Fast FoodSubs/Salads

Louie K’s Club Sandwich

Posted on May 25th, 2014 · Fast Food Subs/Salads Sunrise · No Comments »


***** Louie K’s Club Sandwich, 2560 North University Drive, Sunrise, Florida 33322, (954) 746-9994.

You know and I know- that there are more sub joints in South Florida than there are Chins in a Chinese phonebook (I know, Soupy Sales 1958).

With the above in mind…Jeff Eats is doing my best to eat at all of them.

Recently had lunch at Louie K’s Club Sandwich which has been around since 1984…real hole in the wall, with a handful of hi-tops. As expected, cold/hot subs, salads, wraps and sandwiches. Let’s call it a “gimmick” -in addition to set-menu, you can fill out a form checking-off what you want.

Now listen real close- Jeff Eats “tried” -a tuna sub, a chicken parm sub, an Italian (ham, capicola, salami, provolone) sub- that were “off the chart.” No fooling around here- these subs were about as good as it gets.

Let me wrap this up,

Louie K’s Club Sandwich is right up there with the best sub joints in South Florida.

Louie K’s is open Monday-Friday 10:30am-5:30pm, Saturday 10:30am-4pm, closed on Sunday.


Mysteryland USA Makes Music History!

Posted on May 23rd, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 3 Comments »


* Mysteryland USA Makes Music History!

Today is a very historic date…

May 23, 2014–May 26, 2014 marks the first time that a concert will be held on the exact site where the Woodstock Music And Arts Fair was held on August 15-17 1969.

For sure, the music will be a whole lot different, but I suspect that the karma is gonna be the same. Trust Jeff Eats, whether it’s Richie Havens, Jimi Hendrix, Country Joe & The Fish or Steve Asoka, Moby, Nicky Romero- it’s all good! Remember when many thought that Elvis and The Beatles were “radical.”

The “craziest” thing about the event- is that many in attendance are the children, grandchildren and in some cases great grandchildren of the original Woodstock attendees.

Time sure went- by real fast! It seems like just yesterday, that Jimi was playing The Star Spangle Banner!

Eerily the weatherman is predicting rain.

You can check Mysteryland USA out at

image Ticket-holders waiting to enter festival grounds.


Athena By The Sea (Lauderdale by-the-Sea)


***** Athena By The Sea, 4400 North Ocean Drive, Lauderdale by-the-Sea, Florida, 33308, (954) 771-2900.

Got a very good Greek joint for you…Athena By the Sea.

Just so you know–real casual joint located 1-block from the beach-so your tee shirt/shorts/flip flop ensemble is the dress of the day.

Athena By The Sea has a full service bar area and indoor booth/table seating. On Saturday nights it has an outdoor- stage-setup which hosts some of South Florida’s best /oldies/rock/tribute bands.

Like I said 3 seconds ago, Athena By The Sea is a Greek joint–that said, its menu has loads of non-Greek stuff like chicken parmigiana, bbq ribs, hamburgers, chicken wings, pizza. fish & chips–so don’t worry if you got some non-Greek eaters with you, they- absolutely won’t starve!

A recent dinner outing of- Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and another couple had us doing…broiled lamb chops, gyro platter, moussaka, pastitio, oven roasted lemon potatoes/orzo, Greek salad and I gotta tell you, everything was right on the money–and the joint’s pita bread, tzatziki and hummus were delicious.

You guys now know about a real-casual Greek joint that definitely gets the job done.

For the “tourists” out there, sorry Athena By the Sea doesn’t do the indoor table dancing and breaking plates “thing.”

Let’s go back to something that I mentioned…on Saturday nights starting around 6:30pm–the joint really starts to jump with live bands outside. Over the years, Jeff Eats has seen the crowds “drawn” by the music and sometimes it gets real crowded–trust me it’s all good!–and a- load of fun.

Jeff Eats just checked–REPLAY ( a terrific party band is playing at Athena By The Sea on May 24, 2014 and June 21, 2014—so there you go!

In any event, no matter what day or night you “do” Athena By The Sea–I think you’ll be happy that you “did”!

You can check menu/prices/other stuff at

The joint is open Sunday-Thursday 10am-1am, Friday-Saturday 10am-2am.


Why You Should Never Wash Your Jeans

Posted on May 21st, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 5 Comments »


* Why You Should Never Wash Your Jeans.

Jeff Eats just read this “story” on Daily Finance.

Since this “is” a food blog this- article is definitely relevant to us…

I don’t know about you guys, but I spill and drop stuff all over my jeans all the time. As a matter of fact, just the other day I “dropped a load” (Now don’t be nasty!) of marinara sauce on my jeans while eating a veal parm hero..

Now, if you aren’t suppose to wash your jeans, how do you handle the marinara sauce?

Also, I don’t know about you, but Jeff Eats’ jeans really start to stink after a load of outings.

What do you think?
Why You Should Never Wash Your Jeans
by Business Insider  May 21st 2014 6:38AM
Why You Shouldn’t Wash Your Jeans
By Ashley Lutz
Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh says you should keep your jeans out of the washing machine.
Bergh lives by his words and hasn’t washed his own jeans in more than a year, reports Neha Prakash at Mashable.
The executive claims that eschewing the washing machine keeps your jeans in mint condition and is better for the environment.
Bergh was speaking at Fortune’s Brainstorm Green conference, where business leaders discuss ways to be more sustainable.
Bergh also discussed how Levi’s created a line of jeans that take less water to produce.
In the past, Levi’s has suggested freezing your jeans instead of putting them in a washing machine. The company told Elle Magazine that doing this once a month would keep jeans from smelling bad.
Not washing jeans has become somewhat of a craze.
TV host Anderson Cooper famously said he wears the same pair daily and only washes them once a year.


