
Long Island Bagel & Deli (Boca Raton)

Posted on October 1st, 2011 · American Boca Raton Breakfast Delicatessen


Long Island Bagel & Deli, 21667 State Road 7, Boca Raton, Florida 33428, (561) 218-4506.

A couple of you guys-suggested that I give Long Island Bagel & Deli in Boca Raton a try…so I did.

Just got back from Long Island Bagel & Deli–suffice it to say, I won’t be back.

The joint which opened about 1-month ago, looks like your typical bare-bones bagel restaurant. My friend Mike and I ordered, 2 cups of coffee, 1-toasted everything bagel with cream cheese and 1-everything bagel with chicken salad—with the waitress being told to make sure that the everything chicken salad “bagel” had extra mayo on it and absolutely-positively no lettuce or tomato on it.

30 minutes that’s right THIRTY MINUTES after placing the order, 1-toasted everything bagel with cream cheese and 1-everything bagel with chicken salad-tomato-lettuce and no mayo arrived.

While waiting those 30-minutes, I noticed that the owner was busy sitting/talking with a couple at another table…while his two counter men, were filling orders and handling the register. In all fairness, the restaurant was busy (not crazy busy) but busy—that said, there is absolutely no way that a “small” order like the one my table placed- take 30 minutes to prepare and then find that the order was done wrong. Look! I’m sitting there 30 minutes twiddling my thumbs—same “boredom” for others sitting there and the owner “sits” yapping away at a table. Give me a freaking break…the guy should have been behind the counter, doing whatever-to get food out to customers.

I’ve been to a ton of bagel joints down here…why anyone would pick Long Island Bagel & Deli over nearby competitors is beyond me. Just off the top of my head, I can name at least 6 bagel-delis in the area that run absolute circles around this joint. Let’s try Bagel City, Bagel Works, Utopia Bagels, Nestor’s, Zinger’s and Westside Bagels just for starters.

By the way, the bagels were nothing special—same for the chicken salad. To flesh the food out a bit, the bagel was extremely thin and had the consistency of white bread. The chicken salad, chicken chunks in mayo–if anything else was in the mix, it wasn’t dectectable to this palate. Trust me on this one, this was by no stretch of the imagination “good” chicken salad. This little fiasco before tip was $12.50—trust me, not even close to being worth anything even close to that amount.

Long Island Bagel & Deli is open 6:30am-3pm and Sunday 7am-3pm.

86 Comments to “Long Island Bagel & Deli (Boca Raton)”

  1. Ira says...

    I tried this place not too long ago (3 weeks or so) and really enjoyed both my food and service. The owner is a very nice man and was an absolute gentleman in all cases to me and my wife. He respects seniors very well and the 2 men behind the counter work hard and do a great job. I’m shocked to hear it to 30 mintues for a chicken salad sandwich, which by the way is my favorite there. But I must say I disagree, and would suggest you give it another try.

    Ira Weinstein

    • Don K. says...

      Ira, got to agree with jeff here. my wife and i ate there about a week ago and the bagles were nothing great. as a matter of fact i had an et and it had no taste whatsoever. the owner maybe a nice fellow but there isn’t anything here that we can’t get better elsewhere. for example, bagelworks, bagel city, utopia bagels, way beyond bagels, gramercy bagels, zinger’s all are within a short drive and they are better looking stores with better food.

  2. Kerry says...

    LI is located in the Target center. It has in one form/name or another had different owners.
    I was in there a few days ago and it’s all cleaned up. But it’s very plain looking.
    I had an onion bagel with a western omelet. OK that’s about it.
    This deli isn’t at the top of the heap.
    The bagels aren’t in the league of Bagel City or Bagelworks just to name two in the area.
    I wish the new onwer good luck but he’s going to have an uphill battle based on location and what he’s selling.

  3. Eric says...

    I’ve been to LIBD a few times since it’s opened and everything was great. Really good service, very nice waitresses, and all the food was delicious. And trust me, I tried everything. Eggs, pancakes, matzo brie, lox and other appetizing, tuna, shrimp and whitefish salads, deli sandwiches and matzo ball soup. It was all top notch. Understandable to be frustrated waiting a half hour for your food but I think you should give it another shot.

