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My name is Jeff. I was born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. Since 1991, I have lived in South Florida and have eaten in so many restaurants down here, that I now consider myself to be a food expert. More About Me »
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Sushi Yama and Japango both in Boca Raton.
Japango is nasty, 44 violations!!! Stay away from this restaurant!! http://databases.sun-sentinel.com/news/health/ftlaudRestaurantInspections7/ftlaudRestaurantInspections_view.php?editid1=4709196
Little Lotus in Miami. Once you eat there, you’ll know what top sushi is all about.
Yummy Asian Grill located in Miramar is my go to place for sushi.
Akashi in s Miami.
The Fresh Market on Camino Real has excellent sushi at a reasonable price.No one restaurant is a standout. All good but none fantastic. Thirty years ago if you would have told me I would have been eating raw fish I would have said you were crazy. Remember the raw fish eating scene from “Lifeboat”. They were all gaging.
I remember what they did to us on 12-7-41, don’t go to Japanese restaurants, nor for that matter German ones nor drive either countries cars. bad folks.
thank god the Italians switched sides during the war.
louiegraff ain’t so crazy.
Germany is still haunted by its Nazi past.
Some 20% of residents in the country that gave rise to the Holocaust still harbor anti-Semitic attitudes, according to a recent study sponsored by Germany’s own government. The study, “Anti-Semitism in Germany,” which consolidates available information from previous surveys, was authored by a commission of nine academics and released on January 23. The report is now considered an official government finding.
The study finds the national 20% incidence of anti-Semitism unchanged in recent years. But the German government finds stability at this level unacceptable. “That is 20% more than we should have in Germany,” said Bundestag President Norbert Lammert, speaking during Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27, the date commemorating the 67th anniversary of the Russian liberation of Auschwitz.
A recent poll conducted by the Forsa Research Institute and published in the magazine Stern found that one-fifth of young Germans know nothing about Auschwitz despite the fact that Holocaust education has long been mandatory in Germany. Almost half of those polled have never visited a concentration camp, although Germany has made such sites permanent memorials.
The report indicates anti-Semitism is not limited to fringe groups but is common in mainstream Germany. Dr. Juliane Wetzel, co-author of the report, told the Forward that people’s feelings are not always expressed openly. That may be in part because public expressions of anti-Semitism are illegal in Germany.
According to Wetzel, Die Zeit, one of Germany’s most respected weeklies, recently published an article about the anti-Semitism report and received 400 comments. Many of the comments were blocked from posting because of expletives, and the majority of the comments were anti-Semitic. “It’s incredible,” said Wetzel, “to see so much anti-Semitic feeling and anti-Israel criticism that appeared online after this article.”
Dr. Beate Kupper, who produced the Bielefeld report, one of the surveys reviewed for the commission’s report, said the fact that 20% of Germans have anti-Semitic attitudes does not necessarily mean the remaining 80% do not also harbor anti-Semitic attitudes.
The government report faults Germany’s schools for their failings. “There is the belief that if you teach young Germans about the Holocaust and the Nazi period, they won’t become anti-Semitic,” said Deidre Berger, director of the American Jewish Committee in Berlin. ”This is simply not valid, particularly so many years after the Holocaust.” The report calls for the study of anti-Semitism separate from the Holocaust, with better teacher training about anti-Semitic stereotyping.
The report also cites anti-Semitic criticism of Israel. More than 40% of Germans are critical of Israel in ways the commission members deemed anti-Semitic. The commission regarded anti-Israel critics as having crossed a line, for example, when they compared Israeli treatment of Palestinians with the Nazi extermination of Jews in death camps. Among the Beilefeld findings cited in the report: More than 41% of Germans believe Israel is conducting a war of extermination against the Palestinians.
“What we find is a big rise in anti-Semitism based on hostility toward Israel,” said Kupper, “and a lower rate of traditional anti-Semitism.” Lars Rensmann, an anti-Semitism expert and visiting fellow at Humboldt University in Berlin, told the Forward that German textbooks play a role in this by branding Israel as the sole aggressor in confrontations with the Palestinians. “Jews are portrayed as vengeful people with evil intentions,” said Rensmann.
There has been no systematic examination of the anti-Semitic attitudes of Muslims in Germany. Wetzel said this was a topic that remained to be researched. The 4-million-member Muslim community in Germany watches satellite transmissions from Iran, Turkey and Syria, transmissions that Wetzel says spread anti-Semitism. Some believe inclusion of Muslim attitudes would produce a much higher level of German anti-Semitism.
