
FruitFlowers (Fort Lauderdale)


***** FruitFlowers, 115 Northwest 43rd Court, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309, (954) 568-7089.

Got a good story for you guys…

Today-around 5pm Jeff Eats answered the front door bell to be greeted by a delivery guy holding a magnificent sculptured fresh- fruit bouquet wrapped in cellophane. I immediately yelled to Mrs. Jeff Eats who was in the house, “Who died?”—to which she replied, “Nobody died, it’s a Hanukka present from the kids.”


You guys gotta checkout FruitFlowers ( a small company that specializes in making/delivering fresh-fruit bouquets. The bouquet we got-came out of the company’s Fort Lauderdale store which services Miami to Jupiter. For right now, there are five other locations, that cover New Jersey, New York City, Pennsylvania and Salt Lake City…hey! -I told you it was a small company, didn’t I? By the way, FruitFlowers does deliver hand dipped chocolate strawberries/raspberries/blueberries-anywhere in the United States by overnight FedEx/UPS.

Now being the inquisitive person that he is, Jeff Eats immediately tried the bouquet’s honeydew, strawberries, chocolate strawberries, grapes, kiwi, cantelope–and I have to tell you, that the fruit was delicious-fresh and as-cold as could be. I’m guessing that the refrigerated truck that the delivery guy came in -had something to do with the fresh/cold part of the story-but that’s just an educated guess.

Having survived the “initial” shock that someone might have “passed” (died)…Jeff Eats did a drop of checking on FruitFlowers.

FruitFlowers was started something like 30 years ago in Pennsylvania. For whatever reasons, it never-really developed into a huge company–thus the current 6-locations which when you think about–don’t really cover too much geography. About a year ago, Arun Sareen- a Washington, D.C. accountant/businessman acquired the company–and will soon role out a retail store/internet franchise offering–that (if all goes according to plan) should give FruitFlowers a national foot-print in a couple of years.

Now, nothing for nothing, Jeff Eats knows that there are bigger players in the fruit bouquet space…that said, the segment unlike cupcakes/yogurt/burgers isn’t overly saturated-so, if Mr. Sareen can consistently (with the operative word here being–consistently) deliver fruit like Jeff Eats-got…the man may just have a business with-legs. As they say, “The proof is in the pudding” so we’ll just have to see how this one shapes-up!

When you check you’ll find something like 100 different fruit bouquets–FruitFlowers also does vegetable bouquets…prices from the $30’s-$100’s. Unlike Obama’s–the internet system/telphone ordering systems appear to be a snap to use.

Finally, just in case you’re wondering—4 years tuition at University of Arizona, 4 years tuition at University of Connecticut, 1 year tuition at Nova University and the little rats went for a grand total of 85 bucks for all 8-days of Hanukka…you do the math!


* Goodbye Plastic Water Bottle (Sung To Elton John’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”)

Posted on December 4th, 2013 · Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* Goodbye Plastic Water Bottle (Sung To Elton John’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”)

You guys catch this story in yesterday’s “Medical Daily”?

I’ll need you guys to write the lyrics to–“Goodbye Plastic Water Bottle”…

One quick thought–imagine what New York City’s Mayor Mike Bloomberg could-do-with-this-one, IF he had another term in office!
“Migraines Linked To BPA Exposure: Plastic Cups And Bottles Increase Sound And Light Sensitivity, Startle Reflexes”

Migraines, debilitating headaches that can be so bad that they leave you bedridden, could be triggered by a chemical found in popular household products: Bisphenol A (BPA). According to a recent study published in the journal Toxicological Sciences,, BPA exposure via food packaging, plastics, and tins may increase the incidence and prevalence of migraines by causing changes in locomotion, light and sound sensitivity, grooming, and startle reflexes.

BPA is considered to be an “environmental estrogen” because it mimics the female sex hormone – estrogen – in the body. The endocrine disruptor interferes with the production, secretion, transport, action, function, and elimination of natural hormones which leads to the alteration of the structure of human cells, says Medical News Today. Over 90 percent of the U.S. population has BPA in their bodies which leads to cause for concern due to the potential health hazards associated with the chemical.

The presence of BPA in the body, especially in women, causes estrogen levels to rise and contributes to an imbalance that may lead to migraine headaches and other health problems. The Mayo Clinic says hormones estrogen and progesterone play key roles in regulating the menstrual cycle and pregnancy which may affect headache-related chemicals in the brain. While steady estrogen levels may improve headaches, an alteration in those levels can make headaches worse. Researchers now speculate BPA exposure may worsen migraine systems through estrogen mechanisms.

A team of researchers from Kansas University investigated the effects of BPA exposure on locomotion, light and sound sensitivity, grooming and startle reflexes. Ovariectomized female rats were utilized as as the test model, since their headaches are similar to those of humans – they avoid light, sound, grooming, and routine movements.

The behavior of the rats was observed prior to and after the researchers administered the BPA chemical once every three days. The rats were surgically implanted with a cranial cannula as a means to produce migraine-like symptoms. Behavioral tasks modeled after the International Headache Classification (ICHD-2) – used to diagnose migraine in humans – were performed by the rodents to observe the effects of BPA exposure. Within half an hour of the dose, the rats who were exposed to BPA were found to be less active, steered clear of loud noise and strong light, were easily frightened, and showed signs of tenderness to the head. These rodents were also found to have higher levels of estrogen in their brains compared to their non-BPA counterparts. The estrogen was linked to significantly worsening their migraine symptoms.

