AmericanDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

15th Annual Coral Springs Festival Of the Arts (Coral Springs)

* 15th Annual Coral Springs Festival Of the Arts.

Jeff Eats knows- that for many of you guys, these Florida art-festivals are sort of like Bill Murray’s “Groundhog Day” movie…

With that in mind…

Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and Jiggy The Dog Jeff Eats are gonna be out there- on Sunday, March 17th starting around 2:30pm…just a heads-up, all three of us are really looking forward to seeing “these guys” who are booked to play the main stage from 3:30pm-5pm!



Posted on March 15th, 2019 · Delray Beach Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »


Just picked-up a pair of tickets for this one…

The Skinny:


Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 8:00 PM

Kings Point-Delray Beach
7000 Atlantic Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33446
Box Office- (561) 499-3335

$15.00 Residents • $21.00 Non-Residents


The Adele Experience – Tribute to Adele has swept multiple awards each year in the impersonator industry, most recently, including the 2017 Las Vegas “Rising Star Reel Award.” Andrea Tyler has not only been revered as the #1 Adele Sound-Alike in the USA, she’s been recognized by UK Radio Producers and BBC Producers as the closest sound to Adele. Andrea’s voice has such an uncanny resemblance to Adele’s that most people think Andrea is lip syncing. Rest assured, all performances are completely live vocals, including her British accent!

Jim David’s outrageous and biting comedy has been seen on his own half hour special on Comedy Central. He has appeared on Broadway, Off-Broadway, in films, and in his one-man comedy “South Pathetic,” a play about the worst community theater in the South. He is wonderful and totally energetic without seeming insincere!

AmericanContestsDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $10 Five Guys Burgers and Fries Gift Card

This contest started on 3/9/19. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Five Guys Burgers and Fries Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Five Guys Burgers and Fries Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any Five Guys Burgers and Fries location (for locations, menu, info-

AmericanFast Food

Fran’s Chicken Haven (Boca Raton)

Posted on March 13th, 2019 · American Boca Raton Fast Food · 5 Comments »

***** Fran’s Chicken Haven, 1925 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 395-0781.

Let’s just call this tale a “2019-Public Service Announcement”….

Just a quick observation- You guys do know that most cardiologists don’t know dick-about fried chicken!

In any event…

If you “need” to eat absolutely off the chart-dynamite fried chicken (like Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats needed to do last night), read on…

Posted on December 28th, 2015
***** Fran’s Chicken Haven, 1925 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 395-0781

Let’s just call this- a Jeff Eats’ “Certain Things Bear Repeating” story…

Jeff Eats just has to laugh- when the Sun Sentinel seemingly “year after year crowns” PUBLIX FRIED CHICKEN the best in South Florida! There is an old Irish saying- “Give Me A Fu@king Break.”

Long story short, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have been- on and off (see below-as to why “on and off”) “taking-out” fried chicken and “various” sides from Fran’s Chicken Haven in Boca Raton for something like 23 years!- and I gotta tell you -that this joint’s fried chicken/sides are absolute dynamite! Trust Jeff Eats on this one – trying to rank the “best” in the food reviewing game- is a dumb no win game…with that in mind, what I do know, is that Fran’s fried chicken is off-the-chart good and that after you eat it- you will never-want to voluntarily buy or eat Publix fried chicken ever again!

If you want to eat outrageously delicious fried chicken…Fran’s Chicken Haven is a must try.

You can check menu/info at


Posted on July 5th, 2013

***** Fran’s Chicken Haven, 1925 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 395-0781.

Got something terrific for you…

That’s assuming that you aren’t a “follower” of NYC Mayor Bloomberg–in that you don’t need “Big Brother” (and no, I’m not talking about Janis’ group) to tell you what you can and can’t eat…

Real fast… from 1964-2000 a woman named Fran (thus the name Fran’s Chicken Haven) and her husband Joe, operated a “hole-in-the-wall” fried chicken joint—Fran’s Chicken Haven in Boca Raton. Maybe 3 tables and 4-5 counter seats. In a nutshell, amazing fried chicken and assorted sides. In 2000 the couple retired and sold the business—for the past 12-13 years Fran’s has had 3-maybe 4 different owners who slowly but surely wrecked the business. Jeff Eats may not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but I do know that when something ain’t broke, you don’t try and fix it…one owner changed the batter-mix and added latin sides, another made the joint a kosher chicken restaurant-closing on Friday nights and all day Saturday—hopefully you get the picture.

Since Fran and Joe sold the joint, Jeff Eats who had previously been a real-steady customer, has maybe picked-up chicken 7 or 8 times in the ensuing years.

