

Posted on June 8th, 2024 · Music/Events/Other

* Humor!

A homeless man walks into a bar and tells the bartender, “ If you give me a free drink, I’ll show you a trick that will blow your mind.”

The bartender is naturally skeptical and says, “ Show me the trick first and if it blows my mind I’ll give you that drink.”

The homeless man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a mouse and sets it on the bar. The mouse runs down the bar to the bar’s piano and starts running along the keys, playing a tune.

The bartender is suitably impressed and gives the homeless man a free drink.

The homeless man says, “ If you give me another drink I’ll show you another trick that will blow your mind even more. “

The bartender wasn’t sure how the homeless man could outdo the piano playing mouse, but he says, “ If you can top that mouse, I’ll let you drink free all night.”

The homeless man smiles and reaches into his other pocket and pulls out a frog that proceeds to sing along to the tune the mouse is playing.

The bartender says,” Okay, you’re drinking free all night.”

Another patron of the bar approaches the homeless man and says,” I’ll give you five hundred dollars for that frog right now!”

The homeless man says, “ Sold!”

The man gives him the money, picks up the frog and walks out of the bar as happy as a clam.

The bartender is stunned and asks, “ Why in the world did you do that!? You had a singing frog! You could have made millions with that thing, and you let it go for a measly five hundred bucks!?”

The homeless man just smiles,shakes his head and says,” Nah,that frog was worthless.” He points at the mouse and adds, “ It’s all the mouse,he doesn’t just play the piano, he’s also a ventriloquist.”

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