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“Currently, migraine has no specific biomarker test, and analysis of symptoms is the only way to diagnose this disorder,” said Dr. Nancy Berman, a professor of anatomy and cell biology at KU Medical Center, and lead author on the study, in a news release. In this research project, Berman built on her own previous research which showed a connection between migraines and estrogen. Berman’s goal is to uncover better diagnostic tools to identify and treat migraines. “These findings combined with our results suggest that a clinical trial to decrease BPA exposure and levels in migraine sufferers…may reduce headache frequency and/or severity, revealing strategies that may increase the quality of life of migraines,” wrote the researchers in their report. Migraine sufferers may benefit from a change in their diet.

In a similar study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in 2011, researchers found using a “fresh foods” dietary intervention significantly decreased urinary BPA by 66 percent in participants just after three days. The fresh food diet consisted of organic meals with no canned food and minimal plastic packaging, and food stored in glass and stainless steel containers. However, when the volunteers returned to their conventional diets, their BPA levels increased back to pre-interventional levels. The findings of this study suggest modifications in diet could significantly decrease BPA levels and its health hazards such as migraines.

In the U.S., about 18 percent of American women and six percent of men suffer from migraines, says the Migraine Research Foundation. Migraine patients typically experience a throbbing pain on one side of their head and feel depressed, cranky, restless, or nervous. For ways to alleviate migraines, click here.

Sources: Berman NEJ, Gregory E, McCarson KE et al. Exposure to Bisphenol A Exacerbates Migraine-Like Behaviors in a Multibehavior Model of Rat Migraine. Toxiocological Sciences. 2013.

Akerman JM, Brody JE, Dodson RE, et al. Food Packaging and Bisphenol A and Bis(2-Ethyhexyl) Phthalate Exposure: Findings from a Dietary Intervention. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2011.



Bruce’s Of Great Neck (Boca Raton)




***** Bruce’s Of Great Neck, 19575 South State Road 7, Boca Raton, Florida 33498, (561) 483-2331.

Here’s a heads up for you guys…

From 1970-2012 a guy named Bruce Zipes owned/operated a series of bakery/deli restaurants in Long Island and New York City under the name Bruce’s Bakery & Restaurant…talk about-terrific cakes, cookies, pastries, bagels, breads…


Jeff Eats has absolutely no idea as to why the last NY-Bruce’s closed in February 2012…what I do know, is that about four months ago, Bruce Zipes (“Bruce”) bought the Mitch’s Westside Bagels Too (reviewed 2/9/09) Boca Raton store, renaming it Bruce’s Of Great Neck. Like Mitch’s, Bruce’s Of Great Neck does breakfast/lunch 7 days a week–open 7am-3pm.

Just so we are straight, 1991 was the last time that Jeff Eats “ate” stuff from Bruce’s New York outposts. For the purposes of this column, I’m gonna assume that Mr. Zipes still knows how to bake- but then again back in ’91 Jeff Eats had a 33 inch waist and wore a 15-31 shirt.

To make a long story short, yesterday I stopped by Bruce’s Of Great Neck around 3pm just as the store was closing for the day. My sole purchase was a bakers dozen of bagels—and I gotta tell you, that the everything/garlic/onion/pumpernickle/whole wheat were -really good…I will also tell you, that Bruce’s display cases were filled with great looking cookies, cakes, pastries, rolls.

For those of you-not familiar with Bruce’s New York business–it was an extremely popular bakery/New York kosher-style deli. For the record, Jeff Eats “knows” about the baked goods–but never ate in any of the restaurants. Just so you know, Bruce’s was “famous” for its complimentry bread basket which had all kinds of rolls and pastries-that was served in the restaurant…now, not to get all nostalgic or nothing, but “think” Wolfie Cohen’s Rascal House in Sunny Isles Beach–Senior’s Restaurant in Brooklyn–Junior’s Restaurant in Brooklyn–Cooky’s Restaurant in Brooklyn and you’ll appreciate why Bruce’s had a huge New York following.

The big question: Is Zipes’ plan to make Bruce’s Of Great Neck “like” Bruce’s Bakery & Restaurant namely 1/2 bakery–1/2 deli…or is the plan to keep the “generic” bagel formula that Westside had?

Let’s wrap this one up…first, if you are confused by all of the Bruce’s here, me too!- second, you guys now know about Bruce’s Of Great Neck a new “?” in Boca Raton.

Jeff Eats has Bruce’s on his “try” list. I’ll keep you guys posted as to what’s what!

***** UPDATE: April 9, 2014…

This morning, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats finally got a chance to “get over” to Bruce’s for breakfast.

