
Flashback Diner (Boca Raton, Davie, Hallandale Beach)

Posted on November 19th, 2013 · American Boca Raton Davie Hallandale Beach

image Boca Raton

***** Flashback Diner, 220 South Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009, (954) 454-8300.

Nothing for nothing…

Every day, something like 22 times Jeff Eats gets asked–“How come Florida doesn’t have 24 hour diners like there are in New York and New Jsersey?”…and something like 22 times a day, I reply–“Well, we sure got plenty of Greeks living down here in South Florida, so maybe its-got something to do with–maybe the local population isn’t big enough to support 24-hour diners, but that’s just a guess, I’m not really sure.”

Anyway…you guys do know what-an exception to the rule is? Sure you do!

Let me start by saying that on March 3, 2008 I told you guys about Lester’s Diner in Fort Lauderdale–so there’s “one” exception for you.

Now, let me tell you about -Flashback Diner which currently has outposts in Hallandale Beach and Davie which are also exceptions to the rule. Just so you know, a third Flashback Diner is set to open in Boca Raton in mid-December 2013,

At this stage of the game, you can check menu/prices/locations/photos/other stuff at

Now just so we are straight, Jeff Eats has a review (1/23/2009) for a Flashback Diner in Jupiter…different owner and story than the Boca Raton/Davie/Hallandale Beach gigs.

Now if you are still following me…

Jeff Eats has eaten exactly three times in the Flashback in Hallandale Beach–I have not eaten in the Davie restaurant. For those of you into “fine details” I did a breakfast, lunch and dinner and on my honor-can attest that the Flashback Diner will have you believing that you are in the El Greco Diner in Brooklyn, or the Blue Bay Diner in Bayside, or the Plaza Diner in Fort Lee, or the “You Fill In The Name” Diner in “You Fill In The Town”—–that said, for the record, it doesn’t hurt to squint your eyes just a drop when eating at the Flashback Diner to make your “outing” a drop more New York/New Jersey realistic.

Let me wrap this one up…

SOLID REAL GOOD DINER FOOD—and you can get it 24 hours a day–7 days a week…

One final thought, as mentioned about 32 seconds ago–Jeff Eats has only eaten in the Hallandale Beach joint…how the Davie/future Boca joints are-is to be determined down the road.

Update: December 16, 2013

Last night Jeff Eats, Mrs. Jeff Eats and another couple decided to “try” the new Boca Raton joint which had opened 5 days earlier. When we arrived at the restaurant around 6:30pm it was absolutely “slammed” with people and there was a 30-minute wait to get a table. To make a long story short, many entrees and sides were “sold out”…suffice it to say, this meal was a total mess, and that’s being kind…things that should have been hot were delivered ice-cold, wrong dishes were delivered, the waiters weren’t sure which tables they were covering, one mashed potato side tasted as if had come out of an Elmer’s Glue Jar, it took 40 minutes from the moment we sat down to get our entrees—look I could go on and on, trust me, the restaurant was packed with people who were NOT HAPPY CAMPERS…throw in a manager who when “advised” of the mess could only answer “I’m sorry.”—no offer of a complimentary dessert/item or discount on the check. Look! Jeff Eats appreciates that the joint is brand-new, but my money is my money–and Flashback’s growing pains shouldn’t be mine. Hopefully Flashback gets its act together real-fast… if it doesn’t, I guarantee you that as Freddy Mercury once sang (hey I know it was Queen) “Another one bites the dust.”

27 Comments to “Flashback Diner (Boca Raton, Davie, Hallandale Beach)”

  1. Jon G says...

    Been there many times it a grease spoon good for breakfast and late late night when it’s the only place open.

  2. mark says...

    Jeff another one for you. They were great during my party days but i wont tell you how long ago that was.

    • JeffEats says...


      Just had a chance to read your comments.

      Check Jeff Eats on 12/1/06, you’ll find a writeup on Peter Pan.

      Thanks for reading…

  3. gary says...

    They opened this morning. Beautiful place, fully organized staff.

