DessertsFast Food

Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt (Sunrise, Orlando, Port St. Lucie, Winter Park)

Posted on November 29th, 2010 · Desserts Fast Food Orlando Port Saint Lucie Sunrise


***** Tutti Frutti Yogurt, 12801 West Sunrise Boulevard (Sawgrass Mills Mall), Sunrise, Florida 33323, (954) 845-0881.

Yesterday–Sunday, November 28, 2010 I was in Sawgrass Mills Mall. My bride of some 35 years actually convinced me, that Sawgrass Mills Mall at 3:30pm wouldn’t be “that busy” and “parking wouldn’t be a problem.” Just so you know, in my day, I’ve also bought the Brooklyn Bridge 4 times.

Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt is a national chain (currently in 16 states)…it is in the self-serve yogurt business. The game–loads of flavors- you fill a cup with yogurt/toppings and pay by the ounce. Tutti Frutti recently opened an outlet in Sawgrass Mills Mall…for right now, for our puposes- it also has joints in Orlando, Port St. Lucie, Winter Park and has stores scheduled to open in Boca Raton and Aventura. The Sawgrass location gets 49 cents per ounce.

You can check for locations/flavors.

Just for the record, I had a cup of green-tea and a cup of cookies n’ cream… Let’s just say neither here nor there. OK, but not the “best” that I’ve had. Personally, I may not be the best yogurt-judge going, as I think, a Dairy Queen chocolate-heath bar blizzard is the da’ bomb…same goes for Carvel’s chocolate flying saucer.

Deja vu…These- self serve yogurt joints seemingly are popping up everywhere you look. Kinda reminds me of the video-store business that eventually was “conquered” by Blockbuster, talk about an emperor with no clothes. Hopefully your favorite “player” has some staying power, because sooner or later—there are going to be a whole load of empty storefronts waiting for the next f-a-d.

You now know about another player in the self-serve yogurt game.

17 Comments to “Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt (Sunrise, Orlando, Port St. Lucie, Winter Park)”

  1. KSS says...

    i’ve had their green tea. it is good but not as good as pinkberry or yogurtland. the store in sawgrass is small and when i was there it had only one person working it. not very appetizing.

  2. olo says...

    i was in one in arizona and thought it was good. but yogurtland is better.

  3. robertw says...

    I love Yogurtland in Coral springs. Price .30 an ounce. Much less $$$. Actually unless you go nuts Yogurtland is super cheap even with a few toppings.

  4. HerbK says...

    I tried the new Tutti Frutti in Boca today and they didn’t have all their flavors yet. We tried Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and coffee, and they were all terrible. I have to believe that they just don’t have it together yet because there is no way they could be expanding as quickly as they are with such a poor tasting product. Since Tutti Frutti is not a franchise operation but just sells licenses, they don’t have the highest standards, which is why there were a bunch of kids working without wearing uniforms and they were serving crapola. It would be worth the 20 minute ride for me to go to Yogurtland in Coral Springs the next time I feel like having frozen yogurt

    • lam says...

      Hi, I was actually in Tutti Frutti Boca and from the first day they were wearing the Tutti Frutti shirts as their uniform. The flavors are fantastic and they are always bringing in something new every week. I would not go to Yogurtland if you paid me because from what I hear they put ice in their yogurt. I would suggest trying Tutti Frutti in Boca again.

      Good Luck!!

  5. sk says...

    i had the cinnamon cookie flavor and thought it was delicious.

  6. Mike S. says...

    I just visited the new Tuuti Fruuti Yogurt shop in West Boca Raton with my 3 kids. They knew about it from their cousin ,and begged me to take them so I did. What a total nightmare. The girl who worked there explained to me that it was 30 cents an ounce & the small cups would be about $3 each. So,my 3 kids took the small cups (Huge) and filled them with various flavors. They then added a few toppings ,and we brought them to the counter to pay ,where the Girl Put them on a scale. $22.67 please!!!!!!!!!!! Never ever ever again. The Yogurt tasted Icy ( I tried a taste) almost watered down.What a rip off!!! Avoid this scam at all costs. The owner should be out of Buisisness soon.

    • lam says...

      Nobody explained to you that it was 30cents an ounce because it never was and they tell you up front how much it is. It’s the hottest place in town and will be that way for a long time!!

  7. mm says...

    enjoyed the chocolate in w boca store

  8. ir says...

    i go to boca loc on yamato and jog and love its stuff.

    • YouTheGirl says...

      Their sorbet is very good.

  9. RAWE says...

    Store in Boca on Yamato isn’t run right.

    • sandraW says...

      Seriously doubt the yogurt’s freshness in Yamato store. Never see anyone in there.

  10. Sid L. Turner says...

    Their watermelon sorbet is delicious.

  11. KR says...

    Love it’s yogurt.

  12. ksr says...

    Walked in and then right out of Yamato store after seeing help throwing toppings at each other.

    • jessejames says...

      Boca store you mentioned OUT OF BUSINESS!

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