Just a matter of time before the bs rioters and protesters pick on the wrong folks. Going to be a bloody one sided massacre which will teach them a lesson that we got laws and freedom of speech and we couldn’t give 2 good shits about what they want America to become. The days of these anarchists, socialists and fools are numbered.
Can someone explain to me how can a mayor of an American city like Washington DC and NYC allow city workers to paint on public street BLACK LIVES MATTER?
This is totally insane.
From what I see there is a CIVIL WAR coming to this country.
My name is Jeff. I was born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. Since 1991, I have lived in South Florida and have eaten in so many restaurants down here, that I now consider myself to be a food expert.
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Can’t call it a master bedroom anymore.
Time to beat these assholes into the ground.
How come 3 members of Seattle’s CITY COUNCIL which is pushing for defunding its PD have PD details guarding them and their homes?
Just a matter of time before the bs rioters and protesters pick on the wrong folks. Going to be a bloody one sided massacre which will teach them a lesson that we got laws and freedom of speech and we couldn’t give 2 good shits about what they want America to become. The days of these anarchists, socialists and fools are numbered.
Can someone explain to me how can a mayor of an American city like Washington DC and NYC allow city workers to paint on public street BLACK LIVES MATTER?
This is totally insane.
From what I see there is a CIVIL WAR coming to this country.
Now I see that Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins are thinking of changing their names.
Civil War is coming.
Recently saw a video of a female protester In Portland running around totally naked. WTF?