Jeff Eats forgets about the cost of 6-teeth implants, is one of the greatest candies ever created.


To make a long story short, this afternoon Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats took a ride and found Nuts About Candy (Booths #3327 & 3331) at the intersection of Carnival & Bourbon Street…and I gotta tell you that this flea-market “store” in addition to Bonomo Turkish Taffy had a great selection of reasonably priced nuts/chocolates/candy/nostalgia candy. Now for the craziest part of the story (well at least to Jeff Eats it is)-is that although Nuts About Candy has been in the Festival Flea Market for something like 26 years, Jeff Eats (who has shopped at the Festival for years) had not even once-consciously noticed it…maybe subconsciously, but definitely not consciously. You gotta admit, that’s pretty crazy!

Let me wrap Nuts About Candy up (pun intended) for you…I hate this store-because by 3:30 this afternoon, Jeff Eats’ New Year’s resolution to lose 25 pounds ended as I downed huge chunks of chocolate Bonomo Turkish Taffy-at least 12 inches of button candy and something like 11 Mary Janes. Oh well, 2015 is fast approaching!

Nuts About Candy is a no-frills operation. Guess that’s how it’s able to sell its stuff at prices something like 1/2 of what competitors in the area are getting. By the way, the joint is owned by a real pleasant mother & daughter team Marilyn and Wendy–and in addition to selling packaged candy/nuts, candy/nuts by the lb.-also makes/ships some really cool candy/nuts trays and baskets.

Nuts About Candy’s website is currently down-getting a facelift…but should be up real soon so you can check-out all of its stuff/prices.

The joint is open Monday-Friday 9:30am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-6pm.


Bigun’s Bar B.Q. (Brooksville)

Posted on June 29th, 2015 · American BBQ Breakfast · 1 Comment »


***** Bigun’s Bar B.Q., 7280 Sunshine Grove Road, Brooksville, Florida 34613, (352) 596-4180.

Got a really good diner/bbq joint for you guys…Bigun’s Bar B.Q. in Brooksville.

Jeff Eats is thinking that if you’re thinking- “Deliverance” which starred Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty, Jon Voight and Ronny Cox- kinda “décor”- you’re gonna be on the right page!

So there is no misunderstanding, although the “handle” is Bigun’s Bar B.Q.- the joint in addition to smoked-bbq stuff has all kinds of breakfast items, grilled dishes, fried foods, baked dishes, sandwiches- so on and so forth!

Right up front, Jeff Eats absolutely loved Bigun’s…the food was dynamite and the folks that run the joint are as pleasant as can be.

Bigun’s is basically a breakfast & lunch diner- for good measure it does dinner on Friday.

Just so you have it straight- Bigun’s Bar B.Q.’s hours…Monday-Thursday 6am-2pm, Friday 6am-8pm, Saturday 6am-11pm, closed on Sunday.


Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats recently did lunch…beef brisket, grilled chicken breast, meatloaf, French fries, mac & cheese, collard greens, onion rings, corn bread, mashed potatoes, garlic bread -everything and I do mean everything was right on the money!


You can check menu/prices at

You! fancy folks out there, this joint ain’t gonna work for you…

Like I said a few seconds ago, Jeff Eats loved Bigun’s!


America’s Birthday Bash At Bayfront Park (Miami)

Posted on June 29th, 2015 · American Miami Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* America’s Birthday Bash At Bayfront Park.

Your tax dollars are well spent on this one…

Over the years Bayfront Park’s July 4th “events” have been huge winners!