  4. MIKE says...

    This joint is an old ladies home. Walked in there last Saturday around 1pm and I thought I was in an assisted living facility. Now I got nothing against old people as I hope to be one myself someday, but just maybe some of you guys’ tastebuds aren’t what they use to be. I had an Everything and it was garbage. I also had tuna salad and it wasn’t all that good.
    Try Bagel City or Way Beyond Bagels and you’ll know what bagels are suppose to taste like.
    Try Zinger’s for deli meats and tuna and chicken salad and you’ll know that this LI bagel place ain’t very good.

    • mike says...

      I have been to almost every bagel place and deli in south fl and many in ny
      The tuna salad and corned beef are by far the best at long island bagel and deli
      The bagels are very good for florida but in ny have had better.

  5. Cheryl says...

    For Jeff to NO STAR this one, he must have found it to be not so hot!.

  6. Plantation Mike says...

    Jeff- COMPLETELY DISAGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ONE!! I have been to this place no less than 15 times since it opened. Infact I drive up from Plantaion JUST FOR THE BAGELS ALONE. Its a great value and the quality of every meal I have had was excellent. The bagels are cooked fresh every hour, the tuna is solid white (top of the line), National Deli is what the guy uses for pastrami & corned beef, he uses Certified Angus Beef brisket and from what I have seen cuts no corners on quality. I have had slow service at EVERY deli in south florida on occasion but I wouldnt go out of my way to trash a business like you just did. Stick to Chinese buffets Jeff.

    • Arnie Betram says...

      drive up from plantation for the bagels alone. are you nuts?

    • Scott says...

      Are you related to the owner? This place sucks!!

  7. Tammmy Joy says...

    I LOVE LONG ISLAND BAGEL & DELI!! I work across the street at the hospital and we take out from there almost daily. Have never had a bad meal. The Bagels are AWESOME. Sounds like Jeff is just having a bad day.

  8. Steve says...

    You must have been there on a off day because I thought this place was great. As a long-islander, I liked the decor and the food was delicious. What separates this place from the others is the staff and the friendly, hands-on owner. I have been there several times and the food is consistently good, the price is right, and the owner seems to love his customers. I will be back for sure!!

  9. heidi says...

    i was just in the restaurant and i thought that the bagels were much better than all of the places in the area. and i am originally from long island and i know bagels! the food was great and i will definitely be back.

    • Ken John says...

      let you in on a little secret, most of the bagels they serve aren’t even made on premises.
      try bagel city on sw 18th street and then you’ll know what a real bagel is all about. norman who owns bagel city comes from merrick LI and owned bagel city there for many years. he knows how to make bagels not the garbage this new guy is selling.

  10. Ken John says...

    I tried LI about 1 week ago. Picked up 1 doz mixed bagels. 1 lb of tuna and 1 1lb of chicken salad. the bagels are not great. the tuna was fair. the chicken salad fair.
    i think that a lot of posts here are the owner’s friends. i say that because anyone who would say that the bagels are the best around is either nuts, doesn’t know what good bagels are all about or is just a good friend of the owner.
    i’ll stick with westside, bagelworks and bagel city which aren’t too far away for bagels.

    • mike says...

      you must like steamed bagels. Li has boiled bagels

  11. From FL to CO says...

    I am surprised with this review Jeff, I think you got it all wrong. After returning home to FL recently I met friends for breakfast at Long Island Deli and we had a large party, were treated great and the food was fantastic. We must have ordered 8 or 9 items to share and we all have spoken since and mentioned how good the food was. Next time I am back in south FL I am sure to be back. Jeff, Zingers and the rest of the places you mention take a back seat to this new south FL treasure.

    • Mr. Kramden says...

      I am sitting here laughing my ass off.
      How anyone can say that this LI joint is better than bagel city, bagelworks, westside bagels, zinger’s, netsors is either a member of the owner’s family, friends of his or know nothings.

      • Eric says...

        And someone who gets extra mayo on their chicken salad knows what’s good? A little unfair to base a restaurant review on two items, especially a place with so much on the menu. Still surprised by the 30 minute ticket time. Service has been on point every time for me.

