AmericanContestsDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $10 Shake Shack Gift Card

This contest started on 12/14/20. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Shake Shack Gift Card. This contest has a winner.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Shake Shack Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any Shake Shack location ( for locations, menu, info).

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $10 Burger King Gift Card

This contest started on 12/14/20. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Burger King Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Burger King Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any Burger King location ( for locations, menu, info).

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsDelicatessenDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $25 Way Beyond Bagles Gift Card (Boca Raton, Delray Beach)

This contest started on 12/11/20. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Way Beyond Bagels Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Way Beyond Bagels Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at:

Way Beyond Bagels
16850 Jog Road,
Delray Beach, Florida 33446
Monday-Friday: 7am-4pm, Saturday-Sunday: 7am-3pm

Way Beyond Bagels
9858 Clint Moore Road,
Boca Raton, Florida 33496
Monday-Friday: 7am-4pm, Saturday-Sunday: 7am-3pm


Posted on April 22nd, 2016
* Way Beyond Bagels Buys Palm Beach Bagel Bakery & Restaurant.

Here’s a scoop for you guys, Way Beyond Bagels located in Delray Beach recently acquired the Palm Beach Bagel Bakery & Restaurant location at 9858 Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33496. Literally as Jeff Eats types this “scoop” a remodel is underway at the store- which will be renamed Way Beyond Bagels! The full service restaurant (operated by Way Beyond Bagels) is open- during the renovation! Just so you know, this “deal” will leave 2 Palm Beach Bagel joints open- 1200 Yamato Road, Boca Raton and 533 Clematis Street, West Pam Beach (

Printed down below are previous Jeff Eats’ tales- about both Way Beyond Bagels and Palm Beach Bagel!

If Jeff Eats was a betting man, I’d bet you guys a buck that the new Way Beyond Bagels’ joint- will be an absolute homerun-goldmine! That’s usually what happens when you make outrageously delicious stuff!


Posted on June 20th, 2008
***** Way Beyond Bagels, 16850 Jog Road, Delray Beach, Florida 33446, (561) 638-1320.

Way Beyond Bagels makes some of the best bagels and bialys in all of South Florida. In addition, its appetizing…like tuna salad, chicken salad are absolutely superb.

Check menu/prices at

This joint opened about 5 years ago as a take-out which had a few outdoor tables. Based on its immediate and overwhelming success, Way Beyond Bagels rented the store next to its shop and created a cafeteria-type setup where you can eat the stuff that you purchase at the counter. In addition to all types of bagels, bialys, breads, rolls and cold appetizing, Way Beyond Bagels also has hot breakfast items and meats.

This joint is open 7 days a week for breakfast and lunch. On Saturday and Sunday it is absolutely “zoosville.” I am telling you that Way Beyond Bagels’ stuff is as good as it gets down here in South Florida…that’s why it is always jammed with eat-in and take-out orders.


Posted on July 23rd, 2008
***** Palm Beach Bagel Bakery & Restaurant, 9858 Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33496 (561) 883-3535.

Palm Beach Bagel Bakery & Restaurant has literally taken Boca Raton by storm…in 2 short years, this bagel-deli has opened 3 terrific joints. The original location is on Clint Moore Road…the second and third locations are at, 21065 Powerline Road, Boca Raton (561) 477-7077 and 1200 Yamato Road, Boca Raton (561) 998-8868.

Down here in South Florida, you don’t get away with opening 3 joints in record time, without having the goods…Palm Beach’s bagles/bialys are terrific… not to mention delicious appetizing, deli meats, sandwiches, wraps, soups and salads.

Palm Beach Bagel’s 3 locations are open 7 days a week from 7am-3pm.

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsDelicatessenFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $20 Bronx Bagel & Deli Gift Card (Deerfield Beach)

This contest started on 12/11/20. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $20 Bronx Bagel & Deli Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $20 Bronx Bagel & Deli Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $20 Gift Card is good at Bronx Bagel & Deli, 230 South Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442, (754) 227-7276. Check menu/prices/info at

Posted on January 24th, 2020

***** Bronx Bagel & Deli, 230 South Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442, (754) 227-7276.

Got a real good bagel/deli joint for you guys to checkout- Bronx Bagel & Deli in Deerfield Beach.

