

Posted on September 20th, 2023 · Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* Humor!

An old cowboy walks into a barbershop for a shave and a haircut.

He tells the barber he can’t get all his whiskers off because his cheeks are wrinkled from age.

The barber gets a little wooden ball from a cup on the shelf and tells the old cowboy to put it inside his cheek to spread out the skin.

When he’s finished, the old cowboy tells the barber that was the cleanest shave he’d had in years, but he wanted to know what would have happened if he had accidentally swallowed that little ball.

The barber replied,

“Just bring it back in a couple of days like everyone else does!”


Win A $10 Diner By-The-Sea Gift Card (Fort Lauderdale)

This contest started on 9/19/23. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Diner By-The-Sea Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Diner By-The-Sea Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at Diner By-The-Sea, 215 Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308, (954) 491-0642. Check for menus/prices/info.

Posted on January 20th, 2017

***** Diner By-The-Sea, 215 Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308, (954) 491-0642.

You guys into “mom & pop” diners are gonna love Diner By-The-Sea in Fort Lauderdale.

Simple concept working there- open 7 days a week 6am-2pm, breakfast/lunch, flat-top grill cooking, booth/counter seating, Saturday & Sunday complimentary mimosas with breakfast/lunch, cash only!

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats recently did breakfast at Diner By-The-Sea and the joint’s 1960’s retro decor, cool vibe, super pleasant service, reasonable prices and dynamite food-hooked (pun intended) us as fans!

Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats absolutely loved Diner By-The-Sea… other than for a humongous sailfish (or whatever kinda fish it is!) mounted on the wall, flat screen tvs and some nautical chozzerai (Yiddish: junk, trash) for decor- we were back in Brooklyn 1962!

You can check menu/prices/info at

AmericanDealsFast Food

National Cheeseburger Day!

Posted on September 18th, 2023 · American Deals Fast Food · 1 Comment »

* National Cheeseburger Day!

Just in case you guys forgot, today is National Cheeseburger Day!

Tons of “promotions” out there.

This one “caught” my eye…

AmericanBreakfastContestsDealsDessertsFast Food

Win 2- $10 Burger King Gift Cards

Posted on September 18th, 2023 · American Breakfast Contests Deals Desserts Fast Food · 22 Comments »

This contest started on 9/16/23. This contest has a winner.

* Win 2- $10 Burger King Gift Cards.

Jeff Eats got 2- $10 Burger King Gift Cards to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Cards are good at any Burger King location ( for locations, menu, info).

AmericanDish Of The WeekFast FoodSeafoodWings

DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 9/17/23- House of Wings- Miami)

Posted on September 17th, 2023 · American Dish Of The Week Fast Food Miami Seafood Wings · No Comments »

***** DISH OF THE WEEK (Sunday- 9/17/23- House of Wings).

One of Jeff Eats’ favorite menu items…

($9.58- 10 baked wings)

House of Wings
1039 Northwest 3rd Avenue
Miami (Overtown)
(305) 371-6556
Latest Review: 2/18/17

This joint’s wings are absolute dynamite!- 60+ flavors…baked, fried or grilled!

House of Wings is an absolute must try!

Posted on February 18th, 2017

***** House of Wings, 1039 Northwest 3rd Avenue, Miami (Overtown), Florida 33136, (305) 371-6556.

Got an absolutely terrific wing joint for you guys, House of Wings in Miami!

Real simple concept at work there- fast food/order-pickup at counter/table seating/60+ flavors of wings-handful of other menu items (seafood, sides, desserts).

Last week, Jeff Eats and a couple of buddies did a late lunch at House of Wings- and all I can tell you guys, real lousy neighborhood- some of the most delicious wings that Jeff Eats has ever eaten!

House of Wings is open Sunday 11am-7pm, Monday-Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-9pm.

For further info- You guys can check

AmericanContestsDealsFast Food

Win A $10 Charm City Burger Company Gift Card (Deerfield Beach)

Posted on September 15th, 2023 · American Contests Deals Deerfield Beach Fast Food · 12 Comments »

This contest started on 9/15/23. This contest has a winner.

* Win A $10 Charm City Burger Company Gift Card.

Jeff Eats got a $10 Charm City Gift Card to give to one of you guys…

The game- the first 10 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Card is good at Charm City Burger Company, 1136 East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441, (954) 531-0300. Check for menus/prices/info.

Posted on February 24th, 2015

***** Charm City Burger Company, 1136 East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441, (954) 531-0300.

Last night Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats ate at fast-food burger joint, Charm City in Deerfield Beach.

