
Larry King

Posted on October 2nd, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 6 Comments »


* Larry King.

Am I nuts or what, but this guy seems to be wiling to sell anything and everything on tv? Am I right or am I right?

Since this is a food blog, unless Jeff Eats is reading it all wrong…this guy Larry King isn’t “fronting”- bagel chain The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co. anymore. I could’ve sworn that his “mug” use to be plastered all over the Company’s website-…but no more. I wonder why?

In any event, Jeff Eats never really cared for Larry King when he was on CNN…always thought he was a big old phony…for reference GOOGLE his made-up relationship with baseball great Sandy Koufax.

The way I see it, with all of the endorsements he now has-out, I know I was right.

Always amazes me how guys like Larry King-get the public to follow them!



Posted on September 30th, 2014 · Boca Raton Italian Music/Events/Other Pizza · 2 Comments »



Got a fun event for you guys…Meatball Room’s Homemade Meatball Contest scheduled for October, 18, 2014.

Now, since you are literally the first people hearing about this CONTEST- you got a good shot of being one of the contestants-if that’s your game.

Last Spring (4/26/14) Italian restaurant-Meatball Room held its “first”- charity-best meatball contest on its outdoor patio. There were 25 contestants, a panel of judges (Jeff Eats was one of the judges), live music, kids’ entertainment, complimentry beverages–something like 300 spectators…it was an absolute blast, not to mention that Meatball Room made a nice-monetary donation to a local charity!


Two minutes ago, Jeff Eats received the below-email/press release. In a nutshell-“round” 2 is set for October 18, 2014 at 1pm. Just so you know, Jeff Eats is gonna be a judge again…but this time, I’m gonna be prepared and have a pack of TUMS in my pocket–just between you and me, some of those meatballs gave a whole new meaning to the expression “home made.” Not to beat a dead horse or nothing, but Jeff Eats is wondering if there might be a connection between American teenage runaways and meatballs?-anyway, later today- I’m gonna research Teenage Runaways In Italy!

Finally, back in April- way more than 25 people tried to enter-so if you want to be a contestant, move fast-registration info is in the press release.

Whether you’re a cook or just a watcher- you’ll have a real fun afternoon…catch you on the 18th!
Hi Jeff,
We are at it again – 2nd Meatball Contest at MR! Can you be a judge again? Many thanks! Kim

For Immediate Release



Benefitting the American Cancer Society Hope Gala


Hosted by Sid Rosenberg of 640 AM Sports

Boca Raton, FL –Meatball Room (, Boca’s hottest Tuscan Italian restaurant, is looking for the ultimate meatball recipe that is missing from their already impressive meatball menu.

The contest will take place at the restaurant on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 1PM. Contestants must pre-register and bring the recipe and finished dish ready to taste by the panel of judges.

The limit is 25 contestants with one meatball recipe and dish per contestant.

Celebrity judges will include Sid Rosenberg of 640 Sports and other surprise guests.


Contestants must call (561) 210- 4411 or email , Kim to register

Grand prize winner will receive:

His or her winning meatball will be put on restaurant menu
$500 gift card
And more

The party atmosphere will include live entertainment, a balloon maker for the kids, wine tasting and drink and food specials on the outdoor patio.

A portion of all sales from the day will benefit The American Cancer Society’s Hope Gala, to take place on March 14, 2015 at the Boca West County Club.

The Regency Court
3011 Yamato Road
Boca Raton, FL 33434

To Register for the Contest or for further information contact:

Kim Morgan

Kim Morgan Vagnuolo l President
301 Yamato Road Suite 1240, Boca Raton, Florida 33431
CELL: 954.261.2149

Fast FoodItalianPizzaSubs/Salads

Basilico’s Original Hand-Tossed Pizza (Wellington)

Posted on September 29th, 2014 · Fast Food Italian Pizza Subs/Salads Wellington · 7 Comments »


***** Basilico’s Original Hand-Tossed Pizza, 9140 Forest Hill Boulevard, Wellington, Florida 33411, (561) 333-4949.

Last night, Jeff Eats took-out from red sauce Italian joint… Basilico’s Original Hand-Tossed Pizza in Wellington. and I gotta tell you, this restaurant makes some really delicious stuff.

