Rugelach & Knishes (Pompano Beach)
***** Rugelach & Knishes.
A recent e-mail from reader Lynn R…
Hey Jeff,
My husband and I love your blog. You’re tastebuds are very similar to ours.
This may sound like a crazy request, but can you tell us where we can find delicious rugelach and knishes?
Both of us were born and bred in Baltimore and have lived in Margate for the past 7 months. We’ve tried a number of places in the area for both but so far just nothing out of the ordinary. Attached is a list of places we have been to.
Thanks in advance,
Lynn R
Lynn R:
Took a look at your knish and rugelach list and to be honest with you, Jeff Eats would have thought that a few of the joints listed would have fared-better in your knish-rugelach quest.
Right off the top of my head, I’m thinking that Pita Nosh (knishes) and S & I Bakery (rugelach) both of which are located in the Festival Flea Market Mall in Pompano Beach-should get the job done for you. What I really like about Pita Nosh and S & I-is that the knishes and rugelach are made in-house…
Good luck and may the force be with you…
Harbor Cafe (Fort Lauderdale)
***** Harbor Café, 1396 Southeast 17th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316, (954) 467-0363.
Got a good breakfast-lunch joint for you…Harbor Café in Fort Lauderdale. Absolutely nothing fancy going on here. Inside counter/table/booth seating & outside table seating…it’s located in the prerequisite strip center. For those into math, 76 seats inside, 22 outside.
Not the biggest menu in the diner-world, but enough breakfast stuff, salads, burgers, sandwiches, meat/chicken/seafood entrees, Greek stuff, desserts- so everybody (except your picky- “kids”) are gonna find what to eat.
By the way the joint is open Monday-Saturday 6:30am-3pm, Sunday 6:30am-2pm (I guess the staff wants to get home in time to watch the Dolphins lose another game-sheesh).
Jeff Eats recently did a lunch with a couple of buddies…bacon cheeseburger (with French fries/tomato/cole slaw $7.20), chicken salad on- Kaiser roll ($5.10), grilled cheese & bacon on rye ($4.50), Greek salad ($7.95)- everything was A-OK! Just so we are straight with each other, Harbor Café is your basic neighborhood diner- Jeff Eats loves “diner” food-and that’s exactly what this joint serves-up. Like I said a few seconds ago, absolutely nothing fancy going on here…hopefully you guys get my drift, flat grill-top stuff galore!
One other observation, from what I “saw” Harbor Café does a nice locals’ business and-catches some nice action from the hotels-in the area.
To wrap it up for you…good food, reasonable prices, very pleasant wait-staff.
Diana Ross (Hard Rock Live- Hollywood)
* Diana Ross.
The legendary performer is set for the Hard Rock Live in Hollywood, Florida- on Thursday Night, February 19, 2015 at 8pm…
Your call on this one!
Jeff Eats is going to pass…Ross’ 4/1/14 concert at Boca West Country Club in Boca Raton, wasn’t-shall we say-one of her better outings! For $150 a ticket- pop, a legendary diva is suppose to show up with an orchestra and not some backing-tracks!
Getting Some Gas!
* Getting Some Gas!
Yesterday, Jeff Eats overheard- Mrs. Jeff Eats talking to her friend Debbie on the phone…the gist of the conservation, the fact that Mrs. Jeff Eats had just paid $2.459 for a gallon of regular gas at a Walmart in Delray Beach. No fooling here, from the tone of the conversation, you would have sworn that the woman had just found The Fountain Of Youth, not to mention The Cure For Cancer!
