
Eternal Resting

Posted on September 6th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Eternal Resting

A bit ghoulish but cool none the less!

Check the site out.


The web page Eternal Resting Place is formed to insure the celebration of a life that was, and bring peace of mind to those who are saddened by somebody’s passing.
We want to make you a part of the memories we share. The virtual graveyard that we have created is opened to those who want to commemorate the life of a famous person
who has touched their life in a special way and to people who wish to immortalize a close one they have personally lost.


We plan to establish ourselves as a trustworthy, innovative and credible brand. Our vision is to constantly improve our offer to insure quality user experience.
Eternal Resting Place will show the same level of respect to all people mentioned on our site, because each life is magnificent in its own way.
The intention is to become a platform for a tasteful way to say your final goodbye in private.


Rock N Roll

Posted on September 6th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

*  Rock N Roll

Jeff Eats recently received the following email…


My husband and I are under contract to sell our home in Boca Woods Country  Club  and will soon be moving into a new home in Valencia  Cove in Delray Beach.

Both of us thought that it would be cool (do people still use that term?) to decorate our new  tv/den area with vintage  Rock N Roll posters and memorabilia.

We  were wondering if you could point us in the right direction as to where to find the right  merchandise.

Your kind consideration will be greatly appreciated.

Jane W.


Jane W.:

Checkout Wolfgang’s Vault  (  it should have everything you-need.

Just so you know, over the years Jeff Eats has done business with Wolfgang’s Vault a number of times and everything it sells is “legit” and top quality-and I might add, very reasonably priced.

Just a  hint, the real trick to  successfully displaying posters and memorabilia is in the FRAMING of the item. Be smart, don’t skimp on the presentation.

Between you and me, the Hard Rock-chain figured out this “displaying” business along time ago-nobody does a better job at  making posters and  Rock memorabilia look so good…you guys should consider stopping by the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Fort Lauderdale  for a few “ideas.”

Good luck with the new house.

Jeff Eats




The Lefsetz Letter

Posted on September 5th, 2014 · Deals Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »

* The Lefsetz Letter.

Got something really terrific for you guys who like to “follow” the music industry…The Lefsetz Letter (

The Lefsetz letter penned by Bob Lefsetz-can best be described as a series of “opinions”-“musings” about everything/anything related to music from the 1950s to the present date.

Jeff Eats has been reading Bob for about a year-now, and he really knows his stuff. What I really like about his site is-one day he might discuss 50’s doo wop music and the next day talk about today’s EDM industry or Country scene.

Jeff Eats really enjoys this guy’s take on things- you may too!

Printed below is today’s “column” which concerns singer/songwriter Christopher Cross.

Maybe you don’t want your dreams to come true.

Christopher Cross went from unknown journeyman to the biggest star in the land seemingly overnight and it killed his career. Who can put up with all that attention?

See Alanis Morissette for example. Sure, she’d tried to make it as a teenybopper years earlier under a different moniker, but “Jagged Little Pill” was so good and so successful it ended her career. After all, how could you follow that up? Suddenly the whole world is watching and you become inhibited, you can’t do what came so easily just a year or two before.


He was so average-looking, they wouldn’t even put him on the cover of his own album. But this track took off like a shot and went right up the chart and was ubiquitous.

Sure it was derivative, sure it sounded like the Doobies with Michael McDonald, who was so prominently featured in the background vocals, but the track had a certain haunting elan. Unlike today’s hits, the singer wasn’t singing his song in your face, rather despite having such a mainstream sound, it felt like a peak into the private world of a loner. And so many of us music aficionados are loners.

“It is the night
My body’s weak
I’m on the run
No time for sleep”

You were immediately entranced. Listeners don’t give you much time, you’ve got to grab them quick. And these introductory lyrics did so.

But it was the second verse that seals the deal…

“I was born the son of a lawless man
Always spoke my mind with a gun in my hand
Lived nine lives
Gunned down ten
Gonna ride like the wind”

There’s just a bit more instrumentation, and the vocal is more free, less studied, you can feel the air blowing through your hair.

The girls got it first. The boys grudgingly acknowledged it. But “Ride Like The Wind” was a hit we all ultimately embraced.