Real simple concept, order at the counter/takeout…or the food is delivered to something like 6 inside booths/handful of outside tables. By the way, the restaurant is located in a very quaint cool looking “New England” style strip-center…which also has a Chinese joint, a Dunkin’ Donuts, an ice cream store, a custom cake- making store, a liquor store–you won’t think- you’re in Florida! Real interesting, in addition to ice cream and yogurt-the ice cream store sells fresh orange juice quarts/gallons-candy by the pound, and has a whole area for fresh flowers…the Chinese joint which is basically a takeout has 4 large 6- seat booths-for those who want to eat-in. Like I said 1 second ago, the strip center has a real different feel to it!


Jeff Eats “got to” Basilico’s around 6:30pm last night and there was something like 8 guys behind the counter making pizzas etc. and 2 young ladies at the register. In the 25 minutes or so that I waited for my order, every booth inside was taken and I watched numerous pickups and phone orders being taken…I didn’t notice anyone eating outside.

Basilico’s menu is loaded with appetizers, salads, pizzas, pastas, strombolis, calzones, hot/cold subs, entrees. You can check its menu/prices at

Ordered items included large 16″ pizza ($9.99), Chicken parmesan sub ($7.99), sausage & peppers stromboli ($6.79), eggplant parmesan entrée (pasta side/garlic breadsticks- $10.59) and like I said 3 seconds ago, the stuff was really delicious.


Jeff Eats has been to his fair share of red sauce Italian joints down here in south Florida and- this Basilico’s joint is a huge winner. The food was really-solid, the prices CHEAP (I believe I’m suppose to say inexpensive or very reasonable)-trust me, Basilico’s gives you a ton of food for cheap-money-and the food isn’t crap quality!

Let me wrap this up for you, if Basilico’s was by my house (which unfortunately it isn’t) Jeff Eats would definitely be a very steady customer.

Basilico’s Original Hand-Tossed Pizza is open 7 days a week.



Posted on September 29th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 45 Comments »



Jeff Eats has been down here in sunny South Florida for over 22 years…you-know the land of Boards of Directors and Home Owner Associations.

Let me ask you guys something and you be honest…

Hypothetically speaking-If you needed triple heart bypass surgery would you let the Chairman of the Board of IBM who was a graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Law School and the Wharton School of Business with a BA in accounting, JD degree and a Masters & Doctorate in Calculus perform the operation for nothing?

___________(fill in answer).

Then why the hell do you guys entrust the operation of your Country Clubs, Condos, Co-ops, Neighborhoods to some guy or gal who is- some retired NYC school teacher, retired owner of a dry cleaning chain, housewife, retired shoe salesman, president of a men’s clothing chain?

Now no offense intended to you board members…but what do most of you guys know about…construction, bank financing, booking bands, maintenance, home owner rights, contracts, hiring contractors, décor design, landscaping?

______________(fill in answer).

Quick story, in my neighborhood one of the sub-divisions was missing the letter “S” from its entrance-way sign. In the time it took the HOA to get the “S” replaced, GL Homes probably built 5,000 homes in Delray Beach from scratch.

Trust me I know the BOD and HOA game and if you ask me…it’s a real dumb game.

Once again, no insult intended to you board members, but did you ever notice that by in large- the really top-guys in your communities DON’T GET INVOLVED AND AREN’T ON YOUR BOARDS? Wanna know why?-because they don’t want to get involved (especially for no compensation) with a bunch of yentas (Google if necessary) who actually think that they can out negotiate Comcast, and build entrance ways without having formal construction or engineering backgrounds.

I know, I know, that the “rules” say someone has to do it…just ask yourself, what makes you qualified to be that SOMEONE?

Finally, all Jeff Eats knows, is that if you ain’t on a BOARD…your neighbors won’t hate your guts because- 1. you raised the dues, 2. you hired a crap comedian, 3. you fined them for speeding, 4. you fined them for flying a US Flag, 5. you got the Club/Condo/Co-op into a law suit, 6. you hired a crooked contractor, 7. the complimentary bagels at the gym suck, 8. you violated Federal law as it pertains to service animals, 9. you ticketed them for parking in the street over night, 10. you signed an absurd lopsided contract with some property management company…

When you lived in that 6 story apartment building on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, you paid your rent and bitched to Leo The Super to make repairs and waited every 3-years for a new paint job. Now that you’ve moved to Sunny South Florida…many of you in essence became the “landlord”-that you grew up hating your whole lives.

Okay, done with that rant…but I will close by telling you. that ANYONE WHO SITS ON A GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE IS A FOOL…and I am dead serious here!

America’s entire justice system is based on fairness to all parties- and there is no way in HELL that neighbors who KNOW each other-can judge each other fairly!…and you can take that to the bank!

