
Win A Ramones T-Shirt

Posted on August 4th, 2021 · Contests Deals Music/Events/Other · 20 Comments »

This contest started on 8/3/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A Ramones T-Shirt.

Jeff Eats got a Ramones T-Shirt to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

Ramones T-Shirt (Retail Value: $21)

Official Ramones Merchandise
100% Cotton
Black Ramones Shirt
Preshrunk, Fits True to Size
Sizes Available: small, medium, large, x-large, 2x-large, 3x-large

AmericanBreakfastFast Food

Sunrise Subs & Grill (Sunrise)

Posted on August 3rd, 2021 · American Breakfast Fast Food Sunrise · No Comments »

***** Sunrise Subs & Grill, 10184 NW 47th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351, (954) 641-9161.

Got an absolutely killer takeout joint for you guys to check-out, Sunrise Subs & Grill in Sunrise!

Basically a takeout/delivery joint- Sunrise does have a handful of window/wall-counter seats for its “eat-in” crowd. Reasonably priced menu of breakfast stuff, hot/cold subs-sandwiches, soups, salads, wings, burgers, other stuff.

Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you- Sunrise Subs & Grill’s stuff is off the chart delicious.

Long story short, last month Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats picked up 4-orders and like I just said- the food was absolutely dynamite…

Sunrise Subs & Grill is open Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:30pm.

You guys can check menu/prices/info at



Posted on August 2nd, 2021 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Humor!

An Air Canada flight was en route from Toronto to London. Halfway there, the plane suffererd catastrophic failure in all engines and had to ditch in the ocean. An announcement! Ladies and Gentlemen! The pilot has landed us safely in the water! Please don you life vests and proceed out to the wings of the plane. Everyone who can swim, proceed to the right wing, and all that can’t swim, go to the left wing. We expect rescue boats to arrive shortly!

Several hours passed with no response to crew’s repeated distress calls. Meanwhile the plane was slowing sinking. When the water had reached chest high on the passengers standing on the wings, the pilot got on the bullhorn and made an announcement.

Ladies and gentlemen! It does not appear that rescuers will reach us before the plane sinks. Therefore at this time, I’d like to ask the passengers standing on the right wing to start swimming!

To the passengers standing on the left wing. Thank you for flying Air Canada.

ContestsDealsFast FoodItalianPizzaSubs/Salads

Win A $25 Jet’s Pizza Gift Card

This contest started on 8/1/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Jet’s Pizza Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Jet’s Pizza Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at any Jet’s Pizza location ( for locations, menus, prices, info).

AmericanDessertsFast FoodItalianMusic/Events/OtherPizzaSubs/Salads

Kiss Alive: The Ultimate Tribute (Lake Park Black Box- Lake Park) & Camilli’s Pizza (Lake Park)

Originally posted on July 20th, 2021.

* Kiss Alive: The Ultimate Tribute.

Just picked-up 2 tickets…


Friday, August 6, 2021
8:00 PM

Lake Park Black Box
700 Park Ave
Lake Park, Florida 33403
Phone: 561.328.7481
Tickets: also check for discount tickets

Saturday, August 6th, 2021 (8pm)


So many of us all grew up with the music of KISS. KISS posters on our bedroom walls, fantasizing, playing air guitar and drums with KISS records blasting and parents demanding “Turn it down”. What initially started off as a tribute to only the music, (no makeup, no costumes, no bells or whistles) has, after 12 yrs evolved into the SE USA premier KISS Tribute.The compliment we cherish the most is when someone comes up and says something like…..”Man, I saw KISS back in 1975-78, and you guys brought me back to when I saw them as a teenager. Thank you for the time machine show”. Believe me, WE have just as much (if not MORE) fun than the people that come to see us.

By the way, before the “show’- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats are gonna do dinner at Camilli’s Pizza in Lake Park.

Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you, REAL GOOD!

Posted on October 25th, 2011

***** Camilli’s Pizza, 927 Park Avenue, Lake Park, Florida 33403, (561) 844-3424.

Here’s an early birthday present for you guys…Camilli’s Pizza in Lake Park. The joint makes one of the best thin crusted-sweet sauce pizzas going. Absolutely nothing fancy here, order/pickup at counter…Camilli’s also has salads, subs and pastas—but the game here is PIZZA. From what I understand, the joint has been around for something like 40 years and has an enormous-multi generational-fan base. Just for the record, in addition to the pizza I “did” a meatball sub and chicken parm sub—let’s call them real-good, but not even close to being in the same league as the pizza!