Real simple order… western omelet/home fries/toasted-everything bagel and an American cheese omelet/home fries/toasted onion bagel–all A-OK! When we sat down, the waitress delivered a complimentary plate of “baked goods” samples–which was a real nice touch. When leaving, we purchased a chocolate babka and I gotta tell you, the babka was off the chart–absolutely delicious. We also “took home” 1-lb. of chicken salad, 1-lb. of tuna salad -really good stuff. On prices/service–South Florida bagel store-norm. One strange thing, we also took home a mixed dozen-bagels and I gotta tell you these “13” weren’t as good as the bagels we had gotten back in December. Now nothing for nothing, they weren’t terrible or anything like that- but I can name right off the top of my head 11 Boca Raton-Delray Beach bagel joints that make better ones. Sorry, but I can’t explain why the “batches” were different. Hopefully, Bruce’s will figure this-puzzle out.

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, Bruce’s Of Great Neck is a real good (that’s assuming the bagel “puzzle” is figured out) bagel-deli!

You can check menu/prices at

Bruce’s is open 7 days a week 7am-3pm.


Fork & Knife (Boca Raton)

Posted on November 28th, 2013 · American Boca Raton · 10 Comments »


***** Fork & Knife, 99 Southeast Mizner Boulevard, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 405-6542.

Way-back on November 24th- Jeff Eats did a “story” on Fork & Knife…that story is reprinted below.

Here is an update for you guys…

Last night, Jeff Eats & Company (Mrs. Jeff Eats, Son Jeff Eats, Daughter Jeff Eats–everyone is home for Thanksgiving) ate dinner at Fork & Knife…

Let me start by saying, that Fork & Knife is a great looking restaurant. When you are there, you can’t help but notice the huge black/white photos of iconic American restaurants that decorate the walls. Last night, Lee Tushman the owner explained that the photos represented various regions/food styles in the United States— Carneige Deli (NYC-), Wolfie’s (Miami Beach), Roscoe’s House of Chicken & Waffles (Los Angeles), The Varsity (Atlanta)–there are several others and I’ll leave Mr. Tushman to give you book, chapter and verse as to what they all “mean.” Fork & Knife also has something real cool–a communal table, which seats up to 12 “strangers” if they would like to meet/eat with, well-total other strangers! Lee Tushman is an interesting guy and a realist to boot-“Look I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel, I’m just doing good solid food at reasonable prices.” When you try Fork & Knife, I think you’ll enjoy talking to Tushman and his managers. Unless I’m reading this all wrong, these guys-are trying to create a “Cheers” type-deal, you do remember that tv show don’tcha? I say this, based on having watched how Tushman and two floor managers greeted and engaged every person at the bar-tables-booths.


Items ordered…chopped salad, wedge salad, fried chicken and waffles, cheeseburger, hot dogs, chicken pot pie, french fries, sweet potato fries, french green beans–and I gotta tell you everything was right on the money. Are we talking food “like” Jeff Eats has never ever had before, nope!–but like I just said, right on the money. A special shout-out to Detroit born/bred Tushman’s “Detroit” hot dog–not exactly like the Sabretts, Hebrew Nationals, Nathans that I grew up with in Brooklyn. Fork & Knife’s version is 1/2 pork-1/2 beef in a natural casing–grilled and topped with chopped onions/mustard/chili on a steamed bun…tastes more like a sausage than a “frank” and it was absolutely dynamite-Fork & Knife serves 2-for 10 bucks and they come with a side of hand cut fresh french fries–don’t miss this one!

Jeff Eats just told you about the items that were ordered…after eating—the waiter delivered COMPLIMENTRY desserts…ice cream puffs, fried wonton apple fritters topped with cinnamon ice cream, Smore’s lollipops and crème brulee. On the dessert front–the verdict was unanimous (very rare in the Eats’ household) puffs, fritters and Smore’s delicious with the brulee a drop too sweet.

For those of you guys who are now saying…Hey Jeff, the desserts were complementary blah blah blah.–I say, first-you don’t know how to spell complimentry and “No one told you not to have a food blog.”

Let me wrap this up this way…

I really enjoyed Fork & Knife…solid food, pleasant service, figure 25 bucks a head for dinner.

You can check for menu/prices/hours/other stuff.

American* Fork & Knife (Boca Raton)
Posted on November 24th, 2013 · American Boca Raton · 12 Comments »
* Fork & Knife, 99 Southeast Mizner Boulevard, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 405-6542.

Let’s play a-little game… “How smart is Jeff Eats?”

This morning, a new American-Style joint Fork & Knife- opened in Boca Raton…

Jeff Eats is very familar with the 6,000 square-foot spot which Fork & Knife now occupies…as it has housed- God Only Knows how many failed restaurants.

Now for the game…Jeff Eats is willing to bet you a buck (I know, real big bet!) that Fork & Knife becomes a huge success. If you want to play, mail a buck or as many bucks that you want -to Post Office Box: I Got You, Boca Raton, Florida 33496…and yes I know that Soupy Sales first thought up this idea way back in the 1960s.


This afternoon, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats paid Fork & Knife a visit. We didn’t eat. What we did, was tour the restaurant with one of the owners- Lee Tushman–review its menu and “discuss” his background, plans and goals for this endeavor. Now I maybe going out on a limb here, because I know that you guys are gonna be sending a ton of one-dollar bills…but based on my outing, I really think that Tushman and his partner Scott Niskar- know exactly how to create and run a successful restaurant.