As Jeff Eats’ grandmother Grandmother Jeff Eats use to say…”YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR” and “CHEAP IS CHEAP.”

BBQChineseDish Of The WeekFast Food

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-9/28/14- Hong Kong Palace- Boca Raton)

Posted on September 28th, 2014 · BBQ Boca Raton Chinese Dish Of The Week Fast Food · 3 Comments »


***** DISH OF THE WEEK (September-9/28/14).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

$9.50 (large order)

Hong Kong Palace
22191 Powerline Road
Boca Raton
(561) 338-5887
Latest Review: 6/18/11.

Real easy story here…the bbq pork spareribs will have you thinking that it’s 1957 and -you got them from Joy Fong’s on Avenue J & Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn. Outstanding ribs- by the way, you guys can insert the name of your “favorite” Jewish American Chinese Restaurant circa 1950’s-1960’s in place of Joy Fong’s, if you so desire. For you “youngsters” out there, 70’s-2014 will also work.


Posted June 18, 2011
***** Hong Kong Palace, 22191 Powerline Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 338-5887.

Don’t ask! Hong Kong Palace a “takeout only” Chinese joint has been around for something like 30 years and although it’s about 6 minutes from my house, I didn’t know that it existed until last night around 7:30pm. Mrs. Jeff Eats couldn’t “find” a red paper party bag that she needed at Party Supermarket so she dragged me to Party City (where she normally doesn’t shop) in her quest for that red paper party bag…and low and behold, while she was in Party City, I just happened to “notice” Hong Kong Palace which is right next door. Twenty minutes later…she had the red paper party bag and I had two plastic bags filled with…wonton soup, egg rolls, pan fried dumplings, white rice, bbq ribs, shrimp with lobster sauce, mu shu pork, sweet & sour chicken, beef with broccoli, a handful of fortune cookies.

You know what good fortune is? Well, a quest for a red paper party bag—resulted in me coming-upon a good Chinese takeout. Just for the record, the bbq ribs were 6-of the best that I’ve had in a very long time. Everything “else” was A-Ok, but nothing to get hysterical about. The beautiful part of this story, is I now know as do you, where you can get absolutely delicious Chinese bbq ribs.

You can check menu/prices at

Hong Kong Palace is open Monday-Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-10:30pm, Sunday, 2:30pm-10pm. If you pay cash over $15-$25-$40 they throw some items like spring rolls, egg rolls, krab rangoon, fried rice in the bag for nothing. One other thing, Party City has red paper party bags for $1.99 and is open Monday-Wednesday 9:30am-8:30pm, Thursday-Friday 9:30am-9:00pm, Saturday 8:30am-8:30pm, Sunday 10am-6:00pm.

AmericanBreakfastDessertsFast Food

The Dandee Donut Factory (Pompano Beach)

Posted on September 26th, 2014 · American Breakfast Desserts Fast Food Pompano Beach · 17 Comments »


***** The Dandee Donut Factory, 1900 East Atlantic Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060, (954) 785-1461.

Let me start by saying that Jeff Eats LOVES-The Dandee Donut Factory-in Pompano Beach.

For the record, Jeff Eats originally told you guys about Dandee on 11/19/11-but some stories warrant “re-telling”…

Just so we are straight, there are two other Dandee Donut outposts in South Florida-Deerfield Beach and Hollywood…Pompano Beach and Hollywood are owned by the same guy, while the Deerfield Beach store has a totally different-unrelated owner.

For the purposes of today’s story…I’m only talking about the Pompano Beach joint…which is open 24/7-which has indoor table/counter–outdoor patio seating…which makes amazing donuts and serves-up delicious “diner” food. If you are wondering why Jeff Eats is “featuring” Pompano Beach–it’s because this is the joint that Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats have been frequenting -to the tune of something like twice a month for years. While I’m busy telling you my life story- Hollywood’s donuts/food are as good as Pompano’s…Deerfield Beach’s donuts are OK-but not great (Remember! I told you -this joint has a different owner not to mention a different baker)-but its diner food is decent enough.

At this stage of the game I’m gonna let you check for menu/prices/other info.

If you got the time, you can “read” (or re-read, whatever the case may be) Jeff Eats’- The Dandee Donut Factory write -up (11/19/11).

I’m gonna close this story out by telling you, that if you want- terrific donuts, delicious diner food, fabulous pleasant service, perfect diner-decor (whatever that is!)…then you gotta get yourself over to The Dandee Donut Factory in Pompano Beach.