  12. Kimee says...

    I’ve been there twice so far and must say I think it’s a decent place. I personally didn’t care for the bagel I got to go after eating there, but I enjoyed my lunch both times. I especially enjoyed the Matzo Ball soup and I like their coleslaw and had turkey off the frame, which was good. I will only get corned beef at Zingers. As far as service, it depends on the waitress, one is very slow and doesn’t seem to understand English very well. I will go back there to eat breakfast or lunch, but will always get my bagels at Bagel works.

    • tY says...

      Kimee, you answered your own post. You admit that you didn’t care for the bagel you had. For crying out loud the place is called Long Island Bagel, not Donut, pizza, egg roll but BAGEL,

      The place has lousy bagels .

  13. Amy says...

    I am very suprised to see these comments. I have been there many times, the last one being last week. Service was always great. Last week I even commented how fast the food came! I was in and out in 20 minutes! We love the turkey and take some home for the week. If you recommend westside and baglewOrks your review does not hold much weight in my book!

  14. Tara says...

    It is nice to see you take the time to give your opinion here Jeff, but listing other establishments that are better? That is very unprofessional. Why go there unless to give them some business? Weird.

    Now its time for my opinion: This review is way off. I have frequented this establishment numurous times as have many of my friends and we always have a great experience. Best bagel in South Florida!

  15. Sam says...

    Long Island Bagel and Deli has become a regular spot for my bf and I and our friends to go on weekends–we love the customer service and the food (tuna on rye is incredible every single time). Our friends go there probably 3 times a week and rave about the food and how clean the place always is.

    And the owner of the place isn’t the type of guy who sits and schmoozes, he’s always been behind the counter when we are there. With the jewish holidays here, I’d bet he was taking a catering order.

    We’ve never had to wait that long for our food to come out, ever. But, if you did, that would make me frustrated too and makes sense to why your review has the negative tone it does. It’s too bad you can’t see past it and give yourself the chance to experience more of what the other positive comments are sharing.

  16. ARI says...

    I went there last week and loved it!
    i fund my new morning spot! best bagels and best coffe for the best price in town!

  17. Fred M. says...

    For those of you who think that the bagels are NYC quality, you are fooling yourselves. I tried them and they aren’t very good. Jeff is correct in the list that he made that these other places have better bagels.
    Personally I think that Bagel City in the area makes the best bagels.
    I also like the bagels at Way Beyond Bagels. In addition they make a great tuna and chicken salad.
    The Original Water Bagel also makes good bagels.
    The Sage down in Hallandale makes really good bagels.
    LI’s bagels aren’t that good, so stop being silly.
    Jeff really didn’t review too much other than one type of bagel and chicken salad. What I think he also didn’t like was that it took a long time to get the food and that when it came out it was not the correct order.
    I also think that if you read carefully, he was telling you that the countermen were taking money at the register and preparing food all in one swoop. In Jeff’s way, he’s telling you or at least I think he is, that its UNSANITARY to do that. How would you like to get food made by a counterman who just handled dirty dimes and quarters at the register?
    As for the owner not at counter helping out. He should have been there to make sure no one got pissed off.

  18. Sheila L. says...

    Here’s one that not one of you FANS even mentioned.
    I tried to put the TIP on the credit card bill but the system doesn’t allow you to that. You have to leave CASH for the waitress.
    What’s with that?
    I ate there had lox, cream cheese and pumpernickel bagel. It was okay, but nothing that would make me run back.
    I got a real feeling here that most of the positive comments here are PLANTED.

