
Know Nothings!

Posted on April 20th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other

Pete Best on drums

* Know Nothings!

Ever wonder why Condo Associations, Home Owner Associations, Country Club Boards, Condo Boards–seem to always get into jams with contractors, vendors and many times with residents of their respective communities?

Jeff Eats thinks that the main reason is that a good number of the people who “join” these governing bodies–have absolutely no experience or knowledge concerning the issues/business that they have to make decisions about. Think about it, just because you owned and operated a 50 store chain of dry cleaners in Vermont, doesn’t mean that you know a damn thing about how to build a guard house or run a catering facility–Capice!

This morning Jeff Eats got a dose of Know Nothings!

A guy who lives in my neighborhood says to me and I paraphrase…The band you picked for so and so’s party wasn’t very good…how can a rock n roll band be good when all they had were 3 guitar players and a drummer- you need a keyboard player in a rock n roll band.


Jeff Eats replied to the guy and said, “What was the name of The Beatles’ keyboard player?”

As they say in the legal-business…I rest my case.

So the next time you’re thinking of joining or running for some board seat or whatever, ask yourself…Do I really know anything or am I just a bored Know Nothing?

Thanks for listening…

16 Comments to “Know Nothings!”

  1. Larryfine2 says...

    Our neighborhood got into such a mess that 1/2 the people who live here don’t talk to the other half. What I found was that anyone who is smart never gets involved with BODs or Committees. The smart folks steer clear of this nonsense. I also found that after BODs make disaster errors many of the members just move away after the damage is done. Florida is loaded with Know Nothings because it has so many retired people who have way too much free time on their hands.

  2. jessejames says...

    In our neighborhood I can name four homes that have security cameras keeping an ‘eye’ on the next door neighbors. Some way to live!
    Previous members of our HOA Board have been convicted felons. Now a murderer is one thing, but we had folks who were convicted of white collar crimes like stock fraud and tax evasion. Now I ask you, does it make sense to have thieves who stole money handling the books of an HOA? Makes no sense to me.

  3. TURNER says...

    I got a great one for you. We got a Board member who actually thought that BOARD was spelled BORED, no bs.
    By the way, love Jeff Eats and the clever way your columns are written.

  4. james jay says...

    jeff, you hit the nail on the head. boards down here are loaded with people who know absolutely nothing about the job at hand. our community got involved in a construction project that was an absolute disaster. we sued contractors and lost and it cost us a fortune in legal bills. we ended up with a terrible looking entranceway and huge bills. by the way this was all the result of a bod that just made wrong decisions on everything.

  5. Anthony Franza says...

    There is an old saying That you get what you pay for .
    All of these HOA etc are paid zero.
    Get it!

  6. Al g547 says...

    I count 3 guitars.
    That guy is a freaking moron.

  7. Mike D. says...

    Our HOA allows convicted felons to sit on our BOD. I appreciate that once you’ve done your time, you’re clear as far as the law goes. That said, wouldn’t it make sense that a man or woman who was found guilty of financial fraud shouldn’t be sitting on a board where money matters are at stake? The problem most communities have is that most people don’t vote so a handful can control a community.

  8. gary says...

    You failed to address his main comment, “The band you picked for so and so’s party wasn’t very good”.

    • Lou g. says...

      I was at the party. the band was terrific. I know exactly who jeff is talking about. the guy would complain if the beatles themselves were there. this guy thinks that to be good a rock n roll band needs a keyboard. he knows nothing about music. by the way, one of the guitar players had the newest technology on his guitar which is a device which allows the guitar to be played as if it was a keyboard.
      jeff’s point was that everybody thinks they are an expert when they really know nothing.

  9. Shelly H says...

    It’s advise and consent. Jeff can recommend a band, but the party host should audition the band first or hear them perform at a party or venue before hiring them.

    • Lou g. says...

      shelly h,
      the party host had seen the band 3 times before the party. jeff was asked if the band would be good for the type of expected crowd. take a look at jeff’s “about me” see that music background. if jeff says good its good.

  10. Ann K. says...

    Jeff, as usual you hit this one out of the ballpark. Our HOA here in Margate is controlled by lunatics. They have made more bad decisions than imaginable. They recently negotiated a deal with Comcast that ties us into that company for the next 10 years that is so expense that its borderline criminal. They also did a deal with a roofing company that was probably 25% more than it should have been. HOAs all in all are disasters waiting to happen.

    • Shelly H says...

      10 Years is the standard bulk Comcast Contract. They don’t waiver.

      • Whack-a-mole says...

        Shelly, I’m on a BOD, and we just negotiated a five year bulk contract with Comcast, at the same rate we’re paying now for the next four years, and a possible 5% bump after the fourth anniversary. And, we’re being upgraded to their digital starter package.

        If you don’t know what you’re talking about . . .

  11. HerbK says...

    I live in Boca isles, where we also have a deal with Comcast, but that didn’t stop me from getting Uverse

  12. FR4 says...

    Our HOA just got rid of Comcast and is bringing in Hotwire. Going to be a disaster.

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