Now let me tell you what Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats saw…Fork & Knife is a retro- throwback to the diners of the 1950s. The joint which has both indoor/outdoor patio seating (with a separate full-bar area) is an absolutely great looking restaurant. If Jeff Eats was even slightly computer literate, I’d have some photos for you to checkout, but I’m not, so you don’t. Trust me, this is one of the handsomest-coolest looking restaurants that I’ve seen in quite sometime. Just so you know, it isn’t faux black and white tiles with red leather stools and booths—think Houston’s, Cheesecake Factory, Morton’s but with a cool 50s vibe.

Now. let me tell you what Jeff Eats heard/read…the reasonably priced breakfast/lunch/dinner menu is jammed with stuff like burgers, hot dogs, mac & cheese, fried chicken & waffles–I do believe that many people call this “comfort food”…if Jeff Eats is wrong on that definition–so be it, but this type of food is sure comforting to me. Tushman and Niskar are planning on running a real family oriented/casual joint–so get your shorts/tee shirt ensemble ready to go.

Like I said at the top of this rant…the joint opened today for business. Its website is still under construction, but according to the owners should be fully operational tomorrow…so you can check menu/prices/photos, I guess- tomorrow.

Call it more than a gut feeling…but Jeff Eats’ bet is that 99 Southeast Mizner Boulevard has finally got itself a keeper.

Jeff Eats plans on trying Fork & Knife sometime in the 30 days or so. If you get there before I do, give me the skinny on your meal.

Finally, Fork & Knife recently put out a PR piece on its business. It’s printed below…it will give you a drop more color on the restaurant.

By the way to show you Jeff Eats’ “doubters” how smart Jeff Eats is…I’ll also go on record that Fork & Knife’s currently planned 7-days a week breakfast..will be quickly scrapped for a Saturday & Sunday only schedule. Real simple, the area’s population mix isn’t right for a 7 day operation.

Looking forward to receiving your dollars…no checks please!


J&J Seafood Bar and Grill (Delray Beach)

Posted on November 26th, 2013 · American Delray Beach Seafood · No Comments »


***** J&J Seafood Bar and Grill, 634 East Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483, (561) 272-3390.

Got a real good- reasonably priced seafood joint for you…J&J Seafood Bar and Grill in Delray Beach.

Absolutely positively nothing fancy going on here–just delicious seafood.

Your tee shirt/shorts ensemble will definitely work here—there is indoor/street patio seating.

Just so you know–the non-seafood guys in your party are gonna survive…a burger, bbq ribs, a chicken breast here and there, a salad or two.

You can check menu/prices/photos at

A recent outing netted (yes, pun intended!) Jeff Eats…seafood chowder, seafood mac n cheese, lobster fra diablo, blackened mahi mahi, crab cakes, cheeseburger–and everything was A-OK. Mrs. Jeff Eats said to tell you guys, that you-should definitely get the seafood mac n cheese appetizer which was loaded with lobster/shrimp/scallops.

J&J Seafood Bar and Grill is open Tuesday-Saturday for lunch and dinner, closed on Sunday-Monday.


* Fork & Knife (Boca Raton)

Posted on November 24th, 2013 · American Boca Raton · 14 Comments »

* Fork & Knife, 99 Southeast Mizner Boulevard, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 405-6542.

Let’s play a-little game… “How smart is Jeff Eats?”

This morning, a new American-Style joint Fork & Knife- opened in Boca Raton…

Jeff Eats is very familar with the 6,000 square-foot spot which Fork & Knife now occupies…as it has housed- God Only Knows how many failed restaurants.

Now for the game…Jeff Eats is willing to bet you a buck (I know, real big bet!) that Fork & Knife becomes a huge success. If you want to play, mail a buck or as many bucks that you want -to Post Office Box: I Got You, Boca Raton, Florida 33496…and yes I know that Soupy Sales first thought up this idea way back in the 1960s.


This afternoon, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats paid Fork & Knife a visit. We didn’t eat. What we did, was tour the restaurant with one of the owners- Lee Tushman–review its menu and “discuss” his background, plans and goals for this endeavor. Now I maybe going out on a limb here, because I know that you guys are gonna be sending a ton of one-dollar bills…but based on my outing, I really think that Tushman and his partner Scott Niskar- know exactly how to create and run a successful restaurant.

Now let me tell you what Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats saw…Fork & Knife is a retro- throwback to the diners of the 1950s. The joint which has both indoor/outdoor patio seating (with a separate full-bar area) is an absolutely great looking restaurant. If Jeff Eats was even slightly computer literate, I’d have some photos for you to checkout, but I’m not, so you don’t. Trust me, this is one of the handsomest-coolest looking restaurants that I’ve seen in quite sometime. Just so you know, it isn’t faux black and white tiles with red leather stools and booths—think Houston’s, Cheesecake Factory, Morton’s but with a cool 50s vibe.

Now. let me tell you what Jeff Eats heard/read…the reasonably priced breakfast/lunch/dinner menu is jammed with stuff like burgers, hot dogs, mac & cheese, fried chicken & waffles–I do believe that many people call this “comfort food”…if Jeff Eats is wrong on that definition–so be it, but this type of food is sure comforting to me. Tushman and Niskar are planning on running a real family oriented/casual joint–so get your shorts/tee shirt ensemble ready to go.

