
Memorial Day!

Posted on May 31st, 2021 · American Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Memorial Day!

AmericanBBQDish Of The WeekMusic/Events/Other

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 5/30/21- Bobby Rubino’s- Pompano Beach)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 5/30/21- Bobby Rubino’s).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

($25.99- 8 beef ribs with choice of 2-sides)

Bobby Rubino’s
2501 North Federal Highway
Pompano Beach
(954) 781-7550
Latest Review: 5/28/13

Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you that Bobby Rubino’s bbq beef ribs are absolutely delicious. Just between us- everything the joint makes kills!

Posted on May 28th, 2013

***** Bobby Rubino’s, 2501 North Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, Florida 33064, (954) 781-7550.

Haven’t really got the time or inclination to tell you Bobby Rubino’s story…suffice it to say, Bobby Rubino use to work for Tony Roma’s which was a South Florida bbq ribs/chicken chain, then Bobby Rubino in 1978 opened his own bbq ribs/chicken joint naming it Bobby Rubino’s—over the years Bobby and Tony were huge competitors each with loads of South Florida locations…not sure on Tony Roma’s dimished numbers—but today, there is only one Bobby Rubino’s location left and it’s-in Pompano Beach, Florida.


For whatever it’s worth, for something like 30 years—old Jeff Eats has been a huge Bobby Rubino’s fan…delicious sweet sauced ribs/chicken, french fries, onion rings, corn—never empty soda glasses.

Real simple…loads of food at really reasonable prices. If your looking for upscale-gourmet-fancy schmancy this joint ain’t for you. Just so we are straight, the last outpost is kinda on the dated 1970’s looking side–so like Jeff Eats said 2 seconds ago, fancy schmancy is a definite no-no here.


If Bobby Rubino’s sounds like something that might interest you, do yourself a GIGANTIC FAVOR and go to its website—you’ll find menu/prices, you’ll also find a bunch of coupons that will allow you to literally eat like a pig for virtually nothing.

In all fairness to you guys, Jeff Eats in recent years had lost “contact” with Bobby Rubino’s—and it was Rubino’s recent advertisement/coupons in the Sun Sentinel that reunited “us.”

To wrap this one up…my favorite coupon:

DINNER FOR 2 -$20 plus 1 beverage purchase.
1 appetizer–onion loaf
2 entrees–full rack babyback ribs or rib/chicken combo
2 sides
1 dessert

Bobby Rubino’s is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner.


Win A $25 Shiver’s BBQ Gift Card (Homestead)

Posted on May 30th, 2021 · American Contests Deals Homestead · 25 Comments »

This contest started on 5/26/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Shiver’s BBQ Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Shiver’s Gift Card for one of you guys!

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at Shiver’s BBQ, 28001 South Dixie Highway, Homestead, Florida 33033, (305) 248-2272.

You guys can check menu/prices/info at

Posted on February 23rd, 2016 ·

***** Shiver’s BBQ, 28001 South Dixie Highway, Homestead, Florida 33033, (305) 248-2272.

Every so often Jeff Eats gets asked, “What’s one of your best bbq joints?”

Just so you know, it’s Shiver’s BBQ- the only problem I got with the joint is that it’s in Homestead and Jeff Eats lives in Boca Raton! Trust me, BIG DRIVE!

Long story short, Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “just” finished eating lunch there…bbq babyback ribs, bbq beef ribs, bbq chicken, corn nuggets, cornbread soufflé, sweet potato souffle, corn on the cob, French fries- everything was dynamite!

Jeff Eats first told you guys about Shiver’s on September 18, 2011…like I said earlier, Big Drive!

All I know, if Shiver’s was closer to my Boca Raton home, I’d “literally” be eating in the joint all the time!

Posted September 18, 2011

***** Shiver’s BBQ, 28001 South Dixie Highway, Homestead, Florida 33033, (305) 248-2272.

Let’s play Southerner…got a great bbq joint for you, Shiver’s BBQ in Homestead. Shiver’s has been around for something like 50 years. Just so you know, we are talking “smoked goods” here—so, if the sweet sauces of Tony Roma’s or Bobby Rubino’s are your game–come prepared! Personally, I’m not a huge smoked-fan…but Shiver’s like the Three Pigs, has the formula for Just Right. You can check menu/prices at

Shiver’s got a cute idea going…you eat at long picnic tables which line the joint. So in theory, you “could” be eating with strangers. Over the years, I’ve seen this seating thing done at other joints—Shorty’s B-B-Q in Miami (9200 South Dixie Highway) which has been around since 1951, has a similar setup (see review 7/10/08)…I also remember eating in a few Amish joints in Lancaster, Pennsylvania—they had “group” seating, but also had family style portions—but that’s a whole ‘nother story.

A recent outing had me doing…corn nuggets, macaroni & cheese, cornbread souffle, french fries, babyback ribs, bbq chicken, pulled pork. Let me make this real-simple…Shiver’s BBQ is right-up there with the best bbq joints that- this originally from Brooklyn boy has ever eaten in. Everything was outrageously delicious.

Y’all–Shiver’s is a homerun.

Shiver’s BBQ is open Sunday-Thursday 11am-9pm and Friday-Saturday 11am-10pm.


Win A $25 Giovanni’s Pizza Gift Card (Boca Raton)

This contest started on 5/25/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Giovanni’s Pizza Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Giovanni’s Pizza Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at Giovanni’s Pizza, 21401 Powerline Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 483-7900.

You can check menu/prices/info at

Posted on August 2nd, 2018

***** Giovanni’s Pizza, 21401 Powerline Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 483-7900.

Real short story to tell you guys…

Last night- I had a couple of guys doing some handyman stuff around my Boca Raton home. The guys took a dinner break and brought back 2 pizzas from Giovanni’s Pizza (a hole in the wall pizza joint which maybe has 5 tables- which I must have driven-by something like a 1,000 times, but had never tried) and I helped myself to a couple of slices from each pie!