Now, this phone conversation got me to thinking…
When I was a kid growing up in Brooklyn in the 1950s-1960s- I can’t recall even one time- my father or for that matter my mother- shopping for gas based on price…they either bought Texaco or Amoco and that was that…
Today, unless I’m sadly mistaken… Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and everyone that I know, ONLY BUY GAS based on price. Name brands mean absolutely nothing. For love or money- Jeff Eats can’t recall the last time that someone said to me…”I’m going over to the “Mobil”- “Sunoco”- “Texaco”- “Amoco” station to fill-up…Now, it’s- I’m going to Costco, Walmart…The crazy part of the story, is when you really think about it- “we” really are – “still” buying name brands-they are just named Walmart and Costco…
Just so we are straight, Jeff Eats knows that not everybody-buys at Costco and Walmart-I’m just making conversation…that said, if you were right next to a BP Amoco station selling gas for $2.459 and right across the street a RaceTrac was getting $2.449 a gallon-(be honest now)-you’d swing the car into the RaceTrac, wouldn’t you!
Like I said 4.5 seconds ago, today- BRANDS mean nothing…PRICE IS THE ONLY GAME!
Just amazing how Getting Some Gas–has changed!
One final thought… “regular” gas here in Palm Beach County is currently running something like $2.46 a gallon-what’s with the stations that I see here and there (and I’m sure you’ve seen them too) that are looking for $3.30+ a gallon?
Doors Alive (Meatball Room- Boca Raton)
* Doors Alive.
Jeff Eats has seen this South Florida based- Doors’ tribute band…you’ll enjoy them!
Now, you know and I know, that there was/is (for those of you who think that he’s still alive) only one Jim Morrison…but like I just said, you’ll enjoy these guys. By the way, Doors Alive- there were only 4 Doors- Morrison/Manzarek/Densmore/Krieger and you are 5 Doors, but who’s counting?
Free show, terrific outdoor patio, good food, well stocked bar- and if the weather cooperates what’s bad! Keep in mind, that although Meatball Room stages the show, you are under no obligation to eat/drink there…but we all know that Meatball Room’s ultimate goal is for you to spend some cash at its restaurant.
A Christmas Story by Jeff Eats
* A Christmas Story by Jeff Eats.
Just read the below-story on Newser (
I’m thinking that somewhere in Walmart’s Employee Handbook- there is something that’s gonna get Jenny Karpen fired (or at least reprimanded)-for being a nice person.
How come the article doesn’t have Jenny’s manager saying something like…”There should be more people like that in the world. We just need to clone Jenny. Walmart is so proud of Jenny that we have issued her a $500 Walmart gift card along with a check for $40. Walmart has also issued a $500 Walmart gift card to Mrs./Mr.________________the customer who offered to reimburse Jenny $40″?
Guaranteed, Walmart isn’t as thrilled- with Jenny’s actions-as you and I are!
Am I wrong?
Newser) – She may have been new, but she knew just what to do. Jenny Karpen, who had only recently started working at a Walmart in Rotterdam, NY, was helping check out an elderly customer when she realized he didn’t have enough cash on hand to pay for his whole order, News10 ABC reports. “He was like, ‘Is it enough?'” she says. It wasn’t. The man started to remove items to put back when Karpen’s heart went into overdrive.
“I didn’t want him to go home and not have something that he really needed to eat,” she says. So she used $40 from her own wallet to complete the sale, a kind act that didn’t go unnoticed by the next customer in line, who offered to pay Karpen back; she refused to accept it, citing company policy against accepting money. Karpen’s manager, meanwhile, seems pleased with his new hire. “There should be more people like that in the world,” he tells News10. “We just need to clone Jenny.”
Farmhouse Kitchen (Boca Raton)
* Farmhouse Kitchen.
American-Style joint that opened in Boca Raton a couple of months ago…
Jeff Eats hasn’t had a chance to “try” it- yet!
Just got the below flyer…since Farmhouse Kitchen isn’t-serving Chinese food, I’m not comfortable eating there-on either Christmas Eve of Christmas Day.You do know that old habits die hard, of course you do!!
Got this restaurant on my list to “do” in 2015, in the meantime you guys can check for menu/prices.
If you get there before I do, let Jeff Eats know what you think.