Like I said at the top of this rant…the joint opened today for business. Its website is still under construction, but according to the owners should be fully operational tomorrow…so you can check menu/prices/photos, I guess- tomorrow.

Call it more than a gut feeling…but Jeff Eats’ bet is that 99 Southeast Mizner Boulevard has finally got itself a keeper.

Jeff Eats plans on trying Fork & Knife sometime in the 30 days or so. If you get there before I do, give me the skinny on your meal.

Finally, Fork & Knife recently put out a PR piece on its business. It’s printed below…it will give you a drop more color on the restaurant.

By the way to show you Jeff Eats’ “doubters” how smart Jeff Eats is…I’ll also go on record that Fork & Knife’s currently planned 7-days a week breakfast..will be quickly scrapped for a Saturday & Sunday only schedule. Real simple, the area’s population mix isn’t right for a 7 day operation.

Looking forward to receiving your dollars…no checks please!

BOCA RATON, Fla., Nov. 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Launching in Boca Raton this November, Fork & Knife restaurant has appointed award-winning brand communications firm The Gab Group as agency of record. Founded by Lee Tushman and Scott Niskar, Fork & Knife will serve modern comfort food in an upscale-casual atmosphere with friendly, sincere and professional service. Through public relations, marketing, design and social media, The Gab Group will promote Fork & Knife as the area’s go-to spot for creative comfort food for breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. The agency will also position Fork & Knife’s Happy Hour as the best in East Boca.
“Fork & Knife is the future of old school,” says Michelle Soudry, Founder of The Gab Group. “This concept is so unique, affordable and fun, we know guests will want to dine here again and again.”
The Fork & Knife menu draws inspiration from American grilles, coffee shops and New York City diners; the owners’ roots in Michigan; and classic comfort foods. With Executive Chef Herbert Mlcak, Fork & Knife puts a modern twist on these classics, with fresh ingredients and creative presentations. Signature dishes include Detroit Coney Dogs, Turkey Meatloaf Cupcakes, The F&K Burger and Chicken & Waffles. Guests may customize their meals with side dishes and other options.
Under the direction of Bar Manager and Head Bartender Scott Heimke, the beverage program comprises refreshing cocktails and full beer and wine lists. Guests will enjoy booth or table seating in the dining room, a community table, alfresco tables and couches, and the indoor/outdoor bar. Valet, garage parking and take-out will be available.
Fork & Knife is located at 99 S.E. Mizner Blvd., #110, Boca Raton, south of the Bank of America building, near Royal Palm Place. For more information, call 561.405.6542 or visit
About The Gab Group
Founded in 2004 by PR Visionary Michelle Soudry, The Gab Group is recognized for award-winning brand communications specializing in local and national hospitality, celebrity and luxury lifestyle accounts. Consistently ranked in the Top 25 PR Agencies in South Florida by the South Florida Business Journal, the agency’s broad scope of services includes brand-focused PR, strategic marketing, hospitality consulting services, and exceptional special events. For more information, visit or
SOURCE The Gab Group


* Restaurant Impossible

Posted on November 23rd, 2013 · Music/Events/Other · 7 Comments »

* Restaurant Impossible

Have you guys every seen this tv-show Restaurant Impossible which is on the Food Network
( Real believable show…this guy shows up each week at some rundown/almost bust restaurant and has 48 hours and $10,000 to spend on construction/decor with the goal of turning the restaurant around. At the end of the show-(48 hours after he gets there) there is a Grand Re-Opening..

Now nothing for nothing, not once have I ever seen this guy or his crew get a “permit” from a City, Town, or State…between you and me, I’ve dealt with all kinds of contractors and there is absolutely positively no way that what this guy claims to do–could actually be done in real life. Anyway…according to the Food Network this show has a huge viewership.

Now unless Jeff Eats has missed something here- like the show is actually on the Sci Fi Network…I think that the show’s producer should have a disclaimer across the screen that this is a tv show and is make believe? What do you think?

While Jeff Eats is on the subject of disclaimers, I kinda think that when President Obama talks about Obama Care the same sort of disclaimer should be aired. Yesterday, to make a long story short–I got a notice from my health care insurance company that advised that the $625 monthly policy President Obama said I could keep-if I wanted to, will be discontinued on December 31, 2015 and that an enhanced policy would be substituted at the cost of $1,255.67 per month.

Restaurant Impossible is I think fiction–unfortunately this Obama Care is for real.

To wrap things up here, every so often one of these “reality tv” shows is actually real…for example, the Food Network also has a show called Carnival Food, Cooking Live—with the premise where three judges go to carnivals and four contestants cook-up their best selling fried foods and the judges pick the best of the litter. Now–this show has definitely got to be real…because each and every time Jeff Eats has watched an episode, my face has broken out during the show–requiring the use of Clearasil to get things back to normal.

Thanks for reading,


Farmer’s Table (Boca Raton)

Posted on November 22nd, 2013 · American Boca Raton Breakfast Music/Events/Other · 27 Comments »


* Farmer’s Table, 1901 North Military Trail, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, (561) 417-5836.