Nothing for nothing, we have been eating at this- order at/pickup at the counter joint since April 17, 2008-so last night’s terrific- bacon cheeseburger, turkey burger, French fries, onion rings came as no “surprise”…

Seeing all of those New York, New Jersey. Ontario license plates on the road,

Just thought I’d mention Charm City to you guys- who have yet to eat there…this joint is an absolute winner! Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you that Charm City runs circles and I do mean circles around fast food burger players like Five Guys and BurgerFi -now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with either of them (Jeff Eats is a real steady customer of both chains), but they are cookie cutter mold type operations, like-you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all!…Charm City is a one-shot-deal, there is only one…so on and so forth.

Great food. Super reasonable prices. Cool vibe!

Printed down below is Jeff Eats’ “review” from October 20, 2009.
October 20, 2009

***** Charm City Burger Company, 1136 East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441, (954) 531-0300.

Back on April 17, 2008 I did a review on a “burger” joint named Charm City Burger Company. If you check that review, I absolutely loved the food. At that time, the joint had only been open for something like 3-months…and I questioned its “longevity” based on its piss-poor location. To make a long story short…the joint is still around– has new owners– has a cult-like following—and the food is absolutely DELICIOUS.

At this stage of this re-review check for menu/prices.

All I can tell you, is that I was in the joint last week…delicious bacon cheeseburger, terrific french fries, great sweet potato fries, incredible chicken wings. sensational grilled chicken and soft shell crab rolls.

Order/pickup at the counter. Absolutely nothing fancy here. Just…outstanding food.

Charm City is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner.

Posted on April 17th, 2008

***** Charm City Burger Company, 1136 East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 (954) 421-3925.

Charm City is a fast-food burger joint. It has been in business for about 3 months and looks like a charming cross between a 1950’s fast-food restaurant and a Greenwich Village coffeehouse. I ate dinner last night and the burger-fries were delicious as was the crabcake on a bun.

Charm City has 2 BIG PROBLEMS…its signage stinks. If you aren’t looking for the joint—you are not finding the joint. In addition, its location on a City Street in Deerfield Beach is absolutely horrendous.

If Charm City was in South Beach, it would be a goldmine. Location, location, location.

If you live in Deerfield Beach or are in the area, Charm City is a good place for a fast-food lunch.


Win 2- $10 Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante Gift Cards (Boca Raton)

This contest started on 9/13/23. This contest has a winner.

* Win 2- $10 Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante Gift Cards.

Jeff Eats got 2- $10 Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante Gift Cards to give to one of you guys!

The game- the first 20 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

The $10 Gift Cards are good at Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante, 7491 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton. Florida 33487, (561) 852-9290.

You can check menu/prices/info at

Posted on March 2nd, 2023

***** Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante, 7491 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton. Florida 33487, (561) 852-9290.

Got a real good “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joint for you guys to checkout- Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante in Boca Raton.

Long story short, last night Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats “discovered” Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante and the joint’s food absolutely killed! Handful of inside & outside tables/ inside counter seating, no frills pizza joint decor, reasonably priced appetizers/ pizzas/ pastas/ hot & cold heros/ entrees/ desserts/ daily specials/ beer & wine menu, open Tuesday-Thursday 11:30am-9pm/ Friday-Saturday noon-10pm/ closed Monday.

Just so you know, Bella Amici’s food totally blew Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats away! I gotta rate this joint right up there with the best “mom & pop” red sauce Italian joints that we have eaten at in Florida. Just so we are straight- if you’re looking for fancy schmancy- Bella Amici is absolutely-positively not going to work for you! I’m talking here- tee shirts/shorts/flip flops, pizzas, pastas, mussels marinara, lasagna, wings, fried calamari, strombolis, heros, antipasto salad, garlic knots, tartufos, endless Coca Cola refills and loads of napkins!

Let’s wrap Bella Amici Pizzeria & Restaurante up by saying- you can check menu/prices/info at

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other

McDonald’s is phasing out self-serve soda stations- here’s why

Posted on September 13th, 2023 · American Fast Food Music/Events/Other · No Comments »

* McDonald’s is phasing out self-serve soda stations — here’s why.

Just keeping you guys in the loop…


McDonald’s is phasing out self-serve soda stations — here’s why

Will McDonald’s Sprite still taste as crisp if a crew member pours it for you?

September, 11, 2023, 4:42 PM EDT
By Joseph Lamour
Testing out all the possible soda combinations at your local McDonald’s will one day become a thing of the past.