“It’s not far down to paradise”

By this time Jimmy Buffett’s hit single run was just about done, Kenny Chesney was on the brink of adolescence, suddenly Christopher Cross was the bearer of aquatic dreams.

We all want to do this, get away, that’s the fantasy. For some it’s the mountains, for some it’s the sea, but it’s always the same…it’s about being free.

“Sailing” was completely unexpected after “Ride Like The Wind.” It was most certainly the same guy, but it sounded completely different. This guy had range.

“Sailing” went all the way to number one.

The unsung hero is Rob Meurer, who plays the keyboard solo which knits the track together. He’s a subtle feature on “Ride Like The Wind” too. It’s always been about stars, but once upon a time the supporting players not only made a difference, they could earn a living doing so.


Sure, it’s lightweight and derivative, but there’s no denying its catchiness. This one only went to number fifteen, but it was sometime about now that I took the plunge and purchased the LP. Because something with this many hits was not only a good value proposition, it was evidence of talent.

And unlike today’s “stars,” Christopher Cross wrote all these songs. Quite an amazing feat.


Now another death knell for Cross’s career was the fact that he crossed over. At first “Ride Like The Wind” was featured on FM, it was highly spun on album radio. But by this time he was considered too lightweight and he lived in the netherworld of Top Forty radio, which is the kiss of the death, because you live and die by the hit.

Come on, four hits off your debut LP? Before the MTV onslaught, when LPs were still cheap and flew out of the store? Christopher Cross was truly riding like the wind.


When you’re hot, everybody wants you, you get caught up in the machine, and you might have a hit, but it also might doom your career.

“Arthur’s Theme” was cowritten by Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager and Peter Allen, along with Cross, and it sounded like it. This was back when “pop” still had a stink. MOR was a no-man’s land no one wanted to live in. This was long before Trent Reznor was scoring films, when it came to Hollywood, they wanted no risks.

The song is listenable, but it’s saccharine.

Yup, just too sweet.


This was not supposed to be a hit. Probably because the establishment had decided that Cross was done. He’d had hits, but he had no hard core fans. Sure, he won the big four Grammys all in one year, Song of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Best New Artist, but this was at a point long before Mike Greene came in and modernized the institution and made Grammys meaningful. And once again, if you’re embraced by the mainstream…you’re in trouble.

But at the time soap operas were peaking, “General Hospital” was huge, Luke and Laura were the key couple and Laura was missing. It was a big story, the Kardashians of its day.

Cross didn’t write the song for the show, that’s positively a twenty first century paradigm, but they picked it up and it became a hit.

And I love it.

“Think of Laura…”

The sound of the track is just incredible, Cross’s vocals matched with the changes. He sounds just like Carl Wilson here, and that’s the highest compliment I can pay.


This too, like “Think Of Laura,” was on Christopher Cross’s second album, and Wikipedia will tell you it was a hit, but it was such a limp rendition of the sound established on the first album that it was easy to dismiss, it got radio airplay, but it didn’t have huge cultural impact.

But I will admit it has a catchy chorus.

And there you have it. Cross continued to record, but no one cared. He seems to have been completely forgotten.

But Christopher Cross wrote and sang and played guitar on all these hits and if he repeated this feat today he’d be bigger than Katy Perry.

But we expected all that back then. We only trusted you if you wrote your own material. And we’d never heard of auto-tune. Sure, we wanted to know who you slept with, but the gossip was more about movie stars, musical acts were seen as the real talent.

These tracks are a time capsule of the early eighties, before MTV took the nation by storm and broke so many cultural limit testers from the U.K.

And most think that’s a good thing. And I’ll agree.

But I’ll also say that Christopher Cross was one talented man who broke the bank once upon a time, and for that he should be remembered.

P.S. I want to also single out the production work of Michael Omartian, you need someone to pull it all together, to steer the ship, and Omartian sailed it all the way home.

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Crazy Fingers (Meatball Room-Boca Raton)

Posted on September 5th, 2014 · Boca Raton Italian Music/Events/Other Pizza · 1 Comment »


* Crazy Fingers.

Jeff Eats maybe going out on a limb here-but I don’t think so…I’m sure you guys know who the Grateful Dead is?