Cagney’s Saloon (Davie)

Posted on May 21st, 2014 · American Davie · No Comments »


*****. Cagney’s Saloon, 5983 South University Drive, Davie, Florida 33328

Right up front and don’t let anyone tell you differently- Cagney’s Saloon is a biker’s bar.

As for what a biker is, let’s just say that Jeff Eats’ 73 year old neighbor- Carl the retired proctologist who took up riding a motorcycle in 2008 ISN’T the type of biker-shall we say- that frequents Cagney’s Saloon.

First things first, if you can’t handle second hand smoke- this joint ain’t gonna work for you.

Hey Jeff, what were you doing there?

Cagney’s Saloon…Thursday-Sunday has some of South Florida’s best classic rock/metal/tribute bands performing on its stage…Throw in the fact that Cagney’s makes good cheeseburgers, French fries, Philly cheesesteak subs and grilled chicken wings- and you’ve got your reason for 7 visits over the past 3 years. By the way, the “fun-est” outing was Christmas Eve 2010 when Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats saw a great Elvis Tribute Show at Cagney’s- I won’t go into detail as to what some of the biker ladies were screaming to Elvis as to what they wanted to do to him. Thank You Very Much!

Just so we are straight, this joint isn’t for everyone.

A few final things, Cagney’s which is located in a strip center- has a full bar area, booth & table seating, tvs, pool table, dart board, parking (who’s gonna stop them?) for something like 6,000,000 bikes and not even once -have I ever heard Tequila played live or taped there.

You can check for menu/prices/entertainment schedule.

Cagney’s Saloon is open 7 days a week from noon-3am.


Deep Purple (Hard Rock Live-Hollywood)

Posted on May 21st, 2014 · Hollywood Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »


* Deep Purple.

Jeff Eats is a fan of the legendary heavy metal band- Deep Purple.

Despite the fact that -over some 40 years the band has had personnel changes- Deep Purple still commands a huge fan base and sells out arenas all over the world.

Jeff Eats appreciates that heavy metal- may not be everybody’s cup of tea- but every so often it pays to see what others see/saw. If this makes any sense, you now know how- to buy tickets before the general public does for Deep Purple’s-Hard Rock Live performance set for August 31, 2014.


American Idol Live! 2014 Tour (Broward Center For The Performing Arts-Fort Lauderdale)


* American Idol Live! 2014 Tour.

Mrs. Jeff Eats is a HUGE fan of the American Idol tv show.

Accordingly, on July 19, 2014 Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats will be attending the American Idol Live! 2014 Tour at the Broward Center For The Performing Arts.

If you would like to see this show, you can catch tickets at

For you Idol groupies, in addition to Fort Lauderdale, the Tour hits Sarasota on 7/17, Clearwater on 7/18 and Saint Augustine on 7/20.


The Voice Tour (Broward Center For The Performing Arts-(Fort Lauderdale)


* The Voice Tour.

Mrs. Jeff Eats is a HUGE fan of The Voice tv-show.

Accordingly, we will be at the Broward Center on June 26, 2014 to see The Voice Tour.

If you would like to see this show…

Date: June 26, 2014
Time: 7:30 PM
Tickets: $35.00 – $65.00
Club Level: $125.00
Venue: Broward Center
Tickets can be purchased online at

AND you guys actually thought that Jeff Eats was the king of the castle.

AmericanFast Food

Beth’s Burger Bar (Orlando)

Posted on May 20th, 2014 · American Fast Food Orlando · 2 Comments »

***** Beth’s Burger Bar, 24 East Washington Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, (407) 650-4950.

Real simple fast food concept…order at the counter/stuff is delivered to your table. Inside booth/table seating for about 50–maybe 10 seats outside. Real simple menu- flat top grilled hamburgers, chicken sandwich, vegetarian burgers, french fries, sweet potato fries, “tons” of canned/bottled beers, handful of wines and all kinds of toppings for the burgers.

A recent outing had Jeff Eats doing a single cheeseburger ($4.48) and French fries ($1.99) and Mrs. Jeff Eats doing a chicken sandwich ($5.49) and sweet potato fries ($2.99).

Real simple review -we really enjoyed the food.

Jeff Eats knows that some of you guys are dying to know how Beth’s stacks up against players like Five Guys, BurgerFi, Shake Shack? Let’s just say, that she held her own very nicely. Like I said 2 seconds ago, we really enjoyed the food.

Beth’s Burger Bar is open Monday-Friday 11am-midnight, Saturday-Sunday noon-3am.

You can check menu/prices at



South Florida Theatre League

Posted on May 20th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »


* South Florida Theatre League.

Every now and then, Jeff Eats tells you guys about theatre- shows/plays/productions that are “playing in”-or “coming to” in South Florida. To be perfectly honest with you, my-listings are pretty limited, but I do what I can do- to keep you abreast of what’s-doing.

I just wanted you guys to know about South Florida Theatre League…, (954) 557-0778.

South Florida Theatre League describes itself as “…an alliance of theatrical organizations and professionals dedicated to nurturing, promoting and advocating for the growth and prestige of the South Florida theatre industry.”

For those of you who really want to know the whats-whens-wheres—put on your computer’s “favorites list.” No fooling around, this site-has up to date information on every South Florida theatre production playing/coming.

Consider this “tip” as Jeff Eats’ good deed for the day.