McDonald’s USA has confirmed to that it will be phasing out what has become a signature part of the McDonald’s experience: self-serve beverage stations. This means no longer will customers be handed an empty cup by an employee then add ice and their beverage of choice away from the point of sale.

McDonald’s says it will be transitioning away from self-serve beverage stations in dining rooms across the U.S. by the year 2032. The chain says the change is intended to create a consistent experience for both McDonald’s workers and their customers at all ordering points — meaning that whether you order your Big Mac Meal via McDelivery, the app, kiosk, drive-thru or in-restaurant, you’ll get your grub the same exact way.

The news was first reported on Sept. 8 by the State Journal-Register, who spoke to Illinois-area franchise holders about the new strategy.

While this means that McDonald’s won’t be fully transitioned to staff-poured sodas for nearly a decade, some of these locations, at least, have already begun to change the way sodas are served to customers.

“It’s an evolution towards convenience and (the result of) the growth of digital service,” Mikel Petro, an Illinois McDonald’s operator, told the State Journal-Register.

Other franchise owners interviewed by the newspaper mentioned theft prevention, food safety and fewer dine-in customers as contributing factors for getting rid of the stations.

“The crew pour system — which actually will use automated beverage systems to mechanically fill drink orders — minimizes human contact,” reported the State-Journal. “Crew pour also eliminates theft and emphasizes the brand’s new focus on creating a more relaxed dine-in experience complete with servers delivering meals to the table.”

Petro, who operates 15 McDonald’s throughout central Illinois with his family, said one of his locations in Lincoln has already started the transition by having staff fill initial beverage orders when customers dine-in, having these drinks delivered to tables along with each meal.

For now, customers who place takeout orders at this location’s counter still receive an empty cup to fill at the self-serve drink station. And customers can still get their own refills, but that will change by 2024, when a remodeling of the store’s front counter will move plumbing behind the counter, allowing the self-serve drink stations to be removed for good.

Other franchise owners say they’ve either started the transition already or are planning to implement them in the next year or so. One franchise owner stated that late 2024 would be the earliest any of her restaurants would fully become crew-poured-only.

Which means you still have some time to find the perfect ratio of Sprite to lemonade before you’ll have to ask someone else to do it.

AmericanFast FoodMusic/Events/Other


Posted on September 13th, 2023 · American Fast Food Music/Events/Other · No Comments »


Great Lineup!


Friday, September 15th, 2023 (7pm)

Circle Square Cultural Center
8395 SW 80th St, Ocala, FL 34481
Tickets ($60, $70, $80, $90)


Win 2 Tickets/ The Wall And Beyond “The Pink Floyd Experience In Surround Sound”/ Saturday, October 7th, 2023 @ FAU Kaye Auditorium (Boca Raton)

Posted on September 12th, 2023 · Boca Raton Contests Deals Music/Events/Other · 113 Comments »

This contest started on 9/1/23. THis contest has a winner.

* Win 2 Tickets/ The Wall And Beyond “The Pink Floyd Experience In Surround Sound”.

This Show Is An Absolute Must See…

Jeff Eats got 2 tickets (retail value: $105.00) to give to one of you guys to see The Wall And Beyond “The Pink Floyd Experience In Surround Sound”/ Saturday, October 7th, 2023 @ FAU Kaye Auditorium.

The game- the first 105 “reader-comments” received – will be entered in a “blind hat pick”! You can submit as many comments as you’d like but- Please, only 1- reader comment – per day…play fair!

From Seaside Music Management:

The Wall And Beyond “The Pink Floyd Experience in Surround Sound”

Produced by Multi Grammy Award Winning Artists and Engineers directly connected to Pink Floyd

Saturday, October 7th, 2023 (7:30pm-10pm EDT)

FAU Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Tickets: ($37.50, $52.50, $67.50/ check for discount tickets)

Celebrating 50 Years of “The Dark Side of the Moon”
Sonic innovators don’t come much bigger than Pink Floyd who not only re-imagined sound, but also changed how we take in live music. When the band performed the world’s first-ever surround sound concert, the group would change how we consume live audio and concerts forever!
The Wall and Beyond is a select group of World Touring Grammy Artists with direct links to early Pink Floyd and A World Class Production Team together recreating the moment Pink Floyd delivered the World’s First Surround Sound Concert!
This unique show will also take you on a journey through time and the endless creatives of Pink Floyd… You will revisit The History of Pink Floyd live like never before with State-of-the-Art Surround Sound, LED Walls, Lasers and 15 World Class Grammy Musicians and Engineers.