Oh! One other thing…

In surfing the net, Jeff Eats caught on TripAdvisor what I think is one of the greatest food reviews of all-time…
Palermo, New Jersey
Senior Contributor
24 reviews 24 reviews 9 restaurant reviews
29 helpful votes 29 helpful votes
“Fantastic donuts!!”
5 of 5 stars Reviewed September 21, 2014 NEW
We rolled into Dandees about 1:00 AM at the end of August. Despite Pompano Beach being almost completely shuttered, Dandees was bustling. The donuts are far superior to Dunkin and the atmosphere was worth the trip. I believe my son met his future ex wife there!!


Right On Band (Kings Point-Delray Beach)

Posted on September 25th, 2014 · Delray Beach Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »



* Right On Band.

Real simple story…

My friend Nigel Holland is the lead singer and leader of the Right On Band-based out of Virgina Beach, Virginia.

In Jeff Eats’ humble opinion- the 10-piece Right On Band is one of the best party bands in the United States. The band can literally play anything-that said, the group absolutely kills-it covering Motown, Disco and 70’s Funk hits.

The Right On Band plays all over the United Staes-actually, make that-all over the world.

The band-rarely works in South Florida. When it does, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats make it our business to go see “Nigel & Company.”

Just got off the phone with Nigel and he advised- that the band will be performing at Kings Point in Delray Beach on Friday, January 23, 2015 at 8pm.

Just so you know, Kings Point is one of the very few condos/country clubs/developments that allows “the public” to purchase tickets/attend events-shows. Tickets for the Right On Band (resident:$15, non-resident:$20) and the entire 2014-2015 Kings Point-schedule can be purchased online at

Let me wrap this up for you,

If you want to see the BAND that you should have had at your wedding, your kids’ weddings, your bar mitzvah, your kids’ bar mitzvahs, your bat mitzvah, your kids’ bat mitzvahs, your anniversary party, your birthday party–so on and so forth…then you should definitely make it your business to see the RIGHT ON BAND!

You can checkout- the Right On Band video/audio/pictures/other stuff at


Lola & The Saints (Kings Point-Delray Beach)

Posted on September 24th, 2014 · Delray Beach Music/Events/Other · 12 Comments »


* Lola & The Saints.

If you are into doo wop music…you won’t want to miss Lola & The Saints.

No bs-ing here, this quintet (that means 5 people) is as good as it gets- when it comes to covering 50’s-60’s acappella and doo wop hits… Top notch leads and harmonies.

Lola & The Saints based out of -Tampa area- makes a rare South Florida appearance at Kings Point on Sunday, March 8, 2015.

You can check Lola & The Saints out at

You can buy tickets online at

Printed below…Kings Point’s “bio” on the group.

Sunday, March 08, 2015, 8:00 PM


Sunday, March 8th, 8:00 PM
$14.00 Residents
$19.00 Non – Residents

Originally formed in the Throgs Neck section of the Bronx by Lola and Tom Foy, “The Saints” have enjoyed a long and magnificent career in show business. After having performed and recorded under many different guises, they have always managed to find their way back to their Doo-Wop roots as well as their original name “The Saints”. Each and every member of the five piece vocal group has, at one time been a part of some of the finest 50’s and 60’s Doo-Wop groups.

Fast FoodItalianPizza

Dean Anthony’s Express (Boca Raton)

Posted on September 24th, 2014 · Boca Raton Fast Food Italian Pizza · 6 Comments »

***** Dean Anthony’s Express, 1449 Ysmato Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, (561) 988-2202.

There’s an old Chinese or maybe it’s an old Japanese-saying…”out of sight out of mind.”


Way back on August 26, 2009- Jeff Eats told you guys about Dean Anthony’s Express-a terrific red sauce Italian “takeout” joint that had just opened in Boca Raton. Long story short, ultra-crappy strip center location -literally made Jeff Eats forget all about the joint (which just happens to be 6 minutes from my home)…that is, until this past Monday when Mrs. Jeff Eats got a Dean Anthony’s Express flyer “advertising” all kinds of- specials in the mail…the result-the ordered 18″ $9.99 cheese pizza, chicken parmigiana sub/philly cheese steak sub/meatball parmigiana sub/sausage-peppers-onion sub ($6.50 each) put Dean Anthony’s Express back on the Eats’ radar.

Real simple…the food was absolute dynamite.

Dean Anthony’s Express is open Monday-Saturday 11am-8:30pm, closed on Sunday.