Now the news…two brothers- Jake Stuart (aged 19) and Chris Stuart (aged 32) both born and bred—Boca Ratonians—bought Fran’s a month or so ago…and have literally “brought” it back to where it was taste-wise during the Fran & Joe era. How does Jeff Eats know all this? Because…Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats ala Marvin Gaye heard it through the grapevine—and yesterday, picked up an 8 piece fried chicken, French fries, onion rings, fried corn nibblets order—and I gotta tell you, the food tastes just like we “remember” Fran making it…the “boys” told us that the sale/purchase of the business had included all of Fran’s original recipes and that they had visited with Fran and Joe (who still live in Boca Raton) to get a feel on how to run the joint.

Let me leave you guys with this…if you like fried chicken, fries, onion rings, fried corn nibblets—-then you gotta get over to Fran’s Chicken Haven.

One final thought…

Jake and Chris— When the crowds start pouring in, which they will—don’t even think of renaming the joint- Stuart Brothers Chicken Haven or some such variation!

Down below is the original June 20, 2006 Jeff Eats’ review for Fran’s Chicken Haven:

Posted on June 20th, 2006
***** “Fran’s makes some of the best fried chicken that you have ever tasted. This joint has been around something like 40 years and is an absolute hole in the wall. Basically a take-out joint, there are a few tables and a counter for those who want to “dine in.” FRIED is the word here…shrimp, corn, french fries, onion rings. Everything is absolutely delicious.

Don’t tell your cardiologist about this joint.

Fran’s is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner.”

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $10 Dunkin’ Donuts Gift Card

This contest started on 3/7/19. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Dunkin’ Donuts Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Dunkin’ Donuts Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any Dunkin’ Donuts location. You can check for locations/info).


The Venue Restaurant And Bar (Boynton Beach)

The Venue Restaurant And Bar, 8794 W Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33472, (561) 200-0222.

The Venue Restaurant And Bar- is an upscale restaurant/bar/live music venue which opened in Boynton Beach in August, 2018. Decent enough (though on the pricey side) American/Italian food, dynamite modern club decor, spotty-confused service, off the chart good-live Rock N Roll cover & tribute bands/ named act bookings, beyond belief- horrendous location (sleepy Canyon Town Center spot with a surrounding population of 22,000,000 recently retired NYC school teachers)!

Now, you guys and Jeff Eats both know that- this reviewing “gig” is purely a subjective call- you know, what I like, you may hate and vice versa! No question here- I could be wrong, but the way I see it, The Venue Restaurant And Bar is sort of like plunking down a “Tony Soprano” Pork Store right in the middle of a Hasidic Jewish neighborhood in Borough Park, Brooklyn!

Just a gut call, The Venue Restaurant And Bar won’t be long for this world. Like I said a few seconds ago- like plunking down a “Tony Soprano” Pork Store right in the middle…

The Venue Restaurant And Bar is open Tuesday-Saturday 4pm-late, closed Sunday-Monday.

For you guys who like puzzles…check

BreakfastCubanDish Of The WeekFast FoodLatinSeafood

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 3/10/19- Plaza Seafood Market- Miami)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 3/10/19- Plaza Seafood Market).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…


Plaza Seafood Market
3114 Northwest 17th Avenue
(305) 636-1695
Latest Review: 11/4/17

If you’re into seafood- you gotta try this joint! Absolute dynamite!

Posted on November 4th, 2017

***** Plaza Seafood Market, 3114 Northwest 17th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33142, (305) 636-1695.

Got something real good for you guys, Plaza Seafood Market in Miami. Real easy concept to understand, reasonably priced retail fresh seafood market combined with a reasonably priced out door seating only/fast-food/order at-pickup at the counter seafood restaurant.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats recently did lunch there and Plaza Seafood Market blew us away!

Like Jeff Eats said a few seconds ago, Plaza Seafood Market is a terrific outdoor seating only-fast food seafood restaurant/retail seafood market combo! Just so there is no misunderstanding, absolutely nothing fancy whatsoever going on at this joint. Personally, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats thought that- Plaza Seafood Market was such a “cool” situation, that we plan on bringing (as they visit us) all of our “recently retired-thinking of moving to Florida- New York City School Teacher Friends” there to show them why- Florida is such a great place to live!

Plaza Seafood Market is open, Market: Sunday 8am-3pm, Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm, Restaurant: Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm, Friday-Sunday 8am-9pm.

For more info on Plaza Seafood Market


Win A $20 Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria (Boca Raton)

This contest started on 3/5/19. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $20 Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $20 Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria Gift Card for one of you guys!

The game- the first 30 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $20 Gift Card is good at Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria, 7400 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida 33487, (561) 989-8870. Check menu/prices/info at

Posted on January 23rd, 2019

***** Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria, 7400 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida 33487, (561) 989-8870.