Cutting to the chase, no matter what anyone else tells you I- Jeff Eats “know” my bagels and deli- and I’m telling you guys that Bronx Bagel & Deli is an absolutely terrific joint and that you gotta try it!

Simple tale to tell, yesterday afternoon- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “discovered” Bronx Bagel & Deli and trust me- the joint’s food was off the chart dynamite…order at counter-food delivered to tables, reasonably priced- all day breakfast/ salads/ sandwiches/ wraps/ burgers/ soups/ baked goods/ in house baked bagels & bialys menu, open Monday-Saturday 6:30am-3pm/Sunday 7am-3pm.

Let me wrap-up Bronx Bagel & Deli by saying that the joint absolutely killed! Over the years, Jeff Eats has been in a ton and I do mean a ton- of both full service and fast food Florida bagel/deli joints and I gotta tell you that Bronx Bagel & Deli is definitely one of the best that I’ve been to!

You guys can check menu/prices/info at


DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 12/13/20- Green’s Pharmacy- Palm Beach)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 12/13/20- Green’s Pharmacy).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

($13.45 + $2.00)

Green’s Pharmacy
151 North County Road
Palm Beach
(561) 832-0304
Latest Review: 12/15/15

Green’s has been in business since 1938.

Trust Jeff Eats on this one- this joint is an absolute must try!

Posted on December 15th, 2015

* Win A $25 Green’s Pharmacy Gift Card!

Jeff Eats loves eating breakfast at Green’s Pharmacy (151 North County Road, Palm Beach, Florida 33480, (561) 832-0304) – and I want one of you guys to have breakfast on me…

Real simple game…

Just be the first reader to “identify” the famous 1950s-1960s Rock N Roller pictured below!-And I’ll send you a $25 gift card!

For you guys who don’t “know” Green’s Pharmacy, the joint has been around since 1938 and is a drug store-diner combo! America had tons of these joints during the 1930s-1960s! Trust me on this, today (2015) Green’s Pharmacy is one of but a handful- left…so it’s really kinda cool to see-and eat in! Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have been eating there for years…Green’s food is dynamite and the retro-feel is really cool!

Posted on December 27th, 2006

***** Green’s Pharmacy, 151 North County Road, Palm Beach, Florida 33480, (561) 832-0304.

Let me start by saying, THAT YOU HAVE TO TRY GREEN’S PHARMACY.

Green’s Pharmacy has been in business since 1938. If you check the history books, you will find that during the 1920s-1960s America’s landscape was dotted with drugstore-diner combinations (bet you didn’t know that I could sound so poetic). Rather than beating around the bush, Green’s is a “throw-back” in time with the same decor/combination it had when it opened 68 years ago.

Green’s is open 7 days a week for breakfast & lunch, Monday-Friday 7am-4pm, Saturday 7am-3pm & Sunday 7am-2pm.

Just so you know, Green’s is not just a “great photo shoot.” Terrific breakfasts, burgers, sandwiches, salads and ice-cream are the “real attraction” here. Personally, I enjoy “dining” at its 30 seat counter, but its 20 or so tables will allow “you” to spread-out a bit, if that’s your preference.

Green’s is a great place. Just imagine, that after you have eaten a delicious well-done cheeseburger, ketchup-soaked french fries and a chocolate milkshake, you can also buy your choice of Tums, Rolaids, Pepcid Complete, Alka Seltzer or Mylanta to “complete” a perfect meal.

Don’t miss this joint. It is worth a special trip.


Happy Hanukkah

Posted on December 10th, 2020 · Music/Events/Other · 3 Comments »

* Happy Hanukkah.

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $25 Jupiter Donut Factory Gift Card (Boynton Beach, Jupiter, Lake Worth, Largo, North Palm Beach, Royal Palm Beach, Stuart)

This contest started on 12//9/20. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Jupiter Donut Factory Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Jupiter Donut Factory Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at any Jupiter Donut Factory location.

Check menu/prices/locations/info at

Posted on August 9th, 2015

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 8/9/15).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…


Jupiter Donut Factory
141 Center Street
(561) 741-5290
Latest Review: 8/30/13

You wanna eat amazing donuts!- you go to Jupiter Donut Factory.

Handful of tables. All kinds of donuts. I picked the “glazed” to start the discussion…

Trust Jeff Eats, all of this joint’s donuts kill!