Why is anti-Semitism still a problem in Germany? It has a long tradition, says Kupper of the Bielefeld report, one that is transmitted from generation to generation. Gert Weisskirchen, a 67-year-old retired Bundestag member, said he felt dirty on hearing that 20% of Germans have anti-Semitic views. “I’m of the generation that was willing to criticize our fathers and grandfathers because they were involved with the Nazis,” said Weisskirchen, “But we are still facing problems we thought we solved.”
Contact Don Snyder at feedback@forward.com
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Jack’s avatar – Go to profile
Jack · 50 weeks ago
I wonder what the regional distribution of anti-Semitic attitudes is in Germany? Or the age distribution?And whether younger people express anti-Semitism differently than older people.
1 reply · active 49 weeks ago
Bill’s avatar
Bill · 50 weeks ago
I was wondering the same thing, for two different hypotheses: eastern Germany (where there was no Holocaust education prior to the fall of the Wall) vs. western Germany (where there was), and northern Germany (more Protestant) vs. southern Germany (more Catholic).
If they did direct correlation, getting the religious affiliation of those who expressed anti-Semitic attitudes, i’d like to see that.
If they could determine, as they seem to imply, “old anti-Semitism” (“Jews are Christ-killers”) vs. “new anti-Semitism” (“Jews are anti-Arab racists”), and correlate that with age, region, and religion, that too I’d like to see.
BillP51’s avatar – Go to profile
BillP51 · 50 weeks ago
National character doesn’t change
Michael1950’s avatar – Go to profile
Michael1950 · 50 weeks ago
A leopard never changes its spots. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Now, to make things worse you have the added factor of the recent addition of 4 million Muslims from the Middle East exacerbating the situation. When 40% of the German population compares the West Bank situation with the Holocaust then something is definitely wrong. It can most probably be traced to Germany (and most of Europe for that matter) attempting to absolve itself from any culpability for two thousand years of virulent Anti Semitism culminating with the Holocaust.
hcunn’s avatar – Go to profile
hcunn · 50 weeks ago
20% in Germany. What is the percent in the USA? I suspect it is substantially higher in other west European countries, especially on the anti-Israel left.
marjemkalter’s avatar – Go to profile
marjemkalter · 50 weeks ago
Twenty percent is not a majority, by any means. Let’s remember the days when German anti-semitism seemed like a hundred percent (not really, however).
Let’s be wary of the headline that misrepresents the content of an article.
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Love Jeff Eats.
A column about sushi gets comments about Nazis.
Great blog.
What is the percentage in the US?
look at Washington D.C., it is quite high
What advise do you have for Afro Americans, based on past history?
Say your prayers, eat your vitamins and never never trust the government
Louie dont forget we aso fought the the British,Mexico,Spain, France Vietnam, Korea and China. So you not left with much to eat.
I forgot the north fought the south so if you from up north you cant heat southern food either.
Blue Fin on Congress in Boca is number one for me.
This is not even up for debate. There are four spots in South Florida that are easily head and shoulders above the rest
The Chowfather,
What are your 4 picks?
Oops Good question.
Sushi Deli
Naoe – Miami
Sushi Deli – Miami
Who knew sushi was so political? I thought the who has the best pizza and delis gets pretty contentious. If those theories hold then we cant do any business with any country that has ever been our enemy or at war with. The next thread will be best south fla French restaurants. No issues with them I think?
I am far from a sushi expert. I went to Japan and everyone was pretty friendly over there. Over and above. In fact one of the MOST friendly places I have been to Americans and overall it is not a huge tourist destination. I really love their Ramen soup and gyoza (pot stickers)
My tastes in sushi are rather pedestrian and easily satisfied. I like to keep it close to home so my current favorites are Masa Sushi/Hibachi on Linton and Military and Furin on Atlantic and Military. Both have fresh, good quality fish and creative sushi masters to present delicious rolls. When I really want to put the feed bag on I head over Shinju on Glades at the Turnpike in Boca.
OK – so I know I’ll hear from you all about the selections, but that’s just one glutton’s opinion.
Bill Baby,
Like you I’ve followed Jeff for quite awhile.
Have read tons of your comments and your picks are usually right on.
The real miss was your Chinese Panda pick, but all in all, you da man.
I love the Glades’ Road joint you mentioned.
I went to Shinju in Boca and for my $22, I ate about $250 of sushi. All very good quality. I can’t figure out how they do it at that price.
Koizumi Japanese Buffet just opened near me in Tamarac. High quality sushi. They have char-grilled salmon on the buffet that is also very good. Nice clean atmosphere
Santo’s Modern American Buffet and Sushi. New place in Coconut Creek has great upscale vibe with great prices. The sushi is one of the best and the value can’t be beat.
jeff you need to try ninja spinning sushi bar on palmetto in downtown boca.