Got something a little different for you guys, a dinner with Al Capone’s grand-niece Deirdre Capone- on Saturday Night, January 17, 2015 at 7pm…at NYY Steak located at the Seminole Coconut Creek Casino in Coconut Creek (with a name like that where else would it be?).
The press-release with “dinner” details is printed below.
First things first…the food/service at NYY Steak is terrific (2/15/12 review reprinted down below). Just a quick update on NYY Steak- Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats, Son Jeff Eats, Daughter Jeff Eats and Boy-Friend of Daughter Jeff Eats ate at NYY 2-weeks ago. The food was dynamite, the service was dynamite and all-in the bill was $480…doing the math, that’s 96 bucks a-head. No fooling around here, NYY Steak is right up there with the best ofSouth Florida’ steak restaurants.. By the way, I don’t recall what everybody ate, but I had a 26oz.bone in ribeye that was off-the chart.
Now, back to Deirdee’s dinner…
For the $125 ticket, you get a ton of food and booze, an autographed copy of Deirdre’s book “Uncle Al Capone” and a chance to “chat” about one of the most famous gangsters in American history. By the way, Jeff Eats read a ton of stuff/reviews on “Uncle Al Capone” and it seems that Deirdee or should I call her Ms. Capone- wrote a really good-interesting book.
Anyway, my pencil to-napkin calculations tell me-that for a buck and a quarter-you aren’t getting ripped off. Really don’t have time to go into the exact figures, but the menu/booze/book combination (taking Amazon’s discounts/shipping etc. all into consideration)-adds up to a fairly priced-outing.
Like I said at the start of this essay, something a little different for you.
The bet here, is that a whole lot more people than you would have thought… are gonna show-up to celebrate what would have been Al’s 116th birthday!
December 16, 2014
Deirdre Capone, author of the book, Uncle Al Capone, the only remaining Capone family member with first-hand knowledge of the family’s legacy, will host a birthday dinner celebration on January 17th at NYY Steak. The four course dinner will feature Capone’s favorite whisky, Templeton Rye, which he called, “The Good Stuff.” Guests will receive a copy of Deirdre Capone’s book.
Coconut Creek, Fla. (December 16, 2014)- NYY Steak and the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek are celebrating Al Capone’s birthday on Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. with a four-course dinner paired with wine and Capone’s favorite whiskey, Templeton Rye, which he called, “The Good Stuff. “ Limited seating tickets are available for $125.
Deirdre Capone, the only remaining Capone family member with first-hand knowledge of the family’s legacy, will host the dinner. All guests receive a signed copy of Deirdre’s book, Uncle Al Capone.
Guests will start the dinner with NYY Steak crab cakes paired with Conundrum White 2012 from Rutherford, CA followed by a baby green salad. The main course is a bone-in filet Oscar topped with Alaskan king crab and paired with Midwest Manhattan. Dessert includes a NYY Steak chocolate trio paired with JUSTIN Obtuse 2011 from Paso Robles, CA.
The event also includes a pre-dinner cocktail reception featuring a Chicago Typewriter cocktail, and an after dinner birthday cake celebration at The Legends Lounge with live swing jazz music.
Space is limited. To reserve your tickets, call NYY Steak at (954) 935-6699.
February 15, 2012
***** NYY Steak, Seminole Casino 5550 Northwest 40th Street, Coconut Creek, Florida 33073.
Go figure!
One of the best-“upscale steakhouses” in South Florida is located at the Seminole Casino in Coconut Creek…That’s right, the casino where you-gotta wear an oxygen mask because the cigarette smoke is so brutal—as part of a recently completed $150,000,000 renovation/expansion has opened an absolutely georgeous looking steakhouse with fabulous food and service. You can check for menu/prices/photos. By the way, NYY is a joint venture–Seminole Indians/New York Yankees (there is another NYY at Yankee Stadium).
