AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsFast Food

Win A $10 Chick-fil-A Gift Card

Posted on January 24th, 2022 · American Breakfast Contests Deals Fast Food · 13 Comments »

This contest started on 1/24/22. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Chick-fil-A Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Chick-fil-A Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at any Chick-fil-A location ( for locations, menus, prices, info).

AmericanDessertsFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

National Pie Day – January 23, 2022

Posted on January 23rd, 2022 · American Desserts Fast Food Music/Events/Other · 13 Comments »

* National Pie Day – January 23, 2022.

Just in case it slipped your mind, today is National Pie Day!

Here’s a bit of “history” about this very important- sacred holiday according to…

“What’s the History of National Pie Day?
You can celebrate National Pie Day thanks to Charlie Papazian, an engineer, teacher and home-brewing expert who loved pie so much he declared his own birthday to be National Pie Day. And the holiday caught on! Since 1986, National Pie Day has taken place every year and is sponsored by the American Pie Council. Pretty cool!”

While we are “discussing” pies, your favorite Florida retail-joints for pies!

ChineseDish Of The Week

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 1/23/22- Canton Star Chinese Restaurant- Miami)

Posted on January 23rd, 2022 · Chinese Dish Of The Week Kendall Miami · No Comments »

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 1/23/22- Canton Star Chinese Restaurant).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

($9.75- 6 ribs)

Canton Star Chinese Restaurant
15718 Southwest 72nd Street
(305) 388-1828
Latest Review: 2/19/16

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, Canton Star’s food is absolutely awesome!

Posted on February 19th, 2016

***** Canton Star Chinese Restaurant, 15718 Southwest 72nd Street, Miami, Florida 33193, (305) 388-1828.

No bs-here…almost always, when people meet me and “learn” that I am Jeff Eats- they ask- “So what’s a really good Chinese restaurant? For some strange reason, “people” or at least the “people” I meet, seem to have trouble finding good Chinese food here in South Florida! Between you guys and Jeff Eats, if you check this site, Jeff Eats has loads of good Chinese joints listed, or at least-I think they’re good!

With the above in mind, last night Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and another couple ate in Canton Star Chinese Restaurant in Miami. Applying Jeff Eats’ Brooklyn-Jewish-American Chinese Food Taste Test circa 1957, I gotta tell you that Canton Star Chinese Restaurant is a really good “mom & pop” reasonably priced Chinese restaurant. I’ll even go as far to tell you guys, that if this joint wasn’t in Kendall (which is a long drive from my home in Boca Raton) and was a whole lot closer to my home- I’d be a real steady customer!

Simple tale to tell… the ordered wonton soup, egg drop soup, egg rolls, bbq spare ribs, pan fried dumplings, fried chicken wings, shrimp with lobster sauce, General Tso’s chicken, roast pork fried, beef with oyster sauce, sweet & sour pork were all delicious! Now for sure, some dishes were better than others- but trust Jeff Eats when I tell you, everything was real good! If I had to single out dishes for special shout-outs, the wonton soup, fried chicken wings and beef with oyster sauce “Hello There”…

Let me wrap this up for you guys, if you’re looking for real good “American” Chinese food- Canton Star Chinese Restaurant is a winner! From Jeff Eats’ perspective, it’s Brooklyn 1957 all over again!

Canton Star Chinese Restaurant is open Sunday noon-10pm, Monday-Thursday 11:30am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11:30am-10:30pm.


Lox & Bagel (Boca Raton)

***** Lox & Bagel, 21065 Powerline Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 245-8363.

Got a real good kosher bagel joint for you guys to checkout- Lox & Bagel in Boca Raton.

Simple tale to tell, yesterday morning Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “discovered” Lox & Bagel and I gotta tell you guys- the joint’s food was absolutely delicious! Table seating. No frills decor. Reasonably priced breakfast/lunch/dinner menu. Open Sunday-Friday 7am-3pm/4pm-9pm/ closed on Saturday.

Now, just so we are straight with each other, if you just can’t live without cheeseburgers, BLTS and bacon & eggs- Lox & Bagel isn’t going to work for you…that said, if you can “suck it up” – I am telling you guys that Lox & Bagel’s full boat of boiled-baked bagels/ breakfast stuff/ appetizing/ bakery items/ salads/ sandwiches/ pizzas & pastas/ entrees will make you a fan!

You guys can check menu/prices/info at

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

DECEMBER ’63: A TRIBUTE TO FRANKIE VALLI & THE FOUR SEASONS (Mizner Park Cultural Center-Boca Raton)

Originally posted on 4/13/21.


Tickets just went on sale…

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, December ‘63- is one of America’s best Franki Valli & The Four Seasons’ tribute acts!

The Skinny:


Thursday, January 27th, 2022 (7:30 pm)

Mizner Park Cultural Center
201 Plaza Real
Boca Raton, Florida 33432
Box Office: (844)-672-2849


The music of FRANKIE VALLI & THE FOUR SEASONS comes to life in this one-of-a-kind concert experience! DECEMBER’63 showcases all your favorite songs from Frankie Valli including the classics that have been thrilling audiences for decades, along with the most popular singles from the Broadway blockbuster musical, THE JERSEY BOYS. This re-creation of a Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons concert will have you reaching for the high notes as our cast and band take you on musical journey with stops at every phase of the careers of Frankie and the boys!

In 1962, the group released their first album, featuring the single “Sherry,” which was not only their first charted hit, but also their first number-one song. The Four Seasons followed up “Sherry” with several million selling hits, including “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” (their second #1 hit), “Walk Like A Man,” (their third #1), “Candy Girl” and several others. From 1962 to early 1964, only The Beach Boys matched the Four Seasons in record sales in the U.S. Come out and enjoy a night of these timeless classics!

