
Pastrami Queen (Boca Raton)

Posted on September 12th, 2008 · American Boca Raton Delicatessen

*****  Pastrami Queen, 7132 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, Florida 33433 (561) 391-8989.

My computer’s search engines tell me that “this” is the first review of Boca Raton’s newest “kosher-style deli”…so say hello to Pastrami Queen. Let me start by saying, that this joint has a pedigree history…that being, it is owned by the same family which owned/operated the famous (and I do mean famous) Pastrami King in Queens, New York and Pastrami Queen in Manhattan. Just so you know, over the years, I must have eaten in the two New York locations something like 50 times…the food was absolutely delicious and the portions enormous.

Last night, I gave the newest location a try…Pastrami Queen has only been open 1 week and  based on my first outing, this restaurant has a shot to develop into a Boca Raton landmark. Pastrami Queen looks like an old New York deli circa 1960-1970…there are large take-out display cases and maybe seating for 60. The joint is still being “decorated” but it has a very warm-simple- neighborhood feel to it. Pastrami Queen’s menu is 7 pages long and is literally packed, with every “dish” that your little heart (and not your cardiologist’s) could desire…soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers, knishes, potato pancakes, eggs, chicken/meat/fish entrees…like I said, you name it and this joint probably has it. Last night I “sampled” a meat platter of brisket-pastrami-corned beef which came with a side of french-fries ($14.99)…the meats were delicious and the fries gave Nathan’s Famous a run for the money…by the way, there was enough meat, cole slaw and rye bread to feed 3 hungry people. I also tried the roast chicken and sweet potato fries… they were also terrific.

Like I said before, this joint has only been open 1 week…but you wouldn’t know it. The wait-staff was efficient and the food was prepared exactly as ordered. I guess it doesn’t hurt having owners Gary and Denise in the “front-of-the-house” and Paul ( formerly Ben’s Kosher Deli’s dining-room manager) keeping a close eye on the kitchen-staff.  Pastrami Queen hit the ground running…and the food is as good as the stuff that the New York joints served.

Although Pastrami Queen is basically a neighborhood deli, it goes the extra mile in the “food-presentation department”…art deco plates, fries served in cannisters lined with faux newspaper, fried chicken delivered to the table in buckets a la Colonel Sanders… matzoh balls the size of softballs.

Just so we are straight…Pastrami Queen is not and I repeat not, a “bagel joint”…it is a deli-restaurant. Pastrami Queen is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner 11am-9pm.

I am telling you…Pastrami Queen is going to develop an absolutely huge following…you now know about a terrific joint long before the masses do.

83 Comments to “Pastrami Queen (Boca Raton)”

  1. Marilyn R says...

    Hey Jeff Eats, really enjoyed talking to you at Phyllis G’s Enigma this evening. Hope you remember me and my husband were the folks sitting next to you. Your lists of restaurants in the area is looooong. Can’t believe that you don’t weigh 700 lbs after eating in so many places. Engima was wonderful and you history on how Phyllis Granger started the place was news to us. We are definitely going to try some of your favorites. On our list to hit is Nino’s in Boca, Carolina’s and we definitely will try Pomperdale and Pastrami Queen. We live about 1/2 mile from Nino’s and Pastrami Queen and will be stopping in for a pastrami on rye as early as tomorrow.
    Your a real pleasant guy and many of your reviews cracked us up. You are a real guy who knows what most folks like to eat.
    Take care.

  2. RA (Boca West) says...

    Friends had us over Passover this year. Food was from PQ. Outrageously good matzoh ball soup, roast chicken and brisket. We lost david’s and Mr. royal, but PQ has nicely filled the void. Highly recommend.

  3. Ben W. says...

    Former Brooklyn boy here. Have found only two decent delis in Florida, Pastrami Queen and Pomperdale’s. Tried David’s up in PBG and it stunk. Ben’s deli is good but the rest of food is crap. Too Jay’s, 3 G’s, Poppies and all of the bagel stores are just reheating National products. Lousy. I have eaten in Pastrami Queen exactly three times and found the pastrami excellent, the corned beef good. and the brisket very good. Their French fries are excellent. I have eaten in Pomperdale’s loads of time and rate its pastrami, corned beef and brisket excellent. Same goes for its chicken salad and chopped liver.
    Best bagels in Florida are at Sage in Hallandale and Way Beyond Bagels in Boca.

  4. Joe B. says...

    We work in th shopping center across the street from Pastrami Queen and takeout quite a bit from neighborhood restaurants. We are regulars at Cannoli Kitchen for example. The other day for lunch we tried Pastrami Queen, pastrami sandwich and corned beef sandwich and 2 orders of fries. The food is good but nothing to go crazy over. Personally we both like Too Jay’s and Pickle Barrel better but they aren’t close by. One other thing, we thought that the prices were too high for a neighborhood restaurant.