With that in mind, tomorrow night, Saturday -September 6, 2014 at 8pm– CRAZY FINGERS one of Florida’s top rated Dead-tribute bands will be giving a free-outdoor concert at Meatball Room, 3011 Yamato Road, Boca Raton (561)

For the record, Jeff Eats has seen Crazy Fingers something like 5 times-having first “caught” the band on July 4, 2008 at-American Bar Restaurant & Grill in Deerfield Beach (reviewed 7/5/2008) and these guys-really do a nice job covering one of the greatest Rock bands of all-time. You can checkout Crazy Fingers at

In case you maybe wondering, Jeff Eats “only” saw Grateful Dead “live” once, that being on April, 18, 1971 in Cortland, New York…I will tell you, it was quire a concert. Here’s that night’s playlist…Cold Rain & Snow, Me & My Uncle, Bertha, Me And Bobby McGee, Next Time You See Me, China Cat Sunflower, I Know You Rider, Casey Jones Sugar Magnolia, Second That Emotion, Truckin’, Hard To Handle, Loser, Playin’ In The Band, Around & Around, Good Lovin’. The New Riders of the Purple Sage (NRPS) opened for the Dead.


Assuming you are into this Dead-stuff, this free outdoor show should be a-load of fun. Just so you know, there is plenty of standing room–outdoor tables are set for those eating at Meatball Room. There is also an outdoor bar-if that’s your game!

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other


Posted on September 5th, 2014 · American Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 3 Comments »


* Watermelon!

I don’t know about you guys, but when Labor Day hits, that means-end of Summer to Jeff Eats.

Taking that formula one-step further, Labor Day/End of Summer/next step- goodbye watermelon until next Summer.


As I’m sure you know, last Monday- Labor Day 2014 hit…and it got me to thinking about watermelon. Now no bs-ing here, on any given day Jeff Eats can eat 1/2 of a large watermelon-no problem at all. For the record, watermelon is one of my favorite fruits and I recall years ago hearing that it was a very “healthy” fruit.

With the above in mind, take a look at this Watermelon “story” I just read on…

For what it’s worth, I think this watermelon “info” is something to definitely have on file in the back of your head. As the late great- Sy Syms use to say, “An educated consumer is our best customer.”

Finally, maybe one of you scientists out there can explain this- How do you grow seedless watermelons from seedless watermelons?

Some foods are fun to eat, and watermelon is definitely one of them. That triangular wedge of bright red/white/green, sweet juiciness forbids us to take life too seriously and shouts, “SUMMER!!!” As if that weren’t enough, watermelon is packed full of nutrition, hydrates and is low-fat. While many of us think of watermelon as a great snack option, when you tally up its nutritive value, you might consider making this all-star a feature player in your cuisine.

Watermelons are an excellent source of several vitamins: vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health and is an antioxidant; vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity, heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy teeth and gums; and vitamin B6, which helps brain function and helps convert protein to energy.

Tomatoes have been highly touted as a great source for lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and several types of cancer — prostate cancer in particular. Watermelon, however, has the highest concentrations of lycopene of any fresh fruit or vegetable.

If your little ones don’t dig into their swiss chard, lima beans or spinach — all great sources of potassium — consider offering them a serving of watermelon instead. It is a great source of potassium, which helps muscle and nerve function, helps maintain the body’s proper electrolyte and acid-base balance, and helps lower the risk of high blood pressure.

Watermelon also contains the amino acids citrulline and arginine, which can help maintain arteries, blood flow and overall cardiovascular function.

Alone or in a fruit salad are the most common ways many of us eat watermelon. While eating the meat of the fruit is the best way to take advantage of all of its nutrients, this is one of my favorite bits of summer refreshment. I get a version of this from my local burrito truck. The key to making this great: don’t oversweeten it. With just a touch of sweetness, it’s heavenly.

Fast FoodLatin

Super Arepa Miami (Miami)

Posted on September 5th, 2014 · Fast Food Kendall Latin Miami · No Comments »


***** Super Arepa Miami, 14417 Southwest 42nd Street, Miami, Florida 33175, (786) 447-8626.

The other day Jeff Eats had lunch at Super Arepa Miami and this Venezuelan fast food joint blew me away! Absolutely loved it.

Real simple concept, order at/pickup at the counter. Super Arepa’s menu is loaded with arepas/hamburgers/patacones/burritos/salads/pepitos/hot dogs.