AmericanContestsDealsDessertsFast Food

Win A $25 Whit’s Frozen Custard Gift Card

Posted on January 21st, 2022 · American Contests Deals Desserts Fast Food · 27 Comments »

This contest started on 1/20/22. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $25 Whit’s Frozen Custard Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $25 Whit’s Frozen Custard Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 25 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $25 Gift Card is good at any Whit’s Frozen Custard location.

You guys can check – for locations, menu/prices, info.

Posted on December 1st, 2019

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 12/1/19- Whit’s Frozen Custard).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu…


Whit’s Frozen Custard
3551 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton
(561) 465-3428
Latest Review: 12/1/19

Yesterday- Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “discovered” Whit’s Frozen Custard and all I can tell you- is if you like frozen custard- you will absolutely love this joint. Simple concept- order/pickup at counter, inside table & wall counter seating, very reasonably priced vanilla/chocolate/rotating daily and monthly flavors/toppings/shakes-malts menu, open 7 days a week noon-10pm, currently 51 U.S. store-chain with a handful of Florida joints- Boca Raton store opened in October,2019.

Let me wrap-up Whit’s Frozen Custard by saying that its custard is made fresh daily and is absolutely delicious!

Check store locations/menu/info at

AmericanContestsDealsDessertsFast Food

Win A $20 BurgerFi Gift Card

Posted on January 20th, 2022 · American Contests Deals Desserts Fast Food · 22 Comments »

This contest started on 1/19/21. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $20 BurgerFi Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $20 BurgerFi Gift Card to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $20 Gift Card is good at any BurgerFi location ( for locations, menu, info).

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

VOICES OF CLASSIC SOUL (Sport of Kings Theater at Gulfstream Park Racing and Casino- Hallandale Beach)

Originally posted on November 5th, 2021.



This is gonna be some show!


Thursday, January 20th, 2022 @7:00 PM

Sport of Kings Theater at Gulfstream Park Racing and Casino
901 Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009

Tickets Online: ($35-$65),


The Temptations, The Platters, The Drifters, and The Four Tops… have come together to create Voices of Classic Soul!

The former lead singers from four of the world’s most renowned vocal groups… which collectively have sold over 100 million records …The Temptations, The Platters, The Drifters and The Four Tops… have come together to create Voices of Classic Soul!

Theo Peoples, the only vocalist in Motown history to serve as lead vocalist for both the Temptations and Four Tops (1996-2011), Joe Coleman, former lead singer of The Platters (1988-2004), and Joe Blunt, former lead singer of The Drifters (1975-1985) bring their rich blend of classic hits and showmanship to the stage.

Reminisce as Voices of Classic Soul return you to the days of rhythm and romance, to an era when The Temptations, Platters, Drifters and Four Tops ruled the airwaves and brought joy to millions through their music and magic!

AmericanContestsDealsDessertsFast Food

Win A $10 Mike’s Italian Ice Gift Card (Orlando)

Posted on January 18th, 2022 · American Contests Deals Desserts Fast Food Orlando · 12 Comments »

This contest started on 1/17/22. This card has a winner.

* Win A $10 Mike’s Italian Ice Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Mike’s Italian Ice Gift Car to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at Mike’s Italian Ice, 4546 South Semoran Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32822, (407) 658-4453.

You can check Mike’s menu/prices/info at

Posted on January, 24th, 2021.

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday-1/24/21- Mike’s Italian Ice).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

(Large-$4.99, cherry Italian ice/vanilla soft-serve ice cream)

Mike’s Italian Ice
4546 South Semoran Boulevard
(407) 658-4453
Latest review: 6/1/15

Trust Jeff Eats on this one, if you like Italian ices and soft serve ice cream- you will absolutely positively love Mike’s Italian Ice.

All I can tell you guys, if this joint was anywhere near- Jeff Eats’ Boca Raton abode- I’d weigh something like 386 pounds!

Posted on June 1st, 2015

***** Mike’s Italian Ice, 4546 South Semoran Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32822, (407) 658-4453.

Just between you guys and Jeff Eats I’ve been eating Italian Ices since 1949…when I started, the neighborhood Brooklyn pizza joint “had” something like 4-flavors…Lemon, Cherry, Rainbow and Chocolate-and a scoop in a squeeze cup was 10 cents! Now, just in case we ever find ourselves together on the ‘Newlywed Game Show”- back in ’49- Jeff Eats absolutely loved Cherry, then came Lemon, next up Chocolate and then Rainbow!


Some 65 years later, I’m still a huge Italian Ice Fan…

Jeff Eats recently came across Mike’s Italian Ice in Orlando…and as “expected” the joint was located in a bombed out shopping center and had the “expected” handful of tables.

Mike’s makes its “own” ices and has 20+ daily flavors! Mike’s also has vanilla and chocolate soft serve ice cream…

Real simple story- delicious cherry, lemon, rainbow and chocolate ices…now, if you’re still with me- if you take Mike’s cherry ice and “fold in” some of Mike’s vanilla soft serve-you have what is called a gelati…and you will know why Jeff Eats has been an Italian Ice Fan literally forever-and why I didn’t want to leave Mike’s after finishing a large cup!

On pricing, you know and Jeff Eats knows that nothing, and I do mean nothing costs 10 cents-anymore…but trust me, you won’t need a second job to have one of those large gelati-cups that I just told you about!

You can check Mike’s menu/prices/info at

Mike’s Italian Ice is open Monday-Saturday 11am-9pm, closed Sunday.



Posted on January 18th, 2022 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Humor!

An old, blind Marine wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.

He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.

After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, ‘Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?’

The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.

In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,

‘Before you tell that joke I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:

1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.

2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.

3. I’m a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.

4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.

5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.

Now, think about it seriously, do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?’

The blind Marine thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, ‘No…not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.’