The original 8/26/2009 “review” is reprinted below.
Dean Anthony’s Express
August 26, 2009

The folks in Boca Raton just-lucked out…let me explain.

Dean Anthony’s is a “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joint which currently has 1 full- restaurant in Wellington and 1 full-restaurant in Boynton Beach. Two days ago…in a real-small Boca Raton strip center a Dean Anthony’s Express opened… which if you forget about a few window-counter seats, is a takeout-only joint.

Over the years, I must have eaten in the Dean Anthony’s restaurants at least 10 times…I rank these joints right up there with the “best” in the mom & pop South Florida Italian category. By the way, before the Jeff Eats’ website crashed a few years ago, there was a very favorable review on the full-restaurants. On my to do list, is a revisit for an updated “opinion”…

Last night, I tried Dean Anthony’s Express…the menu is loaded with appetizers, salads, pastas, sandwiches, chicken wings (something like 12 different sauces), entrees, pizzas… I did a plain pizza, penne alla vodka, chicken parmigiana, greek salad, garlic rolls, cheese calzone, chicken wings (honey garlic), meatballs-spaghetti…everything I “sampled” was real-good. Gourmet food? Now, let’s not play dopey here! This is a takeout red- sauce -joint, but I am telling you, that give or take a handful of restaurants, this Dean Anthony’s Express is as good as neighborhood takeout gets. One thing that I gotta single out here for special treatment, the pizza…plain old slice with sauce/cheese—one of the best slices I have had down here in South Florida…let’s call it a real NY slice.

As for prices…strictly neighborhood prices. 10 wings $7.99–Greek salad (enough for 2) $9.99–a large pizza goes for $13.99. You definitely won’t go broke ordering from this joint.

You folks in Boca Raton really lucked out…I am telling you, that the next time you want takeout, you want to give Dean Anthony’s a try.

The joint is open Monday-Sarurday 11am-9pm and Sunday 3pm-9pm.



Posted on September 23rd, 2014 · Music/Events/Other · 5 Comments »



Jeff Eats recently received the following email.

Long time reader.
Love the site.
Just curious, who in your opinion is/was the best recording 50’s/60’s a cappella group.

That question is impossible to answer.

There were so many great groups-that I would be an absolute fool to try and pick out a Top Dog.

I will tell you, that The Persuasions who to this very day still record/perform concerts are one of my favorite all time a cappella groups and would definitely be on a Jeff Eats’ -Top 5 List-if one existed.

For some crazy reason which I can’t explain, The Persuasions in recent years-rarely “worked” Florida.

It would seem to me, that the condo/country club/residential communities down here- would love this group in concert…by the way, I caught the group-in action about 2 years ago and they “still” got great leads and harmonies.


Check The Persuasions out at

Printed below is a “drop” of bio- from their website.
The Persuasions are A Cappella
Since those long ago days of 1962, The Persuasions have gone on to sing in concert halls and nightclubs the world over. They have released 26 albums, and opened for artists including: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, Ray Charles, Bill Cosby, and Richard Pryor. Amazingly enough, Roseanne Barr and Bruce Springsteen once opened for The Persuasions.
The Persuasions have long been the acknowledged “Kings of A Cappella.” The group first came together on the streetcorners of Brooklyn, but all hail from different parts of the country. Original lead singer Jerry Lawson was from Florida. North Carolina is the birthplace of “Sweet” Joe Russell. Jimmy Hayes was born in Virginia and Jayotis Washington is from Motown, a Detroit native.
Herbert “Toubo” Rhoad, an original Persuasion and the group’s baritone, passed away in 1988 while on tour. His ashes were scattered by his mates in San Francisco Bay, as per his wishes. Toubo’s earthly voice may have fallen silent, but those who knew and loved him can still feel his baritone joining in whenever the Persuasions take the stage or hit the studio.
All the original Persuasions came from a strong history and deep background in church-based music. Their singing, style and musical inventory has always included the heavy influence of gospel, a major measure soul, and a dose of pop. Their legendarily eclectic repertoire has drawn from everything from Sam Cooke to The Temptations to Kurt Weill to Zappa; from country to blues to gospel to rock to jazz.
The Persuasions moved from streetcorners to parties to “performances” during the early 1960’s, and worked with Robert F. Kennedy’s Project Restoration to aid African-Americans living in the inner cities of America.
Legendary musician Frank Zappa and his wife Gail “discovered” The Persuasions in 1968. At the urging and encouragement of a good friend of the group, David Dashev (who eventually became producer and manager), Zappa listened to a tape of the group—over the phone. The result: he signed them and produced their debut album, “A Cappella,” on Zappa’s “Straight” label, in 1970.
The Persuasions next signed with Capitol Records and have since gone on to release a string of commercially successful and critically acclaimed recordings, releasing albums and CDs for MCA, A&M Records, Elektra Records, Flying Fish, Rounder and Rounder/ Bullseye Blues, Music For Little People, Earthbeat!/Rhino, Grateful Dead Records/Arista and Chesky Records.
The group’s first ever recording specifically for children, “On The Good Ship Lollipop,” was released in 1999, and won a bushel of awards from parents’ organizations. In March, 2000, The Persuasions released an album in tribute to their old friend, Zappa, “Frankly A Cappella: The Persuasions Sing Zappa.” At the time, Jerry Lawson of The Persuasions said, “Frank gave us our start, and this is our way of saying ‘thanks'”. The album was critically acclaimed in publications including People Magazine.