Both the New York Style Pepperoni Cheese Pizza and the Chicago Deep Dish Pizza were seriously off the chart delicious!

That’s the story in a nutshell.

Based on the pizza, in the near future- I’m definitely gonna make it my business to get over to Giovanni’s and try some of its other stuff-out!

Giovanni’s is open Tuesday-Sunday 4pm-midnight/closed Monday.

You can check menu/prices/info at

AmericanDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Exclusive Online Presale- Old Dominion (Hard Rock Live- Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino- Hollywood)

* Exclusive Online Presale- Old Dominion.

Not into Country?

If anyone can convert you- these are the guys!

AmericanContestsDealsDelicatessenDessertsFast FoodItalianMusic/Events/OtherPizzaSeafoodSubs/Salads

Win A $25 Joseph’s Classic Market Gift Card (Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens)

This contest started on 5/25/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Joseph’s Classic Market Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Joseph’s Classic Market Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at any Florida- Joseph’s Classic Market location.

Check for locations, menu/prices, info.

Posted on November 13th, 2014
* Joseph’s Classic Market.

Take a look at this e-mail that Jeff Eats received the other day.
Jeff Eats,

My family (me, my husband and 2 teenagers) just moved into our new home in the Broken Sound Country Club in Boca 2 weeks ago. My husband and I were born and bred 5-Towners.

I like shopping at Publix but find Whole Foods and Fresh Market overpriced and borderline disgusting. I also like shopping in The Boys Market in Delray but their parking lot and narrow aisles are a scary proposition. I am also not a fan of Doris Italian Market in Boca. Its good for baked goodies but the rest of its stuff is not too good.

I was turned onto by a neighbor who swears by you. She said that you have great restaurant picks and you really have an ear to the ground as to what’s doing here in south Florida.

Can you recommend a really good specialty supermarket to me? Hopefully it will be close to where I live as I’m not that good on driving I-95 or the Turnpike.

By the way, your Nino’s Italian Restaurant and Chris’ Taverna picks were terrific.

Thanks again.

MO (Broken Sound CC)

Welcome to South Florida.

Reprinted below is a Jeff Eats’ “story” date June 22, 2009 on Joseph’s Classic Market. Joseph’s currently has 1-location in Boca Raton and 1-location in Palm Beach Gardens.

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, Joseph’s Classic Market won’t disappoint you. By the way, the Boca Raton joint is about 5-minutes away from your home.
June 22, 2009.
***** Joseph’s Classic Market, 5250 Town Center Circle, Boca Raton, Florida 33486 (561) 347-2314.

Unitl yesterday, I had never heard of Joseph’s Classic Market…anyway, this “upscale” food-market has three locations…Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens and Royal Palm Beach.

Today, I gave the Boca Raton location a “shot”…the joint has 9,200 square feet and opened on June 11, 2009.

I gotta tell you, that this Joseph’s joint is terrific…fruits/vegetables, baked goods, prepared foods, meat-seafood counters, pizza/sub counter, fresh juices, wines, salad bar…it even has outdoor seating for those who want to eat right-then-and-there.

At this point of the discussion, I would suggest that you check Joseph’s website at for locations/menu. The store is neat and clean… the food is beautifully presented…the staff is sharp…and amazingly, the prices are neighborhood supermarket prices…a pound of chicken salad runs $7.99…a whole roast chicken goes for $5.99…a quart of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice $2.50.

Take it from this born and bred Bohack and Waldbaums’ boy…you will be impressed with Joseph’s Classic Market. The food in this joint “looks” absolutely incredible…a sampling of roast chicken, pizza, chicken salad, tuna salad, bbq ribs… all delicious. The breads,pastries and cakes are made-in-house…and the “prepared food” (heavy on the Italian stuff) will have you drooling on the display cases.

The joint is open Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm and Sunday 8am-6pm.



Posted on May 24th, 2021 · Music/Events/Other · 1 Comment »

* Reservations?

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $25 Shake Shack Gift Card.

This contest started on 5/22/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Shake Shack Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Shake Shack Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at any Shake Shack location ( for locations, menu, info).

AmericanBreakfastDelicatessenDessertsDish Of The WeekMusic/Events/Other

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 5/23/21- Bagelmania- Weston)

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 5/23/21- Bagelmania).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

($12.74- 1/2 lb. patty topped with lettuce/American cheese/bacon comes with French fries)

15842 West State Road 84
(954) 384-8090
Latest Review: 5/8/18

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, Bagelmania is one of south Florida’s best bagel joints!

Posted on May 8th, 2018

***** Bagelmania, 15842 West State Road 84, Weston, Florida 33326, (954) 384-8090.

Got a real good bagel-deli joint for you guys to check-out, Bagelmania in Weston.

Yesterday, Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats, Daughter Jeff Eats and Son Jeff Eats did lunch-at Bagelmania and I gotta tell you the joint’s food killed!

Real simple concept at work at Bagelmania- booth/table seating, menu- loaded with breakfast stuff/ sandwiches-wraps-subs/ salads/ burgers, huge bagel selection, appetizing & baked goods section, open 7 days a week 6:45am-3pm.

Let me wrap Bagelmania up for you guys- by telling you that the joint has been around for something like 30 years and that if it was located closer to Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats’ Boca Raton abode we would definitely be real steady customers.

You guys can check menu/prices/info at

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

Win A $25 Wendy’s Gift Card

This contest started on 5/18/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Wendy’s Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Wendy’s Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at any Wendy’s location ( for locations, menu, info).