Got something that you guys might-want to checkout…

Farmer’s Table-a spanking-brand new breakfast-lunch-dinner “healthy” restaurant that is set to open in Boca Raton on November 27, 2013.

Now nothing for nothing, the term “healthy” is a very subjective word–so I’m gonna let you read a PR piece which Jeff Eats recently received on the restaurant…hopefully, you’ll get some idea as to what Farmer’s concept is all about. You can also check for menu/prices to further enlighten you on what Farmer’s Table plans on cooking (pun intended) up for its patrons.

Just so you know, Jeff Eats plans on trying this joint sometime in the next 30 days, so if you get there before I do, write me and give me the skinny. By the way, Jeff Eats’ plan for “testing” Farmer’s Table includes having Mrs. Jeff Eats and Daughter Jeff Eats on premises–as they are huge fans of “healthy” cooking/foods (whatever that constitutes)–and will guide me in- writing a fair and accurate review for you, my beloved readers.

Before you get to that PR piece, Farmer’s Table is owned/operated by Boca Raton resident–Michael Robbins who if you do some “googling”- “binging” – “yahooing” has quite a diversified business background in real estate development, motion picture production, hotel ownership/operations. Just call it a hunch, but Mr. Robbins’ (who is also heavy-into philanthropic endeavors) latest business venture may-be more about “YOU” eating, good-fresh-healthy “prepared” food than- his making a boatload of money.

Anyway…here’s that PR piece-

Farmer’s Table, Boca Raton’s Largest Health-Focused Restaurant, Taps The Gab Group As Agency Of Record

BOCA RATON, Fla., Nov. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Wyndham Boca Raton Hotel Owner Mitchell Robbins and Chef Joey Giannuzzi, co-founders of Farmer’s Table restaurant, have appointed award-winning brand communications firm The Gab Group as agency of record. Through public relations, marketing, branding, social media and web design, The Gab Group will promote Farmer’s Table as the healthy and affordable dining destination that the local market has long awaited.

Opening November, Farmer’s Table will serve nutritious and flavorful cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with natural cocktails. Dishes center on fresh, whole, seasonal ingredients, devoid of excess salt, fat, processing, toxins and all the other extras you don’t want. The restaurant doesn’t have a deep fat fryer or microwave. The menu accommodates diets like gluten free, Paleo and vegetarian. Wilson Wieggel serves as executive chef.

Featuring a warm, earthy ambiance, Farmer’s Table offers 200 seats, including alfresco and private dining. Robbins and Giannuzzi will host events and educational activities to establish the restaurant as a wellness hub in the community.

“Finally, Boca will have a place to go for healthy food that’s delicious and approachable for the whole family,” Robbins says. “Combined with the new wellness offerings at the Wyndham, like yoga classes and TrendTea lounge, Farmer’s Table is poised to be a true community gathering place.”

Farmer’s Table Cafe will offer quick, healthy meals to go. Customers can avail themselves of ample parking and opt for daily premade or made-to-order health-centered dishes.

Farmer’s Table is now accepting reservations for Wednesday, Nov. 27 and beyond. Farmer’s Table is located at 1901 N. Military Trail, Boca Raton, adjacent to the Wyndham Hotel. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Farmer’s Table Cafe is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. For reservations or more information, please call 561.417.5836 or visit

About The Gab Group
Founded in 2004 by PR Visionary Michelle Soudry, The Gab Group is an award-winning brand communications agency specializing in local and national restaurant, hospitality, celebrity and luxury lifestyle accounts. Proudly ranked “Top 18 PR/Marketing Agencies in South Florida by the South Florida Business Journal. For more information, visit


Meatball Room (Boca Raton)

Posted on November 20th, 2013 · Boca Raton Desserts Italian Pizza · 62 Comments »


***** Meatball Room, 3011 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, (561) 409-4111.

Last night…

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats attended a “media dinner” at- Meatball Room, an Italian restaurant which opened six days ago in Boca Raton…based on last night’s food/service/décor/vibe, the joint has a real shot of developing an absolutely huge following.

Just so we are straight, the Eats’ meals/beverages and those of 30 others were comped…

For background…

As far as Jeff Eats could tell, the dinner was populated with some of South Florida’s best known- food bloggers and magazine/newspaper food critics/writers. Nothing for nothing, I’ll bet you a buck, that on Thursday, November 28th the Sun Sentinel runs a story on Meatball Room. Talk about thorough!–its reporter had more paper notes than Eisenhower had for the entire D-Day Invasion.

Anyway…let me tell you what “we-all” (this is the South, after-all!) got to try—baked clams, anaheim pepper, kale salad, beets salad, chopped salad, classic (veal/pork/beef) meatballs, turkey meatballs, taco (beef/pork/ground tortilla chips) meatballs, rigatoni bolognese, calamari fra diavolo, cheese pizza, harvest (apples/carmalized onions/mozzarella/goat cheese) pizza, chicken castronovo (breaded chicken breast/asparagus/fontina cheese/mushroom demi sauce), veal parmigiana—and let me tell you, every-thing was delicious. Now for sure, some items were stronger than others, but not one single dish was shall we say-even close to being lousy. For those of you who need a pecking order…as George H. W. Bush would say, “Can’t do it! Not gonna do it! (or was it Dana Carvey?)–trust me it was all good-(ok, you win-the cheese pizza, taco meatballs and chicken castronovo were off-the-chart).