Now! If you guys did as well as Jeff Eats did in High School Spanish-then you probably got no idea as to what patacones and pepitos are…

Patacones: fried plantain slices.
Pepitos: roasted pumpkin seeds.

Now! If you guys don’t know what arepas, burritos, plantains are- GOOGLE!-and if you don’t know what hamburgers/salads/hot dogs are, you are really-really in bad shape!

Like I said before the linguistics class,

Jeff Eats recently had lunch at Super Arepa Miami “trying” charcoal roasted pork arepa ($4.99), charcoal grilled hamburger/French fries ($5.50), charcoal grilled burrito ($4.99), ham & cheese arepa ($4.99) and I gotta tell you, everything was dynamite!

At this stage of this game…let me send you to Super Arepa Miami’s website mysuperarepa,com for menu/prices/other info.

Every so often Jeff Eats comes across a joint that absolutely kills it and Super Arepa killed!

The food, the service, the vibe/décor, the portion size, the prices–make Super Arepa Miami an absolute must try!

Super Arepa Miami is open Monday-Saturday 11am-1am, Sunday noon-midnight.


Joan Rivers

Posted on September 4th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 4 Comments »


* Joan Rivers.

Just heard -the news that Joan Rivers passed away.

If you check your Webster’s- under great comedians, you’ll find Joan’s picture.

Loved the lady’s “take no prisoners” style.

What pisses me off, she died of complications suffered during elective surgery!

I’ll say no more…


Mardi Gras Comedy Challenge-2014 (Hallandale Beach)

Posted on September 4th, 2014 · Hallandale Beach Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »


* Mardi Gras Comedy Challenge-2014

Literally just this second, Jeff Eats got the “below” press-release about Mardi Gras Casino’s 2014 Comedy Challenge.

The release has-event details.

All Jeff Eats can tell you-is that Mardi Gras Casino’s 2011, 2012, 2013 Comedy Challenges drew huge crowds–and this year’s Challenge will be no different!

Just so you know, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are planning on catching Judy Tenuta and John Heffron in action. Hope to see you there!

Lisa Mizrachi

Mardi Gras Casino Announces the 2014 Comedy Challenge,
Featuring Headliner and Last Comic Standing Winner John Heffron!

The fourth annual Mardi Gras Comedy Challenge has kicked off! Hundreds of stand-up comedians from around the country came out to strut their stuff and compete for the chance to open for John Heffron and win $5K during the Grandstand Finale in November. The eighteen funniest contestants from the auditions will move on to the semi-final rounds. From there, just six contestants will advance to the final round. But…only one contestant can be crowned the ‘Mardi Gras Comedy Challenge Champion’! Hilarious featured comics performing during the semi-final rounds include Eddie Brill, Marion Grodin, Artie Fletcher, Vanessa Hollingshead, Tommy Savitt, and Adam Hunter. Judy Tenuta will perform during the final round.
**Tickets are $15 for Semi-Final rounds, $20 for Final round, and $25 for Grandstand Finale. All tickets are on sale and can be purchased online at

John Heffron burst onto the comedic scene during the prime of his college heyday. Since then, his comedy has evolved in a unique and creative fashion as he has grown from a fun-loving college student to a bewildered newlywed.

The endless list of credits comprises his impressive resume and highlights many significant accomplishments. He not only won the second season of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, but was also a finalist in the subsequent season. Heffron’s amusing and extensive material has earned him two separate half hour specials on the hit stand up show, Comedy Central Presents and he has become a regular on numerous VH1 satire series including I love the 80s: 3D, I Love the 70s: Volume 2, and My Coolest Years: My First Time. In addition to being featured on Thom Filicia’s Dress My Nest, Heffron has performed on CMT’s Coming to the Stage, NBC’s Late Friday, and Comedy Central’s Premium Blend. He has made numerous appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Late Late Show with Craig Kilbourne, and E!’s Chelsea Lately and 101 Craziest TV Moments.