  19. Linda Kushner says...

    Hey Jeff:
    Been reading you for your years. Love the blog and your clever writing style. Sometimes your calls are right on and sometimes you miss by a mile. Like you have said countless times, this blog is totally subjective and what you like other may hate and vice versa.
    Amazing how many comments one of your writeups can generate.
    I know that a huge number of restaurants use your comments on their sites. Of course, only the ones that get good writeups.
    I was born in Brooklyn in 1942. Moved to Deerfield Beach in 1990.
    I think that I know a thing or two about NYC style bagel delis.
    What I do know is that Zinger’s in Boca and Pomperdale in Fort Lauderdale are as close to real NYC delis that you will find. They aren’t bagel stores.
    What I also know is that Bagel City in Boca makes excellent bagels. Same goes for the Sage in Hallandale. Way Beyond Bagels in Boynton Beach also makes good bagels.
    I will also tell you that Bagel City’s food isn’t all that good.
    I tried LI about a week ago. Nothing fancy, a corned beef on rye. It was OK but it is far from being great like someone else here mentioned. It was BAGEL STORE quality, not DELI quality.
    I also took home 6 bagels. 3 plain, 1 onion, 1 everything, 1 pumpernickel. Were they great? not even close. I got to agree with Jeff, but the bagel was basically tasteless and had the texture of whitebread. The other 5 weren’t much better.
    Would I go back to LI? Well let’s put it this way, I wouldn’t make a special trip to go there. Maybe, if I was in the center I’d stop in for a coffee etc, but definitely not plan a special trip there.
    As for decor. As you say, BARE BONES. I think there were a couple of tvs on the wall for decorations. Anyone who tells you that it’s a great looking store is not telling you the truth.
    I also noticed as someone else also mentioned that they want you to give the waiters cash because the credit card doesn’t slip doesn’t have a line for a tip.
    Look, this is a bagel store. Nothing more and nothing less.
    Is it one of the better ones, I don’t think so.

    • Howard says...

      Clean place, good food, affordable and its a GREAT bagel. All you haters out there should tip your hat to anyone who is opening a restaurant in this economy. I have read Jeff’s posts for years and have always thought it was kind of middle of the road and he goes too easy on places. This review is simply off the mark because he’s getting old and cranky about having to wait for a chicken salad sandwich. Sounds like Jeff needs a vacation or a ride back to Century Village….

      • Mr. Music says...

        Howard in your comment you actually spoke the truth. I’ll bet you anything that you’d like that a good number of LI’s customers come from Century Village.

  20. HerbK says...

    I will preface this by saying I have never been in Long Island Bagel & Deli. Nonetheless, I don’t think they make their own bagels unless they are baking off par baked bagels. As someone who has owned retail and wholesale bakeries I know that you can’t bake bagels from scratch unless you have a very busy restaurant, like Way Beyond Bagels, or have a fairly big wholesale business, or both. It just takes too much time and labor to be profitable for the small quantities that a place that is in the location and sales volume that LIBD does. I have also been in that place in the past and unless they did some serious renovations, making the area, where they would have to be preparing bagels much, much bigger, they just wouldn’t have room for a bagel retarder, room to proof the bagels, a spiral mixer, a bagel divider and former, work tables, store the proofing boards, a boiling kettle, and room for all the racks that you need for that type of operation. I would be willing to bet the money that Jeff brings in from the adsense ads that Jeff finally decided to run on his site to monetize his traffic that they don’t make their own bagels from scratch

    • Ryan says...

      Funny, i just found this blog when i googled LI Bagel and Deli so i could recommend the place to a buddy traveling to Boca for business next week. I was in S. Florida for Labor Day weekend on vacation when unfortunately i got bad news that an old friend passed. I was staying at a resort in Singer Island but the funeral was in Ft. Lauderdale. I needed a place to eat breakfast somewhere on the way and we found this place. My girl and i liked it. I had a cheese omelet with onions and peppers, homefries and et bagel. She had scrambled eggs and poppy bagel with lox. The place isn’t a fancy steakhouse so the comments regarding decor is a waste of words. The place is very clean which is the most important thing. its a bagel deli, clean counter and i thought the mirror with the names of long island cities were cool. As far as planting comments it almost seems the other establishments could be doing a little bit of this, no? anyways, i often look at yelp or menu pages up in new york but i never put too much stock in other peoples comments. Opinions are like……

    • Mr. Music says...

      No question about it, LI brings in most of the bagels if not all of them. The people who think that the guy is making them in house are being fooled.
      I tried them and they are absolute garbage.
      I got a sneaking suspicion that the positive comments are all planted.
      There is absolutely no way that the crowd that eats at LI really knows too much about using the internet.

    • ZI says...


  21. michael m says...

    I have eaten at LI Bagels and it was O.K. If you want real New York bagels try Eutopia Bagels in Boca Raton. The best bagels made IN HOUSE BY FAR.

  22. Alvie says...

    What kind of food critic goes to a place and orders 1 thing and puts up a review?? Christ the place has a 3 page menu full of stuff. Hey Jeff- I ate a Hardies before and the burgers sucked.

    • Tom Harris says...

      Based on Jeff’s comments, if he had ordered more than one thing, he’d still be sitting there waiting for the order.
      I’m with Jeff. been following his site for 2 years and he calls it like he sees it.
      Betcha anything, 95% of the positive comments are phony here. Friends of the owner writing.
      Just check YELP 1 comment about this joint, yet here they poured in.
      Doesn’t make sense.
      That’s why I know they are phony and not real readers.

    • KANE says...

      Alvie, let’s see what we got here.
      Jeff said ET bagel was lousy.
      Jeff said chicken salad was not too good.
      Jeff told us that countermen are touching money and food at same time.
      Jeff told us that it took 30 minutes to get 2 simple items.
      Jeff told us that when food arrived the order was wrong.

      So, if I like good chicken salad and good et bagels and good service and CLEAN preparation, explain to me why you don’t think that Jeff’s review isn’t complete enough for a guy like me to make a decision?

      That part about the countermen handling money and food at the same time sounds delicious and real appetizing doesn’t it?

    • Mr. Smythe says...

      Alvie, here’s something for you.
      I and 3 golfing buddies out there a couple of weeks back.
      The bagels were LOUSY.
      The service slow as S@@T.
      We had tuna, lox, chicken salad and corned beef.
      For the same money there are at several bagel restaurants in the immediate area that are better. So why would we go to LI?

  23. Scott says...

    My wife picked up 2 dozen bagels on Saturday. We threw them away Sunday. Enough said!

  24. lindag says...

    Went to LI bagel yesterday,the bagels were fine ,the coffee was hot and fresh, and the cream cheese was fresh and full of fresh scallions. I did not go there with an attitude, I went for a bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee. I got exactly what I paid for and did not leave dissapointed.
    I’m sure that all of the places you are comparing this 1 month old bagel store to had some fine tuning to make in their first few months.
    It seems to me that many critics here were expecting a fine dining expirience with waiters in tuxedos and food prepared by a celebrity chef. LI bagel is basically a bagel and sandwich shop, not striving to be a zagat rated fine dining establishment.
    Jeff you mention others that run circles around this place, Utopia-dirty, dingy, and catering to the over 80 crowd, Westside- inedible bagels, Bagel city- had green nova last time I was there, Zingers- failed terribly in his last attempt, Bagel works- closed down by the IRS several months ago, Nestors- went there many years ago after the hurricane and all the meats had their perimeters trimmed off after the power was out for 2 days, and the owner claimed the meat was just freshly made.
    Dunkin donuts is #1 in the US for bagel sales, not a very good bagel at all, but fresh and convienient.
    To the owner of LI bagel, I thought your place was clean and decorated just fine for what it is, your bagels were as good as most around town, your display looked fresh and inviting, and I’m sure as time goes on you will address any issues that are brought to your attention by the customers.
    As far as the employee situation, Jeff and anybody who is in business in So. Fl should understand that it takes a little time to tweak the staff and get the operation running smoothly. When you have a restaurant with an average check of $5-$10 per person you are not going to attract the service pros in the industry.
    I am not a fan, I am not a friend, I’m just somebody who has built a $20,000,000. a year retail business in So. Florida and I know that it takes a little time as an independent store owner to get things just right.

    • Scott says...

      zzzzzz please you know nothing this place sucks!

      • lindag says...

        To say I know nothing is an incorrect statement. I believe in giving everybody a second chance. Instead of Jeff and some of you telling this guy how bad his place is, and that you would never come back, How about being a person, a civilized human being.
        Have you ever heard of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism? I take my hat off to ANY independent that has the guts to start a business in these extremely hard times. Let him know you were not happy and give the guy a second chance.
        The most successful in this world are those who make mistakes and learn from them.

