AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other


* Veterans OF SNL: Rob Schneider, Darrell Hammond, Chris Kattan and Finesse Mitchell.

Just announced…

For sure a very impressive comedy lineup!

That said, for some reason I’m not running to buy tickets!

The Skinny:


Thursday, September 24, 2018 (8pm)

The Pavilion- Seminole Casino Coconut Creek
5550 NW 40th Street
Coconut Creek, Florida 33073
Info: 954-977-6700



Thursday, September 24th, 2018 (8pm)

The Pavilion at the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek

Join us as comedic legends from Saturday Night Live perform live at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek. Former SNL cast members Rob Schneider, Darrell Hammond, Chris Kattan and Finesse Mitchell will have you laughing and reminiscing in this popular comedy event.


Win A $10 Olive Garden Gift Card

Posted on September 4th, 2018 · Contests Deals Italian · 10 Comments »

This contest started on 9/2/18. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Olive Garden Gift Card.

Eats got a $10 Olive Garden Gift Card Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any Olive Garden location (check for locations, menu, info).


The Capris featuring Michael D’Amore (Kings Point Delray Beach- Delray Beach)

Posted on September 3rd, 2018 · Delray Beach Music/Events/Other · 2 Comments »

* The Capris featuring Michael D’Amore.

Now I maybe going out on a limb here- but if you want to see one of the best 1950’s-1960’s doo-wop group-(featuring an original recording member)- currently working America’s Oldies’circuit- then buy yourself a ticket (box office: to see The Capris featuring Michael D’Amore which is scheduled to make an extremely rare South Florida appearance tomorrow night (Friday, 2/9/18) at Kings Point Delray Beach, 7000 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33446 at 8pm.

Jeff Eats just checked Kings Point Delray Beach’s online box-office ( and there are a handful of tickets left for the show!

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats will be there!



Friday, February 9th, 8:00pm

Tickets: Box Office- (561) 499-3335
$18.00 Residents • $24.00 Non-Residents

The Capris are an American doo wop group who had a one-hit wonder with “There’s a Moon Out Tonight.” They experienced a popularity and performing resurgence in the 1980’s when three members reformed and The Manhattan Transfer recorded their song. “Morse Code of Love,” which took the airwaves and became a dance sensation. They have been performing for almost six decades and are honored to be in the Vocal Group Hall of Fame. Lead singer Michael D’Amore has had the pleasure to work as a “Duo” with recent Blues Hall of Fame inductee Angel Rissoff. He has had the pleasure of sharing the stage with groups such as “The Stylistics, “Lou Christie,” “The Duprees,” “The Tokens,” “The Flamingos,” “Larry Chance and the Earls,” and so many groups he has admired over the years. This is a show you will not want to miss!!


Happy Labor Day

Posted on September 3rd, 2018 · American Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Happy Labor Day.

AmericanContestsDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $10 BurgerFi Gift Card

This contest started on 9/1/18. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 BurgerFi Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 BurgerFi Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any BurgerFi location ( for locations, menu, info).

AmericanDish Of The WeekFast FoodSubs/Salads

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 9/2/18- Deli-Boy Subs-Davie)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-9/2/18- Deli-Boy Subs).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

$9.75 (whole $9.75, half $5.45)

Deli-Boy Subs
11328 State Road 84
(954) 475-4034
Latest Review: 5/18/17

For you Publix subs’ fans out there- sorry guys, you’ve been fooling yourselves- try Deli- Boys Subs and you’ll see (taste) what the real deal is all about!

Posted on May 18th, 2017

*****Deli-Boy Subs, 11328 State Road 84, Davie, Florida 33325, (954) 475-4034.

Got a real good sub joint for you guys to checkout- Deli-Boy Subs in Davie.

For you guys who just arrived from Mars- order/pickup at the counter, handful of inside tables/handful of outside tables, hot/cold 1/2 or whole subs, salads!

Jeff Eats and a couple of buddies did a recent lunch- and I gotta tell you guys, real good quality stuff, hefty sandwiches, reasonable prices, nice soft rolls, very pleasant counter crew.

Looky here!

Like most- if not all of you guys, in my day, Jeff Eats has done his fair share of sub joints- and I’m telling you, that this joint is a winner!

Deli-Boy Subs is open Sunday 11am-6pm, Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm.