The Grateful Dead were next, when The Persuasions recorded a tribute album and released it in October 2000. The recording, “Might As Well: The Persuasions Sing Grateful Dead” celebrated the songs of Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia. Both the Zappa and Grateful Dead albums were the brainchild of co-producer and longtime Persuasions friend, music journalist Rip Rense, who had also secured the deal and acted as project coordinator/annotator for “On The Good Ship Lollipop.” In 2002, The Persuasions moved on to Chesky Records, where they recorded the “The Persuasions Sing The Beatles.”
The Persuasions may not have invented a cappella. They have, however, carried the torch and kept the art form alive, sometimes singlehandedly, for over four decades. During the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, they were the only secular, pop a cappella group to get serious recognition and popularity—certainly the only a pop cappella group to sign with major record labels and to be played on FM radio along with the Rolling Stones and Beatles.

They have done this by staying true to themselves, true to the music and true to their fans. They have recorded and performed songs by artists ranging from Frank Sinatra to Sam Cooke to Bob Dylan, and from Lennon and McCartney to Rogers and Hammerstein.They have taken standards and children’s classics and infused them with their own powerful style and substance. They can take any song, “Persuasionize it,” and wind up with a new musical experience that often even surprises the original authors.
Through their dedication, staying power and perseverance, The Persuasions have paved the way for groups like Boyz 2 Men, Take 6, and Rockapella, all three of which acknowledge the group’s influence.
During the mid 1990’s, director, producer and avowed Persuasions fan Fred Parnes filmed the documentary, “Spread the Word: The Persuasions Sing A Cappella.” The film has been screened at the Smithsonian Institute, and at exclusive and limited engagements and festivals in New York, Los Angeles, and through out Europe. It has garnered high critical praise from the press, including the L.A. Reader, New York Post and Hollywood Daily Variety.
What started out humbly in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn is now a venerable a cappella institution. The Persuasions have performed for fans in Alaska, Israel, throughout Europe, and in Australia. They have appeared on stage, on record and on disc with such diverse artists as Stevie Wonder, Bette Midler, Joni Mitchell, Liza Minelli, Van Morrison, Lou Reed Gladys Knight, Patti LaBelle, Little Richard, Nancy Wilson, The Neville Brothers, Country Joe McDonald, B.B. King and Paul Simon. The group’s recordings have been featured in films ranging from “Joe Versus the Volcano” to “The Heartbreak Kid,” from “Streets of Gold” to “E.T.”
The Persuasions are equally familiar with the small screen. Their documentary, “Spread the Word” was shown on PBS, as was Spike Lee’s “Do It A Cappella,” which featured the group singing Kurt Weill’s “Oh Heavenly Salvation.” The group has made musical guest appearances on television shows that seem to cover the entire day: Good Morning America, the Today Show, The Tonight Show, and Late Night with Conan O’ Brien. Weekends were covered with appearances on Saturday Night Live!

The Persuasions continue today with original members Jimmy Hayes, “Sweet Joe” Russell, with a supporting cast including Raymond Sanders and B.J. Jones, who joined in the early ‘90’s, longtime Jimmy Hayes friend Gil Torres, and Dave Revels, who sang with the group on its Beatles album and arranged and co-produced The Persuasions’ tribute to U-2. Jayotis Washington is on extended leave, and Jerry Lawson is pursuing a solo career in Phoenix, Arizona.
The Persuasions started out as a bunch of kids hanging around singing a cappella. They have gone on to become the undisputed grand old men of the genre.