NYY…New York Yankees, get it? All kinds, of New York Yankee black/white photos, autographs…no dark wood–or dim lights here…but rather, a great looking open kitchen, light oak woods, bright lights, plenty of glass. Like I said before, an absolutely gorgeous looking joint.
When you check NYY’s menu, try not to get sticker-shock…no question about it- that $51.75 24oz bone in ribeye is “high” even for an upscale steakhouse–Now, I maybe going out on a limb here, but I think- that casino-joints like NYY get a ton of customers using their casino “PLAYER’S CLUB” rewards/points to pay the bill. If I’m right—the restaurant can charge more than what most folks would consider “normal”- because many customers aren’t using real-money. So, if you go there, I think you will find that many of the “diners” are eating on-the-arm.
At this juncture of the discussion, let me tell you that NYY looks totally out of place at the Seminole Casino. Nothing for nothing, but the Seminole Casino isn’t in this boy’s opinion–an upscale looking property. Now, there may-be something more developing at the Seminole Casino that’s gonna get it looking more like the Hard Rock operation in Hollywood-so NYY may eventually make sense, but for right now, NYY looks like a fish out of water. Personally, I don’t see non-casino players making special plans/reservations to eat at NYY, despite the fact that its food is absolutely dynamite.
A recent dinner had me “doing” the aforementioned 24oz ribeye, 28oz porterhouse ($54.75), veal chop milanase ($44.50), roast chicken ($28.50), lemon pepper halibut ($31.50), steak fries ($9.50), lobster mac & cheese ($11). Every item was delicious. On the service front, excellent without the “snotty” know-it-all attitude you find at many upscale steakhouses.
There are two ways to play NYY Steak. You can gamble your heart out…and accumulate points to spend or you can just fork over cash or your credit card at the end of the meal.
NYY Steak is a homerun…pun intended!
NYY Steak is open Monday, Thursday-Sunday 5pm-11pm. The joint is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlor (Wellington)
***** Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlor, 2793 South State Road 7, Wellington, Florida 33414, (561) 328-6401.
Real simple concept going on here at…Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza- order at the counter/food delivered to your table. The joint seats 60.
Jimmy Brooklyn’s is a relatively new-player in the Wellington pizza arena…its only been around for something like 3- months.
Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats recently did dinner and I gotta tell you, we really enjoyed the joint. First things first, the décor is real-cool, with all kinds of NYC-Brooklyn flavored decorations. If you ain’t from Brooklyn/NYC- not too much that I can say, but hey!-the joint is called Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlor with the operative word here being BROOKLYN’S.
Jimmy Brooklyn’s menu has the expected full-boat of appetizers, pizzas, salads, subs, pastas, meat/chicken entrees/desserts. You can check for menu/prices/info.
Like I said 3.8 seconds ago, you order at the counter-they bring the food to your table.
The meal…Caesar salad (large-$7.95), meatball roll (mozzarella/romano cheese-$9.50) tortellini alfredo (2 garlic rolls-$11.50), slice of cheese pizza ($2.00), Sicilian slice of pizza ($2.50)–everything was A-OK! Second things second, Jimmy Brooklyn’s does slices- so, if pizza is your game, you can order a bunch of slices with different toppings-instead of getting stuck with a whole pie etc. etc. etc!
Let Jeff Eats wrap this up for you,
Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlors’ food is as good- as that served-up by most of the “mom & pop” red sauce joints-that dot South Florida’s dumpy strip center landscape. Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlors’ prices are comparable to the “mom & pop” joints- but for the same money, the “mom & pop” joints- give you full service-and “more” food in the pasta/entrée department (ie, unlimited garlic rolls and soup/or salad)- on the other hand, Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlor kinda limits your “tip” exposure.
Like I said before, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats enjoyed the joint…it’s definitely worth a try!
Jimmy Brooklyn’s Pizza Parlor is open Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm, closed on Monday.