
A Passover-Easter Joke

Posted on April 3rd, 2015 · Music/Events/Other


* A Passover-Easter Joke.

A group of American Roman Catholic Priests decide to challenge a group of American Rabbis to a golf match.

In setting up the match, the Cardinals realize that none of them really knows how to golf, so they cook-up a plan to have the Pope ordain Tiger Woods as a Cardinal and- add him to their team.

The match is held and later that evening the Pope calls the Cardinals to see how they did.

“So, how did it go?” asked the Pope.

One of the Cardinals replied, “Well, it went alright. We
played pretty good, but we lost.”

“How could you lose? You had Tiger Woods as your secret
weapon” gasped the Pope.

The Cardinals replied, “Tiger lost to
Rabbi Greg Norman!”

One Comment to “A Passover-Easter Joke”

  1. SidRidesABike says...

    Good joke.
    Got any other holiday ones?

    Here’s a good one for you.

    How can all Jewish Holiday be described?

    They tried to kill us.
    We won.
    Let’s eat.

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