  5. Your rave review got me and my husband to Deli Queen. Pastrami/Corned Beef combo sand.+ Turkey sand. + french fries + 2 soft drinks. $36 for this meal. Food wasn’t the greatest, as a matter of fact the turkey was a dry as could be. The sandwich size was also on the thin side. Won’t be back.

  6. kay boca raton says...

    you must have dined at deli queen because pastrami queen has the freshest and moistest meat.have not had this quality of deli since leaving ny eight years ago.we love pq.keep up the good work and hope to dine with you many years to come!!jeff,think your great too.

  7. sammy says...

    take it from this brooklyn boy pq’s food is right up there with the best in florida. only one other deli is in the same league and that’s the pomperdale deli. the meats served in flakowitz, nestors, 3g’s gourmet, poppies etc is second rate crap. ben’s kosher is okay but pq and pomperdale are still better amd they aren’t even kosher. the problems with posters like DR is that are looking for CHEAP not GOOD.

  8. Sid R. says...

    To me nothing beats a hot pastrami sandwich/on rye with mustard, french fries and a Dr. Browns Cream soda. Been eating this way for almost 70 years.
    Florida doesn’t really have too many decent delis.

    Too Jay’s-Poppie’s-Flakowitz-3 G’s-and all of the bagel places don’t serve the real McCoy. The stuff is inferior junk.

    The only places that I would even think of eating pastrami are Ben’s, Pomperdale and Pastrami Queen. It is a toss up amongst the 3 as to who’s better, but they are really good.

    Now go and eat a real pastrami sandwich and stop yapping about all of these crappy places who wouldn’t know a tongue sandwich from a corned beef sandwich.

  9. Don Litsky says...

    If you want to throw away $10.60 for a dried out, chemical tasting pastrami sandwich (you heard it correctly – $10.60! Beyond belief) that was cut from the end part of the brisket and worse, cut in shreds, sloppily, than throw your money away, when you can get a much cleaner, larger sandwich across the street for half the price. Not only that, but I asked for a pastrami sandwich with mustard and coleslaw and when the bill came I was charged over a dollar for the tiny portion of old coleslaw. When I asked him to take the slaw back he was so rude I just paid it to avoid the unpleasantness. Worse yet, the servers were making snide remarks about how fat their customer was behind her back demonstrating a disdain that was par for the course in this, the most unpleasant of eating experiences I have ever experienced.

  10. Don Litsky says...

    This place is godawful. The most overrated, overpriced deli anywhere.

  11. gs says...

    Don Litsky, what’s the name of restaurant that’s across the street selling sandwiches for 1/2 the price?
    I have eaten at Pastrami Queen 3 times. I have eaten pastrami, brisket, turkey, corned beef. Every sandwich was just fine and the french fries were superb.
    Can’t figure out from where you are coming.
    Got a feeling you own the place across the street.

  12. Don Litsky says...

    Not only is the food better at Nestor’s (across the street and, I beg to differ, owned by people I have no connection to, but the rude demeanor of the staff is palpable. You’ve got a feeling I own Nestor’s? I didn’t raise their name until you challenged me. This is the type of combative attitude at what is obviously your restaurant, though I don’t blame you for trying to dissuade customers from listening to helpful advise. The prices are absurdly high ($10.60 for a dried out pastrami sandwich that was cut from the worst section of the brisket). I asked for that particular sandwich with mustard and coleslaw and when the bill came they had charged me over a dollar for a tiny portion of old, sour coleslaw). When I asked them to take it back the server got angry and combative so I just paid for it since it wasn’t worth the fight. The ambience is worse than any restaurant I’ve ever eaten at. The corpulent meat-slice man behind the counter was making rude and snide remarks about the customers demonstrating a very negative attitude towards customer service. Do yourself a favor. Avoid this place like the plague. At least over there they treat you courteously and the food is much much better at a virtually half the price. See for yourself if you don’t believe me. You’ll be sorry you threw your money away for bad food and you’ll be paying to people who are among the rudest anywhere. They’ll smile when they serve you just to talk disdainfully amongst themselves about how fat or however they feel oddly superior to their clientele. This one is a real loser. I’d rather starve than throw good money away by eating there ever again.

  13. Heard quite a bit about PQ from friends. Loads of comments here.
    Figured it was time to try PQ out for myself.
    Had three dishes, pastrami on rye, french fries and matzoah ball soup.
    Don’t care for decor very dull.
    Loved the waiter we had. Brooklyn circa 1950.
    On a scale of 1 to 10 let’s call a 9.
    I don’t know what some of you folks are bitching about. The pastrami is the real deal here not that crap that 3gs nestors poppies sells.
    If you don’t know what real pastrami is all about you shouldn’t bitch.
    I’ll be back!!!

  14. NT, BOCA RATON says...


  15. Dr Samuels says...

    my associates,friends,and i have been dining at pastrami queen since the doors have opened.not only is the food outstanding but i have never been to a cleaner deli.seems to me like they put a lot of pride into this far as attitude i have yet to leave this establishment without a smile on my face.between the waiters,the counterman and right down to the owners are some of the nicest and warmest people you will ever meet!!!!!!

  16. MK says...

    Lunch at Pastrami Queen today. Pastrami on rye was outrageously good. Perfect sour pickles. French fries were good but not great. Mentioned JeffEats and you got some nice fans behind the counter. definitely one of the best delis in Florida.

  17. MW from Boca says...

    Ate at Pastrami Queen for first time tonite. Split a CB and a Pastrami with my wife tonite – they were both superb. Pastrami was melt in your mouth – tender and flavorful. CB was so moist and tender – stayed warm while I finished the sandwich – best CB and Pastrami I have had in a long time. Good pickles too.

  18. SG Boca, Raton says...

    Was invited to a good friend’s house for Rosh Shana for dinner. The food came from Pastrami Queen. Absolutely sensational turkey, brisket, matzoh ball soup. I think that the brisket was right up there with the best I have ever eaten.

  19. john in boca says...

    best deli.
    its pastrami can’t be beat.

  20. Chris A. says...

    Oy Gut!! I didn’t realize Pomperdale was in my backyard! And Sage is in walking distance!! But anyways I have business contacts in Boca and I had gone in there asked the waitress to please give me nice fatty portions and the deli guy went out of his way to make sure everything was fit to my specifications! I also had the Zaftig matza ball soup and it was DA BOMB!! to say the least…so far the best matza ball soup I have had in S Florida..and the deli person knows his sh$t. I left a nice tip

  21. Rob Van says...

    I can’t believe I just read 78 reviews of a place I haven’t been to yet. I always thought the standard was pastrami and swiss but being from Worcester I guess I just don’t know real NY deli food. The few really bad reviews convinced me to go to the DELI QUEEN and have a pastrami sandwich. P.S. I couldn’t get half the menu on the website and I’m ashamed to say I don’t know where Bercasa way is, but I’ll find it!

  22. BOB TEMPLER says...

    rob van, the smartest thing that you could do is find out where Beracasa Way is and get on down to Pastrami Queen. The food is exceptionally good and you will get a taste of what real Ny delis are all about. Enjoy my friend!!!

  23. Benny Horowitz says...

    This is by far and away the best NY style deli in S. Florida.
    Sensational pastrami, corned beef, turkey, brisket.
    FF are great.
    Same goes for matzo ball soup, potato pancakes.
    The list goes on and on of great food.
    This is a throwback to the delis of NYC back in the 60s and 70s.

  24. bob darby says...

    very simple.
    this is a terrific deli.
    the food is as good as this new yorker got back home.

  25. bt says...

    best nyc style deli in fl, use to eat at ben’s. pq runs circles around the rest.

  26. Mike W. says...

    Been eating at PQ for about 4 months. Never had a bad sandwich and the fries are great. No question in my mind that this is the best NY style deli in South Florida. I also love the Pomperdale on Commercial Blvd but I think that PQ is a drop better.

  27. pl says...

    love the food.

  28. Brian says...

    Un-freaking-believable pastrami. No BS here, but I really can’t imagine how there is a way on this Earth for pastrami to be possibly better than what the Queen makes.

    I’ve been to Katz, Carnegie, Artie’s, Junior’s, Shaevitz in Chicago (Highland Park), places here, there, and everywhere, and while I’ve had some excellent pastrami, the Queen is the top.

    Everyone else is fighting for second.

    You really have no idea what jaw-dropping-awesome food tastes like until you get pastrami at the Queen. In fact, if you think of the best thing you’ve ever eaten, like probably the best prime rib that ever was, it’s a push whether you’ll take that over some Queen pastrami.

    I gotta’ go before you think I’m an owner of the place. Maybe he’ll give me a pound for this.

  29. DD says...

    On Monday night my husband and I took food out from PQ. We had guests coming for dinner. We had pastrami, brisket, turkey, corned beef, cole slaw and several other items. We also had kasha and potato knishes.
    This was our first time at PQ. The Jeff recommendation and those of many of our friends got us there.
    The meats/turnkey were sensational. Right up there with the best that we have had.
    The knishes were also terrific. They were right out of the oven and were just perfect.
    We highly recommend PQ.

  30. George G. says...

    Windows papered over. Went there for dinner last night and was shocked that it was out of business.
    Hadn’t been there in a couple of months but it was my favorite deli. Can’t figure out what happened.

  31. KP says...

    Jeff, I use to be a regular customer of Ben’s in Boca. After PQ opened I gave up Ben’s and haven’t been there since. I now see that PQ is closed. I heard that it wasn’t for the lack of business but a family crisis that caused the closing. PQ was terrific. I guess Ben’s is now the only play in the area so I’ll be back.

  32. alex b says...

    they have finally reopened pastrami queen, it is now called pastrami princess in coconut creek. i have to say, the food is still superb

  33. john says...

    Wonderful tasty food. What is the owner / managers name? I would like to pay a compliment.


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