Like all terrific hole-in-the-wall pizza joints, its open 7 days a week for lunch/ dinner/ takeout.

AmericanBreakfastDish Of The WeekMusic/Events/Other

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 8/1/21- Breakfast Station Restaurant- Melbourne)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 8/1/21- Breakfast Station Restaurant).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

($13.99- 6oz. USDA beef cooked to order with sauteed mushrooms & onions. Served with whipped potatoes with gravy and coleslaw)

Breakfast Station Restaurant
4100 North Wickham Road
(321) 428-4810
Latest Review:11/13/19

Trust Jeff Eats on this one- whether it’s breakfast or lunch, this joint’s stuff is terrific!

Posted on November 13th, 2019

***** Breakfast Station Restaurant, 4100 North Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32935, (321) 428-4810.

Got a real good diner for you guys to checkout- Breakfast Station Restaurant in Melbourne.

Real simple tale to tell, the other day- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “discovered” Breakfast Station Restaurant and I gotta tell you- if your’e into diners- you will absolutely love this joint. Delicious food, super pleasant service, reasonable prices, no drama! Open 7 days a week from 7am-3pm.

Just so you guys know- there are 14 Breakfast Station Restaurants in Florida. Not trying to make any enemies here- but based on Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats’ “outing” in-my-humble-opinion this joint’s food/vibe/prices/decor/service were better than what chains like IHOP, First Watch, Perkins Bakery & Restaurant serve-up. Purely a subjective call, but the Melbourne- Breakfast Station Restaurant had the “mom & pop” neighborhood diner “vibe” that we really enjoy!- the other chains don’t have it!

Let me wrap Breakfast Station Restaurant up by telling you guys that you can check for locations/menu/prices/info.


Win A $25 Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen Gift Card (Delray Beach)

Posted on August 1st, 2021 · American Contests Deals Delray Beach · 26 Comments »

This contest started on 7/31/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 25“reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen, 15084 Lyons Road, Delray Beach, Florida 33446, (561) 455-4177.

You can check for menu/prices/reservations/info.

Posted on July 5th, 2021

***** Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen, 15084 Lyons Road, Delray Beach, Florida 33446, (561) 455-4177.

Got an absolutely killer American-Style joint for you guys to checkout, Warren- American/ Whiskey/ Kitchen in Delray Beach.

Way-back on June 11th, 2021 I told you guys that I had been hearing terrific things about Warren which had literally just opened in Delray Beach and that I planned on giving Warren a shot in the very near future- Long story short, last Saturday night (7/3/21)- Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and two other couples ate dinner at Warren and I gotta tell you guys that Warren didn’t disappoint with its food, decor and service absolutely killing it!

Save me some-time and checkout Jeff Eats’ 6/11/21- story (down- below) for background color…

Right out of the gate, Warren’s mind blowing main dining room’s walls are lined-with something like 1,000 bottles filled with different whiskey, bourbon and scotch brands- its open kitchen allows diners to see “their” food prepared, a separate indoor bar-room’s windows permits- patrons to counter dine/drink on an outdoor patio which also has table seating and is set-up to accommodate live music acts and other entertainment!

On the food front, based on our waiter’s recommendation our party of 6 shared a whole bunch of “dishes”- all of which were delicious…

Crispy Calamari
Caesar Salad
Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes
Gloria’s (KFC) Korean Fried Chicken
Warren’s Damn Good Burger
Buttermilk Fried Chicken Sandwich
Lobster Seafood Bolognese
Roasted Heirloom 1/2 Roasted Chicken
Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake

If you insist on a pecking order, Jeff Eats would rate Gloria’s (KFC) Korean Fried Chicken, the Warren Damn Good Burger, Lobster Seafood Bolognese and the Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake as the definite home-run stand-outs! Now you guys do know, what I like you may hate and vice versa…for the record, Mrs. Jeff Eats raved about the Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes, but then again, the name of this blog site is Jeff Eats and not Mrs. Jeff Eats- am I right or am I right!

