
Zinger’s Delicatessen (Boca Raton)

Posted on August 18th, 2011 · American Boca Raton Breakfast Delicatessen


***** Zinger’s Delicatessen, 7132 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, (561) 826-7323.

If, delicious- New York Kosher Style Deli is your game—you absolutely, positively have to give Zinger’s Delicatessen in Boca Raton a try.

For you fressers out there…Zinger’s in a “former” life, was Pastrami Queen (see 9/12/08 writeup)…to make a long story short, family “matters” resulted in Pastrami Queen closing in late 2010. This past Tuesday, Zinger’s opened for business—for our purposes, SAME OWNER!–NEW “NYC” DECOR!–SAME TERRIFIC FOOD!

Last night I ate dinner at Zinger’s.

Zinger’s is located in the exact-spot where Pastrami Queen was. Gary Zinger who owned Pastrami Queen is Zinger’s owner. The restaurant’s layout hasn’t changed, but the decor has…let’s just say, that stainless steel walls/ceiling and art-deco signage rival the best-deli decor here and in NYC. The joint has 3-flat screen tvs and a takeout counter that will make you want to quit Weight Watchers.

Let’s talk food…

To be perfectly honest with you, I seriously doubt that there is a better New York Kosher Style Deli down here in South Florida. I’ll even go so-far as to say, Zinger’s Delicatessen can easily hold its own with legendary players like NYC’s- Carneige, Stage, 2nd Avenue and Katz’s delis…if you aren’t a native Nooo Yoorker, please feel free to insert your hometown favorite delis’ names.

Just so you know, I was a Pastrami Queen “regular”…so, it was absolutely impossible to eat-at Zinger’s, shall we say incognito. The meal was “on the arm” with Gary Zinger literally having me “try” everything in the joint. Take it for what it’s worth, the pastrami, corned beef, brisket, turkey off the bone are as good as it gets. The joint also makes- delicious, potato pancakes-chopped liver-tuna salad-chicken salad-matzoh ball soup-smashed French fries-Italian beef sub.

Just so we are straight…don’t want you to think that I’m a Zinger’s shill—I’ve eaten better potato knishes—like the ones I, my father and brother Andy use to get in 1958 from the pushcart stationed right outside of Fortunoff on Livonia Avenue in Brooklyn while waiting for my mother to finish shopping.

Trust me on this…Zinger’s is a homerun.

Like I said before, I tried a load of stuff. I will tell you, that the sandwiches being delivered to the tables were nice-sized… I didn’t see one group leave without a doggy bag… and no one bitched to Gary about the service/prices.

Zinger’s website is www.zingersdelicom. The site is currently under construction, so give it some-time to get up and running.

Zinger’s does breakfast, lunch and dinner…The joint is open 7 days a week 7am-10pm.

288 Comments to “Zinger’s Delicatessen (Boca Raton)”

  1. ed roberts says...

    makes the best pastrami

  2. sharon klein says...

    Jeff, I’ve tried a number of delis that you have mentioned.
    PQ was very good.
    I’m looking forward to eating at Zinger’s.
    I also think that Pomperdale has good deli.
    Ben’s is hit and miss.
    Sage is ok but not as good as many think it is. It does have delicious bagels.
    I also like one that you mentioned Ruven’s. The food is good and very reasonable. They have a handcut turkey that is excellent.
    I dont like Poppies, 3 G’s, Flakowitz, as they just dont have quality.

  3. Stanley Cooper says...

    I loved Pastrami Queen and was very disappointed when it closed.
    I tried Zinger’s and was pleasantly surprised that not only is as good as Pastrami Queen was but that its decor is really cool with the restaurant much brighter and open looking than the original one was.
    On the food front you really can’t find better pastrami in Florida. They also make delicious French fries and have the requisite cream soda to go with everything.
    If you are a formerly from NY you will really appreciate the food here.

  4. Ashley Robbins says...

    The corned beef sandwich I had was the best I have ever eaten. (and I have been to a lot of delis). My dad had pastrami and he loved it. The owner even came over to the table and introduced himself. Our server, who was also originally from New York, was not only efficient, but friendly too.
    You should definitely give Zinger’s a try…it is the best around.

  5. Ed Raskin says...

    Born and bred in Brooklyn. Lived there for over 40 years before moving to Deerfield 31 years ago.
    I know deli.
    Most here think that these bagel restaurants are delis. They aren’t. They sell bagels and serve just passable food.
    For those who want good, try Zinger’s. The pastrami, corned beef, turkey and brisket are just like what you get in NYC’s top places like Stage and 2nd Avenue.
    I was in Zinger’s this afternoon and took meats home.
    Ed Raskin

  6. s.s. says...

    Best quality NY deli around. You won’t be disappointed. GREAT addition to the neighborhood.

  7. rockingham says...

    Good luck to Garry Zinger. I’ll make it up there soon! Nothing like house cured pastrami and corned beef. 95% of the alleged delis and bagel joints here sell meats cured and vacuum packaged that come off a Sysco truck

  8. shana says...

    i like ben’s food.
    i really like pomperdale’s food.
    i love zinger’s food.

  9. nadine and tom says...

    We’re on our way to Zinger’s. We know Gary personally and he deserves all the best, He is a great, hard working guy. and I’m sure the food is amazing as it was at PQ. Can’t wait to get there. We’ll let you know how delicious it was

  10. jason klazinsky says...

    so what does “on the arm” mean? you didn’t pay? free stuff always tastes better.

    • Don F says...

      14. an arm and a leg, a great deal of money: Our night on the town cost us an arm and a leg.
      15. arm in arm, with arms linked together or intertwined: They walked along arm in arm.
      16. at arm’s length, not on familiar or friendly terms; at a distance: He’s the kind of person you pity but want to keep at arm’s length.
      17. in the arms of Morpheus, asleep: After a strenuous day, he was soon in the arms of Morpheus.
      18. on the arm, Slang . free of charge; gratis: an investigation of policemen who ate lunch on the arm.

  11. Kleinbaum says...

    jason klazinsky:
    Guys like you just don’t appreciate Jeff.
    Jeff tells you the food was “on the arm” and you say so it tasted better.
    Jeff didnt have to tell us sheet. We would never know but he is a straight shooter and always lays out all of the facts.
    If Jeff says the food is good its good. If he says bad its bad.
    By the way I ate lunch at Zinger’s today having a pastrami on rye, ff, and my wife had a turkey on rye with a potato knish and we paid full price and the food was delicious.

  12. sam aronson says...

    by far and away the best deli in s fl.
    ive been to tons of delis here and not one of them even comes close to zinger’s. i hadnt heard ot it before reading jeff eats the other day and i’m glad that i did. the pastrami chopped liver combo i had took me to very fond days when i use to eat at sid & george’s in canarsie.
    dont miss zinger’s.

  13. Jennifer S. says...

    Dear Jeff,

    With your recommendation, I tried Zinger’s!! It’s the best Deli I have been to since NYC. There food is top notch. I ordered the Rachel and the fabulous chocolate cake….both the best I have ever had.

    Thanks again for the recommendation. I wish Mr. Zinger and their new management great success.

    Jen S.

  14. Alan Resnick says...

    By far and away the best pastrami sandwich I’ve had in Florida since moving here over 20+ years ago. Not really sure how they do it but the meat is sensational and takes me back to Queens in the 1960s. Although not Nathan’s fries which are the all time best, the ff that I had with my sandwich were delicious. Can’t beat pastrami on rye with mustard, ff with ketchup and a Coke, yeah, I know I’m suppose say a Dr. Brown’s cream soda, but I’ve always like a Coke with my sandiwch.
    Good luck to Zinger’s.
    Don’t skimp and keep the stuff just as it is and you’ll be around for a very long time.
    Alan Resnick

  15. Jon G says...

    It’s good but not close to Katz’s in the Lower East Side…NOT CLOSE!!! The Stage is far better!!!So is the Woodro in Hewlett, New York!!!However as far as South Florida goes it’s good…Try New York Big Apple Deli In North Miami Beach for the Soups none better!!!

    • VANDA says...

      Jon G, Gary Zinger worked at Woodro when he was a kid. Think he learned a thing or two or three from Norman the Master?!!!!!

