
***** Christmas Eve–Christmas Day *****

Posted on December 17th, 2012 · American Music/Events/Other

***** Christmas Eve–Christmas *****

It may-be a national holiday, but a ton of South Floridians don’t celebrate Christmas.

Tell Jeff Eats your “ideas” for things for those folks to do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

30 Comments to “***** Christmas Eve–Christmas Day *****”

  1. ed k says...

    Christmas Eve—go to movies.
    Christmas Day—Festival Flea Market on Sample Road is open.
    Christmas Night—Go for Chinese food.

  2. Johnny D. says...

    Movies, Chinese Food.

  3. DARLENE G. says...

    Convert to Catholicism and you’ll be in the loop.

  4. Ed Posner says...

    We eat Chinese on Christmas Day.
    We go to a movie on Christmas Eve.
    We go to Flea Market on Christmas Day.

  5. Hank Grene says...

    The much bigger question that needs to be addressed is why is Christmas Day a national holiday?
    The Consitution clearly separates church and state and Christmas is a religious holiday.
    Time for this holiday to be celebrated by those who believe in it and not forced down the throat of those who don’t follow Christianity.

  6. BGT says...

    I am Jewish.
    Can someone explain to me how Christ ends up with Santa Claus in a sleigh riding around with some reindeers?

    • olki329 says...

      BGT, the explanation is very easy. Christ ends up with Santa Clau in a sleigh pulled by reindeers because the Easter Bunny is busy making dyed eggs.

    • Scotty says...

      He was driving impaired and took a wrong turn in Jerusalem

  7. RRD says...

    We usually hit a movie on Christmas Eve.

  8. Elena Kagen says...

    Chinese food. Obviously.

  9. gfg says...

    why did mary and joseph give him a puerto rican first name?

  10. leon k says...

    my wife and i go to a huge christmas party at our friends house down the street.

  11. joe says...

    My girlfried plays being a chimney and I’m santa claus.

  12. Jon g says...

    Chinese food on Sundays or Christmas day is too Jewish!

  13. Scotty says...

    South Florida’s finest beach and a fantastic meal

  14. mark says...

    Spend the day with freind and family. Anyone remenber the old blue laws days when everything was closed on Sunday forcing families to spend the day together. Christain or not it was a good day for all

  15. mark says...

    Fox news just called and wants to know why you are waging a war on Christmas:)

  16. Larry Z. says...

    I have been reading Jeff Eats for a number of years. Really enjoy your take on food and the way you present your ideas.
    This latest entry about Christmas is another example of how you get people going.
    In just looking at some of the comments we go from food, to asking why the US even has a legal holiday.
    Keep up the great site.
    It’s a great read.

  17. GTR says...

    We visit friends.
    By the way this is a really good question, Why in the world Is Christmas a legal federal holiday?
    This is totally against the US constitution.

  18. lkh says...

    My wife and I spend Christmas eve at home and watch on tv the Pope hold Christmas mass. While we do that, we wonder what this guy may have done when he was a measely priest.
    The next day we going shopping at the Flea Market on Sample Road,

    • Nosnowhere says...

      I was thinking the very same thing.

  19. PC says...

    Who complains about a day off? Go to a movie, spend time with family, have a nice dinner. I know I never complained about getting Jewish holidays off when I was in school.

    • mark says...

      We never got the Jewish holdays off when i went to school i think it is a South Florida thing

  20. ilovedeli says...

    ‘Twas the night befiore Christmas
    and down here in Boca,
    I was sitting at Starbucks,
    drinking my mocha.

    I know we’re all Jewish,
    but was wondering still,
    if Santa would come here
    and give us a thrill.

    On my way home,
    no Christmas lights did I see,
    on the houses, the windows,
    not even the trees.

    What a strange feeling.
    Not a decoration in sight.
    Was it really December
    or a warm summer’s mnight?

    I drove past Toojay’s
    there were lines out the door.
    People were waiting
    for kishka and more.

    The restaruants were busy.
    Christmas dinners not planned.
    Never, not here
    we’re in Boca Land.

    At home all was quiet.
    I left out Kosher wine.
    In case Santa came to Boca
    for the very first time.

    Snoozing came easy
    to me on Christmas Eve.
    I wasn’t waiting for presents
    to be left under a tree.

    I could hope all I want.
    I could fuss and then see,
    if Santa would make time
    for little old me.

    Then all of a sudden
    he pulled up in his Jag,
    with a sack full of presents
    each sporting a tag.

    Oh Bloomies, oh Saks
    Oh Nieman’s and more.
    He knows where to shop,
    he frequents my stores!

    He looked for the lox,
    the bagels and deli.
    He came to Boca first
    to fill up his belly!

    “I have a long night ahead,
    I want you to know.
    From Boca I leave for New York
    and the snow.”

    He stayed for awhile,
    he chatted and ate.
    Then he left in a flash
    before it got late.

    What a great night
    I thought with a sigh.
    That jolly old Santa
    is a really nice guy.

    As I cleared off the table
    I heard with delight
    “Shalom to you all,
    and OY, vot a nite!!”

  21. Yappyman says...

    You did it again.
    Not sure how you did but you did it.
    You got me reading a food blog and thinking about esoteric things.
    Why in the world is Christmas a federal holiday in the first place? Makes no sense.

  22. If you need to get delicious Chinese food, try Gary woo’s on Yamato rd in boca. Not the store on federal hwy.

    • robertw says...

      Gary Woo is now #1 top Chinese place. Nothing close!

  23. Gregg L. Friedman MD says...

    I love to have a nice dinner on Dec 24 th but the restaurants are often very crowded and they raise their prices for the Holiday season. By Gregg L. Friedman MD, Psychiatrist, Hallandale Beach, FL

  24. jenna says...

    Went to the Marriott on the beach in Delray for their Christmas buffet..about 50 bucks a person.. includes tax and tip and valet parking. The greatest rib, every kind of sea food and fish.. vegtables and sides.. many deserts . .just so festive. A beautiful place. You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to go there and have an enjoyable meal. Not a church goer at all but love to have a fun dinner at a beautiful place with family and friends. The service is also tops.

  25. jenna says...

    Re: all of the above comments. I love them all. They are so humerous and hit the nail on the head.. have no idea about Santa .. think the kids say they believe just to get stuff anyway. Laughing all the way.. thanks

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