You can check menu/info at

AmericanFast FoodSubs/Salads

Sulphur Springs Sandwich Shop (Tampa)

Posted on September 1st, 2018 · American Fast Food Subs/Salads Tampa · No Comments »

***** Sulphur Springs Sandwich Shop, 9000A North Florida Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33604, (813) 932-3663.

Got a real good sandwich/salad joint for you guys to check-out, Sulphur Springs Sandwich Shop in Tampa.

Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats, Daughter Jeff Eats and Son Jeff Eats recently discovered- Sulphur Springs Sandwich Shop and I gotta tell you, off the chart reasonably priced delicious sandwiches and salads!

Simple concept at work here…order-pickup at counter, indoor table seating, menu loaded with all kinds of sandwiches/salads, open Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm/closed on Sunday.

Like I said two seconds ago, off the chart reasonably priced delicious sandwiches and salads!

Looky here…I know that some of you guys like more “color” about a joint’s food, etc.- just between us, what difference does it really make as to my-take on the food, etc? What I like, you may hate and vice versa! Capice!

Let me wrap Sulphur Springs Sandwich Shop up by saying that you can check menu/info at and the bet here is that you guys will absolutely love its food- then again, maybe you won’t!

AmericanContestsDealsFast Food

Win A $10 The Habit Burger Grill Gift Card

Posted on August 31st, 2018 · American Contests Deals Fast Food · 10 Comments »

This contest started on 8/31/18. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 The Habit Burger Grill Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 The Habit Burger Grill Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any The Habit Burger Grill location ( for locations, menu, prices, info).


Honey Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (The Fresh Market- Boca Raton)

Posted on August 30th, 2018 · American Boca Raton Desserts · 1 Comment »

***** Honey Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.

If you like oatmeal raisin cookies- the bet here is that you’re gonna love The Fresh Market’s “house brand” Honey Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

Yesterday, the pictured package (8-count)- cost Jeff Eats $4.99 at- The Fresh Market, 5540 North Military Trail, Boca Raton , Florida 33496- and I gotta tell you guys, these oatmeal cookies blew me away! Now, I’m not claiming to be an oatmeal cookie expert- but Jeff Eats does know that it’s- been quite some time since I’ve had oatmeal raisin cookies as good as these were!

Like I said 3-seconds ago…if you like oatmeal raisin cookies- the bet here- is that you’ll love The Fresh Market’s “house brand” Honey Oatmeal Raisin Cookies- they hooked me, big time1

You can check for store locations/product info.


Win A $10 Barone’s La Pizzeria Gift Card (Margate)

This contest started on 8/29/18. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Barone’s La Pizzeria Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Barone’s La Pizzeria Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at Barone’s La Pizzeria, 5632 West Sample Road, Margate, Florida 33073, (954) 968-4396.You can check its menu/prices at

Posted on June 28th, 2010
***** Barone’s La Pizzeria, 5632 West Sample Road, Margate, Florida 33073, (954) 968-4396.

Barone’s La Pizzeria is a “Mom & Pop—red sauce” pizza joint located in Margate.
You can check its menu/prices at

You know and I know that “Mom & Pop” pizza joints are a dime a dozen-down here in old South Florida. I think the way it works…the strip center landlord first signs Publix, then Walgreens, then a Chinese takeout, then a pizza joint, then a dry cleaners…then a —-(you fill in the blanks)….then half of the businesses go bust…

Anyway, the other evening, I gave Barone’s La Pizzeria a shot- and I gotta tell you, the food is real-good. Jeff Eats’ party did pizza, shrimp scampi, veal parmigiana, meat lasagna, chicken & shrimp alfredo, penne ala vodka—and like I just said, real good!

As you know– over the past few years, old Jeff Eats has eaten-in his fair share of “Mom & Pop” Italian joints…and, to be perfectly honest with you, most of them barely get the job done, but then again, that’s the nature of the beast…”cheap is cheap”….”you get what you pay for”…”one if by land, 2 if by sea.” Trust me on this one, Barone’s La Pizzeria is REAL GOOD…if you live or work near the joint, I highly recommend that you give it a try.

By the way, Barone’s La Pizzeria is right across Sample Road from the Seminole Casino Coconut Creek and is maybe a 3-minute drive (west) from the Festival Flea Market on Sample Road.

Barone’s La Pizzeria is open Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm and Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm.