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Today Is National Burger Day! (Charm City Burger Company- Deerfield Beach)

* Today Is National Burger Day!

Jeff Eats’ contribution…

Posted on February 24, 2015

***** Charm City Burger Company, 1136 East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441, (954) 531-0300.

Last night Jeff Eats and Mrs. Jeff Eats ate at fast-food burger joint, Charm City in Deerfield Beach.

Nothing for nothing, we have been eating at this- order at/pickup at the counter joint since April 17, 2008-so last night’s terrific- bacon cheeseburger, turkey burger, French fries, onion rings came as no “surprise”…

Seeing all of those New York, New Jersey. Ontario license plates on the road,

Just thought I’d mention Charm City to you guys- who have yet to eat there…this joint is an absolute winner! Trust Jeff Eats when I tell you that Charm City runs circles and I do mean circles around fast food burger players like Five Guys and BurgerFi -now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with either of them (Jeff Eats is a real steady customer of both chains), but they are cookie cutter mold type operations, like-you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all!…Charm City is a one-shot-deal, there is only one…so on and so forth.

Great food. Super reasonable prices. Cool vibe!

Printed down below is Jeff Eats’ “review” from October 20, 2009.
October 20, 2009
***** Charm City Burger Company, 1136 East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441, (954) 531-0300.

Back on April 17, 2008 I did a review on a “burger” joint named Charm City Burger Company. If you check that review, I absolutely loved the food. At that time, the joint had only been open for something like 3-months…and I questioned its “longevity” based on its piss-poor location. To make a long story short…the joint is still around– has new owners– has a cult-like following—and the food is absolutely DELICIOUS.

At this stage of this re-review check for menu/prices.

All I can tell you, is that I was in the joint last week…delicious bacon cheeseburger, terrific french fries, great sweet potato fries, incredible chicken wings. sensational grilled chicken and soft shell crab rolls.

Order/pickup at the counter. Absolutely nothing fancy here. Just…outstanding food.

Charm City is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner.

16 Comments to “Today Is National Burger Day! (Charm City Burger Company- Deerfield Beach)”

  1. Zed says...

    I love Charm City. Everything it makes is delicious.

    Another great burger place that you recommended is Burger & Suds In Pompano Beach.

  2. TURNER says...

    I love this joint.
    Grease Burger Bar (West Palm Beach)
    Posted on June 4th, 2011 · American West Palm Beach

    ***** Grease Burger Bar, 213 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, (561) 651-1075.

    The next time you find yourself wandering aimlessly around the CityPlace/Cleamtis Street “region”- I got a really-good “American Style” joint for you to eat in…Grease Burger Bar.

    The best way to describe Grease Burger…upsacle sports- bar (its got 14 flat screen tvs), full bar and over 100 beers on tap/bottle—soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers “galore”–bratwurst, wings, desserts.

    Let’s talk food…This afternoon, I “tried” beef sliders (4-$10.95), 10 oz. cheeseburger ($8.95), french onion soup ($5.95), chicken caesar ($10.95), french fries (large-$2.75), chocolate milkshake ($4.95). The result, like I said before—Grease Burger Bar is a really good joint to know about. Everything was right on the money.

    If burgers are your game, you won’t be disappointed. The selection (toppings) is huge…the burgers are “upscale” and right up there with the best “gourmet” stuff old Jeff Eats has eaten down here in South Florida and elsewhere. The french fries, were also delicious—they weren’t “fresh hand cut”…but they were fried and salted perfectly.

    You can check menu/prices at

    This is a really cool place for lunch, dinner or just plain old socializing.

    Grease Burger Bar is open 7 days a week.

  3. Lo Lo says...

    I love Char Hut’s burgers.

  4. robertw says...

    My office used to be near Char Hut In Tamarac.
    Definitely a vgood burger at a reasonable price. They sold a franchise in Coral Springs that went out of business. The patties were frozen there. Why?

    Five Guys
    Brgr Stop
    Tucker Dukes

    I have not been to Charm City in ages.

    All good.

  5. Jeff H says...

    Love Habit Burger.

  6. Ellen G says...

    Gilbert’s burgers are amazing.

    Posted June 24, 2009
    ***** Gilbert’s 17th Street Grill, 1821 Cordova Road, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (954) 768-8990.

    Got a real good “mom & pop” American-diner joint for you…Gilbert’s 17th Street Grill.

    The menu is not large…but has enough soups, salads, burgers, sandwiches, grilled items and desserts…so nobody’s gonna starve. A recent outing netted me a cheeseburger, bbq ribs and a philly cheesesteak sandwich…everything was delicious and priced just right. Nothing fancy here, just real good food. Take a look at the joint’s website for menu/prices/details.

    Gilbert’s is open Monday-Saturday 11am-9pm. The joint is closed on Sunday.

  7. Joe Kennedy says...

    I love this joint’s burgers.

    The Burger Freak
    6326 N Andrews Ave
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
    (954) 969-0380

  8. Steven Kaufman says...

    I love Burgers & Shakes in Miami.

  9. Carl Furillo says...

    These guys make great burgers. There is also a Tap 42 in Boca Raton.

    Tap 42 Bar & Kitchen (Fort Lauderdale)
    Posted on August 13th, 2012 · American Fort Lauderdale
    ***** Tap 42 Bar & Kitchen, 1411 Saint Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316, (954) 463-4900.

    Now, it’s really not Jeff Eats’ style to bring you guys into his personal-life, but every so often…

    Anyway, Steve W. a dear friend for over 40 years has a line that he mutters—“Woof, man these guys went for the cash.” Now for the tie-in…The other night, I gave Tap 42 Bar & Kitchen a “shot.”—and, if Steve was with me, he definitely would have muttered “Woof, man these guys went for the cash.” No question in my mind that the “guys” who own this joint spent some heavy duty money building an absolutely great looking indoor/outdoor patio seating sports-bar. When you check the joint’s site for menu/prices-you will also find tons of photos-so you’ll have some idea as to what I’m yapping about…or should I say woofing about!

    I think, but I’m not really sure- that most of you regular Jeff Eats’ folks know that I’m really an eater not a drinker. If you check, when I talk about bars/restaurants my focus is on the food with an occasional booze mention. Just so you know, Tap 42 Bar & Kitchen’s focus is on beer and alcohol…for sure- there is food, but my gut tells me, that the packed joint I was at, does a hell of a lot more in liquor sales than food sales. I’m gonna let you drink-experts figure this all out, but Tap 42’s name revolves around the number of beers on tap, throw in tons of bottled beers and other liquors and the joint is definitely moving a ton of liquid. You guys may know better, but my money says that beer and wine drinkers are going to love the selection of stuff.

    Let’s talk FOOD…like I said a few seconds ago, Tap’s main “gig” is booze, however the joint’s menu has just- enough appetizers, salads, burgers and entrees so us-eaters don’t feel like decorative wallflowers. Jeff Eats’ recent outing had me trying…buffalo style wings, mac & cheese, bacon-cheeseburger, french fries, pan seared Atlantic salmon. Nothing for nothing, the food was real-good. I especially enjoyed the mac & cheese, burger and fries. Just so we are perfectly straight—don’t expect a mulit-page menu of offerings ala The Cheesecake Factory…The prices aren’t sports bar cheap-cheap—but nothing that’s gonna require you to get a second job. Service is sports-bar friendly, whatever that means!

    Great looking joint. Great vibe. Drinkers and non-drinkers a-like will love Tap 42 Bar & Kitchen.

    Tap 42 Bar & Kitchen is open Monday-Tuesday 11:30am-1am, Wednesday-Thursday 11;30am-2am, Friday-Saturday 11:30am-3am, Sunday 11am-midnight (people do have to go to work the next day!).

  10. Anthony Franza says...

    Love it burgers.

    Posted on July 13th, 2008
    ***** Jacks’ Old Fashion Hamburger House, 4201 North Federal Highway, Oakland Park, Florida 33308 (954) 565-9960…&…591 South Cypress Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060, (954) 942-2844.

    Jack’s Old Fashion Hamburger House has 2 South Florida locations…the Oakland Park joint opened in 1972 and the Pompano Beach store in 1973.