Let me wrap Warren’s up by saying that this joint is an absolute must try.

You guys can check menu/prices/info at warrendelraycom.

Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen is open Tuesday-Sunday 5pm-10pm, closed on Monday.

Originally posted on June 11th, 2021.

* Warren- American/Whiskey/Kitchen.

Hearing absolutely terrific things about Warren, 15084 Lyons Road, Delray Beach, Florida 33446, (561) 455-4177 which opened about a week ago in Delray Beach.

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have reservations for later this month.

Hearing that the American-Style joint’s food kills, that it has 2 indoor liquor bars that-literally serve everything imaginable, an outdoor patio that in the coming months will feature all types of musical entertainment, a well trained and professional staff, an everyday 3-6pm by the clock happy hour and a decor that is as cool and hip as can be!

As I mentioned a couple of seconds ago, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have reservations later this month- so be on the look -out for a Warren update…

In the meantime, check for menu/prices/reservations/info.

By the way, if you beat Jeff Eats to Warren, let me know what you think!

Warren is open Tuesday-Sunday 5pm-10pm, closed on Monday.

AmericanBreakfastDessertsFast Food

True Loaf Bakery (Miami Beach)

***** True Loaf Bakery, 1894 Bay Road, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, (786) 216-7207.

Got an absolutely dynamite bakery that you guys gotta checkout- True Loaf Bakery in Miami Beach.

Real simple tale to tell, yesterday- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “discovered” True Loaf Bakery and I’m telling you- this joint’s stuff absolutely killed! If this bakery was closer to the Eats’ Boca Raton abode- I’d probably be wearing a size 56 long suit and clocking in around 335!


Trust Jeff Eats on this one, reasonably priced delicious- cakes/ cookies/ pies/ breads/ pastries/ rolls/ croissants/ scones/ muffins/ handful of sandwiches and beverages menu! Order-pickup at counter. For those who want to eat “there”- wall-counter with a handful of seats.

Just between you guys and Jeff Eats, I “know” my chocolate babkas, almond croissants and oatmeal raisin cookies…

True Loaf Bakery is an absolute must try joint!

You can check menu/prices/info at

True Loaf Bakery is open Wednesday-Sunday 8am-4:30pm.


Win A $25 Dragon City Chinese Seafood Restaurant Gift Card (Hollywood)

Posted on July 30th, 2021 · Chinese Contests Deals Hollywood Seafood · 27 Comments »

This contest started on 7/30/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Dragon City Chinese Seafood Restaurant Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Dragon City Chinese Seafood Restaurant Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $20 Gift Card is good at Dragon City Chinese Seafood Restaurant, 6708 Stirling Road, Hollywood, Florida 33024, (954) 894-8393.

Posted on October 30th, 2015

***** Dragon City Mandarin House Restaurant, 6708 Stirling Road, Hollywood, Florida 33024, (954) 894-8393.

For our purposes we are gonna call Dragon City Mandarin House Restaurant an “out of sight-out of mind” situation.

If you do some checking (and even if you don’t)- Jeff Eats first told you guys about this Chinese joint on May 1, 2011…the truth be told, I hadn’t been back since…

Long story really short, last night Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats were “down” in Dragon’s neighborhood- and we did dinner- and I gotta tell you that nothing-has changed in 4 1/2 years…the joint’s food still kills!

Last night’s wonton soup, hot & sour soup, bbq ribs, egg rolls, roast pork fried rice, pepper steak, lobster in black bean sauce were absolutely delicious.

Really not too much more to tell you other than- if Dragon City Mandarin House Restaurant was by-my- Boca Raton house, Jeff Eats would be a REAL STEADY customer.


Posted on May 1st, 2011

***** Dragon City Mandarin House Restaurant, 6708 Stirling Road, Hollywood, Florida 33024, (954) 894-8393.

I love good “Brooklyn Jewish” Chinese food. Old Jeff Eats was born in Brooklyn (1949)—with that in mind… to me, a perfect Chinese meal includes dishes “like” wonton/egg drop combo soup, egg rolls, fried dumplings, bbq ribs, roast pork fried rice, sweet & sour pork, General Tso’s chicken, lobster in black bean soup, pepper steak, pistachio ice cream, fortune cookie. Not really into—“real”-“authentic”-Chinese food like, jellyfish, eel, duck tongues, shark fins…Like I said, Brooklyn Jewish is my game.

