AmericanBreakfastFast Food

Bagels by Bell d/b/a B&S Bialy (The Fresh Market- Boca Raton)

Posted on October 20th, 2022 · American Boca Raton Breakfast Fast Food

***** Bagels by Bell d/b/a B&S Bialy.

Now, you guys and Jeff Eats both know that this whole food blog “reviewing” situation is purely one big subjective call- you know, what I like, you may hate and vice versa!

With that in mind, a couple of days ago while shopping at The Fresh Market located at 5540 North Military Trail, Boca Raton, Florida 33496, (561) 994-2221) I came across Bagels by Bell d/b/a B&S Bialy (pkg-6, $4.99) in its bakery department and I gotta tell you guys- that all 6 bialys have already been toasted, eaten and were absolutely- off-the-chart delicious!

Like I said a few seconds ago, what I like you may hate and vice versa. All I know, is that in my day- I’ve probably eaten something like a 22,384 bialys and that Bagels by Bell d/b/a B&S Bialy -bialys rank right up there with some of the best that I’ve eaten!

For you “detail” guys- the 6 bialys were toasted and eaten un-sliced (2 were topped with melted American cheese and bacon, 3 were topped with butter and strawberry jam, 1 was topped with cream cheese).

You guys can check for store locations/product info.

You can also check-out Bagels by Bell d/b/a B&S Bialy, 3333 Royal Avenue, Oceanside, New York 11572, 718.272.2780, at (retail outlets/products/info).

11 Comments to “Bagels by Bell d/b/a B&S Bialy (The Fresh Market- Boca Raton)”

  1. TURNER says...

    Great call!
    These bialys are terrific.
    You are also 100% correct, pop them in a toaster and you are good to go.
    Personally, I never slice mine.

  2. Carrie Goldman says...

    I’ve seen frozen Bell’s bialys in Publix.

    The only stores that Ive seen fresh Bell’s bialys is The Fresh Market and Glick’s Kosher Market in Delray Beach.

    You are correct, Bell’s bialys are delicious.

  3. Jeff,

    Bells at the website you provided will deliver fresh bagels and bialys right to readers front door or business.

    Bells bagels and bialys are delicious.

  4. Anna Weiss says...

    I shop a lot in The Fresh Market that you mention.
    It carries Bells Bialys in the bakery. It also carries a line of bagels, but they are not from Bells.

  5. Laura R says...

    Read your story earlier this morning.

    Both my husband and I love a good bialy.

    That said, roughly an hour ago we picked up 2 packages of Bells Bialys at Fresh Market and had 2 bialys for breakfast. Toasted, uncut topped with cream cheese and they were sensational.


  6. TURNER says...

    Just curious what brand of strawberry jam?

    • JeffEats says...


      Just had a chance to read your comment.

      I think I see where this is going:

      Smucker’s Strawberry Jam.
      Philadelphia Whipped Cream Cheese
      Land O Lakes Salted Butter
      Kraft Singles American Cheese
      Hormel Black Lable Microwave Ready Bacon

      Thanks for reading,

      Jeff Eats

  7. Dan Farkas says...

    Delicious bialys.
    Terrific recommendation.

  8. Heather Marcus says...

    Bought 2 packages.
    The bialys are delicious.

  9. Terry Markowitz says...

    Crazy story.

    Yesterday I was shopping at The Fresh Market on Military Trl in Boca Raton. I was in the bakery area and I saw a woman who had a shopping cart holding 6 6 packs of these bialys. We started talking and she told me that she had heard about these bialys on and this was her 3rd time buying these bialys. She said that each time she had bought 6 packs and had frozen them for future use. She said they were delicious.

    The craziest part of the story, is that her planned purchase exhausted the entire supply on the floor. Lucky for me, a sales person walking buy, said that a new shipment had just arrived in the back and she brought 2 bags out for me to buy.

  10. Harriet Vogel says...

    Read your review yesterday afternoon.

    Decided early this morning to buy these bialys at the Fresh Market on Military Trail between Yamato Rd and Clintmore Rd. The bakery department had a basket of the bialys and I bought 2 packages of 6 bialys.

    A short while ago I toasted one of the bagels and then schmeared it with cream cheese and grape jelly.

    Absolutely delicious.

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