
* Does Stuff Like This Ever Happen To You? Me Neither!

Posted on July 25th, 2013 · Music/Events/Other

* Does Stuff Like This Ever Happen To You? Me Neither!

Just read this in Huff-Post:

“Every once in a while, we are reminded of the value in paying it forward.
That’s quite true here. An unidentified man walked into a Tim Hortons location in Edmonton, Canada, just after 4 p.m. on Monday and ordered — wait for it! — 500 cups of coffee, according to CBC News.
His order totaled $895.28, and if you don’t believe us, here is the receipt:
dd receipt
When store manager Joanne Averion asked the man why he was purchasing so many coffees, he reportedly did not give any explanation. He also refused to reveal his name.
For the rest of the day, any customer who came in received their drink order free of charge until all of the money had been used. The money lasted until about 8:30 a.m. the next morning, according to Metro News.
Employees and customers of the Tim Hortons still don’t really have an explanation for the man’s actions, other than it being a random act of kindness.
“That’s pretty awesome just to know people are out there willing to just go ‘Hey, let’s do something nice for somebody else,'” one customer told CBC News.
And don’t worry America, we still have some very kind people here too: There recently has been a guy going around the country handing out $500 tips in his brother’s memory.)”

16 Comments to “* Does Stuff Like This Ever Happen To You? Me Neither!”

  1. Mr. Kramer says...

    You sure that Horton’s didn’t just plant that story for some free pr?

  2. Deliman says...

    Must be something wrong with the guy.

  3. Fruitman says...

    What a nut.
    The next thing you know the guy who bought the coffee will get sued because someone got a cup of coffee that had cream in it and not milk.

  4. Mick says...

    That was me, I go by the name “Anonymous” you may have seen me and all my donations……… that’s me

  5. Sharon Feld says...

    I was collecting for a school raffle and a store keeper that I was looking to get a $25 gift certificate from gave me 50 gift cards each worth $25.

  6. EZ33496 says...

    A guy once picked my pocket in a Dunkin’ Donut!

  7. DinkyRun says...

    I got a story very similar.
    About 30 years ago I left my wallet on a table in roadside restaurant. After driving on the hiway for about 30 minutes I realized that I had left the wallet and from a gas station called the restaurant. They didn’t have it. I drove another 15 minutes and as soon as I got home the phone rang and it was a guy calling telling me that he had found the wallet and that he would mail it to me the next morning and not to worry.
    Luck for me, I didn’t believe him but played along and said ok. As soon as he hung up I called and cancelled all of my credit cards. Guess what 2 days later the wallet with everything in it came by mail to my house.

    • Flubberhead says...

      Hey DinkyRun, whats your story got to do with a guy buying free coffee?

  8. JKH11218 says...

    Why did the guy only buy 500 cups? He must be a cheapskate or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • vinny f says...

      imagine what 500 cups in starbucks would have set him back. cheap bastard.

  9. Kelly Robinson says...

    Call me if the guy shows up at the Dunkin’ Donuts on Yamato Road and 441 in Boca Raton. Maybe he could also throw in some glazed donuts in the giveaway. I’ll need about 10 minutes notice to get over there. Thanks.

    • Good Boy says...

      Your 10 minutes start right now. I have a blue shirt on…….

  10. Dan Fink says...

    hey jeff, maybe the dude wants to buy a bridge that I know about in Brooklyn. I can let him have it for real cheap money.

  11. Clyde says...

    Every so often I find a penny in the street when I’m walking my dog. But that’s about it in the luck department.

  12. Carl G. says...

    I once tripped on a pothole in NYC and cracked my two front teeth.

  13. Stutman says...

    A couple of years ago I slipped and fell on a wet floor in a Panera Braed store. Collected $17,000 for that fall.

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