The other night I had dinner at Dragon City in Hollywood. This joint has dynamite Brooklyn Jewish. It also has real-authentic stuff…so everyone can play here. Just so you know, Dragon’s got TWO menus. One for us Brooklyn guys and one for–shall we say, the adventurous crowd.

If you are looking for fancy schmanzy forget about it. This is a neighborhood Chinese joint. It’s kind of run-down looking…but don’t be a-scared, the food–at least–the Brooklyn Jewish stuff was delicious. To be perfectly honest with you, I couldn’t find even one-dish to bitch about. Sorry can’t comment on the jellyfish or eel because…not my game.

This joint is a homerun.

I’m gonna assume that the “real-authentic” dishes are as good as the phony-Chinese stuff that I stuffed my face with.

Dragon City is open Monday-Friday 11am-3am, Saturday 11am-2am, Sunday noon-2am

AmericanDealsDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

National Touring Headliner Comedian- Greg Hahn (Boca Black Box- Boca Raton)

Originally posted on 5/19/21.

* National Touring Headliner Comedian- Greg Hahn.

If you wanna see one of the most brilliantly- funny comedians currently working America’s comedy club/casino/resort/event circuit- then you gotta go see Greg Hahn!

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have seen Hahn’s stand-up act several times- and, I am telling you guys, the man is a phenomenally funny comedian!

Don’t miss him!

Just announced…

National Touring Headliner Comedian- Greg Hahn

Friday, July 30th, 2021 (8pm)

Boca Black Box
8221 Glades Road Suite #10,
Boca Raton, Florida 33434
Box Office: 483.9036
Tickets: – also check for discount tickets


A favorite on the nationally syndicated Bob and Tom Radio Show. He has appeared on Late Night with Conan Obrien, Comedy Central, CBS, ABC, FOX, MTV and CMT. Greg Hahn has parlayed his absurdly energetic, all out style of physical humor, one liners and crowd work into a performance of immediate pandemonium and continuous laughs. His unique stylings have led to numerous television, corporate and theater appearances throughout the US and Canada. Greg was raised in South Florida where in high school he amused the Catholic nuns by poking holes in his pockets enabling pencils to shoot out of his pant leg. As a college basketball player, his enjoyment of half court shots earned him a sweet spot on the bench.As a Captain in the Marines Corps, Greg kept his men highly motivated and could not overemphasize that camouflage is continuous. While a buyer for Lockheed Corporation, he thought why make $200 a day, when I can be a comedian and make that in a week .After several serious jobs where he refused to be serious, Greg turned pro as a stand up comedian and landed a job as emcee for a theme park lumberjack show. This supplied him with four audiences a day, intoxicated ax swinging lumberjacks, and a log rolling dog. Soon afterwards, he worked as stuntman in the Wild Wild Wild West Stunt Show at Universal Studios. For $20 an hour, I would run out and get hit in the head with a stick, perfect! He continually honed his style of comedy then headed to New York City. While in New York, Greg developed into a touring headliner and costarred in the independent film Tomorrow Night which premiered at theSundance Film Festival. Then, after successful shows at the Montreal and Chicago Comedy Festivals, Greg enjoyed television appearances on Late Night with Conan OBrien (NBC), Premium Blend (Comedy Central), Make Me Laugh (5 episodes, Comedy Central), Louis CKs Pulp Comics (Comedy Central), 30 Seconds to Fame (Fox), Cedric the Entertainer Presents (Fox) and Star Search (CBS). When appearing on Star Search, Greg was spotted by Tom Griswold of the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom Radio Show. Greg has since established himself as a favorite guest on the show and starred on the Bob @ Tom Comedy Central Special. He also headlines the Friends of The Bob @ Tom Theater Tour, which included a stop at the Las Vegas Comedy Festival. A return appearance to the Montreal Comedy Festival along with the Halifax Comedy Festival and wild appearances on Country Music Televisions Comedy Stage, Comics Unleashed with Byron Allen and running for president on TOSH.O (Comedy Central) have added to Gregs popularity. Greg now lives in Los Angeles where he continues to infiltrate the TV and movie biz with the intention of buying a llama farm and a kitchen fish tank.