Now for the outrageous kicker…

Meatball Room has a huge dessert menu that includes– ice cream sundaes, milkshakes, ice cream sandwiches/cones, cakes, zeppoles. cannolis, pastries. Us media folks got to try sundaes, cannolis, chocolate layer cake, carrot cake, New York Style cheesecake–Talk about a diabetic’s worst nightmare! I’m telling you, the attendees flipped out when those sundaes were served in gigantic glass goblets. Real cool-all baked goods are made in-house!

You guys know, that it’s not Jeff Eats’ style- to go on and on and on…about how stuff is made and the fine details of a meal—all I’m telling you, is comped or no comped, Meatball Room is making some really terrific stuff.

Let me close by saying, that back on October 23, 2013 Jeff Eats’ did a story on “pre-opened” Meatball Room and the shopping center it’s in. That story is reprinted below -for you guys who enjoy reading 30-day old Jeff Eats’ articles.

You can check menu/prices/photos/other stuff at

Meatball Room is open 7 days a week from 11am-midnight.

Meatball Room (Boca Raton)
Posted on October 23rd, 2013 · Boca Raton Desserts Italian Pizza ·
* Meatball Room (Boca Raton)

Jeff Eats isn’t sure on this…but I think- you guys know that I “reside” in Boca Raton…with that in mind, at least once or twice a week I’m in The Regency Court (3011 Yamato Road, Boca Raton) shopping center which is like 97 seconds from my home.

Anyway…over the past 10 years or so, four different restaurants have occupied a particular 6,000 square foot- space in the center. If you do the math—that means that on average, a joint lasted about 30 months in the spot—not exactly sure, but I think the last guy maybe was there 9 months and the guy before him 6 months, but who’s counting! The point of this “rambling”—the word longevity doesn’t come to Jeff Eats’ mind when he thinks of this particular spot and its past tenants. By the way, the first tenant and second tenant were “American Style” restaurants and the last two were Italian. To rough this out a drop more, the American Style joints had decent enough food/service and the Italian ones-had horrendous food/service. Jeff Eats can surmise why the Italian guys closed- but the “American Style” failures are open to conjecture—the best guess here, is that the rents were obscenely high, but that’s just an educated guess based on heresay.

Anyway…the other day Jeff Eats received an e-mail press release from an Italian restaurant named Meatball Room…who for right now- we’re gonna call “Guy #5″ with a Grand Opening tentatively scheduled for the first week of November…that pr- piece is printed below for your review.

To make what has now turned into an absurd- long story shorter…this evening Jeff Eats just happened (wink wink!) to walk by the Meatball Room which is in the final stages of construction and watched from the “outside” the training of its new staff…Two of Meatball’s owners, John and Louie seeing Jeff Eats’ nose pressed against the window, invited me in…and I gotta tell you, that after a 32 minute conversation with them, I really-think that Meatball Room has a shot of being a huge success. The reason I “say” this…both John and Louie have “tons” of experience both in the front/back of the house–The menu they showed me, had a great selection of reasonably priced Italian stuff and the decor–which resembles an upscale sports-bar with loads of flat screen tvs (do they still make fat screen tvs?) and an out-door dining patio is perfect for the neighborhood-family crowd that populates the immediate area. Finally…Louie insisted that I try the wood fired margherita pizza that he was “testing” on the new-staff…not wanting to be insulting, Jeff Eats had two slices and I gotta tell you, that the wood fired pizza- thin/crisp/sweet sauce was absolutely dynamite. Can’t speak for anyone else, but I think that my buddies over at blog- Worst Pizza are gonna love this pizza, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Now nothing for nothing…Jeff Eats knows that 2 slices of test pizza don’t make or for that matter-break a restaurant—who knows, the rest of the food could be garbage and the service stinks—or maybe the rent is a killer…What I do know, is that Jeff Eats has been around a ton of restaurants and the gut-call is that Louie and John (not sure if there are other partners or not) are gonna pull this one off.

As they say in Uganda—Only time will tell!

By the way, you can check menu/prices at

Take a look at the pr piece…and Jeff Eats will update you guys after eating a “real” meal there.

