
* Critic’s Stars!

Posted on March 14th, 2014 · Music/Events/Other

* Critic’s Stars!

The Sun Sentinel uses a Star System for rating restaurants…

***= GOOD
**= FAIR

Today–one of the Sun Sentinel’s “food critics”–rated a restaurant * 1/2…

So…I guess the “nameless” restaurant was POOR but 1/2 way to being FAIR.

Now, I maybe nitpicking here…but I find the 1/2 star-business kinda silly…

Maybe the Sun Sentinel should eliminate the “fractions” and just add a TERRIBLE or maybe a HORRENDOUS or maybe an ARE YOU KIDDING ME “category” to its rating system.

Personally, I think that readers shouldn’t have to be mathematicians–to read a food review!

One Comment to “* Critic’s Stars!”

  1. Stuart A says...

    Your 5 stars or nothing makes more sense.

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