

Posted on July 11th, 2024 · Music/Events/Other

* Humor!

The World’s most expensive assisted living facility!

(Years from now when you guys or new readers are reading this column- Remember that on 7/11/24 Joe Biden was the President of the United States!).

17 Comments to “Humor!”

  1. Jimmy Samuelson says...


  2. Maryanne Noble says...

    Right you are!
    But don’t forget he’s got Dr. Jill to take care of him.

  3. ITZLER says...

    Very funny!

    Assisted Living? How about Hospice?

  4. mark says...

    And Donald Trump was a convicted felon and rapist.

    • Jack Cohen says...

      I will guarantee you that the criminal conviction will be tossed out by an appellate court.

      As for your rapist allegation, Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse.

      As for your pal Biden, he, his son and brother are crooks who peddled Biden’s political influence. Biden is also a plagiarizer, a serial liar and the most incompetent President in American history. He has been covering up his suffering from Parkinson’s Disease and dementia for years, which is finally coming to roost with the Democrat Party trying to get rid of him for 2024. He considers his drug addict low life son to be “the smartest person I know”. For a few ARAB votes in Michigan he turned his back on Israel’s fight with Hamas. He has poured billions of dollars into Ukraine while not taking care of Americans. He allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter this country, causing all kinds of economic and crimal problems all over America. He drained our Emergency Oil Reserve in order to disguise the inflation that he caused to every American household.

      Tell your bullshit stories to the 13 families of the troops he lost in Afganisten with his dumb moves not to mention leaving behind billions of dollars worth of military equipment which is now in the hands of the Taliban and iSIS, Tell us about how great his moronic laughing VP is doing. How he has a 6 stroke handicap. Tells us about his wife DOCTOR Jill, who cheated with him when she was married during his first Senate campaign.
      Plenty more, but I don’t have a week to keep typing.

    • Ellen G says...

      All I know is that when Trump was president the economy was a whole lot better.

    • BFT says...

      How did Biden and Harris do in handling all the burning and looting during that Black Lives Matter rioting,

      The worst president and Vp in history.

      Just so you know, a bunch of people invading the capitol building taking selfies isnt an insurrection.

      You people are such fools.

    • Joe Kennedy says...

      What’s a matter, you can’t take a joke?

    • Ron Taylor says...

      Anyway, Anyway, Anyway, Anyway Anyway, Anyway , Anyway.

    • Fred Lewis says...

      Why do. You people always bring up Trunp?

      How come you didn’t mention that Bill Clinton was a whore master, or that Jon Edwards was a pos? Or that Pelosi is a crook, or that Maxine Waters is a moron, or that the SQUAD are a bunch of socialist antisemites?

    • Greg Stoltz says...

      Would you trust Joe Biden driving your infant children or grandchildren to school?

      Name one Company in the United States that would hire Joe Biden to be its CEO.

      When the phony felony convictions are thrown out on appeal, I’m sure you’ll tell us that the judges were fixed.

      Maralogo worth $18 million! How about $2 billion.

      Ask the families of those 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan who was a better president Trump or Biden, don’t bother you already know the answer.

    • Mark,
      Where do I go if I want an abortion?
      Bobby Lee Washington

    • Eli Cohen says...

      Convicted my ass. Fake case, crooked judge. Conviction will be over turned, Rapist my ass. And may I ask, what was Bill Clinton, FDR, John Edwards, Eisenhower, Gary Hart the list goes on and on.

      Trump was a great president. Putin, China, Iran they were scared shit of him.

    • Marty Lewis says...

      Biden has big physical problems.
      He should resign.
      To show you how bad the situation, Adam Shiff just came out that Biden should resign.

      As for Trump.
      How many men do you know, would have had the good sense to drop to the ground after being shot in the head (ear). How many men, would have had the calmness to tell a crowd FIGHT as blood poured down his face.

      You drank the Kool Aid. Trump is a LEADER! Biden is a crook, an incompetent, a fear monger, a liar and a scared dog who doesn’t know how to fight for America.

    • Mark Carson says...

      All I can say is if I take what you said as being a fact, I’d still vote Donald Trump. Biden has ruined this country!

    • Danny Haberman says...

      Congrats Biden is going to a real nursing home!

    • Danny Greer says...

      Biden will soon be moving to a new assisted living facility!

      What always amazes me with people like you, TRUMP has nothing to do with this story, yet you folks always have to mention him.

      Very foolish,

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