        • Fred Orange says...

          lindag, so let me get this straight, because a guy opened a business in the bad economy, we are suppose to cut him some slack for having lousy food, is that correct?
          i took out food from there and thought it was crap. the bagels are lousy.
          there are at least a 1/2 dozen better bagel joints in the area.
          but according to you, we got to give him another chance. why do you think that? the guy missed end of story.
          Jeff’ site reviews restaurants. he calls it like he sees it. obviously he didn’t see it too good for thw owner. why do you think that Jeff has to give the guy another try? maybe if the guy didn’t charge Jeff for the first bad meal, we got something to talk about, but i don’t see Jeff mentioning that he got his money back.
          don’t you think that the owner should be ashamed that he didnt give Jeff or me good food?
          do you know what competition is?
          well the LI owner is going to learn real fast.
          if he keeps doing what he’s been doing he will be out of business.
          you want good deli go to zinger’s.
          you want great bagels and appetizing you go to way beyond bagels.
          from my outing the LI owner is wasting his time.
          we’ll see!!!

          • Scott says...

            Fred, you the man! Now both LI bagels and Lindag both suck!!

          • lindag says...

            Fred, I appreciate and respect your point of view, I guess I’m a little different and just a tad more foregiving than most. We are talking about an inexpensive meal, not a preplanned once in a lifetime special occassion.
            BTW, Scott, I suck for expressing my opinion?

          • Scott says...

            Linbag, I believe you are a friend of the owner, have a vested interest in LI or lost all means of taste……

          • lindag says...

            Scott, I’m not a friend of the owner(don’t even know who the owner is) nor do I have any interest in this place. Since moving to florida almost 20 years ago, I have become so disgusted with all of the chain stores and restaurants. This is why I am pro independent and would not give a bad review to somebody in their first month of operation. Very few achieve complete customer satisfaction from day one.
            As far as my means of taste, I only sampled a bagel and a cup of coffee and found them both to be fine, not the best but far from the worst.
            I’m sure the owner has been following this blog, and based on the negative comments here,I’m sure they will make some changes.

  25. Mal Katz says...


    Got to give you your props. Great blog. Love the fact that you let everyone voice their opinion. Most blogs wouldn’t even think of letting someone say negative things about the writer/blog.
    I ate at LI Bagel Bagel & Deli and wasn’t very impressed. Is it terrible? No it’s not terrible! But there are tons of better bagel-delis around the Boca area.
    When I want good deli I eat at Zinger’s. The meats etc are second to none.
    When I want good bagels, Bagel City gets the job done for me. But, there food is not the best.
    I see that there are a number of positive comments about the bagels, service and food. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. More power to them.
    I think I know good!
    In my opinion, Li Bagel & Deli isn’t the best around. And since it’s my money, I’ll spend it where I want.
    Thanks again for a great even handed blog.

    Mal Katz

  26. Sam says...

    I dont know what KANE is talking about re food handling and cash handling when a) JeffEats never said that, b) KANE clearly never went to the place because they for sure wear gloves when handling food and the person who packs bagels uses wax paper.

    It has been made clear that some of you are just bored and like to say stupid stuff about LI bagel and deli when you may OR MAY NOT have had more than a bagel there to know much of anything.

    It has gotten really out of hand and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that JeffEats is full of sh@t with having his people make stuff up to sound like they are agreeing with him- Jeff, you should at least make sure they spell correctly and refer to things you actually said Jeff, not make up additional crap that you did not say (clearly, KANE lacks reading comprehension skills and a new staff member is needed)

    • FRED L. says...

      Sam, you must be a friend of the owner or the owner himself. How in the world would you know that wax paper is used?
      You have been exposed.

  27. Sam says...

    You folks do know that I’m a friend of the owner don’t you?

    • Scott says...

      I tried LI this AM (again) and will never go back they short changed me a couple bagels, the plain cream cheese had a funky taste and this place is as dirty as can be (yuck!) NEVER AGAIN!

  28. David L says...

    I love this site, but what I love even more is when everyone starts arguing one way or another…and nothing is better than the shills. Keep it up guys!

    Jeff, thanks as usual for the head’s up on this one.

    Everyone else, this site is one man’s opinion on various restaurants in the area. He gave his opinion…either read what he is saying, or don’t. It’s that simple. I will choose to stay away from this place, and enjoy the bagel stores/deli’s that have proven themselves to me time after time…

  29. Charlie Luciano says...

    The best bagels in the area are at Way Beyond Bagels.
    Zinger’s has the best deli food.

  30. Ronald Goldbaum says...

    Reading the comments of many here, I get the distinct impression that the Florida sun has definitely destroyed the brain cells of many former New Yorkers.
    We ate in in restaurants like Junior’s and Cookie’s. We ate in real diners. We ate in Chinatown and Little Italy. We ate in restaurants like Carolina’s in Coney Island and New Corner’s.
    As kids we got bagels from REAl bagel stores.