Got an absolutely off the chart-terrific “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joint for you guys to checkout, Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria in Boca Raton.

Real simple story…Hole in the wall that serves absolutely dynamite food. Last week- Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats, Daughter Jeff Eats and Son Jeff Eats “discovered” Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria for dinner and I’m telling you- the joint’s stuff- killed! If you’re a fancy schmancy kinda person, best guess- Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria- isn’t gonna work for you! If on the other hand, you’re into no frills “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joints- that serve reasonably priced outrageously delicious food, you now know where to go!

Let me wrap-up Nonno’s Cucina e Pizzeria by telling you guys- that it’s open Monday-Saturday 11am-10pm/closed Monday, menu/prices/info at and that it’s an absolute must try!


The Boardwalk Brothers (Kings Point- Delray Beach)

Posted on March 8th, 2019 · Delray Beach Music/Events/Other · 16 Comments »

First told you guys about The Boardwalk Brothers’- Kings Point (Sunday, March 10th, 2019- 8pm) show on 11/27/18. Can’t really explain it, but- tickets sales aren’t looking too hot! Trust Jeff Eats on this one, you guys definitely wanna see The Boardwalk Brothers in action! You can catch great seats at

Posted on November 27th, 2018
* The Boardwalk Brothers.


Now, I dare you- to tell me, that you don’t want to see these guys!

The Skinny:

Sunday, March 10, 2019, 8:00 PM

The Boardwalk Brothers

Kings Point-Delray Beach
7000 Atlantic Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33446
Box Office- (561) 499-3335

$16.00 Residents • $22.00 Non-Residents


The Boardwalk Brothers are a premiere mixed-race, four-part harmony vocal group currently touring… Entertaining fans with their irresistibly catchy, authentic Pop music spectacle! Led by a cast whose credits span Broadway, national and international tours, cruise ships, casino headliners, and more. This company of entertainers and musicians brings the joy, intensity and talent that made these hits skyrocket up the charts and find a permanent place in our hearts. If you can’t get enough of that Jersey sound and can’t resist dancing to that Motown beat, you’ll love The Boardwalk Brothers!

AmericanBreakfastFast Food

Jeff Eats Does Breakfast!

Posted on March 8th, 2019 · American Breakfast Fast Food · 5 Comments »

* Jeff Eats Does Breakfast!!

For you guys who might care- this morning’s breakfast!

Check for retail locations/product info.


Posted on February 22nd, 2018

***** White Castle Cheeseburgers.

A recent e-mail received by Jeff Eats.

Hey Jeff,

My wife and I just retired to Jupiter after living in Commack, Long Island for 46 years.

I’m a big fan of White Castle Cheeseburgers but cant find a White Castle any place in or near Jupiter.

Can you help me out on locations?

Thank you,

John Stander

John Stander,

Take a look Jeff Eats’ White Castle Cheeseburgers- from 9/9/14 re-printed down below.

Just so you know, there are no White Castle restaurants in Florida. So- like me, you’re gonna have to make do with frozen White Castle sliders which you’ll have to heat-up at home!

You can check for a list of retailers in Florida. That said- from what I can tell- for right now Walmart seems to be the best retailer price-wise around, getting $9.97 for a box of 16 cheeseburger sliders.

Thanks for reading…

Jeff Eats


Posted on September 9th, 2014

* White Castle Cheeseburgers.

There are no White Castle restaurants in the State of Florida.

Thus the only way to “get” White Castle sliders is to -1. Travel to a White Castle in another state, 2. Have someone in another state ship you sliders, 3. Have someone in another state personally bring sliders to you in Florida, 4. Buy “frozen” White Castle sliders at Florida joints like Publix or Sam’s Club.

To make a long story short, yesterday-right out of nowhere, Jeff Eats was craving White Castle Cheeseburger-sliders. Knowing that only #4 above would work-I drove over to Publix and bought “me” 2 boxes of 6-White Castle Cheeseburgers for $3.49 per box.

Just wanted you guys to know, that Jeff Eats -still got it…between 6:46pm and 7:09pm I downed 9 of the little suckers. Now nothing for nothing, when I was 25 years old, I could easily do 15 sliders if not more in 23 minutes…but hey (God be willing) I’m gonna be 65 next month-so let’s give credit where credit is due!

Finally, the frozen microwavable/or pan heated White Castle sliders came “close” to tasting like the real deal, but nothing and I mean nothing beats the hot-right-off-the-grill sliders that White Castle restaurants turn out.

Consider “this” story a public service announcement -if one day -you finding yourself craving White Castle SLIDERS.