John is no stranger to live audiences and has taken the stage at several prestigious comedy festivals including the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal and the HBO Comedy Festival in Aspen. John even had the recent honor of being a celebrity roaster for KISS’ Gene Simmons on an episode of A&E’s Gene Simmons: Family Jewels. From his early days as Danny Bonaduce’s wingman on Detroit’s number one morning show, Danny Bonaduce and the Q Crew, to one of his current roles sharing the screen with Courtney Cox-Arquette on FX’s Dirt, Heffron has hailed experience from many talented comedians. However, John’s endless innovation can easily be seen in his own comedy. His first live stand up CD, Kid with a Cape, debuted over ten years ago. As a result of his constant touring, his routine has developed and grown and two more successful recordings, Good Kid, Bad Adult and The Better Half, have been released.

The schedule is as follows:
Semi-final rounds
Venue: Jokers Wild Comedy Club & Bar
September 4-5 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Eddie Brill
September 12-13 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Marion Grodin
September 20-21 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Artie Fletcher
September 26-27 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Vanessa Hollingshead
October 10-11 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Tommy Savitt
October 16-17 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Adam Greenberg
Finals round
Venue: Jokers Wild Comedy Club & Bar
October 24-25 Time: 8 pm Headliner – Judy Tenuta
Main Event
Venue: Grandstand
November 8 Time: 8 pm Headliner- John Heffron
Opening act for main event – TBD (Contest winner)

Mardi Gras Casino is located at 831 North Federal Highway on the corner of US-1 and Pembroke Road. The casino offers over 70,000 square feet of casino excitement featuring over 1,000 of the hottest Las Vegas-style slot machines, including Progressive slots, virtual roulette and blackjack, as well as The Dog Pound, Mardi Gras’ smoker-friendly slot area; 30 action-packed poker tables; simulcast and greyhound racing; entertainment; and various dining options. For more information, call 954-924-3200 or visit Become a fan on Facebook at or follow us on twitter at http://www/

Lisa Mizrachi

831 North Federal Hwy., Hallandale Beach, FL. 33009 | 954-924-3200 ext. 3160


China Fortune (Miami)

Posted on September 4th, 2014 · Chinese Miami · No Comments »


China Fortune, 5761 Northwest 7th Street, Miami, Florida 33126, (305) 261-9988.

China Fortune…”mom & pop” Chinese joint.

You can check menu/prices at

China Fortune has the expected “American” Chinese food stalwarts. A recent lunch had Jeff Eats doing, wonton soup, egg roll, bbq spare ribs, sweet & sour chicken, shrimp with lobster sauce.

Now you know and I know that this food reviewing gig-is totally subjective…so what you like, I might hate and vice versa. That said, I’m kinda thinking that you and I would agree-no matter what, that the soup was as bland as could be, that the egg roll was soggy, that the ribs were tough, that the sweet & sour chicken looked and tasted as if it had been refried and the shrimp dish-like the soup- was just bland.

Now nothing for nothing, maybe China Fortune’s “stuff” tastes better the next-day right out of the refrigerator…but Jeff Eats didn’t take a doggy bag home, so I’ll never know the answer to the morning-after question.

Real fast…Who had the hit August 1973- record- The Morning After?…Sheesh, Maureen McGovern!

China Fortune is open Monday-Saturday 11:30am-10pm, Sunday 12:30pm-10pm.


Glicks Kosher Market (Delray Beach)

Posted on September 3rd, 2014 · American Delicatessen Delray Beach · 5 Comments »


***** Glicks Kosher Market, 7351 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33446, (561) 637-5771.

Jeff Eats recently received the following email…

Hi Jeff
My husband and I recently moved from Woodmere, New York to Delray Beach. We settled in about 3 weeks ago. We lived in Woodmere for over 43 years and the Woodro Kosher Deli was our go to place for deli dinners and holiday catering. We “keep’ kosher, but not to the ultimate extreme, if that makes any sense to you? We recently came across your site and of course most of your restaurant recommendations don’t work for us. We did see Ben’s Kosher on your site and a few others. Being from the Island we know Ben’s but Woodro was always our favorite. Big question, for the holidays and home meals can you recommend a really good KOSHER place where we can get the type of soups, chopped liver, brisket, meats, fish, baked goodies that we know from the Island? Your help would be really appreciated.
Thank you,
The Posners


The Posners,

Got the perfect Kosher-joint for you…

Glicks Kosher Market in Delray Beach.

When you taste Glicks’ stuff, you’ll swear you were back in Woodmere.

You can check Glicks out at

Welcome to Florida,
Jeff Eats