    You guys got to be kidding if you think that the bagels or anything else is topshelf at LI. If you really think that you are nuts. LI is a bagel deli that sells food that if it was in the 5 boros years ago would have gone BK in a week.

    • PS says...

      well said!

  31. wrong way harry says...

    second rate bagels.
    the guy carries national deli. that’s hebrew national’s second rate brand.
    this is your typical fl crap bagel deli.

    • garyg says...

      From what I have seen, most Kosher style deli’s in Fl use National deli (which was the same as Hebrew National but made with non kosher cuts of beef)
      One of the only deli’s that I know does not use National is Ben’s in Boca.
      Harry,, do you know which deli’s do not, I would love a good corned beef or pastrami sandwich.

      • wrong way harry says...

        zinger’s in bocabest pastrami an corned beef in fl.

  32. michael m says...

    Bens in Boca service is top notch and has the best PASTRAMI compared to any other deli or restaurant within 100 miles of Boca. For $9.95, you can get a half of a huge sandwhich and the best bowl of motza ball soup. The staff and food and prices are the best all around. My wife got the combo corned beef and soup, I got the pastrami combo for $9.95 and its nothing camparable to the 10 other places near by. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME OR $$$ ANYWHERE ELSE!!! Im sorry I cant tell you about the bagels. I Prefer Eutopia of Boca for the best in house made New York Bagels.

  33. JB says...

    nothing special here.

  34. Ben Berman says...

    Why in the world would you eat in a dump like this when 5 minutes away you could eat at Zinger’s which is a top notch joint?

  35. Yvonne Sherrer says...

    I just discovered this place. I do not know the owner I admit I am not a bagel expert. I would say the Bagels are okay.

    However, his tuna salad, whitefish salad, chicken salad and egg salad are excellent and better than what I used to get at Howard’s.The kugel was also very good.

    My Husband and daughter felt the same. We will definitely go back for the salads. My other daughter loved her soup as well.

  36. benny says...

    nothing special going on here.

  37. SHELDON says...

    Thought it was ok, but there are a lot better around the area.

  38. Ed says...

    The bagels aren’t very good. Not much more I can say.

  39. Iknowbagels says...

    Is this joint still in business? I ate there once and figured they wouldn’t make it through January 2012. The bagels stink and the rest of the food is sub par bagel deli crap.

  40. MK says...

    A craphole. Real simple. The food is mediocre bagel stuff. There are a lot of better joints in the immediate area.

  41. Ted D says...

    If this store opened in my hometown of Woodmere, it probably last about a month tops maybe three. I don’t care what anyone says, the bagels taste like white bread, soft pieces of garbage. The food, I had tuna and chicken salad are not too good. The service slow as she@t.

    I have lived in Boca for the past 6 years and there are so many better bagel places that it’s not even funny. You want great bagels you go to Bagel City. You want delicious tuna and chicken salads you go to BagelWorks. You want top deli meats you go to Zinger’s.

    The reason I tried LI was because my wife had to pickup something at Target’s which is in the same center.

    Look, Boca is a small town. People talk all day about where they ate and are going to eat. LI in my sphere is never mentioned.

  42. mr. kramer says...

    not one of the better bagel places.

  43. stayman says...

    i liked the bagels. had a mixed dozen and they were all good.

  44. giovanni erikkson says...

    I like their bacon, egg & cheese sandwiches on garlic bagels

  45. Sid L. Turner says...

    Not the best.
    There are a lot better n the area.

  46. RRF says...

    jeff, give them another try. food is actually pretty decent.

  47. Jawman says...

    I like the food. Service is good. Prices reasonable.

  48. Joe K says...

    Was in Target Center yesterday.
    Drove by LI and from the outside it looked gross. A couple of chairs outside with some guys just hanging out smoking.
    Not for me.

  49. judygym says...

    jeff, give them another try. delicious lox and their bagels are very good.

  50. mike says...

    Very busy place. Ive gone there a dozen times, always busy. Must be doing something right. I think the bagels and food is great. Must be doing something right. Zingers always empty and overpriced.

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