  16. Jeff Graef says...

    Had lunch today at Zingers. This was the BEST pastrami sandwich I ever had. I have eaten at Katz deli in NYC at least a hundred times and it is great but definitely not better than Zingers. Loved the Matzo Ball soup too! My patner had the Brisket, it was so good we split halves. Also, the Stage deli in NYC is a joke, I think their deli meats are the worst. I am already thinking about my return visit

    • jon g says...

      I’ve been to Zingers twice just to make sure…It’s good!! But not better than those in the CITY or ISLAND!!! I know the owner is from the Five Towns so was I but this is SF and it’s just a fact the deli’s and pizza places and chinese restaurants just aren’t as good as in the NYC area!!! It’s the water!!! Even if you use filtered it’s not the same as the water that’s from New York.

  17. FROMP says...

    PQ was excellent.
    Zinger’s is even better.

  18. Judy says...

    Very strange!
    Didn’t like PQ.
    Love Zinger’s.
    I know that both have the same owner, but I found a recent pastrami sandwich and a corned beef at Zinger’s to be better than what I once had at PQ.
    Talk about overstuffed sandwiches and also very good fries.
    Zinger’s you are doing it all right!!!

  19. Jeff In Boca says...

    Know them from queens. they have fabulous food.

  20. ellen gutterman says...

    love the food.

  21. Bob F. says...

    second visit to zinger’s in the last 4 days.
    their pastrami is the best that i’ve had in a very long time.
    hopefully my cardiologist doesn’t find out about my new passion.

  22. ZDOG says...

    No BS, Zinger’s is by far and away the best NYC Kosher Style Deli in Florida, well, at least of the ones that I’ve tried and there have been tons of them.
    The only one that even comes close is Pomperdale in Ft. Lauderdale.
    Don’t believe me, just try Zinger’s once and let me know if I’m on the money here or a crackpot.
    The pastrami that Zinger’s makes is as good as any around.
    Same for the turkey, brisket and corned beef.
    They have an amazing NY cheesecake and the chicken salad, and chopped liver are delicious.
    Let me know what you think!!!!!


  23. LARRY B. says...

    Zinger’s food is exceptionally good.
    Had lunch there yesterday with a group of golfing buddies and the sandwiches (pastrami & corned beef) were super good.

  24. SHEL TENENBAUM says...

    Subject: HOLIDAYS

    Message Body:

  25. ziffre says...

    best deli around.

  26. Ben Leonard says...

    If you want great deli, you got to try Zinger’s in Boca Raton.
    I ate there last night and their food is excellent.
    If you want to compare Zinger’s to places like 3 G’s, Flakowitz, Bagels With you are comparing apples and oranges.
    Zinger’s is a real DELI. You find these kind of places in NY. This place is as good as the Carneige, Stage, Katz’s, Second Avenue Deli.
    The 3 G’s of the world are not serving quality food. They serve a lot of food but it isn’t the best quality.
    Zinger’s just opened. From what I have heard in a former life it was known as Pastrami Queen. Reading the reviews of Pastrami Queen it was also a terrific DELI.
    While eating at Zinger’s it reminded me of the neighborgood delis that you find in the 5 boros.
    Try Zinger’s,

  27. leo says...

    a group of us ate breakfast there this morning.
    great eggs, french toast.
    runs circles around the local bagel places.

  28. ELBER says...

    the 2 best delis in fl are zinger’s and pomerdale.
    no other real competitors and that includes ben’s in boca.

  29. rockingham says...

    Have to give props to Pomperdale same as others have. Still have to make it to Zingers but going by the comments here, it is off the charts. BTW I think the successor to Lox Haven is on the East side of St Rd 7 above Atlantic. It is in the back of the mall in the center. Same large mall as a Vietnamese restaurant

  30. nancy says...

    Zingers was great. Its about time I found a deli in Florida with good pastrami. The stuffed cabbage was delicious. Service was great.
    Already went back for a second visit.

  31. Jerry Roberts says...

    I have eaten in deli’s throughout South Florida as well as all the popular NY delis (Carnegy, Katz, Stage) and without question Zinger’s ranks with the best of them. The meat is juicy, tender and delicious they pile it high on the best rye bread I’ve ever tasted. In my 6+ visits I have tried a lot of the menu and found the brisket to be in a league of it’s own. If you like real NY style deli you owe it to yourself to try Zinger’s

  32. hn says...

    best deli in s florida, period, end of story.

  33. poppy says...

    if you want food like you get in top nyc delis then go to zinger’s.

  34. john pastore says...

    best food around.
    ben’s is no match.

  35. marc says...

    Wow, is all I can say… Ate there today and the Rachel is out of this world… We took home the Mish Mosh soup for Grandma and she hasn’t stopped talking about it since… Can’t wait to go back there again…Gary was so friendly I wanted to bring him home to my dawter……

  36. loni love says...

    pastrami queen was good zinger’s is great. love the modern stainless look.

  37. ir says...

    I can’t believe that a few here can’t see that Zinger’s is a first class NY Kosher Style Deli.
    The food is as good as any that you will find in NYC. Personally, I think that its pastrami is the best that I’ve had.
    For those who haven’t tried Zinger’s and like good deli, go, and decide for yourself.

  38. Dr. Sandi says...

    Attended a Rosh Hashanah dinner last night. There were 14 people there. The food was from Zinger’s. Delicious all around from the matzoh ball soup, chopped liver, stuff cabbage to the turkey, brisket, stuffing, potato kugel and noodle pudding. The rugalah and pastries were also delicious.
    Zinger’s food was terrific.

  39. Shelly Rubin says...

    Delicious food.
    Great service.
    Huge portions.
    Reasonable prices.

    By far and away the best deli I’ve been to in Florida.

  40. Judy Weiss says...

    Used BYGY coupon the other day. Pastrami on rye terrific. Brisket on rye terrific. Also love their french fries.

  41. HerbK says...

    It’s just silly to compare Zinger’s pastrami to Katz’s. Grover Cleveland was the president when Katz’s opened and there were still farms in Manhattan. It hasn’t lasted and thrived for over 120 years, in the country’s most competitive restaurant market, because its food is just very good, it has legendary pastrami with a well deserved national reputation. Nobody has better pastrami than Katz’s and nobody has better steak than Peter Luger

  42. Mal Katz says...

    Was there last night.
    20 minute wait.
    seemed like everyone had a bygy coupon.
    pastrami was delicious.
    same for the corned beef.
    they were so busy they ran out of pickles and diet cream soda.
    i’ll forgive them.

  43. Ronald Goldbaum says...

    This has to be the closest thing to real ny kosher style deli that i’ve been to in florida. The meats, bread, knishes, soups, actually everything tastes like the best i’ve had in nyc.
    Anyone who can’t see the difference between the food here and the crappy food served by the bagel/deli places really doesnt know too much about what good food is all about.

  44. wrong way harry says...

    Big fan of good deli. Love a delicious pastrami on rye and dr. brown cream soda. best that i’ve found in fl, is zinger’s.

  45. joe anthony says...

    I’ve got no dog in the fight.
    All I can tell you is that Zinger’s by far and away is the best NYC Kosher Style Deli in Florida, that’s as far as I’m concerned.
    I’ve eaten in loads of bagel/delis and not even one of them is in Zinger’s league. For sure Sage in Hallandale does a good job. Ben’s in Boca does a nice job. The Pomperdale in Ft, Lauderdale has good food. That said, Zinger’s by far and away has them all beat.
    If you haven’t been there, give it a try.
    I think you will find what I found.

  46. larry says...

    broke the fast this evening with zinger’s food. delicious.

  47. LK says...

    Ate in Zinger’s last week.
    Pastrami and corned beef were some of the best I’ve enjoyed in Florida.

  48. MW says...

    By far and away the best brisket on rye that i’ve had in ages.
    This is a top notch NYC style deli and don’t let anyone tell you anything different.
    The food is excellent.

  49. E. G. says...

    ate lunch there yesterday.
    terrific pastrami.
    the french fries were some of the best i’ve ever had.
    this food is terrific.
    on decor, okay but nothing out of the ordinary.
    service was just fine.
    prices, reasonable.

  50. vinny chase says...

    right up there with the best delis in s. fl.

    • smythe says...

      you are right on the nose here. by far and away one of the best delis in fl.

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