Posted on August 30th, 2013
***** Jupiter Donut Factory, 141 Center Street, Jupiter, Florida 33458, (561) 741-5290.

Got an absolutely amazing donut-joint for you…Jupiter Donut Factory in Jupiter.

I guarantee- that after eating this joint’s- glazed, bacon maple walnut, sour dough, chocolate glazed donuts you’ll want to enroll in Jupiter’s Police Academy. Being a drop too old to start a new career, Jeff Eats in homage to Jupiter Donut Factory- will henceforth be known as Jeff Eats Andy Sipowitz or JEAS, for short!

No fooling around, Jupiter Donut Factory makes some of the most delicious donuts that I have ever eaten. For sure, this “mom & pop” joint-has bagels, breakfast sandwiches, coffee, smoothies but the game here is DONUTS.

Not to editorialize or nothing, but…once you have had Jupiter’s donuts, you’ll have a very serious problem eating the stuff that Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme serve-up.

Jupiter Donut Factory is open 7 days a week 6am-2pm.

AmericanDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Majesty of Rock: The Music of Journey & Styx (Boca Black Box- Boca Raton)

Originally posted on 11/18/20.

* Majesty of Rock: The Music of Journey & Styx.

Definitely one of the best Journey & Styx tribute bands in the business!

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, I’ve seen these guys a number of times and they are off-the-chart good!

The Skinny:

Majesty of Rock: the Music of Journey & Styx

Friday, December 11th, 2020 (8pm)

Boca Black Box
8221 Glades Road Suite #10,
Boca Raton, Florida 33434
Box Office: 561.483.9036
Tickets: check for discount tickets

Just a taste…


It all started when Chain Reaction banded together in South Florida and began re-creating the sounds of the American super group, Journey. They wanted to pay special homage to Journey’s best years (1977-1998), when Steve Perry fronted the band.

The amazing voice of John D’Agostino, coupled with the exceptional musical talents of four equally sophisticated and experienced musicians soon propelled Chain Reaction to become one of the premier Journey reverence bands of our time. The band strives to re-create the exact sounds and nuances of Journey. Their passion for authenticity and attention to detail go a long way toward ensuring that the audience feels like they’re at a real Journey concert.

While the band has enjoyed performing the music of Journey, front man John D’Agostino also loves another American super group, Styx. Turns out the rest of the band are huge Styx fans, too. So they began adding some of Styx’s best tunes to their already expansive repertoire of Journey material. The audience response was so positive, that Forever Styx was eventually added as a separate tribute band.

Now you really CAN have it any way you want it: Majesty of Rock performing a Journey/Styx concert extravaganza, Chain Reaction, the ultimate Journey reverence band, or Forever Styx. Take a journey with us back to the days of arena rock at it’s best.


Win A $50 Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Gift Card (Boca Raton)

This contest started on 12/7/20. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $50 Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $50 Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 50 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $50 Gift Card is good at Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, 7120 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 392-9075.

You can check menu/prices at

Posted on June 1st, 2015.

***** Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, 7120 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 392-9075.

Got this e-mail this morning…

It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife at Friday night’s Morris Day & The Time concert in Pompano Beach. Terrific show.
As I mentioned, my wife and I in late April retired to Deerfield Beach after living our 41 years of married life in Plainview, Long Island. We are just getting organized and as I told you we literally stumbled across your site while looking for restaurants to eat in. Your taste in both food and entertainment match up pretty close with ours.
You have tons of picks and I was wondering if you could give us a great ‘mom & pop’ Italian joint in the Deerfield Beach area. As you may recall we are living around the Powerline/Sample Road area and we’re looking for that one pizza tee shorts/tee shirt joint to really count on.
Once again, great meeting you.
Joe K
Joe K:

Glad that you enjoyed Morris Day and the Time. It was a great show.

It was nice meeting you and your wife.

Real simple answer to your “request”…just by coincidence, last night- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats ate dinner at Nino’s Pizzeria in Boca Raton- and I gotta tell you, that this joint for the past 23 years has been one of our go-to-“mom & pops”…never and I repeat-never- a bad meal. Just between you and me, Nino’s makes a veal chop parmigiana and chicken cacciatore/chicken scarpariello both on the bone- that are off the chart. As for New York Style Pizza, the joint’s pies and slices are top-shelf!

Printed down below is a “review” that Jeff Eats did back on 5/19/14…try Nino’s- the bet here, you and your wife will absolutely love it!