    • TF says...

      Ate there Friday night and it was lousy. Totally disorganized.

  4. Ted C. says...

    Service stinks. Food stinks.
    Jeff, Boca is a disaster.

  5. dean jones says...

    ate there tonight in boca, it has only been open 6 days. that said, orders were wrong. food was cold. out of many items. food was fair at best. service was slow as sheet. wont be back. a big waste of money.

  6. JayD says...

    Boca stinks.
    Very poorly run.
    Service bad news
    Food was lousy.

  7. Tom B. says...

    Ive been to Hallandale and it was good. tried boca and it was a disaster. wont be back.

  8. Zelda says...

    Don’t eat at Flashback in Boca a Raton. Food and service are piss poor. The mashed potatoes came out of a mix package.

  9. DA says...

    Ate lunch in Boca and it was lousy. Owner comped check.

  10. vbg says...

    jeff, you missed big time on boca call. ate dinner there last night and it was horrendous. service was slow. the food came out cold. i wouldnt set foot in this joint ever again. what a freaking disaster.

  11. Nick 34543 says...

    Party of eight last night in Boca. Every order came out wrong and every dish was cold. Very skimpy portions Just one big screwup.

  12. Mel Carter says...

    Ate dinner last Sunday.
    The food sucked as did the service.
    Maybe they can get away with this in Hallandale Beach but no way is the Boca crowd going to eat there.

  13. GR39 says...

    The Boca location is terrible. Inferior food quality. Stay away.

  14. JBM5445 says...

    We went on 12/23. Had to wait 25 minutes . This was the worst!! Service was so bad it was amateurish – they were already open two weeks and couldn’t get their act together. Host complained about the hours he worked. Ran out of Caesar dressing so served a quarter cup (paper cup!) of it and said we were slammed. Steak was awful quality. Told Manager we wouldn’t eat this

  15. gene jones says...

    like you I’ve eaten in the hallandale beach location several times and always enjoyed it. tried the boca location two days ago for dinner and it’s literally a disaster. the food and service are terrible. i’m not sure if this is because it’s relatively new or just that the owners don’t know what they are doing. in any event I won’t be running back to boca store until and if I hear some positive things about it.

  16. Jaynee says...

    I took my family to the Boca Flashback and it was the worst food I’ve ever eaten. The ice tea was watery and tasted like bad dish soap. Ice coffee was burned. Nothing tasted fresh.

  17. Teddy W says...

    The food and service stink.

  18. lew j says...

    This place worse than sucks.totallydisorganized.ate there 3 times had good service then the knucleheads fired vivica,who was only responsible server.managers couldnt manage a snack bar let alone a restaurant.avoid this place like the plague,which you might catch from their miscooked food

  19. Cal R. says...

    breakfast in boca yesterday and everything was just fine.

  20. Moxie says...

    Visited this new Diner on Federal Hwy last nite
    with my wife.The host took our name,w e waited
    and watched.A well dressed man walked the dining area, when a customer had a complaint
    he listened but did nothing,useless…now for food,bland,my wife had chicken pot pie,very little chicken, I ordered Italian chicken cutlet
    nice presentation,but bland….Get your act together..or you will be history.Boca residents
    eat out 3-4 times a week….There are many fine
    established places to frequent,that have cositent fine quality food every time.
    Start over with the chef and managers,the Hallandale beach location is excellent.Bring this
    to Boca and you have a winner

  21. Freddie A says...

    If this joint is so bad as many here claim, how come its parking lot is always packed when I drive by?

  22. AlvinS says...

    Boca is disgusting.

  23. DebbieL says...

    Ate there last weekend with my hubby and went back this weekend with my mom. We’re all NYers. 4 great meals, great service, clean and the place had every table taken.
    Everything was perfect.
    Finally!!! A NY diner in Boca. Our dream came true!
    We’ll definitely be back – A lot!

  24. Mister F says...

    Fair at best.

  25. Tom T says...

    Tried the Boca Raton restaurant lat night. Food was lousy, same for the service. this place is bad news.

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