    Jack’s is a fast-food hamburger joint. Jack’s has other stuff, but HAMBURGERS ARE THE GAME. Both Jack’s locations are literally “landmarks.” They are always busy. The hamburgers are very-very good. The fries are okay, but nothing to write home about. Over the years, I must have eaten (combined) in the 2 different locations something like 30 times. These joints are fast-food joints circa 1970. I like the “unmodern” (if that’s a real word) look…old tables and no stainless steel/formica/vivid colors/signage that joints like Burger King, Wendy’s etc have. I also like the “crowd” that these joints draw. Guys in suits, families, blue color workers…the parking lots, have cars in every price range…the point, Jack’s has a legendary following in South Florida.

    Now for the good news and bad news…To be perfectly honest with you, I use to make special trips to eat at Jack’s…Now that Five Guys Burgers & Fries has started to open in the South Florida market, I would rather eat at Five Guys than Jack’s. Like I said, Jack’s hamburgers are very-very good… while Five Guys’ hamburgers and fries are terrific. Though it’s a story for another day, Five Guys Burgers & Fries is quickly developing a cult following in South Florida…and for that matter, all of the United States.

    Don’t get me wrong…you won’t be disappointed eating at Jack’s…which is open 7 days a week from 10:30am-9:30pm…but this 1970’s icon is now getting some real tough competition from Five Guys.

  11. Carson K says...

    Shake Shack.

    Great burgers.

  12. Harry Densmore says...

    It isn’t here yet but you will love In N Out when It gets here.

  13. Bill O says...

    You guys have to try…

    Beth’s Burger Bar (Orlando)
    Posted on May 20th, 2014 · American Fast Food Orlando · [edit]
    ***** Beth’s Burger Bar, 24 East Washington Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, (407) 650-4950.
    Real simple fast food concept…order at the counter/stuff is delivered to your table. Inside booth/table seating for about 50–maybe 10 seats outside. Real simple menu- flat top grilled hamburgers, chicken sandwich, vegetarian burgers, french fries, sweet potato fries, “tons” of canned/bottled beers, handful of wines and all kinds of toppings for the burgers.

    A recent outing had Jeff Eats doing a single cheeseburger ($4.48) and French fries ($1.99) and Mrs. Jeff Eats doing a chicken sandwich ($5.49) and sweet potato fries ($2.99).

    Real simple review -we really enjoyed the food.

    Jeff Eats knows that some of you guys are dying to know how Beth’s stacks up against players like Five Guys, BurgerFi, Shake Shack? Let’s just say, that she held her own very nicely. Like I said 2 seconds ago, we really enjoyed the food.

    Beth’s Burger Bar is open Monday-Friday 11am-midnight, Saturday-Sunday noon-3am.

    You can check menu/prices at

  14. Ron Garcia says...

    They make great burgers.

    Jr’s Gourmet Burgers (Miami Springs)
    Posted on April 9th, 2012 · American Miami Lakes

    ***** Jr’s Gourmet Burgers, 7 Westward Drive, Miami Springs, Florida 33166, (786) 360-5347.

    First, if you look, I got this joint listed as being in Miami Lakes, but it’s really in Miami Springs…don’t have a Miami Springs “category”—so you now know the city where this terrific “mom & pop” hole-in the wall burger joint is located.

    One of my favorite meals is a cheeseburger–fries smothered in Ketchup–Coca Cola. Well let me tell you, Jr’s makes delicious burgers and fries. When you check Jr’s menu at you will find that the joint has 3- sized flat grilled burgers, 1/3 lb, 1/2 lb, 1 lb…handful of toppings…handful of sandwiches…handful of hot dogs…handful of salads—end of story. If I got it right, the pop-Jr is the “cook” and the wife is the wait-staff.

    Like I said a few seconds ago–delicious burgers and fries. For the record, I did a 1/3er with American cheese ($6.99) and fries ($1.50). Let me make this real-simple, the burger and fries are right up there with the best currently out there in the South Florida market. Really-just that simple!

    Jr’s is open Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm, Saturday 11am-10pm, closed on Sunday.

  15. Frank D says...

    They make incredible burgers.

    Larry Curly Burgers and Moe
    28838 S Dixie Hwy
    Homestead, FL 33033

    Phone number (786) 504-8768

  16. Sue says...

    Love Charm City. When we are in the area we stay in Deerfield Beach and this is alway a must.

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