Thanks for reading..


Posted on May 19th, 2014
***** Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, 7120 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 392-9075.

Way back on March 20, 2008 Jeff Eats told you guys about Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant in Boca Raton.

Time for a little update on what is definitely one of the best “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joints in South Florida.

For your convenience the “original” story is printed below…gonna save you the trouble of scrolling around.


Just for background, Nino’s opened for business in Boca Raton in 1983-you mathematicians can do the math–for the rest of you-that’s 31 years ago. In something like 2005, it opened a second location in Delray Beach. Partners fall-out, one gets Boca Raton, the other gets Delray Beach. So now you know, the business angle here.

Now-just so we are straight, we are talking about Boca Raton- here. Absolutely-positively nothing wrong with the Delray Beach location–Jeff Eats (1) lives closer to the Boca joint and (2) Jeff Eats thinks that the food, service, ambiance are better in Boca Raton- but trust me Delray Beach ain’t exactly chopped liver either.


Jeff Eats has never “officially” counted the number of times-I’ve eaten in/taken out from Nino’s–but I’m guessing 70 maybe 80, let’s just say it’s a lot. I want to tell you, that not- even- one- time was the food not right on the money–same for the service. Real simple… its soups, salads, pizzas, calzones, subs, pastas, entrees are all delicious. Off the top of my head, I would match Nino’s veal chop parmigiana ($22 soup/salad, pasta side, garlic rolls), its chicken cacciatore on the bone ($17.95 soup/salad, pasta side, garlic rolls), its chicken scarpariello on the bone ($17.95 soup/salad, pasta side, garlic rolls) and its shrimp scampi ($22.50 soup/salad, pasta side, garlic rolls) up against South Florida’s best “mom & pop” and “upscale” players. While I’m on the subject of food, Nino’s plain pizza is always on the money and the joint makes what it calls an “upside down Sicilian” pie that is a work of beauty–if you go, get it!

You maybe wondering why the sudden “gushing” about Nino’s?

Last night, Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and some dear friends- ate dinner at Nino’s and we got to discussing “various” Italian joints–and like a bolt of lightening–it hit me as to how really good Nino’s stuff is! Just that simple! Real fast-right off the top of you head, other than Nino’s–name a “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joint that does chicken cacciatore and chicken scarpariello on the bone…you do know, that’s the only RIGHT WAY to make those dishes–but that’s just my take-on the-thing!

You can check menu/prices at

Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant is open 7 days a week 11am-10pm.
March 20, 2008
***** Nino’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, 7120 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 392-9075—&—13900 South Jog Road, Delray Beach, Florida 33445, (561) 499-3988

Nino’s is one of my favorite “mom and pop” Southern Italian joints in South Florida. I could be going out on a limb here, but I think that after you have tried this joint, you will also become a big fan.

Just so you know, the Boca Raton location has been around for something like 25 years…the Delray Beach location has been in business for about 3 years. Over the years, I have eaten in the Boca location something like 30 times and the Delray location twice…although the menus are almost identical, I like the food, ambiance and service in the Boca restaurant better…call me a creature of habit, but I really feel at home when I enter the Boca joint…from the way I am greeted at the front door, to Nino the owner waving and talking from behind the pizza counter to the customers…the food and service in Delray Beach is just fine, but there is something “special” about the Boca location.

Although Nino’s seemingly “follows” the standard pattern…Soup or salad, garlic rolls, entree with a pasta side…this joint makes some of the most delicious dishes and pizza that you have ever eaten. I would personally match its veal chop parmigiana—bone in chicken cacciatore— bone in chicken scapriello—shrimp scampi entrees against any Italian restaurant down here in South Florida.

Like I said before, Nino’s has been around for something like 25 years. The Boca Raton joint is jammed for dinner 7-days a week and has a takeout business that seems to be never ending. The Delray Beach spot has also developed quite a following…but my heart belongs to the Boca joint. Both joints are open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner.

Great food. Great service. Pizza joint prices…

By the way, Nino and his wife Josephine own Josephine’s Italian Restaurant which is located on Federal Highway in Boca Raton. That’s a story for another day…but Josephine’s is a very good “white table cloth” joint.


December 7th, 1941

Posted on December 7th, 2020 · American Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »

* December 7th, 1941.