MEATBALL ROOM, HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED AUTHENTIC TUSCAN ITALIAN RESTAURANT, TO OPEN IN BOCA RATON MID-OCTOBER, Located in The Regency Court, adjacent to Woodfield Country Club, the restaurant features authentic fare, artisan cocktails, designer desserts and mu
By Simply the Best PR
BOCA RATON, Fla., Oct. 7, 2013 — /PRNewswire/ — Meatball Room (, the highly-anticipated, newly designed Tuscan Italian restaurant, announced today they have retained Simply the Best PR ( as its Public Relations firm of record.
Meatball Room’s extensive menu is highlighted by 12 different meatballs made fresh daily, ranging from classic Italian, to brisket, salmon, Reuben, eggplant, turkey, chicken, vegetarian and much more.
Executive Chef Louie, who recently moved back to Florida from Las Vegas after serving as Executive Chef at The Sugar Factory American Brasserie, the highly-acclaimed 30,000 square foot restaurant at The Paris Hotel, is in charge of all aspects of the kitchen at Meatball Room. His authentic Tuscan-inspired signature dishes include homemade pastas and unique sauces, wood burning pizza oven, Pollo, Veal, Pesce, Melanzane, Ravioli and much more.
Meatball Room features:
•Lunch and dinner daily
•Sunday brunch
•Wood burning pizza oven and open kitchen
•Indoor and outdoor patio seating
•Indoor/outdoor bar
•Cocktail lounge
•Champagne ladies night
•Private parties
•And more
With the debut of Meatball Room, Boca Raton has a new choice for genuine Italian cuisine that is Tuscan at heart, but reflects modern tastes and lightness. A full bar with a carefully selected wine list, hand-made cocktails and a daily happy hour featuring bar bites and drink specials will be featured.
The Dessert Menu is extensive and is unlike any dessert menu seen in South Florida. Mouth-watering highlights include a wide array of homemade ice cream sundaes, cheesecakes, tiramisu, numerous milkshakes, innovative ice cream sandwiches, delicious cakes, a Whoopie Pie Tower, and so many other choices.
The restaurant is 5,500 square feet, seats 260 both inside and on the outside covered patio, features a wood burning pizza oven, open kitchen, LED lighting throughout, plasma televisions at the bars and private party room.
“Our publicity will include a series of grand opening events to introduce the restaurant as a place to enjoy genuinely delicious Italian dishes and exciting drinks in a comfortable, relaxed yet beautiful atmosphere,” states Kim Morgan, President of Simply the Best PR. “We are particularly excited to promote Executive Chef Louie to the media to showcase his extensive and impressive experience in Tuscan fare and exciting desserts.”
Meatball Room The Regency Court 3011 Yamato Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 561-409-4111
Contact: Kim Morgan Simply the Best Public Relations (954) 261-2149
Read more here:


Flashback Diner (Boca Raton, Davie, Hallandale Beach)

Posted on November 19th, 2013 · American Boca Raton Davie Hallandale Beach · 27 Comments »

image Boca Raton

***** Flashback Diner, 220 South Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009, (954) 454-8300.

Nothing for nothing…

Every day, something like 22 times Jeff Eats gets asked–“How come Florida doesn’t have 24 hour diners like there are in New York and New Jsersey?”…and something like 22 times a day, I reply–“Well, we sure got plenty of Greeks living down here in South Florida, so maybe its-got something to do with–maybe the local population isn’t big enough to support 24-hour diners, but that’s just a guess, I’m not really sure.”

Anyway…you guys do know what-an exception to the rule is? Sure you do!

Let me start by saying that on March 3, 2008 I told you guys about Lester’s Diner in Fort Lauderdale–so there’s “one” exception for you.

Now, let me tell you about -Flashback Diner which currently has outposts in Hallandale Beach and Davie which are also exceptions to the rule. Just so you know, a third Flashback Diner is set to open in Boca Raton in mid-December 2013,

At this stage of the game, you can check menu/prices/locations/photos/other stuff at

Now just so we are straight, Jeff Eats has a review (1/23/2009) for a Flashback Diner in Jupiter…different owner and story than the Boca Raton/Davie/Hallandale Beach gigs.

Now if you are still following me…

Jeff Eats has eaten exactly three times in the Flashback in Hallandale Beach–I have not eaten in the Davie restaurant. For those of you into “fine details” I did a breakfast, lunch and dinner and on my honor-can attest that the Flashback Diner will have you believing that you are in the El Greco Diner in Brooklyn, or the Blue Bay Diner in Bayside, or the Plaza Diner in Fort Lee, or the “You Fill In The Name” Diner in “You Fill In The Town”—–that said, for the record, it doesn’t hurt to squint your eyes just a drop when eating at the Flashback Diner to make your “outing” a drop more New York/New Jersey realistic.

Let me wrap this one up…

SOLID REAL GOOD DINER FOOD—and you can get it 24 hours a day–7 days a week…

One final thought, as mentioned about 32 seconds ago–Jeff Eats has only eaten in the Hallandale Beach joint…how the Davie/future Boca joints are-is to be determined down the road.

Update: December 16, 2013

Last night Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and another couple decided to “try” the new Boca Raton joint which had opened 5 days earlier. When we arrived at the restaurant around 6:30pm it was absolutely “slammed” with people and there was a 30-minute wait to get a table. To make a long story short, many entrees and sides were “sold out”…suffice it to say, this meal was a total mess, and that’s being kind…things that should have been hot were delivered ice-cold, wrong dishes were delivered, the waiters weren’t sure which tables they were covering, one mashed potato side tasted as if had come out of an Elmer’s Glue Jar, it took 40 minutes from the moment we sat down to get our entrees—look I could go on and on, trust me, the restaurant was packed with people who were NOT HAPPY CAMPERS…throw in a manager who when “advised” of the mess could only answer “I’m sorry.”—no offer of a complimentary dessert/item or discount on the check. Look! Jeff Eats appreciates that the joint is brand-new, but my money is my money–and Flashback’s growing pains shouldn’t be mine. Hopefully Flashback gets its act together real-fast… if it doesn’t, I guarantee you that as Freddy Mercury once sang (hey I know it was Queen) “Another one bites the dust.”