
Abe & Louie’s (Boca Raton)

Posted on December 17th, 2008 · American Boca Raton Seafood


 ***** Abe & Louie’s, 2200 West Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 3343 (561) 447-0024.

Abe & Louie’s is an “upscale-white tablecloth” steakhouse. There are currently two locations, Boca Raton and Boston. Let me send you to its website for menu/prices…there are also photos, so you should have a pretty good idea as to what this joint is all about.

Steady readers know, that my main “problem” with these type of joints, is that they “are usually full of themselves”…most of the time- the food is pretty decent, but the prices are extremely high and the service is often pretentious and condescending.

Now let’s talk about a recent dinner for two at Abe & Louie’s…

On a recent Saturday (8:30pm) we arrived “reservation-less”…the joint was packed to the rafters, BUT the very pleasant hostess found us a table in the bar-area where seating was on a “first come-first served” basis… We had an excellent waitress who knew the menu inside-and-out…Our order, onion soup ($8), caesar salad ($8), bone-in rib eye steak 24oz ($42), bone-in filet mignon ($45), onion strings ($8) and sauteed mushrooms ($8)…

Now about the food…the onion soup was salty, the caesar salad was just fine, the bone-in-rib eye was stringy and tasteless, the bone-in filet was delicious but ridiculousy small, the onion strings and sauteed mushrooms were good and could have served four people.

So…what do we have here? Let’s start with the bill…do the math, with 6.5% tax and 20% tip that’s over $150 and we drank tap-water and had no desserts. Service,  very good. Food, passable.

For sure, you can “finesse” what you order and come in with a slightly lower tab…but I  really don’t enjoy using a calculator when I eat out.

Abe & Louie’s is open Sunday-Friday 11;30am-11pm and Saturday 11:30am-midnight.

21 Comments to “Abe & Louie’s (Boca Raton)”

  1. michael says...

    agree with you 100% nothing special about this one.

  2. Tracy says...

    I think its a rip. It’s a beautiful restaurant with a gorgeous bar, but it stops there.

    Their cocktails might at well be mock-tails. I ordered a cranberry, vodka and club and could barely taste the vodka.

    Their meals are not impressive for the $$$. I had to laugh when they charge $8.00 for a baked potatoe. Now, don’t get me wrong, it was a huge potatoe, but 8 bucks – give me a break!

    Give me 5th Ave Grill in Delray any day of the week over Abe & Louie’s! Now there’s a great meal and a real cocktail!

  3. Richard says...

    I walked in once at lunch time and remarked to the person in the front, “Wow, look what they did to the Elephant Walk!” He gave me such a nasty look that I turned around and left. People there seem to be afflicted with the dreaded “Do you know who I am?” disease, which, after 40+years in Boca, I find is almost epidemic. Too bad!

  4. km says...

    food is fair at best.

  5. EB says...

    Dinner last night for 3.
    Two glasses of wine.
    2 coffees.
    2 1/2 salads.
    prime rib.
    filet mignon
    ribeye bone in steak
    3 sides

    Food is just okay. Same for service.
    Not worth the money!!!!

  6. joey zee says...

    mediocre food.
    dont waste your time.

  7. Sid L. Turner says...

    Ok, but not great. I’ll stick with NY Prime right across the street.

  8. JB says...

    not all that good.
    ny prime in boca is much better.

  9. JIM says...

    like ny prime food better but the ny prime has too much bs going on with the people. i’ll stick with abe and louie’s

  10. Popeyes Turner says...

    I think Abe & Louie’s iis the best of all of them.

    • Tommy Tumble says...

      I agree with you
      The best one.

  11. Gary Weiss says...

    Abe & Louie’s is second rate. Right across the road, NY Prime, serves the best steaks.

  12. TED C. says...

    I think that abe and Louie’s does a great job. NY prime isn’t as good.

  13. Judy A says...

    Husband and I ate there last night. Tab was $126. Food was ok but not great.

  14. Peter R says...

    My wife and I ate there last night. The food and service were just perfect. Try it again!

  15. Roy Colby says...

    Just had a delicious chicken Caesar salad.

  16. ITZLER says...

    Love its food.

  17. Jerry Singer says...

    My wife and I tried Abe & Louie’s last night for dinner and really enjoyed it.

  18. Henry Carter says...

    This is a second rate steak joint.
    Its food isn’t very good.
    Anyone who tells you differently doesn’t now what they are talking about.

  19. Gary Tanner says...

    New to the Boca area.
    Tried last night,
    Food is mediocre.

  20. Leo Stein says...


    Ate there last night with my wife and some friends and the food was just fair at best,

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